Month: December 2016

Iñigo Montoya Look-Alike Threatens the President Elect. Gets arrested.

A Broward man’s Facebook postings have landed him in jail after federal authorities said he threatened to kill or harm President-elect Donald Trump.
Kevin Keith Krohn, 59, was arrested Thursday at his Pembroke Pines home after law enforcement informed the U.S. Secret Service agents who protect Trump about the postings.

“I’m just glad Obama didn’t take all our gunz! I see a good use for one now,” Krohn wrote online above a picture of Trump that read, “He’s not my president / He’s an enemy of the state,” agents wrote in court records.

Krohn posted his remarks in a thread of comments related to Trump’s holiday season stay at his Palm Beach home, according to court records.

Source: Facebook threats against Trump land Broward man in jail, feds say

The gentleman in question:

He has the Iñigo Montoya look going somewhat), but not the brains or morals. He is a two-time felon in the State of Florida (How come I am not shocked?) and it seems prison life was good to him. or at least free life has taken its toll:

And he is a registered Democrat:

Kevin Keith Krohn was born 24 October 1957 and he lives (or lived) at 8710 NW 10TH ST in Pembroke Pines, Broward County, Florida, U.S.A. His voter ID number is 114523771. He registered to vote 3 August 2006 and he is registered in the Florida Democratic Party. He is listed as White, not Hispanic.

Oh well. They are a fine group of people with love bursting out of them. I kinda feel bad for the Secret Service as they are going to be working overtime and dealing with more crazies than usual.


PS: I have just been informed in Facebook that I missed the obvious: The initials of the culprit are quite historically correct with the Democratic Party. Thanks Steve! 😀

Deadly 2016, What is going on? I think I may have the answer.

Last night George Michael joined the long list of artists that have crossed the Styx river. The Grim Bitch has taken way too many people to name here, including actors, writers, scientists, rockers, etc. There is no doubt we had a less than illustrious year and by far, way above average in the collection of souls. Is there something off? suspicious? I think so. But not Tin Foil Hat/ Government conspiracy, but more like we tempted some sort of vengeful divinities or some sort of control valve was bypassed and the scythe went into overdrive.

You can think whatever you want, but I am going with the control valve theory: something or more likely somebody was holding back Death and he is no longer doing so, thus the wholesale discount on celebrities’ souls. And I will tell you who was that control valve: Abe Vigoda.

Yeah,  I hear you laughing. If you are old fart enough, you will remember as the affable Detective Fish in the comedy show “Barney Miller.” And most of his roles were of equally affable and inoffensive people. But I think Abe Vigoda was a major bad-ass, bear with me for a couple of minutes.

He had one role as a bad guy that was memorable for the low-key approach yet a brutal threat: Sal Tessio in The Godfather. How bad-ass? When Michael Corleone is settling accounts and getting his enemies killed. He sends one killer per head of Mafia Family (Barizini gets 2) but sends at least six people just to get Tessio in a car and they were backed up by the whole compound’s security that included dogs. Michael Corleone was scared shitless of Abe Vigoda, how do you like them apples?


I know, “Oh bullshit, Miguel. That was a movie character. Nothing to do with real life.” OK, maybe so, but how many times, even pre-internet did we hear about Abe Vigoda succumbing to death only to find out later that the sumbitch not only was not dead, but kicking ass? You know it and I know it. Every year, at least twice a year for maybe two or three decades, we got the news that Abe Vigoda had some sort of weird accident or was suddenly fell by some mysterious illness only later to be found a lie. I think that the events indeed happened, but Abe was able to fend the attacks because he was such a bad-ass, he would flip the finger to death and then go for a swim at Love Canal because he was fucking Abe Vigoda and F U!

Now, this past January, something happened ( I don’t think we will ever know) and Death finally managed to get Abe. The “blockage” was removed and Death went to work overtime on the long list of delayed celebrities that had been scheduled to join the Tour of the Afterlife. Coincidence? I think not!

That is my theory and I am sticking to it!


Kevlar Panties to be used by German Women against the Rape crisis that is not happening (wink wink)

In case the video is not coming up:

Only if they could use something louder and less constricting to fend off attacks from recently arrived “Orientals.” From Oleg Volk’s extensive and great portfolio:



I starting with the moral of the story here.

St. Louis, Missouri State Representative-Elect Bruce Franks, Jr. was robbed at gunpoint after a Christmas party.  The robbers got his car, cellphone, and handgun.

State Representative-Elect Bruce Franks, Jr., a Democrat, has a concealed carry permit, when the robbers stole his car, they got away with the gun he had left in it.

Franks did not try to fight off the robbers because:

I looked up and the guy had a gun and he told me to get out. I got out and he pointed a gun at me and told me, ‘Get the hell out of here.’  If I reached for a gun, and he already has a gun pointed at me, that’s more reason for him to shoot me.

I’ll give him that.  When you already have a gun pointed at you, trying your best quick draw may not be the smartest idea.

The thing is, it shouldn’t have gotten that far.  Franks was sitting in his car making a phone call when the robbers approached his car.  Where Franks made his mistake, and it was an easy mistake to make, was that he stopped being aware of his surroundings while making his call.  He didn’t see the two guys approach his car.  He didn’t see them make any obvious signs that they were up to no good.

Really, he shouldn’t have taken the call from inside his car in the parking lot of a bar.  He should have tried to find a quiet space inside to make his call.

Concealed carry or not, the greatest weapon your have in your arsenal is situational awareness.

I’ve head stories of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who developed almost a spider sense about IEDs and Ambushes, because they started to notice evidence in their surroundings that suggested something bad was about to happen and to avoid the area.

Don’t let yourself get so distracted that you drop your guard.   Know what is going on around you.

On a side note.  I’m relaying this story as a lesson about situational awareness.  I don’t want to make fun of State Rep-elect Franks.  I’ve been reading about him and what I’ve read I liked.

He’s a Democrat, a black Democrat, that is an advocate for concealed carry.  He is an advocate for improved police/community relations (something near and dear to my heart), not the typical anti-cop attitude that is going around the Left now.  He is an advocate for a group called 28 to Life which seeks to end gun violence by getting to the root cause of the issues in poor (and mostly black) communities such as education and youth employment opportunities.  He seems to recognize that the violence in St. Louis is not an issue with guns, but an issue with gangs.

This is the type of person we want on our side.  A moderate Democrat with ties to the community who wants to help and not blame guns and law abiding gun owners for violence.  This is the type of representative that will help us build bridges with the other side.

If Franks keeps to his platform and promises, I wish him the best.

I also hope his gets his gun back.  The criminals who have it might as well just turn it into the police right now.  A gun stolen from a state representative is going to be radioactive in the Show Me State.

On this Christmas Eve.

By the time this gets published, I’d probably be by the smoker subjecting the pork loin to some hickory before finalizing it in the oven. There will be black beans to be made and cornbread to be baked.

I am taking today and tomorrow off to be with the family and enjoy the gifts, the food and to be overwatch at Sunday’s Christmas service. You never know with some people who just want to screw with your Holiday even if it represents the birthday a Holy Man mentioned 25 times in their own religious book (and Mary is mentioned 34 times and is the only woman).

I do hope you have a great Christmas. See you back in here Monday.

PS: here is some reading material while you wait for the turkey/ham/lasagna/other to be done.