Month: August 2018

Except that’s what it looks like

A fantastically dull and obtuse opinion from Lawrence O’Donnell.

Here is the problem with defending kneeling for the National Anthem.

As a nation, we have no common ethnicity, religion, race, personal history, or culture.  We have nothing that traditionally binds societies together.

We should not be a Western nation by any measure.  We have more in common with Afghanistan or Sub-Saharan Africa than we do Europe.  We are a nation that is a patchwork of tribes of different races, religions, and cultures spread out across a land with arbitrarily drawn borders.

So why are we a Western nation and not a third world hellhole engaged in ceaseless tribal warfare?

We have one thing that binds us together: a common belief in America.

We overlook our racial, religious, and cultural differences because we believe in America and the values of liberty and equality enshrined in our Constitution.  Those values are symbolized by our Flag and honored when we honor our Flag while singing the National Anthem.

Singing the National Anthem is a unifying act, reminding us of our common bond as Americans who believe in America.

When that is disrespected it attacks the thing that binds us all together.

It would be like a Muslim disrespecting the Adhan (call to prayer).

These players can say what they are protesting is the treatment of black men by police, but what they are doing is protesting the symbol of national unity.

This is plainly evident as the more they protest the National Anthem the less focus there is on police shootings and the more national disunity we feel.

MSNBC is defending a Senate candidate who is defending an attack on national unity.

This is why the Left is accused of hating America so much.

Women In Construction Jobs?

Nothing like a big dose of Politically Correct bullshit to make brownie points with the SJW crowd.  (Link to the story)

When we hear the term “construction jobs” we rightfully think about what Obama called “Shovel Ready Jobs”: Getting down to the rough and dirty aspect of construction. I have done some construction work, I have seen plenty people working construction jobs and, you know what? I have never seen any of them wearing skin-tight pants to the work site.  And you have to love the long-flowing hair moving around in the shot even when long hair is not quite seen as safe by OSHA in a location with machinery such as a construction site.  

Mind you, I have seen women do hard construction labor through my life, my mother being one of them and they never dressed like they were going out on a field trip to the museum.

Click to enlarge

Of course, the news story provides a couple of obligatory “tough work” shots:

Now, I have set tile more than a couple of times and in the video you can see that the mortar was not properly spread with a tile trowel but somebody dropped a blob of mortar for the B-Roll shot.

And you have to love this shot:

In the video, you can barely see it, but she is about to plaster the joints of an unfinished wall without paper or mesh while wearing yoga pants. Yup, that is building code in Broward County.

Also in the video, they show women in inspection roles and that is not only fine but a very important part of any construction job, so why what appears to be made up shots? My guess so the eternal lie that a woman can do anything a man can is repeated once again.  That is a disservice to women who want to work in construction and are going to believe that they can carry 80 pound bags of cement all day long and then be fired or injured the first day and damaging the “movement’s” credibility.

This kind of puff piece harms more than helps women. They should be embarrassed to even come up with the idea,



SJW Outrge reaches and passes all stupidity levels

Conor Daly’s father admitted he used the dreaded “N-word” over three decades ago and that made Social Justice Warriors lose their continence. Conor Daly himself is only 26 years old (DOB Dec 15, 1991). He is being punished for something that happened before he was born!

You wake up in the mornings and read stuff like this and simply ruins the day. Why are we letting a mob of idiots get away with stuff like this? Are we being polite to the point of dancing ourselves all the way to the gallows?

I found this quote and it applies all too well.

“It is unfortunate that in most cases when the sins of the father fall on the son it is because unlike God, people refuse to forgive and forget and heap past wrongs upon innocent generations.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly,

We are letting the Eternally Offended and Always Hateful dictate a very dangerous  set of Moral Laws, sort of a 21st century version of the Nuremberg Laws.

It seems that we find ourselves getting too close to the “Us or Them” moment and inevitably the herd will be thinned and common sense will have to be grown again over a pile of bodies.


Supporting mass murder to own the Cons

Until recently, Australia was about the only nation that cared about or reported on the murders of white farmers in South Africa.

As a result of Tucker Carlson’s show doing a segment on the South African Government’s seizure of white owned farm land, this issue has caught the attention of the President of the United States.

This is a legitimate humanitarian crisis.  First is the rights of farmers who have lived there for generations.  Second is the issue that when Zimbabwe did this as a fledgling nation, the nation of Rhodesia having just collapsed, the result was one of the worst famines in recent African history and the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy.

Because the farmers are white and Trump is involved, the #Resistance is now supporting the orchestrated murder of and property expropriation from white South African farmers.

Who else but Al Sharpton would call a widely reported on (in Australia) phenomenon a “white supremacist conspiracy.”

Just go through the responses to Trump’s Tweet above.  The number of people calling Trump a white supremacist for this, or justifying the murders and land grabs is sickening.

Yes, we all know that the far Left loves committing a genocide that allows them to steal the property of those being exterminated – e.g., Nazis and Jews, Soviets and Ukrainians, Young Turks and Armenians, Khmer Rouge, North Korea, etc.

This time, the TDS in the #Resistance  has made them open about it.

Supporting mass murder to own the Cons.