Month: August 2018

This pharmacy robbery is not a victory for gun control

From Shannon Watts:

Sorry Shannon, the original headline is better.

Maryland pharmacist with revolver chases off armed would-be robbers

But it is so much better than that.

PRINCESS ANNE, Md. (AP) — A Maryland pharmacist fired his revolver and ran off two would-be robbers, who are charged by police in connection with the incident.

News outlets report Princess Anne police filed multiple charges Tuesday against 22-year-old Cody Allen King and 22-year-old Justin Michael Bull. It couldn’t be determined if they have attorneys.

Wasim Amir said he was sitting in his office at Karemore Pharmacy Monday when a man ordered people to get on the floor. Amir said he grabbed a revolver from his desk and walked into the store, where he saw a man with what he thought was an assault-style rifle.

Amir said the man with the rifle yelled, “He has a gun.” Amir said he fired a shot but didn’t think he hit anyone.

Police said no one was hurt.

First: The pharmacist’s name is Wasim Amir.  Forgive my prejudice, that seems to indicate that he’s a minority.  He used a gun defensively and didn’t get arrested.  One of the gun control advocate themes is that self defense laws are racist because they don’t protect minorities that protect themselves.

Second: If we trust that Amir was right when “where he saw a man with what he thought was an assault-style rifle” Maryland has an assault weapon ban.  So the robber shouldn’t have had that gun.

Third: I thought that it was suicide and/or impossible for a good guy with a handgun to take on a bad guy with an assault rifle.  According to the anti gun activists, Amir should have been turned into a red paste by the invincible assault rifle wielder.

To recap: A minority man uses a revolver to defend himself and his customers against robbers with an assault rifle in a state with an AWB, and doesn’t go to jail for it.

That’s three impossible things before breakfast.

No wonder Shannon has to try and reverse the headline to fit her narrative, because the actual story blows it out of the water.

My thoughts on the rejection of the Campus Carry suit

I read Miguel’s post Fifth Circuit Rejects Constitutional Challenges to “Campus Carry” and the Reason article it quotes and I thought I’d throw in my two cents.

There were a couple of quotes from Reason that caught my attention.

[Plaintiff Prof. Jennifer Glass] … argued her classroom speech would be “dampened to some degree by the fear” it could initiate gun violence in the class by students who have “one or more handguns hidden but at the ready if the gun owner is moved to anger and impulsive action.” In an affidavit she expressed particular concern for “religiously conservative students [who] have extreme views,” as well as “openly libertarian students,” whom she “suspect[s] are more likely to own guns given their distaste for government.” …

[Texas argues that Glass’s claim is too speculative to give her standing, because it] rests on the assumption students with concealed-carry licenses, as independent decision-makers, are virtually certain to illegally use their firearms to intimidate, threaten, or commit violence in response to controversial classroom discussion.

Where have we seen this recently, as in the last couple of years?

Immediately the University of California, Berkeley comes to mind.  The riot protest triggered by Milo Yiannopoulos did over $100,000 in damage.  Ben Shaprio showed up to give a speech and that ended with nine people getting arrested.

This video is a highlight of the Milo protest, which involved students setting fires.

Then at a different rally at Berkeley, a professor ended up bashing several people in the head with a bike lock.

We’ve seen beatings and property damage in major American cities caused by Antifa.  Then there has been the Steve Scalise shooting.

There is a cornucopia of evidence that angry Leftists turn violent when their ideas are challenged.  They will smash windows, burn cars and offices, spray others with mace, beat them, and shoot them to prove how right their opinions are.

We see none of that from the right.

Glass, and the people that support her know deep down in their hearts how the people are their side are.  They project that assumption, without evidence, onto Conservatives.

Second, she cites to various academic studies discussing a so-called “weapons effect.” According to Glass, “[t]hese studies conclude that the hidden presence of guns does threaten disruption of classroom activities, increases the likelihood that violence will erupt in the classroom, and intimidates non-carrying students — and undoubtedly professors, too.”

If Glass where honest, she’d say “If far Left leaning students started carrying guns, any remaining Conservative professors on campus would be in danger of getting shot if they made an argument for Trump or overturning Roe v. Wade in the classroom.”  That would require facing the reality that it’s her side that needs to be feared and she is incapable of that.

So the obvious answer for her is to ban guns on campus.  The problem is that puts Conservative students at the mercy of violent Leftist who like to patrol the quad and enforce the orthodoxy with baseball bats.

The current protection that we have is that for the most part Leftist students don’t like guns.  God and the law help us if that ever changes in a substantial way.




And when the BS is over, it is a Good Guy with a Gun after all.

HIALEAH, FLA. (WSVN) – It’s back to school for Miami-Dade County and officials have stepped up security, putting an emphasis on the safety of hundreds of thousands of students.
Every Miami-Dade school will be opening their doors Monday with an armed School Resource Officer or SRO.
“We are committed to provide more than 100 Miami-Dade Police Department officers,” said Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez.

SRO to be present at every Miami-Dade County school as new year kicks off.

The School Board is bitching about money and how they had to scramble to get some more. And still, it seems that most of the schools will only be able to have just one School Resource Officer. If there was a cheaper way to add firepower in school, right? (end sarcasm)

And of course, the article so much as admits that before this year, there were schools without SROs. But we also knew that already, pretty much since Sandy Hook.

All in all, let’s hope that this helps future school shooters rethink and choose eating the gun rather than killing others.


Stolen AR-15 Police Rifle: A question for the Media.

How come if an AR-15 is owned by a police department, it is only a ‘semiautomatic rifle’ but the same rifle in civilian hands is an “assault weapon”?

This is not the first time I have seen this distinction made. But somehow when we call them liars and Fake News they act if we are some sort of Nazis about to put them in front of the firing squad.

Crappy movie on Netflix

Netflix has done some good movies.

I just finished Extinction and it pissed me off.

Here is the trailer:

Spoiler alert.

Michael Pena and his family, all the victims of the invasion are androids that kicked the human race off of Earth 50 years before then had their memories wiped.

The humans return from the colonies they have been banished to on Mars to try and take back Earth.

This is The Matrix or Terminator but where they try to make the human killing AI the good guys by making them look like humans instead of killer robots.

There is supposed to be some sort of immigrant parallel message or some shit because in an expository flashback were AI have taken over human jobs and people hate “synths.”

This idea doesn’t hold up to rational scrutiny because they are AI.  It is well established in sci-fi and people who think about technology how bad it would be to crate AI that is capable of rebelling against humanity because it is stronger, more durable, and ultimately thinks it’s superior.

I never use the term “race traitor” because of the ugly history of that phrase, but in this case, that is exactly why this movie pissed me off.

It is a race traitor, and the race it betrays is the whole of humanity.  The humans are faceless (literally) monsters who are just torturing a poor family of robots.  That happened to banish humanity to Mars after a near genocidal war 50 years before… but that’s glossed over.

This movie clearly came from the mind of a “human beings are a cancer on the planet” type of person.

If you want to watch a sci-fi movie with a worse message than Elysium, this is for you.  Everybody else can avoid it.

Another Reason why the NFL is racing downhill at full bore

Ugly Male Cheerleader.

It will sound politically incorrect and I may be branded as hateful, but he looks like the male meth Ho’s I saw in Miami Beach offering blowjobs for $10 or the equivalent in Publix coupons.

Listen, you want to add male cheerleaders? Fine, but get eye candy for the Female and Gay audience. This says “We wanted to SJW but he was the only who applied, so there.”

And also, this proves that there is a bias against Colin Kaepernick, another NFL job that he did not get.