Month: August 2018

Oh look, a penis, how original

I have covered Kaitlin Bennett here before.  She is the gun rights activist who had her pictured taken carrying an AR-10 on the Kent State campus and received all sorts of violent threats because of it.

Well, a recent Louisville grad decided to mock her by reproducing her picture but with… (you guessed it)… a dildo.

How original.

Since this graduate pulled out a sex toy on a college campus, she was hailed as a hero by HuffPo.

University Of Louisville Grad Satirizes Gun-Toting GraduationPic With Dildo

Haley Davis didn’t just leave the University of Louisville with a bachelor’s of science in criminal justice. She also left with some memorable graduation photos starring her clutching a dildo.

On Monday, the 21-year-old shared two snapshots of herself standing in front of her alma mater’s name with her arm raised, dildo in hand.

“Come and take it!!!” the now-viral post reads.

She’s a Criminal Justice major.  You’d think that someone who just spent four years leaning about criminal behavior would be more supportive of concealed carry and gun rights.

This picture is proof that the University of Louisville Criminal Justice program is a bunch of bullshit.

The photos of Davis posing with the sex toy, sans context, are humorous, but she told HuffPost that she took them to satirize another graduation photo from this year that also went viral.

Davis told HuffPost that she wasn’t “enraged” by Bennett’s post, but that she did think, “Dang, this girl takes things too seriously” and that “bringing an assault rifle to the campus is in poor taste.” Those thoughts led her to recreate the photos herself.

“Knowing I would be graduating soon, I wanted to make satire out of her very bold photos just to lighten it up a little bit. I think comedic relief is very valuable and can ease pain people may be feeling,” Davis said.

It wasn’t funny.  I was played out.

I haven’t posted about Cocks Not Glocks in a while because they haven’t been active in a while.  They barely manage to eek out a Tweet or Facebook post more than once a month.  I guess when all your predictions about campus mass shootings and doom and gloom don’t manifest themselves, it’s hard to keep the outrage going in perpetuity.

So Ms. Davis is just really late to a very boring party.

Davis says she has “mixed feelings” about gun control and doesn’t feel that she’s fully educated herself on the subject.

“But I personally would not feel comfortable arming myself with a gun,” she told HuffPost. “I also don’t believe it’s necessary for civilians to own assault rifles.”

Did I mention that she’s a Criminal Justice major?

Four years of study of crime and the law and she doesn’t know dick about gun control or its effectiveness?  This is a ringing endorsement of the University of Louisville if I’ve ever heard one.

And in typical fashion with people that know very little about a subject, she had to go public with her opinion on it.

As for why she chose a dildo to hold, Davis said: “As a feminist, I value sexual liberation and acceptance of sexuality. That, combined with my desire to provide comedic relief, is why I chose to pose with a dildo.”

Middle America is getting really tired of the far Left pulling out their sexual proclivities in public.  Just ask the LGBT community about how gay acceptance has gone down.  It’s in proportion to the number of men in leather bondage gear they see dancing on a giant penis float going past a playground during a pride parade.

Davis frequently tweets “comedic things involving sex toys,” she added.

As for what she’s up to now that school is over, Davis says she’s planning to take “a gap year to work a little bit before pursuing more education.” She says she wants “to pursue family law, but my mind could be changed.”

That’s the smartest thing this girl has ever done.  I think she realized partway through her interview that she came off sounding like someone who didn’t pay attention in her classes.

“I have a degree in criminal justice but I don’t know… anything about… crime statistics… or guns… so… I… uh… pulled out a dildo.”

Also, it might be hard to get hired as a lawyer when you are known as “the girl with the tattoos and nose ring who wet viral for waving a dildo around the University of Louisville. ”



Judicial Message to Berkeley Antifa: You can get away with it.

A former East Bay college philosophy professor who was charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily injury, has taken a deal resulting in three years of probation for an attack at a Berkeley protest last year, court records reveal.
Eric Clanton had been linked by police to violent assaults with a metal bike lock during a “free speech” rally in Berkeley on April 15, 2017. Before his arrest, Clanton had been “outed” online, on the website 4chan, as someone who used a bike lock to strike a man in the head. The assault was captured in a video clip (below) that drew widespread attention and anger after it was posted on YouTube.

According to Alameda County Superior Court records, Clanton entered a “no contest” plea Wednesday to one misdemeanor battery charge. The felony charges against him were dismissed, and an allegation that he had caused serious bodily injury was stricken. A misdemeanor charge that Clanton wore a mask during the commission of the crime also was dropped.

Eric Clanton takes 3-year probation deal in Berkeley rally bike lock assault case

This is not a maybe case, not a “heat of the moment” case, not a “there was no real damage” case. This was a deliberate deadly force attack upon a non-aggressive person exercising his Freedom of Speech.

That all the major charges got dropped and he only gets probation and a misdemeanor is a sign for Antifa that they can legally get away with grave bodily harm and opening the doors to future deaths.

Next Berkeley rally is gonna get mighty interesting.

Hat Tip Sean S.


Florida CWP Renewal Online: So easy even a Blogger can do it.

Yesterday I got the notification from Division of Licensing that my CWP would expire in January 2019. Very typical of Florida, they give you plenty warning so if you end up carrying with an expired permit, it is your frigging fault.

I went to the Concealed Weapon or Firearm License Renewal website and unsurprisingly for Florida, it is not attractive one bit and the buttons are backwards in some instances. I am pragmatic to hell, but a bit of decoration won’t kill you guys. Again, expect that from Florida Government sites.

Before you do anything else, get a digital picture. You are given 2 links, one is How to Take a Passport Style Photo and the second and coolest idea is that they “stole” the United States Department of State Photo Editing Tool. Once you have your picture taken, uploaded, centered, cropped and saved, then proceed to fill the online forms

You will have to enter your personal data, CWP number and tracking number that came with the notice to find your license. Then upload the photo, do the digital signature thing and pay for the renewal.  Once you are done that, you are shown a summary and have to click on submit to finish.

You will be given a receipt that you can choose to download and/or email to yourself.

It took maybe under ten minutes. It would have taken less if I did not keep hitting the RESET FORM button instead of the SUBMIT in the payment page and had to re-enter the info all over (they are ass backwards.) Let’s call it 10 minutes including brushing the bushy beard, getting a decent shirt and convincing the wife to take the picture.

That was it. I will let you guys know when it comes in.

When the internal polls are telling you to prepare for anal breach.

Leave it to the democrats to squeeze a fantasy to death.  Dear old Alyssa Milano pretty much accused the Russians of meddling the Ohio elections via the Green Party.

Expect more of the same and even louder if they smell that the November elections will not only not bring the “Blue Tsunami” but be swamped by a Red Tide. And riots will follow to protest and excuse how come their voters were not attracted to any of the crap that got nominated by the Democratic party. .

Republican with an AR 15 and Glock shoots Democrat over a political argument in Facebook. (Clickbait)

Well, that is what we are told is supposed to happen, but reality was the other way around.

Unfriended! Democrat drives to man’s house and shoots him after heated political disagreement on Facebook
Brian Sebring, 44, of Tampa, Florida, was arrested for shooting Alex Stephens, 46, also of Tampa, in the thigh and buttocks after their online disagreement
Police say the row was sparked by a political disagreement on Facebook
Stephens reportedly began sending Sebring ‘explicit messages and threats’
Sebring then armed himself with an AR-15 and Glock, drove round to Stephens’ house just two miles away from his own home, and opened fire
He fled the scene but later turned himself in and was arrested on charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed firearm

But wait, it gets so much better:

Sebring is a registered Democrat who follows Barack Obama on Twitter.
Sebring was booked into the Hillsborough County jail, his bail set at $9,500.

Facebook political argument ends with Tampa man shot in buttocks


How many hard-core Democrats are packing AR 15s in secrecy? We know candidates who destroyed theirs and now we have one Obama fan engaging in Agg Batt with a Deadly Weapon. Isn’t this kind of hypocritical on their part?

Who wants to bet Sebring will claim Stand Your Ground?

Hat Tip Mike Kupari

This is why bad things continue to happen

I saw this Tweet from the AP.

Holy shit!  Not good.

So I do a quick Google search to get some info.

From HuffPo: Man In New Mexico Compound Trained Kids To Commit School Shootings: Court Documents

From CBS News: Man at filthy New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings, prosecutors say

From NBC News: Man arrested at New Mexico compound was allegedly training kids to commit school shootings

Comments from Twitter:

Yep, they are blaming the NRA.  There are a lot more like this.

Finally, we get over to Fox News, which I know is “Faux News” that only tells lies and is just a propaganda arm for Trump.  This is their headline:

Man arrested at ‘extremist Muslim’ New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings: documents

So it’s not funded by the NRA.  It’s a Madrassa.

The father of a missing 3-year-old who was arrested at a New Mexico compound linked to “extremist Muslims” last week was training children to commit school shootings, court documents filed on Wednesday revealed.

Prosecutors allege Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, was conducting weapons training on the compound, where 11 children were found hungry and living in squalor. They asked Wahhaj be held without bail.

Wahhaj is no stranger to terrorism.

Wahhaj’s family background was already controversial prior to his arrest. Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam, also named Siraj Wahhaj, who was named by prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the New York Post reported.

The elder Wahhaj, who heads Masjid At-Taqwa mosque, was a character witness in the trial for Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the notorious “blind sheikh” who was convicted in 1995 of plotting terror attacks in the U.S.

That’s not all.  Enter our favorite intersectional feminist.

So Linda Sarsour is proudly tied to a man running an Islamic terror training camp in New Mexico, but the Left all dump on the NRA.

This is why we can’t get along with the other side.