“The Volunteers” (Documentary)
If you have DirecTV, you need to watch this one. I just finished watching part one and you are gonna get kicked in the family jewels several times and hard. Ricky Schorder has been doing some great stuff via documentaries.
I have no idea if it is the digital cameras, but finally I have seen the expression “The pallor of Death” or “Pallor Mortis” faithfully captured in images.
Not feeling very christian right now towards ISIS and company.
J.Kb. for Office
I’m thinking next time a Senate seat is up for reelection in Alabama I’m going to run.
My slogan will be “the only women who have ever seen my junk are my doctor, my mother, and my wife.”
Proposed gun law
My wife raged at me (just venting, not mad at me) about a man in California that poured boiling water on his girlfriend’s dog while it was in its crate.
She made a point which I agree with her on.
Devin Kelley, the Sutherland Springs shooter, apparently had a history of animal abuse as well as domestic abuse. He bought dogs on Craigslist just to kill.
Animal abuse has long be recognized as a predictor for violence against people.
I would completely support a Lautenberg Amendment type law that made misdemeanor animal abuse a prohibited possessor.
It would need to be worded carefully to prevent regular acts like hunting and fishing, non blood sports with animals like bull riding or calf roping, scientific/medical research involving animals, or animal husbandry acts like gelding from being included.
Deliberately abusing an animal or animal blood sports (dog fighting, cock fighting, etc), should however disqualify a person from owning guns.
Anybody who buys dogs to torture should be banned from possessing firearms before they graduate to killing people.
Feel free to disagree with me, but it’s how I feel.
Gun Free Zone Public Service Announcement
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Wives, Husbands, Mothers, and Fathers,
With the news of Harvey Weinstein, Louis C.K., Roy More, David Corn, Kevin Spacey and all the other news that has proven that Hollywood and Washington D.C. are just Sodom and Gomorrah, I thought I would pass along a useful factoid.
It is difficult for a man to maintain an erection when suffering from hypovolemic shock.