Month: August 2016

Chiappa Chiappa Bang kBANG! | WeaponsMan

Here’s a Chiappa Rhino 2000DS revolver that has more or less reverted to kit form, kinetically.

Source: Chiappa Chiappa Bang kBANG! | WeaponsMan

There is another picture in the link… might be a tad graphic for sensitive souls.

There is something that bothers me about the parts: very little metal deformity, just plain breakage. Looks like pot metal.

So much wrong here

I did one of my regular checks over at the Everytown Facebook page, looking for post fodder, and I found two gems of anti-gun wisdom that I couldn’t pass up sharing.

On a post about how Pediatricians should talk to parents about guns, I found this reply from some Everytown supporters.

Dumb Everytown

Way to go Linda, you lost your gun.  Let me tell you something I learned as a parent.  No matter how will you think you babyproofed your home, you didn’t.  Because you have no idea where your gun is, you have no control over it.  So if one of your grandkids finds it, and hurts themselves with it, it’s on you for being a dumb ass.  Maybe that’s why you liked Lyle’s post about EXTENSIVE gun safety training (although he fails to define extensive) because you know you did something stupid and dangerous and risked your grandkid’s lives.  But if what I know about antis (especially liberal antis) is true, you don’t have that level of self awareness and think what you did is right (hiding a gun so that you lost it) and think everybody should be as irresponsible as you.

I didn’t need an EXTENSIVE  training course to have the common sense to know when my son started to toddle about and get into things, all of my guns got locked in a safe.  I know where each gun is, and I have control over all them.  But because I am a gun owner that isn’t stupid enough to lose my gun and then virtue signal my stupidity on Facebook, I am the bad guy according to Everytown.


Next is a T-shirt that Everytown is selling as a fundraiser.

Dumb 2

Now, I may be an asshole (in fact, I’m pretty sure I am) for thinking this, but Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung was killed by a freaking nut job who murdered his own mother and had an obsession with mass shootings.  Being nice didn’t prevent the Sandy Hook massacre.  Being nice didn’t stop Columbine or the Virginia Tech shooting before that.  This is a worthless, feel good platitude, that is idyllic to the point of being naive.  But we can’t go about questioning the wisdom of our martyrs, can we?

If you wan’t some words to live by that might actually make a difference is people’s lives, try the quote by the Warrior Monk, USMC General James “Mad Dog” Mattis: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.


On AC and Mass Murder

It’s been said: Scratch a liberal, find a Fascist.  History has demonstrated, unequivocally, that the road to a liberal utopia is paved with corpses.

There is absolutely nothing that the true believer won’t use as an instrument of or justification for mass murder.

Take these two examples:

The Washington Post published this piece the other day: I don’t need air conditioning, and neither do you.

Ms. Karen Heller is happy without her AC.  She may be pouring out sweat, but her self righteousness keeps her comfortable.  So much so that she wants everybody else to live her misery.

No I know what some people will say “But, J.Kb, didn’t people live for thousands of years without AC?  How bad can it be, really?”

I grew up in an “Old Florida Home” meaning it was built before AC was a standard in homes.  It had big French doors in the back and  floor to ceiling louvered windows up front.  When you opened everything up, there was little to block the wind from blowing through the house to keep it cool.  If you look at traditional Native American dwellings of Florida, the Chickee, as well as aboriginal dwellings from tropical climates around the world, they are just a roof with no walls and provide only shade and protection from rain.  The Persians invented Windcatchers, and architectural style that uses wind to force cool a home.

Modern homes are designed to be cooled by AC.   The AC went out in the place I am living in now, which was build 16 years ago.  For the week it was broken in June in Alabama, with all the windows opened, my upstairs hit 98F according to the thermostat.  Downstairs was only 92F.  We made sure that there was a fan going full blast on the crib at night to keep Mr. Baby cool.  Despite the open windows, there was little to no breeze blowing through the house.

In major urban centers and in large apartment complexes, conditions are even worse.  This is why when a heat wave passes through a big, modern city, it leaves behind a wake of death.  Great Britain lost over one thousand people in a heat wave.  In 1995, Chicago lost 739, and in 2012, they lost as many people in a week to a heat wave as they did gun deaths, 18.

Shutting off AC isn’t a matter of inconvenience, it is a matter of life and death.  Ms. Heller, is going to smile her smug smile of self satisfaction and get people, mainly children and the elderly, killed.  She might not be pushing people into ovens in a death camp, but she is still going to be responsible for people roasting to death.  But she doesn’t care.  Her self satisfaction from reducing her energy consumption just a tad, and trying to convince others to do it, will cause to her completely disregard the blood that would be on her hands.

Over at NPR, which is government funded form taxpayer dollars, the question being posed is: Should We Be Having Kids In The Age Of Climate Change?

“Here’s a provocative thought: Maybe we should protect our kids by not having them” says Travis Rieder, the petty tyrant and sadist who wants to control you and your human desire for procreation.

First, this man used his Environmentalism to emotionally destroy his wife:

“I have been one of those women who actually craved to have a baby,” says Sadiye Rieder, smiling as she sits next to her husband in the sunroom of their Maryland home. “To go through pregnancy and everything, that mattered to me a lot.”

Sadiye also wanted a big family. She grew up among extended relatives in the Turkish part of Cyprus and says she enjoyed having people around all the time.

This was not a problem early in their marriage, as each focused on their studies. But by the time Sadiye began feeling ready for motherhood, Travis’ research had delved into the morality of adoption, which led to the ethics of procreation and to its impact on the climate.

They knew they had to talk.

In the end, they had one child.  That’s still one too many for the rust of us in the proletariat for Rieder’s taste.  This guy can talk to me until he’s blue in the face, but I was one of three.  My wife was one of five.  We want three kids.  I don’t give a shit what his model predicts will happen to the low lying areas of Bangladesh 100 years from now.  I will have the family I want to have.  Remember, these are the same type of people that predicted that NYC will drown in horse shit (literal poop from draft horses) and they everybody was doomed, until the car was invented.  These people can’t model how technology or innovation will fix problems, so they just continue to peddle their bullshit.

Rieder is not alone.  There are other Environmental zealots out to ruin life for the rest of humanity.

At the New Hampshire meeting, 67-year-old Nancy Nolan tells two younger women that people didn’t know about climate change in the 1980s when she had her kids. Once her children were grown, “I said to them, ‘I hope you never have children,’ which is an awful thing to say,” Nolan says, her voice wavering. “It can bring me to tears easily.”

She adds that of course people are driven to procreate, and you can’t really tell them not to.

Of course you can’t tell people not to have kids.  The urge to reproduce is one of the deepest biological drives, right up there with eating and breathing.

So what is their goal?  To get the human race to voluntarily die off?  Maybe just dwindle our numbers a great deal?

What happens when trying to convince people no to have kids is not enough for them?  How about fines for having kids?  Maybe they could encourage abortions to prevent global warming?  How about the extreme of forced abortions?  China already has forced abortions, they just don’t use global warming as justification.

There is no amount of human carnage that these people are not willing to pay as a cost to their cause du jour.  Your freedoms, your children, your family. you, are just an inconvenience to them.  They don’t care about you, no matter how much they say they are trying to protect you.

They will kill you and your children, with a smile, for a polar bear.


Fashion sense

Over at Hillary Clinton’s website, there is a Pantsuit T-shirt for sale as a fundraiser.  I just love how it is descried as “Unisex sizing, women may consider ordering one size smaller” – meaning a men’s shirt, but they don’t want to say that.  Also, I’d be wary of actually wearing this on a causal Friday, since I’m pretty sure wearing this shirt to work anywhere but CNN might be a fireable offense.

This is the perfect shirt for the male petty tyrant that really wants to put the boot in your face but is not man enough to lace it up and do himself.

All I know is that if I ever saw that shirt in the wild, it would take the self control of a Shaolin Monk to resist the urge to punch the wearer into paste.

pantsuit t

Tom Arnold’s Gun Control Necrophilia

Not to many days ago, the Opposition was swooning about an open letter that Tom Arnold had published in The Hollywood Reporter about his nephew’s suicide and then hit the TV circuit to keep pushing the Anti Gun agenda.

Tom Arnold

But at least two people were less than pleased of his antics:

In light of his nephew’s suicide, actor and Iowa native Tom Arnold penned a column to The Hollywood Reporter expressing the need for more gun control.His nephew was a 24-year-old National Guard veteran who Arnold wrote was “kicked out” of the Army after he attempted suicide.
Wendy Burkle of Ottumwa was previously married to Arnold’s brother, Mark Arnold. They are parents of the man Arnold wrote about. She said that the piece was full of false information — including the claim that her son was kicked out of the Army after a suicide attempt.“His dad and I would like to let everyone know that we believe that (Arnold) has embellished the story to make it Hollywood worthy,” Burkle said.
She said  she has asked Arnold to stop using her son’s name in his writing.

Source: Iowa mother calls Tom Arnold’s column misleading

So, the scumbag went on an intellectual grave robbing mission, how nice of him. Who told him it was a good idea not to consider the feelings of the parent and to just lie to get some air time?

Hey, but that is not all. Arnold doubles down on the stupid! From the same article above:

Arnold said he supports a bill that would give veterans annual mental and physical health checkups.

Hmmm, that sounds strangely like a mandate to me. Is Arnold saying that all Vets are ticking time bombs that could go off any time and we need to keep close track of them?

I think we can safely tell the former Mr. Barr to go perform an unnatural sexual act upon himself.

Hat Tip to Josh S.