Month: December 2016

If you are seeing an error message…

I want to apologize. But the known assholes at HostGator refuse to allocate more memory for the WordPress-based blog even though I had to pay extra for “Optimized WordPress” hosting service when the old service was not enough because I was “using too many resources” according to them.

On January, I am going to start looking for another host. Right now it is a damn commercial pain in the ass everywhere and not the best of times to be switching. I will announce again my desire to move and ask readers to share opinions on other companies.

And if HostGator was not screwing enough, at this second I am in a Live Chat trying to fix the double charge in my credit card for a domain name renewal.

And about the error message, if you get one, just go ahead and refresh/reload the page and it will show up.  Hopefully by February I shall be at a better Hosting Company.



SSDD Progressive Style

A Washington D.C. public school spokeswoman made a tweet about abolishing white men (image taken from Facebook).

Another day, another progressive calling for the symbolic or actual genocide of white males.

Rather than roundly condemn this the way so many others have done, I want to ask some questions to white progressives like this:

If you had a son, would you love him?

If you had a son, would you want him to be successful?

If you had a son, how would you explain to him why you hate his gender?

See, this is the reason I have such a hard time with this type of SJW progressivism.  I have a son, he is almost three.  I want him to be successful.  I want him to be happy.  I want the best for him.  So what am I supposed to do when the left-of-center pop culture tells says that he is responsible for all the terrible things on earth because of his gender and the color of his skin, and that the world would be a better place if he just sat in the back of the bus for a while.

I don’t get how progressives can be parents and hold these ideas and say they love their children.  If you hate straight white males, how do you love your sons?


Progressives: They are so cute when they play Revolutionaries.

I’d assemble armed resistance brigades in and around states that voted for Trump. I’d make sure the participants are well-trained in urban combat. I’d do drills. I’d ensure that secure communications have been established to enable inter-state coordination. I’d impart to participants that they should be prepared to face severe state punishment for their rebellious acts— perhaps even death.

The plan would be as such. The brigades would position at Republican state capitals (Harrisburg PA, Lansing MI, Raleigh NC, etc.) where the Electoral College is due to meet on December 19. I’d make sure every Elector expected to vote for Trump is identified. The night of December 18, the brigades would forge a blockade at the various state capitol buildings. Electors identified as Republican and/or Trump supporters would be physically prevented from entering, if necessary by lethal force.

How To Violently Prevent Trump From Taking Power – Michael Tracey

I saw this floating in Facebook and I had a great laugh. This was written on the 10th of November so according to him, the same people who cannot find the local Whole Foods without an app and a Federal grant, will go out, buy guns, train on its usage, designate brigades (plus feed them, house them, transport them, etc) while they have to create their own intelligence and surveillance service to find out who and where are the Electors, tail them, have people who will go to the State Capitals, gather intelligence and come up with the plans to attack & take them over plus contain the counter attack by the local police & state forces… and is not including if the local populace decides to join in the fun and do some shooting of their own.

Now, if by an amazing divine intervention the assassinations were to occur and the Electors were not to meet, the Congress would have to vote, a Congress which is held by the Republicans who by now have probably checked polls and figured out that their voters might be slightly pissed off and would take it very personally if Trump is not sworn in on January 20th, 2017. Shit, by that time, all Democrats would join his Republican colleagues in making sure Trump gets to reside inside the White House for the next four years. Even Bernie Sanders would be voting for Trump lest he ends as part of the great ocean-view BBQ inside his newly bought dacha.

 But Mr. Tracey adds a disclaimer/not disclaimer:

Again: I don’t support the enactment of this plan. In fact, I vigorously oppose it. However, if I took the extreme view of Trump that so many in our media class do, I’d see it as morally obligatory.

But what do you expect from somebody who writes for the NY Daily News?

Two Minute Hate

My wife brought this video to my attention.

Keith Olberman (who was fired by MSNBC and ESPN twice, for coming unhinged) went on this rant on his GQ Youtube channel, explaining in great detail how to use the Constitution to get rid of the Trump Administration.

His thesis is: abuse the language of the 25th Amendment and the Presidential Succession Act to declare Trump unable to “discharge the powers and duties of the office” and have him replaced by the Vice President.  What qualifies as being unable to “discharge the powers and duties of the office”is not a medical crisis, such as a stroke or assassination attempt, but because of Trump’s temperament based on what he said in his Twitter account.

Lets ignore for a moment that Trump selected his cabinet and they are unlikely to do this.

The very idea of what Olberman is suggesting would be the zenith of legal fuckery.  The 25 Amendment provides as way for America to be protected in case of a health crisis of the Head of State.  It is not a step by step guide to having a bloodless coup of the US Presidency.  That idea is an an absolute perversion of law.

But lets ignore that for a moment too.

The big question that I have to Olberman, and one my wife was unable to answer too, what happens if on January 21, 2017 a physically and mentally fit Donald Trump were to be forced out of office by a handful of DC insiders?  What happens when the 25th Amendment is used to effectively overturn an election?  Are 60 million American voters supposed to just accept that a dozen people unseated a president?

I wasn’t a fan of Trump’s rhetoric, but until he actually signs Executive Order 9066 Rev 2 and has the government start building internment camps for the Mexicans or gays or Muslims or whomever the Left is paranoid he we start rounding up, he’d done nothing.

In Olberman’s fantasy, he can get away with this.  When the voters of Middle America who elected Trump as a “fuck you” to the establishment have their President force out of office by a handful of the establishment with some legalese, the word I would use to describe what they do is probably less riot and more revolution.

But in the mind of Olberman, piss on Middle America’s desires, the Liberal elite knows better.

This asshole here showing exactly why Trump won.

The next article was one that I found: New York should seize Trump Tower.  According to the WaPo, since New Yorkers don’t like Trump, they should be able to steal his stuff using eminent domain.

With this the WaPo showed its true colors.  I am reminded of when the Communist leaders seized the homes of estates of wealthy Russians, nobles, and anybody else that was declared an enemy of the proletariat during the Russian Revolution.  Seizure of the property of people out of favor with the party was a tactic repeated in Maoist China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and Venezuela.  Maybe NYC should seize all of Trumps gold and art and hide it in banks in Switzerland too.  If that doesn’t send enough of a message about how much they don’t like Trump, they could try making a lamp out of one of his kids.

Once we adopt the principle that we can seize the property of people we disagree with politically, where does it end.  Brendan Eich was forced to step down as CEO of Mozilla after it was discovered he donated money to Prop 8 against gay marriage in California.  Political donations by high profile people have a way of becoming public.  Will liberals turn their sights to Trump donors?  Donate money to Trump and de Blasio will take your Condo in Manhattan and use it as a homeless shelter ?  That will teach you a lesson to not give money to the person with the R behind their name.

These radical Leftist have no idea with the size of the fire they are playing with.  They want it their way and are willing to shred the Constitution to get it.  They think since what they plan is legal on paper, they can do it.  They don’t see the bigger consequences of their actions down the road.


Stranger in a strange land

I want to write a follow up to Miguel’s last post.

I have talked about my past, where I grew up, where I lived.  I mention it again in this post, in detail, because in today’s political climate, it is relevant.

I grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood in Miami, Florida, in the shadow of the University of Miami, where my dad went to law school.  My mom’s side of the family is from the Philadelphia/Camden County New Jersey area.  I spend my summers and Christmas breaks in high school in and around Philly.  My only college co-op was in Philly at one of the many petrochemical refineries in that city.  I moved to Terre Haute, Indiana for college, and lived there for five years.  My wife is from Terre Haute, my in-laws still live there and we go back a few times a year.  After college I moved to Rapid City, South Dakota for grad school and completed my Ph.D.  My first job out of school was just outside of Chicago in the Southwestern Suburbs.  From there I picked up and moved to Omaha, Nebraska for a short while.  I then had a career change and hauled off to Huntsville, Alabama.

I have claimed residency in South Florida, the Northeast Megalopolis, the Midwest, the Great Plains, and the Deep South.

Going to a private college prep high school, there were people who didn’t understand why I wanted to go to rural Indiana for college.  They were almost disappointing in me for not sticking to the East Coast or going all the way to California.  I remember coming back to Miami or visiting family in New Jersey from South Dakota and people not knowing the state I lived in.  I heard something to the effect of “North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana… one of those big flat states out west” from more than a few people.  I had people ask if we had running water and if people in South Dakota really lived in Tipis.  I’m not kidding.

Going to the Deep South was even worse.  I had to justify why I would move to Alabama.  “Why would you go to Alabama, can’t you find an engineering job somewhere else?”  Then I have to explain that Huntsville is known as Rocket City, USA, there are more rocket scientists in Huntsville than anywhere else in the world, and everything the US government uses to launch objects into space, for war and peace, comes out of Huntsville.

None of that matters to the die hard anti-Southern bigot.  I was in Pittsburgh airport, flying back to Huntsville, going home from a business trip.  I’m in line talking to the person next to me, just chatting.  She asked where I was going.


“Heading out or going home.”

“Heading back home.”

The guy in front of me looks at me, and says in a heavy NYC accent “You’re from Alabama, you don’t look like your parents are cousins” and laughs.

One of the things that the Jews learned from the Holocaust is that we weren’t European.  It didn’t matter how much we assimilated.  If we adopted German or Polish or French last names and spoke German or Polish or French in our homes.  We were Jews and were never really their countrymen.

The hysterical fallout of the 2016 election of Donald Trump has made it crystal clear to me that we may speak the same language, wave the same flag, use the same passport, but to the Blue strongholds of the  Northeast and Pacific Coast Megalopolises, we aren’t their countrymen.

The Hill argues that the enlightened Liberal areas of the country are “held hostage by flyover states.”

The Daily Kos is celebrating the suffering of poor people in Appalachia.

The rest of the Liberal coasts have been doing nothing but calling the land in between racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and every other hateful thing they can.


I don’t much care for New York City, it’s too crowded, too expensive, and smells like piss.  But I’ve never hated people from NYC.

The open, naked hatred the Coastal Metropolises direct at the land between is shocking.   It has been made quite clear that they think nothing but the worst of us and don’t want to even try to try to understand life outside of their bubble.

Miguel said “I have this nagging feeling that if they could tent & treat flyover country like a house full of termites, they would not think about it twice.”

I’d have to agree.  From what I’ve seen in the last few weeks, I think the only reason Hillary supporters haven’t started to build a Dachau in Nebraska to start their final solution to the Trump supporter question is that they don’t know where to get any vegan kale and quinoa salads in Omaha to feed their workforce.