Month: August 2018

@GunFreeZone does the Shadowban test.

I think I pissed off the Twitter Overlords with this tweet which I used as reply on anybody supporting the #endfamilyfire:


I found peculiar that after more than  a couple of dozen of individual replies none of them had anything to say or even blocked me. There is a website that checks your status and breaks it down in the following categories:

Search Ban

This type of ban causes your tweets to be hidden from the search results entirely, no matter whether the quality filter is turned on or off. This behavior includes hashtags as well. This type of ban seems to be temporally limited for active accounts.

Thread Ban

This is what is referred to as conventional shadowban as well. It comprises a search ban while threads are completely ripped apart by hiding reply tweets of the affected user to others. Everything will look perfectly normal to the affected user but many others will not be able to see reply tweets of the affected user at all. Reasons for this ban include behavior like excessive tweeting or following. Again, this type of ban seems to be temporally limited for active accounts.

Quality Filter Discrimination

QFD causes your tweets to be invisible within the latest section of the search, including hashtags, when the quality filter is turned on. Note that this quality filter is located on the search page, is turned on by default and will be reset for each search anew. It differs from the quality filter controlling your notifications. QFD was introduced on May 15, 2018 as part of Twitter’s so-called healthy conversation project.

I went ahead and checked my twitter account and I got the following results:

Yay! I am officially a Twitter Non-Person! At least they have not kicked me out of the place yet.

Again, it is not paranoia if they are attacking you.

UPDATE: I decided to do a temporary change of Twitter Profile.

You know I had to go with a classic.

Stand your ground is racist in Texas

From Texas:

Woman shoots masturbating bicyclist trying to break into her SE Houston home, police say

Yep, that’s how they deal with perverts down in Texas.

A woman opened fired on a masturbating man trying to break into her southeast Houston home Tuesday afternoon, police said.

The woman, in her sixties, was taking out her trash along the 6600 block of Cherrydale Drive around 5:15 p.m. when she spotted the man – riding his bike – masturbating, according to Houston Police Department Lt. Larry Crowson.

That’s actually an impressive feat of balance and hand-eye coordination.  I’m pretty sure that he’d do rather well as a performer in San Francisco or Cirque du Solei with that routine.

She yelled at him to stop the lewd act but he persisted, Crowson said.

The man eventually followed the woman to her front door after she went inside and allegedly tried to break in. The woman ordered the man to go away and even told him she had a gun, Crowson said.

When the man refused to stop, she fired one round through her front door, striking the man in his chest.

Serves him right.

So clearly this racist, sexually repressed woman was racist for stopping this man from masturbating his way into her house because Stand Your Ground is racist.  (Actually, this is Castle Doctrine, but the Left gets those wrong so often, why not use it to prove my point.)

Oh, wait.  The grandmother is black.

Now she’s the one who’s going to jail.  That’s the system.  Black people can’t defend themselves.

The woman was questioned by officers and homicide detectives but was not immediately charged, Crowson said. Investigators will work with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office to determine if charges are necessary.

“I would have done the same thing if it were my house,” said one neighbor, who asked to not be identified. “Ain’t no telling what else he was going to do or what he’s got. She was protecting her property.”

Oh, so she wasn’t arrested and her neighbors are vouching for her.


The man was out on bond for a separate exposure charge from about a week ago, Crowson said. Officers at the scene recognized the man from that arrest, when he was allegedly walking down a busy southeast Houston street in the buff.

Officers initially thought the man exposed himself to the woman’s granddaughter, but later determined that was not the case.

I have a feeling she’s not going to get charged at all.

Damn.  I thought that clearly the white justice system was going to abuse some black person here because that’s what Stand Your Ground (actually, Castle Doctrine, but CNN can’t tell them apart) does because it’s racist.

Never mind, we’ll just have to get our bias confirmation somewhere else.

#EndFamilyFire is the new bad joke from the Brady Campaign.

I have been replying to people who post under the #endfamilyfire tag with the following:

Then I saw this post:

Resources? For a moment, I hoped that I was wrong and they actually and finally stepped up and started to provide real-life solutions like free gun locks.
I should have known better:

 This toolkit contains all the resources you need to extend the reach of this important campaign: PSAs, printable materials, social media assets, and helpful tips to engage your partners and your community.

Short answer: Nope. Just another useless campaign to clutter the waves with useless gun control crap. I did find this particular tweet ironic:

“Hey doc, I have a bad infection.”
“Here, read this pamphlet and post in social media. That should cure you. Your copayment will be $70.”

Yes, that stupid.

Alyssa Milano discovers Safe Storage of Guns.

What makes fun about beating on Alyssa is that she is repeating the same old mistakes and lies of her predecessors, giving us a chance to refresh some old points.

For her, this is totally new and nobody has done crap about it.  The old Gun Control groups will touch Safe Storage now and then because it is a yearly check-mark they need to get, but other than that, they know they get their asses beaten by NSSF’s Project Childsafe and its 37 million gun locks distributed for free.

And let’s not forget our dear friend Ladd Everitt from the almost dead Coalition to Stop Gun Violence who wanted the program not only defunded but said support for Gun Locks were not a good allocation of their time.

Let’s remember that safe kids, uninjured kids do not make money for Gun Control. Nothing props up donations like bleeding kids and if they can stop Project Childsafe to prop up those donations, they will do so.

David Hogg, esq.

Another day, another glorious Tweet from David Hogg.

So, he thinks that because the NRA claimed it is suffering financial hardship in NY, it’s near bankruptcy, which means the NRA lied, which means they are in “contept [sic] of court.”

But the NRA isn’t running out of money, which is the issue with bankruptcy.  They are being denied banking and insurance services by the State of New York because of political malfeasance and goverment abuse.  Those are not the same thing.

Also, the operating money and the lobbying money are not all the same money.  So just because NRA corporate is being choked by NY, doesn’t mean they can’t lobby.

Lastly, David Hogg has no idea what contempt of court is.

Why should he know any of this.  He’s got a high school diploma and rejected from every college he’s applied to.  But the media has convinced him that every word out of his mouth is correct and golden, no matter how technically wrong he is.

So now he’s a financial and legal scholar…. who can’t spell contempt.

Every gray cloud has a zebra skin lining

This is from Vox.  Yes, Vox.


America might be ready for democratic socialism. It’s not ready for the bill.
Single-payer health care, a jobs guarantee, and free college would require massive tax hikes. There’s no way around it.

Is this honesty from Vox?  That’s like spotting bigfoot riding a unicorn, lets investigate further.

Democratic socialism is having a moment. Sen. Bernie Sanders mobilized millions of voters during the 2016 campaign, nominally as a Democrat but with many self-professed socialists in his bandwagon. And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will likely bring her own brand of socialism to Congress next year, having knocked off New York Rep. Joe Crowley in a primary.

“Free shit” is a popular appeal with stupid young people who pissed away four years tuition on a degree that qualifies them to ask “do you want whipped cream on that?”

However, the democratic socialist agenda will face resistance not only from other lawmakers but from basic math. Their promises, which include free college, a single-payer health care system, guaranteed jobs, and more, would require astonishingly high expenditures that would cause the federal deficit to skyrocket. Once the costs become clear, most mainstream politicians and voters will surely balk. Making big promises is one thing; paying for them is another.

That’s not a problem, math is racist, we can just ignore it.

Adding up the proposals, using nonpartisan and left-leaning sources
Let’s add up the cost of the popular far-left proposals, something very few breathless discussions of the democratic-socialism trend do.

This is going to be fascinating!

Last week, the Mercatus Center, a libertarian-leaning center at George Mason University, estimated that Sanders’s Medicare-for-all plan would cost the government $32 trillion over the next decade, setting off an intense debate. But we can do this budget exercise using only figures from nonpartisan and even left-leaning groups.

To begin with the necessary context: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) assumes a baseline budget deficit of $12.4 trillion over the next decade (assuming current laws continue). And even these projections assume that last year’s tax cuts expire on schedule, though they may well be renewed, and that the recent two-year discretionary spending hike is not renewed in 2020. Most of this deficit is driven by the escalating Social Security and Medicare system deficits.

From that baseline, Sanders has proposed a Social Security expansion, including higher cost-of-living adjustments and higher minimum benefit levels, that the liberal Tax Policy Center estimates will cost $188 billion over the next decade.

The Tax Policy Center also scores the Sanders “free college” proposal at $807 billion over the next decade. (Note that free college benefits students from wealthy families and those whose tuition is currently affordable.)

Next, the center estimates that Sanders’s proposal of up to 12 weeks of paid family leave for new parents and for people with serious health conditions would cost another $270 billion.

Those costs, however, pale beside the cost of replacing private insurance, including copayments, with a Medicare-for-all plan. The liberal Urban Institute estimates that Sanders’s single-payer health plan would add $32 trillion in federal costs over the decade. Note that that’s the exact same figure produced by those George Mason libertarians. (Yes, there are important caveats to that number; I discuss them below.)

Ocasio-Cortez and Senate Democrats also want to guarantee a job for anyone who wants one, at $15 per hour plus benefits. The liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, commissioned a report by outside scholars Darrick Hamilton, William Darity, and Mark Paul that estimates the cost of a more modest proposal along these lines (with a lower wage, for example). It suggested the cost would be $56,000 apiece for 9.7 million enrollees, for a total of $6.8 trillion over the next decade.

Finally, Senate Democrats have promised $1 trillion for new infrastructure, and House Democrats are rallying around legislation to pay off all $1.4 trillion in student loan debt — both of which the far left generally supports. I will exclude vague promises such as universal pre-K and expanded special education funding.

Total cost: $42.5 trillion in new proposals over the next decade, on top of the $12.4 trillion baseline deficit.

To put this in perspective, Washington is currently projected to collect $44 trillion in revenues over the next decade. And the Republican tax cut, decried universally by Democrats as irresponsible (and by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as “Armageddon”) will cost less than $2 trillion over the decade.

The 30-year projected tab for these programs is even more staggering: new proposals costing $218 trillion, on top of an $84 trillion baseline deficit driven by Social Security, Medicare, and the resulting interest costs.

What would be the effects of such an unprecedented spending binge? Federal spending, which typically ranges between 18 and 22 percent of GDP, would immediately soar past 40 percent of GDP on its way to nearly 50 percent within three decades. Including state and local government spending would push the total cost of government to 60 percent of GDP by that point — exceeding the current spending level of every country in Europe.

Holy shit… $218 Trillion dollars and 50% of the GDP.

Welcome to hyperinflation and the collapse of the American economy.  This would lead to the kinds of currency destruction that we see in Zimbabwe  leading the printing of One Hundred Trillion Dollar bills as pocket change.

Or this image of the conversion of Venezuelan Bolivars to a US dollar.

Keep in mind this is all from LIBERAL sources, so 50% of our GDP is a best case scenario, reality will probably far worse.

Because I’ve become sardonic when it comes to the unhinged lunacy of the Socialist Left in America, I guarantee that when this happens, the media will run with this headline.

It’s not all gloom and doom.

Ocasio-Cortez is starting her political career in the Bronx, and the Bronx Zoo is one of the largest metropolitan zoos in the world.

When the economy collapses, at least the people of her district will have a wide variety of wild animals they can bash in the head with a rock and eat.