Month: August 2018

Jake Tapper discovers journalism

I used to to have respect for Jake Tapper.  CNN was  failing organization, but Tapper still had some journalistic integrity.  That was until the Parkland Town Hall.

Not all the bodies were buried and CNN orchestrated a two hour hate on the NRA, Dana Loesch, and Marco Rubio.

Now, nearly six months later, Jake Tapper is acknowledging the path to the shooting that was uncovered by the quality work of the Sun Sentinel.

Maybe back in February, the CNN town hall should of consisted of the Parkland kids and the parents of those killed engage in a public grilling of Sheriff Israel, the Broward County school board, and the Broward County Department of Children and Family Services.

Hell, they should have even brought in the Chief for Police for the City of Clear Water just to heap shit on Sheriff Israel about why the BSO kept them from responding.

Jake Tapper should have asked Sheriff Israel and Scot Peterson why he didn’t follow protocol.  Why Cruz was never arrested and charged after some 40 or more encounters with the BSO.  Why did the BSO ignore the warning and tips.  Why the school board didn’t follow up with Cruz’s request for special schooling or why his behavioral problems with the Promise Program were covered up.

All the would have been a lot more relevant.

But that’s hard work that takes time.  Let some local paper do the digging, CNN has to generate ratings with a spectacle of injustice.

I would give anything for the first question of the town hall on February 22nd to be addressed to Scot Peterson and for it to have been:

Deputy Peterson, you are a School Resource Office. Your job, your only job, is to maintain the safety of the children at MSD High School.  So why when Nicholas Crus started shooting, did you violate policy and drive away in a golf cart and hide behind a stair case like a chicken shit coward?

When Trump calls the media the enemy of the people, it’s shit like this that makes it so I can’t get too upset about it.

CNN lead an attack on the NRA and gun rights.  The CNN town hall birthed the Parkland kids’ activism that resulted in the passing of gun control in Florida.

If CNN had presented at the town hall then what the Sun Sentinel has revealed now, I bet the bill passed as a result of the Parkland shooting would have been to strip public employees of qualified immunity and an enforceable dereliction of duty standard.

Tapper acknowledging the work of the Sun Sentinel now, half a year after his court of public opinion show trial is just insulting and shows why the media can’t be trusted.

Will somebody ask David Hogg this question for me

Will he vote for any of the school board members in Broward County that failed at every opportunity to stop Cruz and allowed him to go his rampage if they run for reelection as Democrats?

It seems that he is more anti-Republican than anti-“the people who screwed up.”

If that is the case, his opinion is worth even less than it is now.

The face of Entitlement after impact with Reality. (Video)

Stolen from Wirecutter.

One article of faith that is crumbling is that women cannot be hit. And the collapse of that long-held belief is because, and I am sorry to say this, a lot of women are abusing the privilege and have become bullies. We know the defensive issue of Disparity of Force and understand we must take our lumps from drunken & stupid females or risk jail time.

But here we have a prime example of Poor Victim Selection. No disparity of force and about an equal use of force…more or less.

It was just beautiful.


Not surprised: Worst-case scenario for House GOP is 70-seat wipeout.

If that pattern holds in November, the worst-case scenario for the GOP is a truly historic wipeout of as many as 72 House seats, according to The Hill’s analysis of special election results and congressional and presidential returns from 2016.

Worst-case scenario for House GOP is 70-seat wipeout.

It is bad news, but I am not surprised.  I know I am not very enthused with my Representative since I was redistricted and ended up with the psycho Rodeo Clown of Frederica Wilson. But I don’t really see my friends giving too much of a shit about GOP candidates either.

We have not seen a reason why back the GOP and actually seen them do the eye-batting towards the Democrat voter side in the hopes that they can suck up some votes which apparently nobody told them it is not going to happen.  The House GOP ignored Gun Owners and they are on their way to get a George W. Bush-style defeat, which could have been avoided if they just simply made an effort to discuss National Reciprocity on the floor, nothing more.  At least pretend you give a shit, you know?

I have not polled Florida gun owners, but I have not heard/read anybody supporting Governor Scott for his run after Bill Nelson’s seat in DC.  In fact, they have been deafening in the collective silence.

Our “problem” is that we do not vote Democrat even when they are dressed as Republicans and make all the appropriate noises.