Month: August 2016

But of course…

While doing research for my last post, I cam across this article: Millennial men are significantly weaker than their fathers, study shows.  Of course they are.  Of course.  I know so many who don’t know how a hammer works, let alone have ever swung one.  Adult children whose heaviest lifting is an I-Phone to take a selfie.  Worse, who are physically revulsed by tools and the self sufficiency that come with them.

I used to get offended when I read article after article how millennials are the dumbest generation.

I am one of them, technically, and I am nothing like what these people describe.  Neither are my friends.

Then I realized what it is.

These weak, narcissistic, safe-space ninnyhammers, that have come to be the public face of the millennial generation are Eloi.  The live their sheltered, pampered lives on the surface, in the daylight.

Those of us who toil, doing useful work, keeping the lights on and the economy running are the Morlocks.  We have the hand strength, bad backs, calluses, and paychecks to prove it.  We live in the dark, underground.  Ignored by the media and pop culture.  We terrify the Eloi by our very existence.  Mocked for going to bed because we have to get up early for a job, and can’t stay up all night taking pictures of our craft beers for Pinterest.

I’m OK with being a Morlock.  The Eloi were never the good guys, happy to watch a fellow Eloi drown (nowadays while videoing the drowning Eloi for their YouTube channel).

I think if a Victorian man, with the hand strength that comes from a life of having to shovel coal or split wood when it got cold outside, came to Earth today in a time machine.  He might be more inclined to marvel at the underground industry us Morlocks created than the pampered indolence that the Eloi complain is too much work for them.

As for me.  When the big one hits, SMOD makes impact, or the dead rise up and start to walk the earth; I’ll be fine sitting down to a nice, juicy, Eloi steak.


Not this again…

So the most ridiculous anti-gun group in America is back in the news again.   Cocks Not Glocks is going to state another absurd protest on the first day of the 2016 Semester, next week, on August, 24.

According to the groups website:

The State of Texas has decided that it is not at all obnoxious to allow deadly concealed weapons in classrooms, however it does have strict rules about free sexual expression, to protect your innocence. You would receive a citation for taking a dildo to class before you would get in trouble for taking a gun to class. Heaven forbid the penis.

Anybody can participate in solidarity: alum, non-UT students, people outside of Texas. Come one dildo, come all dildos. “You’re carrying a gun to class? Yeah well I’m carrying a HUGE DILDO.” Just about as effective at protecting us from sociopathic shooters, but much safer for recreational play!

There is so much false equivalency in that statement that my head swims trying to form a rational argument against it.

But the opening picture (no screen shots for decorum) from the Observer’s article I think goes a long way as to making it clear why this protest is so detached from reality.  If you were to conceal carry on campus, NOBODY BUT THE PERSON CARRYING SHOULD EVERY KNOW.

We’re not talking about open carry here, which I happen to disagree with.  The only way this sort of, kind of, makes sense to me, is that these idiot-children are so affected by the very idea that someone in their vicinity, who has gone through a rigorous background check to get a CCW permit,  might be concealing a gun on them, that they have to be over-the-top distracting by waggling a prosthetic phallus around.

The true equivalent is if every one of these wastes-of-their-parent’s-tuition-money carried their marital aid in their backpack such that nobody else could see it and didn’t tell anybody else they had one with them, and it only came out of their backpack when they got home or in case of an emergency.  (Don’t think too hard about what type of emergency requires the public use of an erotic device)

This is such safe-space-esque “I am being hysterical because somebody else is hurting my feelings” bullshit it is indescribable.  The very idea that a public college campus, especially one that is integrated into the city that it is in, should be a gun-free zone is the ultimate in safe space bullshit.  One one side of a public street my CCW is valid but on the other it is not?

The video  from the group’s website poses the question “Are guns grosser than dildos?”  WTF?  Grosser?  That is the terms on which this is being discussed?  Guns are gross?  This is beyond childish now.  “We can’t have guns, they are oogie, and concealed carriers have gun cooties.”

The video goes on to claim how many professors are against expanding state CCW laws to include state college campuses.  Well, we know from studies that over 60% of professors are “Liberal to hard Left” so much so that they openly discriminate and hate on the conservative students they teach.  So forgive me if I take the unhinged screaming from inside the echo chamber with just a little bit of salt.

This is the zenith of gun-control “feels before reals.”  Let’s ignore that to be a CCW holder in Texas, you have to be 21 or over and go through a lengthy background check.  Let’s ignore that CCW permit holders are far and above more law abiding than the average citizen.  No.  Guns are gross and make me scared so I’m going to embarrass a bunch of sexually repressed, stodgy, Conservatives by waving a fake penis in their faces.  Hooray me!!!

If this is the depth of thought and critical thinking that these kids are being held to in their colleges, they are overpaying for their education.  You can be this dumb and shallow for free.

Update: one commenter brought up the “recreational play” part of the quote.  I want to address that.  I have shot bullseye and IDPA.  I am getting into Steel Challenge since it fits my schedule better than IDPA.  I have never witnessed a bullet related injury at any shooting match I’ve been to.  I searched in Google for “injury shooting match” and I came up with no hits for gunshot injuries.  A few twisted ankles.  Even at shooting ranges the injury rate is very low.  A few cases were reported, and the little girl the killed the instructor with the UZI was everywhere, but that was one case.  I have covered before just how safe shooting is compared to other sports.  Shooters don’t regularly suffer head trauma as part of our hobby.  But since there is a TV show on TLC called Sex Sent Me To The ER, I feel like I’m on good footing saying that kinky sex might actually be more injury causing than recreational target shooting.

“Why ‘Civil Unrest’ scares me.” Some groups should heed this advice.

Makes for interesting reading:


The rioters being given a chance to ‘go home’ — BY THE GOVERNMENT — is what kept the body count low. This even though it allowed rioting to continue for another 24 or so hours. Had the national guard done what they did in Detroit, Watts and Kent State — there would have been blood in the gutters. That’s because when troops come rolling in and someone in the mob shoots or lobs shit … the mob loses.
I tell you all of this because there are no simple answers to this. Police cause problems. Police prevent problems. Civilians cause problems. Civilians prevent problems. But what can be clearly stated — and needs to be understood — is cops, unlike civilians — have rules of engagement, limits and use of force restrictions.
Civilians don’t. That’s the other way bodies start stacking up.
And from personal experience, he is right.

Use of Deadly Force or Use of Common Sense? (Language Warning & loud)

Found this one in reddit as :Would you have used deadly force in this scenario? If so, at what point?

There is no doubt that the black male was acting like a USDA certified a**hole, but being loud and obnoxious does not rate the use of deadly force. The white males, specially the guy in black shirt and shorts, did nothing but escalate the event till the black male pulls out what appears to be the blade of a nail clipper or a very small knife. When Egos collide, shit will happen. In this case nothing much did and probably just because of dumb luck.

Do notice that it took eight minutes for the cops to arrive.

About the only person that demonstrated some sort of common sense was the lady in the orange shirt who left the premises. I am still amazed at the amount of people who decided to stay and record rather than exit what could have been a potentially dangerous situation.

Personally I would have searched for a rear exit and GTFO.  Hopefully there was one. I do make it my personal objective to find out alternative means of escape of the stores and locations I patronize. It only takes a quick look around.

And by the way, I am almost sure that wearing socks and flip-flops is against the law in Florida.

Another Note to Chryl Anderson (Moms Demand, Fl Chapter): Stop digging yourself deeper.

A follow up from yesterday’s post. Reader DaveC brought this to my attention:

Moms Demand Fl Road Rage 3

Chryl Y Anderson Remember that Durham served his time. We cannot continue to hold past discretions against folks who have paid their debt to society. This is just one reason for the recidivism rates in our system. At some point, we must accept their return to society. There is nothing in this story that says that Durham did anything illegal. His life is just as valuable as the life of anyone else on the scene.

When I read this, I had to burst out laughing. I don’t think she realized how bad of a screw up she managed to create. Let’s pick it apart, shall we? In no particular order to make it fun.

“Remember that Durham served his time.”

No he did not. He was on Probation till September 2017.

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.

“There is nothing in this story that says that Durham did anything illegal.”

Wait, what? Did she even bother to read the article she used in the post?

“They were going back and forth in a road rage incident, and the shooter reportedly had tried to avoid and evade him, and at some point, the deceased guy ended up getting in front of him and stopping in the middle of the roadway and getting out and came back and confronted him,” Larry McKinnon, a spokesman for the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, told NBC News.


“We cannot continue to hold past discretions against folks who have paid their debt to society.”

I would argue that Manslaughter is a bit more than just a simple “discretion” but, is Ms. Anderson advocating for Restitution of Rights for felons that have paid their debt to society? I am all for full restitution of rights for Non-Violent Felons without a history of prior violence (arrests, misdemeanors, etc.) so I am not as generous as Ms. Anderson when it come to Gary Durham.

It is refreshing to see that at least one chapter of Moms Demand will support  citizens enjoying the whole Bill of Rights and not picking and choosing which rights they like. (Yeah, I know, who am I kidding.)


“His life is just as valuable as the life of anyone else on the scene.”

Apparently Mr. Durham thought otherwise about the life of the other driver, only this time he paid for his incorrect assumption.


“This is just one reason for the recidivism rates in our system.”
You mean people who killed others and still did not learn the lesson? Pardon me for stating the obvious, but we can rest assured Gary Durham will not commit another Manslaughter. And maybe some other idiot that thinks he can solve problems by inflicting unwarranted violence upon others, will think twice about it because his intended victim has the means to defend himself.



EDC Knife: probably the most used tool of the kit.

Via Sean Sorrentino, I caught this truly scary video.

[fbvideo link=”” width=”700″ height=”600″ onlyvideo=”1″]

“Give me a knife.”

Those are words that should never have to use. If your Every Day Carry kit does not have a knife (or two), it is time for you to get it.

These are my EDC knives:

EDC Knives

Non-Negotiable-will-carry every-day knives:

Top Center: Swiss Army Trekker. I’ve been attaching a Swiss Army knife to my keys for the past 35 years, that way I know I can’t leave the house without a knife unless I forget my keys. The original multitool that never goes out of fashion. I can’t count the number of times I have used a Swiss Army knife to get myself out of a situation, repair or emergency. I upgraded to the Trekker because the main blade actually locks open and is one-hand operation.

Top Bottom: Boker Wharcom Subcom: This is the one that gets used the most. Opening boxes, cutting stings, rope, etc. Small enough to go almost undetected and most HR people will not scream bloody murder and say you are violating the No Weapons policy at work. But make no mistake, it is a well-built little knife that will come handy if SHTF. (Notice that I did not provide a link for this one as they are apparently that specific model not being made anymore. If you find one new or used in real good shape out there in the wild, let me know!)

Both of these knives are always with me.

“Social” Use Knives”:

Left: Kershaw Fatback. Drop-point blade and fits great in my hand. Great assisted opening that in NY might be considered a switch blade. If dressing code does allow good cover, this baby is coming with me.

Right: Kershaw Leek. Slim and also a drop-point blade. If the dressing code is more strict, you can easily hide this one and no one is the wiser. Also lightweight so it can go inside a short’s pocket or shirt without giving that “What the hell you have in that pocket?” baggy look.

I also carry a CRKT fixed blade and a Cold Steel tomahawk in the truck, both within easy reach from the driver’s seat. You never know if you can reach your EDC in cases like the one in the video and need to cut the seat-belt and egress the car in a hurry or use them to get somebody out.

As always, be mindful of your state and local laws about knives, but please do carry one!

Update: As suggested by reader Guy, follow Gibbs’ rule #9:

Gibbs Rule 9

Moms Demand, Fl : #NotOneMore, #SaveTheMurderers

Once again, the perils of jumping the gun (pun very much intended) when pushing for a Gun Control Agenda.
Moms Demand FL Raod Rage

Another tale of unhinged Floridians mowing down innocent people in the streets because they took umbrage at a traffic dispute, right? Maybe not.

A convicted road rage murderer was killed Wednesday after getting into an altercation with a driver in a separate traffic incident, Florida officials said.Gary Lynn Durham, 40, who served 11 years behind bars for killing a man in a 2001 road rage dispute, got into the confrontation with motorist Robert Padgett, 42, at about 6:30 a.m. Wednesday in Plant City, Florida, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said.
“They were going back and forth in a road rage incident, and the shooter reportedly had tried to avoid and evade him, and at some point, the deceased guy ended up getting in front of him and stopping in the middle of the roadway and getting out and came back and confronted him,” Larry McKinnon, a spokesman for the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, told NBC News. Padgett then fired at least one round from his semi-automatic handgun. He then administered CPR on Durham while waiting for deputies to arrive, officials said. Durham later died.

Source: Convicted Road Rage Killer Gunned Down in Florida Traffic Dispute – NBC News

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Click to enlarge.

Note to Chryl Anderson,  ‎Florida Chapter Leader at Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America: It would be a good idea to pause before posting an article that will backfire later on. It kinda makes you look dumber than usual. Basically you stated the Moms Demand Action support convicted murderers….wait, you are not doing that for real, right?