Month: December 2016

Why don’t just use tasers/pepper spray?

Because of this:

[fbvideo link=”” width=”700″ height=”600″ onlyvideo=”1″]

At least three taser guns, no idea how many discharges plus probably half a can of pepper spray and three cops for an arrest that took six minutes to accomplish.

Not saying that Less Lethal is not a good idea, I am all for the conservation of life if possible. But we cannot depend on Less Lethal to be the only resource and we need to train on its usage and how to react if it were to fail. You would like kind of stupid being beaten up or worse because you sprayed an attacker, the guy did not react the way you expected and you froze because you programmed yourself for the best outcome instead of the worse.

This is what useless looks like.

One of my top security peeves: Armored Truck. Two idiots went after a Garda Truck and one of them obtained enough points to assume local room temperature.  And what would you know? It happened in beautiful South Florida just last Tuesday.

[fbvideo link=”” width=”700″ height=”600″ onlyvideo=”1″]

But of course what we have is people with smartphones not contributing to get shit fixed, namely assisting the wounded guard. And as my smart wife said: “The don’t have what’s needed nor they know what to do but finger the damned phone.”

So, if you still don’t have your Individual First Aid Kit, get one already made or prep your own. Make the kit and the training your New Year’s Resolution.

And unless you are calling 911, put the effing smartphone down.

Whiny resentful little b**ches.

Ken Urban, a playwright who teaches part time at Princeton University and voted Democratic, has made donations to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on behalf of his parents as their Christmas gifts.

“My father was the Republican mayor of my small home town in New Jersey and spent his career in the navy reserve. My mother told me she would never vote for Hillary Clinton because they have a friend who works for the CIA who said she was ‘difficult’. And there are aunts and uncles and cousins in my family who voted for Trump,” said Urban.

He is ruing the fact that he and his boyfriend agreed, before the election, to attend a big family Christmas gathering for the first time in 20 years.

But the SPLC donations on behalf of his parents will take the sting out of it.

Trump backers get ‘revenge gifts’ from relatives: donations to liberal causes. – The Guardian

Wow, what an incredible display of maturity. It is another version of having somebody you hate added to a mailing list, but dumber because you are putting your own money and they are getting the tax deduction.

Well done, Ken. It shows who in the family got the brains and it is not precisely the one in Princeton.

And it’s gone…

Unbeknownst to me, the National Endowment for the Arts gave $10,000 to a theater company to put on a play about two special snowflakes fighting gun rights.

NEA funding for 2017 has been announced and it is full of more funding for special snowflakes to push their special snowflake ideas in art that is too unpalatable to turn a profit in the real world.

In 2016, the NEA appropriated almost $148 million dollars to crap like this.  I know in terms of money, that is not a lot for the Federal Government to spend, but I don’t care.  Artists have become nuisance animals.  All they do is eat the efforts of your hard work and shit in your yard.

If I am ever elected president, on my very first day in office I am going to redirect 100% of the NEA’s funding to NASA, DARPA, the VA, or just spend it on an epic 4th of July fireworks display over the White House.  Anything more useful than what the NEA spends its money on now.

Typing Monkeys: Chicago Party Buses and the Non-Issue of Illinois Carry Permit Holders.

A recently enacted Chicago ordinance targeted nuisance party buses, requiring drivers to call police if inebriated patrons chuck a beer bottle out the window, flash unsuspecting bystanders or smoke marijuana .
But last weekend’s shooting aboard a party bus that left three people hurt in Lakeview — the sixth shooting with injuries in 14 months involving the entertainment vehicles — points to a contradiction in the rules with more violent consequences.

Illinois’ concealed carry law stops patrons from bringing firearms into a bar or restaurant that predominantly sells alcohol, but those restrictions don’t apply on a party bus, where passengers supply their own booze. Gun policy experts called party buses a gray area in the law that hasn’t explicitly been addressed. Though many bus companies ban customers from packing on board, little enforcement takes place, according to owners

Source: String of shootings on party buses reveals gray area in regulations

Damn it! Who was the Illinois Concealed Carrier that went stupid? WE DEMAND TO KNOW!

In connection with Sunday’s shooting, Chicago police on Monday arrested 31-year-old Victor Haynes, of Englewood, on two counts of aggravated battery and discharge of a firearm and unlawful use of a weapon by a felon. A judge ordered him held in lieu of $900,000 bond.

I am gonna go on a limb here, but I don’t think Mr. Haynes has an Illinois Concealed Carry license on account of him being a felon. So why is he used as example of the problems Chicago is having with party buses and people with CCLs? Or maybe there is not issue at all since the article does not mention one instance of a person with an Illinois CCL involved in the other five shootings. I contacted the author of the article (Elyssa Cherney) about that “oversight” in producing that important information and this was her response:


Click to enlarge

As stated in the article, it’s unclear whether any of the people involved in party bus shootings had concealed carry permits.

So why bring the permits into the article? Maybe to add some sizzle and flavor because there are criminals illegally packing guns in Chicago  is not news anymore but Law Abiding Citizens is?


The executive director of the National Rifle Association is quoted making that point, and I’d agree with him that its unlikely.

In the article she mentions Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association and not Chris W. Cox or Kyle Weaver, both executive directors of the NRA. If she can’t keep track of the people she interviewed in her own piece…


However, the story explores the question of whether explicitly banning weapons on party buses would nudge the business owners to do more thorough checks before boarding. Some of the owners said no.

So again, why bring Concealed Permits to the article if the issues is the apparent lack of responsibility or willingness on the part of the Party Buses’ owners? One word: Clickbait. Armed thugs in Chicago are just a regular thing, like City Hall corruption and nobody gives a damn and uninterested people do not buy papers.

How bad is the article? The Moms Demand link that I screen captured and displayed at the beginning of this post is no longer visible in their timeline. Seriously, when even the Bloomberg Bullshit Machine washes their collective hands, you are in trouble.

Most Special Snowflakes Ever

Cocks Not Glocks was so proud to be featured in an AJ+ video, that they bragged about it on their Facebook page.

AJ+ is an internet news and OpEd outlet that is part of the Al Jazeera Media Network.  The video, and I mean this honestly, is a good video, reasonably balanced, and eye opening.

It interviews two students and a profesor at the University of Texas at Austin.  One student is an advocate for Texas Campus Carry, the other is the co-founder of Students Against Campus Carry and a participant in Cocks Not Glocks.  The professor is anti campus carry.

The video does address that campus carry applies only to people 21 years and older, it requires a Texas CCW which mandates training, and that open carry would still be banned on Texas campuses.

Pro Tip: when Al Jazeera is the voice of reason and moderation, your argument sucks.

Compare the statements made by the pro campus carry student to the anti campus carry student and professor.

Pro gun:

Anti gun:

And the professor:

The pro gun student makes the argument that mass shootings tend to take place in gun free zones because the shooters want to inflict mass casualties, not get into gunfights.  All he wants is the right to protect himself and follow the law.

The anti gun student and professor have feelings.  They feel scared.  They feel worried.  They feel like their freedom of expression is being threatened.

For the record, your First Amendment right to freedom of speech is a protection from government oppression.  Social Justice Warriors are the first to remind you that the First Amendment doesn’t apply to private individuals when a bunch of heckling crybabies get someone fired from their job because they said something that Snowflakes don’t like.  That these Snowflakes are claiming that they are scared to speak freely because they are afraid that someone might get angry and shoot them, isn’t a First Amendment violation.

The professor tries to fall back on an un-sourced claim that no CCW permit holder with only 4 hours minimum training ever stopped a mass shooter.  What she doesn’t have, because if she did I know she’d of mentioned it, is any evidence that a CCW permit holder has ever shot someone in a classroom for voicing their opinion or turning a mass shooting into an OK Corral bloodbath.

At the end of the day, all she has is feelings.

Also, the idea of training being a benchmark of quality is just an appeal to authority.  Police get training, and we all know how bad the NYPD shoots – 84 times and hit the perp once, but hitting nine bystanders.  Nice shootin’ Tex!  That young man from the video may only have 4 hours of training, but has been shooting since he was “4 or 5 years old.”  There is training and there is experience.  But experience doesn’t come with the magic fairy dust of government approval, so the Left doesn’t accept it.

One one side you have facts, training, experience, and the desire to defend oneself and abide by the law.

On the other you have feelings and big rubber penises.

That is all these Special Snowflakes have, feelings.

It seems though that the winds of change are blowing and feelings are no longer the political currency that they once were.  I don’t know which I would enjoy more, to be able to CCW my M9 and AAC Ti-Rant 9 across state lines or the epic butthurt of these Special Snowflakes.