Month: December 2016

Scum Journalism: Louisiana ‘Stand Your Ground’ law gives someone in their car lots of leeway to use force.


The Louisiana ‘Stand Your Ground’ law gives people inside of the vehicles a lot of leeway to use deadly force.Here is the law: Louisiana Revised Statutes Chapter 14:20
A homicide is justifiable:(4)(a) When committed by a person lawfully inside a dwelling, a place of business, or a motor vehicle as defined in R.S. 32:1(40), against a person who is attempting to make an unlawful entry into the dwelling, place of business, or motor vehicle, or who has made an unlawful entry into the dwelling, place of business, or motor vehicle, and the person committing the homicide reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent the entry or to compel the intruder to leave the premises or motor vehicle.
“If you look at the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law in Louisiana, if I’m in my vehicle, it’s just like me being in my house,” explained WWL-TV legal analyst Donald ‘Chick’ Foret. “Let’s say, perhaps, hypothetically, that Joe McKnight was trying to get into my car, and I thought that it was reasonable for me to use deadly force to keep him out of my car, I can use deadly force, that’s the justifiable homicide.”

Source: Louisiana ‘Stand Your Ground’ law gives someone in their car lots of leeway to use force

I am adding this article to the list of Scum Journalism because they have no way to say it was an honest mistake. Louisiana does have SYG but it is not what is quoted on the article which everybody with 5 minutes of Google search time in his pocket will immediately identify as Castle Doctrine (They hate Castle Doctrine too). And Louisiana also has Stand Your Ground written into its law and if you were a kind person that gives people the benefit of the doubt, you’d think they missed the relevant statute that must be hiding somewhere amidst thousands of pages of other laws. That is not the case.

The definitions for castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground are in the same Statute in different subsections in the same frigging page! The Advertiser is quoting from  Louisiana Revised Statutes Chapter 14:20 – A(4)(a) while Stand Your Ground is seven lines below under 14:20 – C.

C.  A person who is not engaged in unlawful activity and who is in a place where he or she has a right to be shall have no duty to retreat before using deadly force as provided for in this Section, and may stand his or her ground and meet force with force.
(Underline is mine)


Click to enlarge
Red is the statute quoted in the article, blue is SYG statute. Click to enlarge.

It is my opinion that this is not a “mistake” but an imperfect attempt to mislead the public into confusion. Obviously I cannot read the minds of the writers and they can claim Absence of Malice all day long, but I can call attention to their poor reading skills if they were not able to read the obviously glaring statute barely seven lines down the one they quoted. So are they politically motivated, stupid or both? You decide.



PS: I should have figured that Bob Owens over Bearing Arms has his take on this “confusion”with a longer explanation and overview of the Joe McKnight case. Give it a read.

Fidel’s most fitting epitaph.



Cuban dictator Fidel Castro’s ashes were interred in a private ceremony Sunday morning, ending nine days of official mourning.The Russian-made jeep ferrying Castro’s ashes broke down and needed to be pushed on Saturday en route to the late leader’s final resting place.

Source: Fidel Castro’s ashes buried in private cemetery ceremony | Fox News

Sorry, I have to go meme on this.


Hat tip, Michael M.

A shark too far

Like I said in my last post, on Monday, November 28th, OSU student Abdul Razak rammed his car into a group of people and then started stabbing them, wounding 11, before he was killed by Ohio State Police.

Since then, there has been a call for concealed carry on Ohio public college campuses.  Students want the right to defend themselves, especially given OSU’s recent history of having students join ISIS.

The atrocious anti-gun group Cocks Not Glocks is entering the fray by calling for people to show up at the site of a recent terrorist attack and wave fake rubber dicks around.


A hearts and minds winning strategy, if I ever saw one.  Of course, being a social justice group, they have to play that they are the victims.


The big, bad gun rights people are going to demand their right to self defense after this terrorist attack.

Have they no shame?  Everybody knows that anti-gun groups have the exclusive right to dance in the blood of victims, calling for disarmament, even when it makes no sense.  How dare gun rights activists rain on their parade.

Gun rights activist: “We were quiet right afterwards, but a week after a terrorist attack on our campus, we’re asking for the right to be able to defend ourselves if this happens again.”

Cocks Not Glocks: “You horrible people, here’s a big rubber penis to prove how wrong and insensitive you are.”

in pursuit of bringing you, my readers, with the very best (worst) in anti-gun idiocy to mock, I followed these Tweets down the Cocks Not Glocks rabbit hole.  Their Facebook page was even worse since the last time I laid eyes on it.

They have expanded from being merely anti-gun and into full blown hateful social justice in all the worse ways.


Nothing like some good old fashioned racism.  Forget healing in the wake of Trump’s election.  Just some full blown “white men are responsible for all the bad things ever” social justice.


The link in that post is dead, instead the site tells you to go here.  You can read through it if you wish, but in a nutshell, it says that if you want to be a good white person, you have to give money, free housing, jobs, etc. to black/People of Color activists then go sit at the back of the bus and wait for orders.  See, since white people are the worst, the only way to them to be free of the original sin of being white is to prostrate themselves to non-white people and buy forgiveness.  If a white person thinks that simply by not being a racist and living a normal life, they are not terrible, they are wrong.  White silence is violence.  White people need to find the nearest #BlackLivesMatter chapter to buy their planetary indulgence so they can achieve social justice.

Lastly, I saw this post, then had to lie down and ease my blood pressure.


At face value, so what.  Except that the article in The Daily Texan is full of misinformation.  It claims that Israel is trying to ban Mosques from performing the call to prayer.  It is not, is it considering banning the use of loud speakers for the call.  That the Jews still can’t pray at the site of our holy temple and can only stand outside the Western Wall because the Muslims won’t let Jews enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque, but the Jews are evil because they don’t like the use of loud speakers for the call to prayer interrupting the Jewish Sabbath is a point that enrages me to a level that should make the world glad that I don’t have access to nuclear launch codes.

The lie about the ban on the call to prayer in The Daily Texan is a deliberate demonization of Israel.  That’s what social justice warriors do.  Social justice is overwhelmingly anti-Semitic.  Campus safe spaces are the new country clubs, No Jews Allowed.  SJW’s of course claim to fight against Antisemitism, as long as the Jews are good victims.  As soon as we start fighting back, the progressive Left turns on us with a vengeance.  Forgive me that I don’t want to live in a ghetto.  Yes, I am accusing them of tacit support of Antisemitism.

So according to Cocks Not Glocks as an armed, Jewish, white male, I am just about the worst person on earth and should be put on a registry and forced to give everything I have from my unearned white privilege to people of color, or else I am a racist.  And if I happened to be run over or stabbed by a racial Muslim student who happened to join ISIS, it’s all my fault because some Israelis want to sleep in on their day of rest.

Just when you thought these people couldn’t get any worse, they level up and surprise you.

Dumb at OSU

Abdul Razak was a student an OSU.  On Monday, he took it upon himself to ram a group of people with a car, then start stabbing them with a kitchen knife.  For his efforts, we wounded 11 OSU students and faculty, and before he was shot by Ohio State  Police.

Razak made his motivations crystal clear.

The Ohio State University student who carried out a knife attack on campus Monday said in a Facebook post he was “sick and tired” of seeing fellow Muslims “killed and tortured,” according to federal law enforcement officials.  In a Facebook post shortly before the Monday morning rampage, the Somali immigrant urged America “to stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah,” a term for Muslim people at large.  “By Allah, we will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims. You will not celebrate or enjoy any holiday.”

ISIS has been using social media to urge Muslims to attack the west with cars and knives.  The main focus by ISIS has been on Muslim migrants in Europe.  Cars and knives are easily obtainable and quite effective weapons, as the 89 people killed in Nice, France demonstrated.

ISIS “appears to have a preference for attacking soft targets as a means to instil maximum fear in the general public”, the report added.

ISIS didn’t invent this style of terrorist attack.  It was the Palestinians who first used the “ram a group of people with a car and then stab the wounded” technique against Israelis.  It started in 2015 and has continues to this day.  There is even a name for this, the Knife Intifada.

The impetus for this style of attack is obvious.  Israel had been very effective in shutting down the tunnels and smuggling routes that allowed Palestinians to bring in guns and explosives from Syria and Lebanon.  The rate of “traditional” terrorist attacks, like suicide bombings of buses and markets has dropped dramatically.  The Palestinians needed a way to kill Israelis that didn’t attract the attention of Israeli counter terrorism units.  Cars and knives was it.  Any Palestinian with a driver’s licence or a set of steak knives could be a potential terrorist.  Israeli couldn’t stop everybody.

Spreading this tactic into Europe was easy.  Guns and explosives are even harder to get in Europe so cars and knives are easily obtained improvised weapons.  Israeli has been warning Europe about this for a while.

Now it has spread to the US.  Even where guns are easier to get than Europe, it is an attractive style of attack because it makes it possible for radicals on student visas or who are not legal alien residents (green card holders) to get weapons – you have to be a citizen or legal alien resident to pass a 4473.

Besides, there hasn’t been on liberal who has chanted “no fly, no buy” that has thought about banning people on the no fly list from buying cars or kitchen utensils.

The threat of more and more car and knife attacks in the US is a real concern.  Especially as ISIS claimed responsibility for the OSU attack, it can motivate other borderline Muslims to become famous martyrs.

So how did OSU respond, and why did Moms Demand Action spread the message?  Because of this idiocy.


He didn’t have a gun.  Never mind the potential for more of this type of attack.  Never mind that Razak was not the first Muslim from Columbus, Ohio, or even the first OSU student to join the ranks of ISIS.  He didn’t use a gun, so nothing to see here.

This attitude is apparently shared by a lot of MDA followers.


So how did Israel deal with these types of attacks?  Israelis went out and bought gun stores empty of handguns and started carrying them.  Some Palestinian runs into a bus stop, hops out and starts stabbing people, and some Israeli with a handgun ends that attack in a matter of seconds.

Of course, that’s not an option.  Ohio doesn’t have campus carry.

Instead, we’re just going to have to be thankful that this ISIS fighter didn’t have a gun – even though ISIS never told him to go get one.

Tax Thought of the Day

There has been a lot of hand wringing over Trump’s deal with Carrier to save jobs in Indiana.  I’ve been thinking about tax policy.

Here’s my half baked idea.

  1. I like the idea of lowering (if not getting rid of entirely) the corporate income tax.  Big companies can afford to hire lawyers and accountants to offshore business or invert their business to avoid income tax while other companies can’t.  This places the tax burden on small and medium sized companies.  Ditch the corporate income tax to level the playing field.
  2.  Audit big companies to determine how many foreign workers they have (including in subsidiaries) and charge them personal income tax and payroll tax for their overseas work force.  E.g. If GM has 1,000 people in Mexico making cars, GM pays no corporate income tax, but has to pay the payroll tax and personal income tax burden for the 1,000 Mexican workers as an equivalent rate to what it would pay US workers in the same positions.  If GM moved those jobs back to the US, then the US workers pay the income tax and GM doesn’t have to.

Not adulting on Saturday.

Got a couple of things for Monday. But today is just not a good brain day… (OK. stop the “every day” jokes.) I do have something so you don’t feel cheated.


This is a banner for armored home doors in Venezuela. Apparently guaranteed to resist 7.62×39 rounds shot by the AK-47.


The company also offers internal doors with levels of security and gates for your property.

I am sure business is brisk and they are making boatloads of money due to the great Chavez Revolution.