Month: December 2016

Point of view

It is said that the best way to understand a person’s point of view is to walk a mile in their shoes.  The idea being that it is easier to understand somebody if you are sympathetic to their situation.


I can understand why the Washington Post is so in favor for gun control.

One of its best and brightest reporters, David Farenthold, got hold of a toy gun and violated every rule in the book with it.

When I came home from my last TV hit, the kids, ages 4 and 5 months, were asleep. The house was quiet. I was still full of caffeine and do-gooder energy and decided to tidy up.

Among the clutter on the coffee table, I found my 4-year-old’s Party Popper, a bright yellow gun that fired confetti. For some reason, I held the gun up to my eye and looked down the barrel, the way Yosemite Sam always does.

It looked unloaded.

Then, for some reason, I pulled the trigger.

When I got to the ER, I had a swollen face, metal-foil confetti in my hair and a faint odor of gun smoke. Finally, the doctor could see me.

“I shot myself in the eye with a glitter gun,” I said. I showed him the Party Popper, which I had brought with me, in case he wanted to send it off to the National Institute of Morons for further study.

I got home from the hospital with a scratched cornea and a tube of eye ointment. The next day, with some of my dignity permanently lost, I got started on a bigger story.

Well if one of their star reporters and deep thinkers is this careless with a toy gun, how must the rest of us knuckle draggers who didn’t graduate from Harvard act when it comes to real guns.

If my world view was “just holding a gun will turn an elite from America’s premier Ivy League school into a freaking, self destructive, retard” I might be in favor of gun control too.

Fortunately, I’m not a Ivy League deep thinker from D.C.  I learned from the NRA not to point the end that the bullets come out of at anything I don’t want to destroy.

Diminished Returns.

“I may very well be done with political giving entirely,” said John Morgan, an Orlando attorney and one of Clinton’s top fundraisers in Florida. “My message to anyone reading this is, ‘Don’t call me, I’ll call you.’ From here on out, I’m giving to charities. I’d much rather give money to build a new Boys & Girls Club than to give to the [Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee].”

Source: Tired Dem donors feel like their money got burned | TheHill

Hillary Clinton and her supporters spent a record $1.2 billion for her losing presidential campaign — twice as much as the winner, Donald Trump, according to the latest records.

Source: Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign cost a record $1.2B | New York Post

This is an old post that I had in the Draft folder for three weeks and now dovetails beautifully with Bloomberg’s folly in Nevada. In terms of money, 2016 has been a killer for the Gun Control side. The Brady lawsuits have ended mostly in having their clients having to pay for the crappy trial and lawyer costs. They claim they now have a top line-up of NY lawyers that will work pro-bono, but I figure they lawyers think they will get court costs and inflated fees from whomever they sue….if they win or reach a settlement and the plaintiff has oodles of money which most of the gun companies do not have. Heck I do believe the lawyers think they are about to sue Boeing or McDonnell Douglass or GM weapon’s divisions when they are just going to go after the gun equivalent of a shade-tree mechanic.   CSGV lost one of his effective fundraisers to a LGBQTGSKUNGDE (etc) Gun Control group which pretty much has done nothing but be a punchline. Even Moms is spending more time trying to get funded by the not-so-grassroots-followers than actually influencing “important” people.

And yes, Bloomberg is a billionaire and so is Soros, but they like money first. If they were true believer, they would have snatched up Freedom Group when it was for sale cheap some years ago and kill gun manufacturing for civilians for good or at least buying into the Retirement Funds that were divesting any involvement in Gun Manufacturing, but they did not because they would have taken a loss.

Both of them will eventually get tired of losing money, at least that is my hope. I do see a shake up in the hierarchy of the Gun Control movements as Shannon Watts is becoming more irrelevant with that well established reputation of not doing press shows unless she controls all the aspects. Media likes sparks from time to time and her refusal to have a debate with people from the other side of the equation makes her look bad. Somebody new needs to come up from somewhere and the best available so far is George Takei who is becoming a bad internet joke.

So, I can’t give you any predictions for the next year other than, them Gun Control Assholes will not give up yet. Right now, our own worse enemy might be ourselves when we decide we want everything done the day after inauguration. Let’s work slowly and surely both at the Federal and State Level.

And please, use the same level of energy to fight the late-comers that want to cash in on the Second Amendment fight. They will be as damaging as Moms Demand with a full budget. Do not send them money, do not make them welcome… in fact, make it rather nasty and uncomfortable for these idiots.

That is all. I’ll probably take another couple of days off. I’ll leave some funny stuff in auto delivery.

Happy New Year!

“Can Anyone Confirm” Bullets doing zigzags in Miami Beach.

It started yesterday with a simple tweet by Bob Owens mocking some article:

That stayed in the back of my brain simmering till I bumped on the video mentioned in the Miami Herald articlefound the quote:

And then saw the video. And you will indeed see something flying across the screen that has irregular movement:

The zig-zag flying things? Simple, plain and common dust flying in front of a light source! I think somebody has been bingeing on action films lately and got a woody watching the video. I don’t know if to award David Neal and Charles Rabin (the authors of the article) with a Typing Monkey Meme, a Facepalm Meme or something else.

I think this one fits:

Layers and layers of editorial oversight.


Your dumb Twitter post of the day: Glen Steen

Let’s review a couple of incidents, shall we?


“Toddlers” Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik who killed 16 people and injured 24 more at the  Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California.

Next we have:

“Toddler” Omar Mir Seddique Mateen who killed 49 people and injured 53 more at the Pulse night club in Orlando, Fl.

Glen Steen is the kind of person that would consider the cattle cars going East as an all-paid train tourist tour of the European country side.