Month: August 2018

Police Body Cams: The worst thing that could happen to Race Baiters.

A video went viral of police in Raleigh NC doing a Rodney King on a black male.

Immediately, the family was paraded in front of the cameras and the usual “He didndunuffin” and “He is a good boy, goes to church and has 3 jobs plus he is an A student>” comments poured out:

And then, the Raleigh PD released the body cam video;

Two taser deployments and still went after the Female officer’s leg like it was a bucket of KFC.

Eating crow should be offered in a buffet form for the Black Liars Movement.

Dear Gun Controlers: You lose again. 17.25 million Concealed Handgun Permits in the US.

In 2018, the number of concealed handgun permits soared to over 17.25 million – a 273% increase since 2007. 7.14% of American adults have permits. Unlike surveys that may be affected by people’s unwillingness to answer some personal questions, concealed handgun permit data is the only really “hard data” that we have on gun ownership across the United States. Still, an even larger number of people carry because in 14 states people don’t need a permit to carry in all or virtually all those states.

Permits continued to grow much faster for women and minorities. Between 2012 and 2018, the percent of women with permits grew 111% faster for women and the percent of blacks with permits grew 20% faster than for whites. Permits for Asians grew 29% faster than for whites.

New Study: 17.25 million concealed handgun permits, biggest increases for women and minorities

It makes you wonder what in the heck are the some GOP candidates thinking about when they support Gun Control. The data keeps telling them that more and more people are discovering their Second Amendment rights and the idiots bet on more control. At this point I can only assume their brains are afflicted after generating heavy doses of stupidity.

I believe November is going to be very educational.

The BS is piling too high arond David Hogg.

I just bumped into this headline:

Barricades? Is the little twerp thinking he is gonna grab a rifle and do battle against the evil armies of the NRA from behind a pile of rubble? At most, he will be driven around by armed bodyguards, prepper by expensive PR experts and dutifully adored by the Media.

Sorry, but this one pissed me off more than usual. This morning I bumped into a series of pictures from the Spanish Civil War and it is something my family lived through.

That is a grenade coming down. People more likely died seconds after the camera clicked.

As a kid from my generation, I heard tales of the horrors of the Spanish Civil War from the people who fought it. Many shot and were shot manning barricades and trenches in cities and the country.  So that this asshole’s name gets associated with barricades, it is an insult to the people who actually knew what is to fight behind one.

The only thing about the BS around Hogg is that it will eventually be high enough to choke his ass.

Calling the cops as a hate crime

NY state senator wants to criminalize calling 911 on law-abiding black people

Yep, it’s a real headline.

A Democratic New York state lawmaker proposed legislation this week to make it a hate crime to call 911 on law-abiding people of color.

State Sen. Jesse Hamilton’s proposal would allow people to be prosecuted if they place racially motivated calls to police without evidence of malice, The Patch reported Wednesday.

“That’s gonna be a hate crime,” Hamilton said. “This pattern of calling the police on black people going about their business and participating in the life of our country has to stop.”

This is what drinking the “hands up don’t shoot” or “shot for wearing a hoodie and carrying a bag of Skittles” koolaid gets you.

I have seen few if any stories where black people had the cops called on them for “going about their business and participating in the life.”  I’m not even sure what that means.  I have seen stories of people reporting suspicious activity that turned out to not be criminal.

The African-American lawmaker’s new bill comes a week after a self-described supporter of President Trump called the cops on him for handing out anti-Trump fliers in Brooklyn.

Now this makes sense…  Yeah, what that Trump supporter did was a dick move.  I’m not going to defend it, but let’s not pretend that the Left doesn’t do exactly the same thing, or worse.  The difference is, the people harassed by the Leftists don’t get to claim victim status after that.

The black lawmaker later compared his exchange with the woman to several other racially charged confrontations between black people and police that have gone viral recently.

“The pattern of targeting Black men and women for being Black and alive in the communities we all share has to stop,” Hamilton said in a Facebook post later on Thursday.

Back to the original story.

Hamilton’s legislation would strength existing New York laws that prohibit making false reports — especially if police respond to said 911 call with the expectation that the person is posing a serious threat, The Patch reported.

A false report is one thing, but a report of someone doing something suspicions is not false.  It’s just determined not to be criminal after the fact.

The proposed legislation comes amid a series of highly publicized incidents of police being called on black people who are not committing a crime.

But they potentially looked like they did.  Even taking race out of the equation, some of the acts appeared to be suspicious.

A black man who is the owner of a high-end lemonade stand in San Francisco said he had the police called on him when he was opening his own business last month.

The news I read only said he was opening his business.  I know nothing more.  It may be racism.  It may have been he was jiggling the lock or doing something else that appeared like he was breaking in.  There is not enough information to go on.

A black former White House staffer to President Obama had the police called on him for burglary while moving into his new New York City apartment in May.

At 11:00 at night.  That  part gets left out a lot.  I get that moving sucks.  But his neighbors had no idea who he was and he was taking stuff out of the apartment at 11:00 and they called the cops.

I while ago I touched on a similar story about some black women who had the cops called on them over an Air BNB.  That took place after midnight, 12:36 am to be exact.

I’ll say it again. If I saw strangers carrying stuff out of a neighbors house at dark o’clock at night, I’d call the cops too.  It’s not racism, it’s suspicious.

A viral video from April captured two black men who were arrested in a Philadelphia Starbucks for sitting in the cafe without ordering anything — setting off nationwide backlash.

The rest of the country calls loitering in a business without being a paying customer after you’ve been told to leave for not being a paying customer, trespassing.

“Waiting for your friends at a Starbucks is not a 911 call,” Hamilton told the news outlet. “It’s a call of intimidation.”

No, it’s store policy for the baristas to let cops handle stuff like that.  The person making $10/hour to mix lattes isn’t supposed to risk their safety to confront a disorderly person in the store.

Except for the lemonade stand case for which I have no details, the other cases all had a mitigating factor that a reasonable person could see is more than just race.

The point of this is to intimidate people into not calling the cops.  This is an extension of the social justice war on police we’ve seen growing on the Left.  This is more than just anti-cop, it’s pro-criminal.  It makes innocent people watching out for their communities more afraid of the cops than the criminals.

I have a feeling this proposed legislation gives people who call the cops no benefit of the doubt.  If you are unsure what you are seeing is criminal or not, don’t call the cops or you will be in trouble if it turns out not to be criminal.  If that means more criminal activity occurs because criminals know people will be hesitant to call the cops on them, well that’s just the cost of not being racist.

Since New York City is a sanctuary city and has already decriminalized quality of life crimes and now it’s legal to piss on the street and panhandle, there was only one way to make it worse.  Make it a potential hate crime to call the cops one people who might be breaking the law.

The new city slogan should be “Criminals *Heart* New York.”

Parkland Shooter report: Why isn’t anybody taking about it?

I got a copy of the unedited version of the report as it was posted in the Sun Sentinel. There is a lot of legalese and bureau-speak in it, but some things make you wonder how inept the School system in Broward County can be.

This section of the report was, for lack of better and polite words, surprising as hell:

Review of discipline data reveals that September 2016 the student received a referral for fighting. He was assigned two days of AES. The parent was contacted, and a referral was made to the school social worker. Shortly thereafter, at the end of September 2016 the student was referred for the use of insulting or profane language, including carrying a backpack with an offensive symbol and profanity written on it. At this same time another student reported that he had spoken to her about depression and suicidal thoughts, and that he said he drank gasoline in an effort to hurt himself and had engaged in cutting behavior.

Broward County Public Schools implements a three-step threat assessment process that includes: (1) Initial Response; (2) Level 1 Screening; and (3) Level 2 In-Depth Assessment. The process is intended to “ensure timeliness of response, safety of all in the school environment, and deployment of the school’s resources in the most efficient manner, according to the facts of each individual case.)38In response to these reports of the potential for self-harm, a threat assessment was initiated.
The Level 1 screening process was conducted by a team that included an assistant principal, school social worker, one of the student’s teachers, and a school resource officer (SRO). In addition, written input was obtained from five of the student’s teachers and the student was interviewed. In analyzing the student’s instigating behaviors, which were focused on the potential for self-harm, the team completed the Assessing Level of Threat Checklist. The following items under the High Level of Threat category were checked:
-Threat is direct, specific, and plausible.
-Threat suggests concrete steps have been taken toward carrying it out. Examples include student statements indicating acquisition or practice with a weapon and/or having the victims under surveillance.
-Context of the threat suggests student has secured resources, has definite intent and motivation, and/or there is a strong history of conflict and previous high-risk behaviors. The recommendations checked on the form were: “Initiate Level 1 Screening process (for medium and high levels of threat)” and “Contact law enforcement.” Based on discussions with staff members, it is understood that the SRO’s participation on the team constituted contact with law enforcement, as the SRO was there in the capacity of a law enforcement official.

So basically, they knew that Cruz was a threat as early as late September 2016.  He had suicidal tendencies and was aggressive.  The actions taken were less than illustrious, but this one takes the cake IMHO:

During interviews with school staff it was reported that the Henderson YES team determined commitment under the Baker Act was not warranted and that the SRO did not pursue it under his law enforcement authority. Staff also reported that a daily monitoring meeting with a school resource officer was implemented, and the student was no longer allowed to bring a backpack to school. Instead, he maintained a folder in each classroom and used a single folder to transport from back and forth from school to home.

Here is one of those many moments that could have made the difference.  This is a kid with over a decade of mental issues and the last couple of years, it had degenerated into violence. One simple commitment under Baker Act and he would have become a Prohibited Person and thus, unable to buy the rifle at the gun store.

And the answer as to why nobody, specially in the Media is talking about this report is that this is an election year and the same Broward politicians that brought us this massacre are for re-election and the Local Media is hush about it less they mess with their campaigns.

Anyway, they will not be removed from office, they will probably be re-elected and dangerous students will not be removed from schools and their records will be bleached into beatific purity.



Alyssia Milano is nearing peak insufferable

Alyssa Milano tweeted this:

First of all, the whole point to the bonnet in Gilead was to keep women’s faces from being seen by men.  It was imposed for exactly the same reason as a Burqa, except it was modeled on the garb of Dutch Mennonite.  Atwood tried to create the most repressive Christian society she could and came up with… Iran.  Proving once again, Liberals can’t write sci-fi that fits their narrative in any believable way.

So wearing a small bonnet while giving us a half angry, half bedroom-eyes, “I’m an actress who made my career on looking sexy but this is serious and I can’t make my face look serious” expression isn’t making her point quite as well as she thinks it does.

Second, the idea of anybody from Hollywood saying we are getting close to Gilead is as over the moon out of touch.

If there is anywhere in America where young, fertile looking women are forced into sexual relationships that they don’t want but have to participate in, all the while the entire political and legal structure of the society they live in is run by wealthy, powerful men trading in sex and influence keeping these women from fighting back, it is Hollywood.

Hollywood is Gilead in sexy clothes and radical Leftism instead Atwood’s perversion of Christianity.

Having someone who is not stranger to the casting couch tell me that my choice for SCOTUS will bring about Gilead is beyond insane.  Then again, TDS is a hell of a mental illness.


I said there would be backlash

Remember from a couple of months ago all the posts I did about how a few major American banking firms were trying to come up with their own extrajudicial gun control measures by denying investment or banking services to gun companies or retailers?

At the time I said that there would be a backlash.

Louisiana has started it.

Louisiana Bans Bank of America, Citi from Bond Sale Over Gun Policies

Louisiana is using the bond market to stick up for the Second Amendment.

The state’s bond commission voted 7 to 6 Thursday to ban Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc. from working on its upcoming debt sale because of the banks’ “restrictive gun policies,” the state treasury said in a statement. Bank of America and Citigroup are the two top-ranked underwriters of long-term municipal debt, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“I personally believe the policies of these banks are an infringement on the rights of Louisiana citizens,” Treasurer John Schroder said in a statement. “As a veteran and former member of law enforcement, I take the Second Amendment very seriously.”

Louisiana is the third poorest state in the Union, but it’s a start.  Imagine what would happen if Texas decided to do this (it should).

The amazing thing is not the Louisiana act, but the ego of Citi.

“Citi adopted this policy because we believe it is a positive and balanced step to promote gun safety without undermining free markets or Second Amendment rights,” spokesman Scott Helfman said in an emailed statement. “It is disappointing that the taxpayers of Louisiana will be deprived from competitive bidding for necessary public works because the process has been politicized.”

“How dare your question the good intentions of your New York City banking overlords!”  Citi has the right to impose its policy on customers but potential customers have no right to tell the bank to “fuck off” because of it’s policy.  That’s a bold statement.

State reps took Citi to task over it though.

Other state officials took Bank of America and Citigroup to task on Thursday over the gun policies, delivering a simple message: Stick to banking.

“Do you realize how important the second amendment is to the people of Louisiana?” Blake Miguez, a Republican member of Louisiana’s House of Representatives, asked Citigroup’s Brandee McHale, the company’s head of corporate citizenship.

Stick to banking.  Right on.

After the big bailouts I think that Big Bank came to believe it was invincible.  Louisiana just forced the banks to check that attitude.

I’m all for this.  The state governments of the other 29 Trump voting red states should grow a pair and push similar bills.  The Republicans in the House and Senate should too.

If a bank’s policies are used to restrict any constitutionally guaranteed right – say a bank won’t lend to a publisher that promotes pro-life views or a business that holds to religious values like Chic-fil-a – that bank won’t get Federal contracts.

Forget too big to fail.  We’ll make them fail.