Month: December 2016

A measurable failure of Gun Control.

A coalition of gay-rights and gun-control activists is taking on FedEx for discounts it offers to members of the National Rifle Association, targeting the global shipper during the peak of the holiday season. The group is launching an online campaign and plans protests on Wednesday at FedEx retail stores in Denver; Atlanta; Memphis, Tennessee; and Orlando, Florida, said Igor Volsky, director of Guns Down, a Washington-based group that advocates for fewer guns in the U.S. and is one of 10 participating organizations. A Dec. 7 letter to the company got no response, he said. FedEx doesn’t comment on specific customer agreements, Melissa Charbonneau, a spokeswoman, said in an e-mailed statement.FedEx offers shipping discounts of as much as 26% to members of the NRA, the gun-rights group with 5 million members, as part of a program that also has special offers for Visa cards, according to Guns Down. Separate programs offer deals on Hertz rental cars and Wyndham hotels, according to the NRA website.

Source: FedEx Discount for NRA Draws LGBT, Anti-Gun Activist Rage | CMO Strategy – AdAge

I looked online to see if I could get any news about the protests yesterday and could not find a thing. The name Igor Volsky rang a very faint bell so I looked him up and bingo:

Let’s just say that just ThinkProgress gives you a full picture how anti gun ultra leftie Gun Down is supposed to be. But how effective were the protests? I offer their own photos…excuse me, photo. 

One photo, from Orlando with only three people in display (four in total counting whomever took the picture) and I imagine it was because there was decent weather in Orlando. That is not what I would call hard political pressure to get FedEx to drop a potential pool of several million customers.

The Opposition has money, they have some of the greatest PR and advertising teams from NY and DC, they have most of the traditional media at their beck and call and still cannot muster a grassroots. They simply don’t have the numbers, we do.

And that is Why We Win.

Oh for F…’s sake! Chryl Anderson (Moms Demand Florida) again?

I swear she is not even reading the articles she links to her posts!

Yes, we know Florida Laws do not allow the carrying of firearm in places where alcohol is the main source of income, but I reckon there is another reason that you may have overlooked why he should not have been carrying a gun.


Ron Sorn, 34, tried to run from Club Lust after the gun went off, but officers in the area stopped him.He was arrested and charged with being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm, possession of Xanax, and possession of marijuana less than two grams.

Source: Police: Florida man attempted to take gun selfie in club bathroom, gun went off –

How low can you go: Michael Bloomberg’s Moral Limbo Dance.

We knew Gun Control Hierarchy is composed of some really manipulative jackasses with the morals of cheap hookers during Caligula’s empire. But this has to represent a new subterranean low.

You know Everytown’s School Shooting interactive database. I have pointed out the “mistakes” (LIES) I have encountered and just recently, Bob Owens did a great job shredding the monumental amount of BS he found. So he rightfully lost it when he found this particular “school shooting” in Everytown’s list.

Sounds familiar somehow? Read below and find out why.

You, being sane and sober and not disgusting, agenda-driven sociopaths, would instead lament the Dallas police shootings of July 7, 2016, where five police officers were murdered, nine others were injured, and two bystanders were wounded by an angry black nationalist domestic terrorist after a peaceful Black Lives Matter Protest.

Source: Everytown Claims Deadly Attack On Dallas Police Was “School Shooting”

How much of a fucking human scum do you have to be to try to sneak such a dark incident as a “school shooting” in order to prop the numbers of your fake database? Even the rats that live in the sewers of New York City would gag at such putrefaction.

Bob’s rant is worth the read, but please do not break personal stuff while at it. Just save the rage for later as fuel to exact out righteous revenge by spreading Gun culture farther and farther across all lands, including Bloomberg’s NYC.

Civil Rights Hypocrisy

I’ve never been a big fan of the platitude motivator.  You know what I’m talking about, the picture of some famous person  captioned by some bromide they uttered.  Everytown and Moms Demand Action love posting these trite banalities on their Facebook pages.

Two of the ones they posted have rankled me because of just how off base they are.  Everytown and MDA normally turn a blind eye to history, but in these cases, they’ve really outdone themselves with their own obtuseness.

Rosa Parks was a civil right hero.  She was known for starting the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which was one of the most high profile non-violent movements against segregation in the United States, after she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white person.

Lets remind ourselves of a few facts in this episode of history.  The bus Rosa Parks was on was a Montgomery, Alabama municipal bus, part of the city’s public transportation system.  She was arrested for violating the law, which demanded that she as a black person, had to sit in the back of the bus or stand, to make room for white people to sit at the front of the bus.

Who was the bad guy in this story?  The government.  It was the law that it was illegal for blacks and whites to sit in the same row in a bus.  It was the law that forced blacks to stand or move back to make room for whites.  It was the city employee bus driver who called the police and it was the police who arrested Rosa Parks.  It was the government that systematically violated the 14th Amendment to the Constitution in creating a segregated busing system and punished people for using it.


Chief Sitting Bull was a holy man in the Lakota Nation of The Dakota Territory.  Chief Sitting Bull was most famous for taking up arms and leading the Lakota in the Sioux War of 1876, most notably, in defeating the 7th Calvary at the Battle of Little Big Horn.

The Lakota and other plains Indians were systematically oppressed, slaughtered, and forced onto reservations.  Sitting Bull’s people were being exterminated, which is why he fought back.  The Lakota, armed with a motley assortment of privately acquired firearms as well as traditional Indian weapons, managed to defeat the trained and better equipped 7th Calvary, who had cannons and Gatling guns, and was under the command of Civil War veteran (and general at the time) Colonel George Custer.

In every way defined by Everytown and MDA, Chief Sitting Bull was an insurrectionist.  The Indians were disarmed when they were put onto the reservations.  They obtained guns (mostly broken ones that they repaired) through trade and by finding ones left behind.  Several Indians were armed with Henry lever action rifles, which compared to the US Army issue 1873 Trapdoor rifle, was the assault rifle of the day – having a rapid fire capability, shooting a cartridge smaller than a full side rifle, and having a high magazine capacity.  Of course, the Indians should have never been successful going up against the Army.

But again, who was the bad guy in this story?  The US Government, oppressing a minority of people.

Here, Everytown and MDA like to style themselves after civil rights heroes Rosa Parks and Chief Sitting Bull, but in reality they are more like James F. Blake (the Montgomery bus river that called the cops on Rosa Parks) and  Colonel Custer.  Everytown and MDA want to use the power of the government to deny the Constitutionally protected civil liberties of American Citizens.

Everytown and MDA are oppressors claiming to be civil rights activists and insurrectionists.  Their hypocracy would be funny if it wasn’t so dangerous.

The Man in the High Castle.

In my opinion, most of the new shows being promoted by Alt TV (see what I did there?) suck hard enough to remove chrome. Mind you, there are some that are based in a great idea, but the script is lame (Note to writers: Yes, edgy is cool. But a good script is more than just a transvestite having sudden religious visions while conning people and passing as a sheriff in a hick town) and the whole thing is slow as paint watching other paint drying; I think that the writers are used to prepare a script for 42 minutes (regular TV) and they really don’t know what to do with the extra time, so they start slapping crap hoping it sticks.  And most of the actors seem too have taken classes in the school ran by Eric Roberts and Billy Zane.

The Man in The High Castle suffers from the slowness, but the script is intriguing as hell and the acting is not bad at all. It is alternate history (1962) after the Nazis and the Japanese won WWII and the US was invaded and split in three parts: One under Japanese control, one under German and a neutral zone. The hook of the series is that people are secretly transporting disturbing newsreels which show a different result of the war, one where the allies won! Nobody knows where the films come from (If you are done with Season 2, shut up and no spoilers!) and the Resistance is trying to get the film to a guy known as The Man in The High Castle. The problem is that the Kempei Tai and the Gestapo/SS also know of the films and want to intercept them.

Season one is the challenge to watch, but you will be hooked by the last 2-3 episodes. Season 2 is turning out to be a fine one with great subplots started in Season one coming to fruition and making shit more complicated.

Give it a try.

PS: ‎Alexa Davalos rocks it as Juliana Crain. Beauty and acting chops.