Month: August 2018

Kids don’t understand the idea of civil rights

I mentioned before about the march some kids are doing from a suburb of Boston to the Smith & Wesson factory in Springfield, Massachusetts.

At the time, I didn’t realize that that was part of a entirely different group of kids that is part of the Bloomberg hydra making petulant and tyrannical demands.

This group is called 50 Miles More.  They claim their inspiration was the civil rights movement.

We looked to history and an earlier generation of young leaders who fueled real change. In 1965, civil rights leaders organized the multi-day, 54 mile Selma to Montgomery marches. Those 54 long miles took us a long way toward progress, and are the inspiration for our march.

When Martin Luther King and his followers marched from Selma to Montgomery, they were marching for their civil rights.  They were marching in demand of rights that were guaranteed to them by the 14th Amendment of Constitution but they were being denied.

These kids are marching against civil rights.  They are marching to demand that the government take away the rights of law abiding citizens.

Here is their list of demands:

We believe that young people in every neighborhood and community should enjoy some very basic freedoms:

  • Freedom to go to school without being shot.
  • Freedom to walk our neighborhood streets without being shot.
  • Freedom to go to the movies without being shot.
  • Freedom to go to parks or playgrounds without being shot.
  • Freedom to go shopping without being shot.
  • Freedom from living in fear of being killed. Period.

None of those are real freedoms.  None of those the goverment can provide without severe restrictions on the freedoms and rights of others.  The last demand – Freedom from living in fear of being killed. Period. – is functionally impossible to deliver.

This is their list of policy positions:

  • Military-style weapons, and all weapons of war, should be banned from civilian society.
  • All accessories that turn semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons, such as bump stocks, should be banned.
  • Four day waiting period on all gun purchases.
  • Require background checks on all gun sales.
  • Raise the legal purchasing age of all guns to 21.

Massive gun bans.  Ignoring my AR-15s for a moment, my Beretta M9 and all my 1911s are actual weapons of war.

The four day waiting period and raising the age limit will have zero effect on crime.  In ever case of a school shooting that comes to mind, the shooter planned the shooting more than four days in advance.  In many cases -Columbine, Virginia Tech, Parkland – weeks to months in advance.  The Columbine kids were under 18 and stole their guns, so didn’t have them legally, and the VT shooter was 23 at the time of his shooting.  Only the Parkland shooter was in the 18-21 year range where a rifle was legal to purchase and a handgun was not.

Clearly, these policies were crafted by emotionally driven people with little regard for facts and a heavy emphasis on “must do something.”

I know that if I wanted to prevent the next Parkland, I’d be marching to make Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, and School boars and administrators civil and criminally liable for the mal application of policy.  If they downplay bad behavior to fudge the numbers on crime stats and a kid slips through and kills, the enforcers of that policy are then charged as accessories to the murder.

This is the movement marching on S&W.

Watch this video.  It is mind blowing.

The news anchor in Boston says that people fail to realize that S&W is in Massachusetts because they “forget about the western part of the state.”  What elite, big city arrogance.  Then the girl says it is hypocritical that Massachusetts claim to have strict gun laws but allows a gun maker to exist in the state and sell weapons outside of Massachusetts.

Smith & Wesson has been making guns in Springfield, Massachusetts since 1860 after Winchester bought the Volcanic Repeating Arms Company in 1855.  For over 100 years, S&W manufactured guns in and for the people of Massachusetts legally.

I hope the management of AOB is listening to these people being offended that S&W is allowed to do their job in Massachusetts.  Moving a factory is hard but not impossible.  Remington did it to themselves, Bushmaster, DPMS, and Marlin, and Kimber pulled out of New York.  There is plenty of room in the south and we aren’t resentful when a gun maker opens up shop and starts hiring.

The march in Massachusetts isn’t going to be the last one.  They are calling on their website for #50More in #50States.  It makes me wonder who they are going to target next?  I’m kind of curious if they are going to march on Remington because of Bushmaster here in Huntsville.

These groups are spiraling out of control.  Bloomie is giving his money away to every handful of moderately attractive looking teens with self righteous anger and ignorance about guns.

They are trying to change the very idea of what a civil right is and that is horrifying.  Kids are the future, I just hope it’s not these kids.  We are doomed if power falls into the hands of people who believe “freedom from” is a right and “freedom to” is not.

CSGV doing the hysterical shriek about 3D guns

From an article in Forbes about Amazon removing The Liberator 3D Code book

First of all, you cannot falsely yell “FIRE” in a theater. Actually it would be morally low to see fire and leave without issue a warning which I’d believe the morons at CSGV would do if there was a profit for them.  But since Mr. Patrick bring the fire issue, in another article I foolishly forgot to save, mentions that one of the books still being offered for sale at Amazon is Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques: Incendiaries Tm 31-201-1.  (You can download a copy in PDF here.)

I bring that manual because the biggest mass killing in the US apart from 9-11 were arsons being the most simple #3, The Happy Land Social Club in 1990 killing 87 people with a dollar’s worth of gasoline. Now imagine what would happen if a dedicated predator would use the details found in the book above to commit arson in a public gathering.

But for both Amazon and CSGV a bunch of pages with nothing but codes is the equivalent as the apocalypse or something. Books with detailed instructions on how to kill and maim are OK.

As always, you can download the 3D blueprints at or in a myriad of other locations like this here.

About New York City

Again, I don’t understand the YouTube algorithm, but this video came up in my recommended list.

For $800 per month, this guy lives in an apartment which is the size of my master bedroom walk in closet.  Just my closet.  My wife has her own closet.  He also has to share a bathroom with four other apartments.  Not like a dorm bathroom with multiple stalls, just a single small bathroom.

From that video, I got linked to this one.

Compared to the other guy’s 78 square foot apartment, 90 square feet is down right palatial.  She leveled up from living in my bedroom closet to living in my master bathroom.

She even has her own bathroom compared to the other guy.

After watching the second video, I understand why the first guy is paying more for less.  He’s stupid.

Any architect that didn’t design a loft sleeping space to take advantage of the one asset he has, high ceilings, is a pretty terrible architect.  No wonder he lives in a hovel.

Their combined rent is more than my mortgage and living space is less than my master bedroom.

At least the woman seems happy.  Every time that guy chuckled it sounded like a depressed cry for help as the reality that he is spending a third of his salary to live in half the square footage of a parking space and eat cold peanut butter out of the jar while waiting for one of his neighbors to get out of the bathroom so he can take a piss.

*A standard US parking space is 8.5×18 feet or 153 sq-ft.

“Yes I live in an apartment the size of a pantry that makes a spartan dorm room feel like Versailles, but it’s a pantry in Manhattan.”

This is not a lifestyle, this is a mental illness.

More deflection on the murder of Mollie Tibbetts

Yesterday I posted how Shannon Watts and Jessica Valenti decided that the murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal immigrant was no big deal because boyfriends and husbands are the real threat to women.

Yes, as it turns out, Cristhian Bahena Rivera is an illegal an used fraudulent ID to get a job.  So not just an illegal immigrant but an identity thief too.

Well, Bernie’s Press Secretary and Democrat strategist Symone D. Sanders had to get in on the deflection action to make sure Rivera’s status as an illegal didn’t come back to hurt the Dem’s Abolish ICE, open borders platform.

She decided to go with toxic masculinity.

See, it’s not illegal immigrants who should never have been in the country in the first place that is the problem.

It’s boyfriends and husbands, and men in general who just can’t seem to be able to stop themselves from murdering women and dumping their bodies because someone said “no” to them.

I have no idea what’s wrong with me.  I’ve been around guns since I was 7 and have had my own since I was 18.  I’ve been with my wife for 15 years, married for 10, and got rejected a lot before we met.  Still, I’ve never laid a hand on a woman with violent or malicious intent or killed one and dumped her body in a corn field.  I guess I’m some sort of outlier that it’s never occurred to me to do that.

I’m just trying to understand this message.

“Illegals aren’t bad, med are.”  So what about male illegals?

“Immigrants aren’t dangerous, boyfriends and husbands are.”  So what happens if you start dating an immigrant?

It just shows you where they stand that to them tens of millions of good, supportive, lab abiding boyfriends and husbands are worse than criminals who sneak across the border.

“Ladies, there is no need to concern yourselves with the gang member who just hopped the fence, the guy you’ve been with for the last 10 years if going to be the death of you.”

I hope that is taken by women to be as offensive as I think it is.


I am proposing a new name for the European economic system

I read an article at AZ Central that was pretty good.

If Democrats keep moving left to get away from Trump, they can kiss the midterms goodbye

Opinion: This is a strange presidency. But embracing socialism is no way for Democrats to win the hearts and minds of voters in November.

I’d agree for the most part, although there are some places in the US where Socialism is a winning message.

A Gallup poll this week discovered that, for the first time, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism. Fifty-seven percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaners support the state-run economic system, while just 47 percent support free enterprise.

Did these people fall asleep in history class during the lectures about the Soviet Union and the Khmer Rouge? Miss the past few years of Venezuelans unable to find medicine, milk or toilet paper? Forget that just last month, Nicaraguan strongman Daniel Ortega shot up a bunch of university students in a church?

Socialism has never worked and never will, but the majority of Democrats want to give it another shot.

I think that sums it up pretty well.  I could go into to horrors of 20th Century Socialism.  The 100 Million who starved to death in the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, etc.  Or the millions more who were executed, because when then the central planners plans failed, the government couldn’t admit it was wrong, it had to shoot the farmers and the factory workers for not doing the impossible.  But we all know all of this already.

So I decided to take a gander at the comments.

Um… no.  A well done study has show that it is the Democrats that have moved to the radical extremes.  Bill Clinton was against illegal immigration.  It was the Clinton administration that pulled Elian Gonzalez out of a closet at gunpoint and shipped him back to Cuba.

Pictured: Illegal immigrant child ripped from a relative’s arms in a raid authorized by Hillary’s husband.

Now the Dems are screaming “abolish ICE” and “open borders.”

But I digress.  That is not the point of this post.

These two comments are:

These are somewhat accurate.  There is a lot of confusion between Socialism and Social Democracy.

Socialism is simply a a combination of an economic and political system that has a centralized planned economy.

An army of bureaucrats issue orders as to how much of what gets made, by who, and how much they are paid.  The planners are undoubtedly not smart enough to plan the economy so everything eventually falls apart.  There are shortages and famine and the goverment has to come in and shoot the workers who failed to make quota as an incentive for other workers to make an impossible quota.

  • Nazism was just socialism plus racism and a belief in German ethnic superiority.
  • Communism was socialism carried out in the Soviet Union.
  • Maoism was socialism done by the Chinese.
  • Democratic Socialism is socialism in which the people get to elect the bureaucrats that eventually shoot them in the back of the head.

It’s all variation on a common theme.

Scandinavia doesn’t have socialism.  Sweden tried it in the 1970’s and gave it up before they country suffered economic collapse.

What these nations have is often called “Social Democracy.”  That is a system of high taxes and generous welfare benefits but a relatively free market.  In fact, the Swedish market is in many ways more free than ours.  That is the only reason these nations haven’t fallen apart economically under obscene tax burdens.

Some people will say that this system works because these nations are small, ethnic mono-cultures.  The idea that everyone chips in for the common good and nobody takes advantage of the system.  Some aspect of that it true.  We’ve seen how these nations’ welfare states have come apart with the influx of migrants from the Middle East and Africa who do not have this common culture and refuse to work and instead feel entitled to live off the generous largess of the welfare state.

But that doesn’t cover this 100%.  There is something else there, something else that made the welfare state and high taxes possible in the beginning.


Every one of these European states was feudal and almost all of them continue to have a monarchy.  Only France and Germany don’t and the Germans lost their in WWI.  The principles of feudalism has been bred into the Europeans over a thousand years and it hasn’t gone away.

Feudalism is a combination of political and economic system in which the lord owns the land.  The peasants work the land.  The lord owns the fruits of their labor and lets the peasantry keep what the lord thinks is reasonable.  In exchange, the lord offers the peasants protection and order and the enforcement of laws and contracts.  Still, it’s inequitable with the lord on top and the peasants below.

That is a good analog to what we see in Europe today.

This is why I propose renaming “Social Democracy” as “Democratic Feudalism.”

What we are seeing in Europe today is a form of fiat feudalism.  Fiat as in fiat currency.  Traditional feudalism is based on the ownership of land.  Current feudalism is based not on a hard good (real estate) but money, hence the fiat nature.

The government acts as though it owns all the wealth of the state.  The people work and are allowed to keep what the government thinks is fair.  Denmark thinks that keeping upwards of 60% of a workers income is fair, Sweden thinks taking 56% is right for themFrance tried a 75% tax, but the peasants revolted.  In exchange for the goverment taking the bulk of the fruits of the workers’ labor, the goverment gives the people health care, child care, college, 30 days vacation, etc.

The government take money instead of grain and pays for doctors instead of knights, but it’s fundamentally the same.  The only real difference is that the people elect their lord bureaucrats instead of a monarch claiming divine right.

Hence “Democratic Feudalism.”

It works in Europe because of two millennia of Feudalism imposed on them since the fall of the Roman Empire.  America has none of that history.

Wherein a Swede might think “I will give over half my income in taxes and pay a VAT on everything I buy so that my education, healthcare, and transportation needs are met.”  An American will say “to hell with that, that’s my money, I’ll buy what I want, leave me alone.”

Consider that Appalachia was settled by Americans who didn’t want to pay taxes on booze and would rather try an eek out a life on top of a mountain than have to deal with the US government.

I don’t know how much this will change the minds of people.  I believe that there are people who will always be afraid and resentful of freedom and want the comfort of having their lives micromanaged in exchange for some modicum of material comfort.

Their attitude seems to be “I know I really can’t be reasonable for myself.  So don’t mind if you tell me what I can and cannot say and own and do, as long as don’t have to pay for my housing, or doctor, or college classes, or food out of pocket so what money I do have I can spend irresponsibility on Starbucks and accessories for my Instagram selfies.”

For a lot of Americans, that isn’t a worthwhile trade.  We’re not peasants, and no matter what our lord promises us in return, we will never be peasants.

Alyssa Milano’s NoRA shows Liberals can’t math.

Is she is trying to infer that $240 million is pure profit? she obviously has somebody doing her accounting for her.  Guns under $300 retail can be found, but that does not mean it is the direct-from-factory price and they still have to discount the manufacturing costs. I have no idea of the numbers in the gun industry, but I would guess that final profit runs about or under 5% of retail and I would not be surprised if I am a tad high.

And where in loving Dickens did the idea that the Federal Government wants to force teacher to carry guns comes from? And paying for the guns? Somebody at NoRA has been toking the Chron way too much.

But let’s do a wee bit of math, shall we? 25% of 3.2 million teachers is 800.000.  Let’s say that it takes a year to arm all of them, that comes to 66,660.6 gun/teachers a month. Last year, a year that the media could not stop saying how bad business was for gun companies now that Trump was in charge, the total NICS checks was 25,235,215 or 2,102,934 per month. That would make NoRA’s Federal Government conspiracy to buy guns a palsy 3.17% of the monthly guns checks.

Let’s continue. 5% of $300 (retail price) comes about $15. Multiply that for 800,000 teachers and we get $12,000,000.

So, according to Alyssa Milano, the NRA spent 30 million dollars of its own money to try to sell guns to teachers for a grand total of 12 million dollars in profits that will go to somebody else’s coffers?

Libs Can’t Math. (I should put it in t-shirts and sell them)