Month: August 2018

Gillum went socialist and dumb. (Update)

I am doing my afternoon Blog views, I bump into McThag’s and that Democrat candidate for Governor Andrew Gillum wants to rise the corporate tax. “Ney”,  said I, “Obama Light cannot be that fucking dumb. I know he lives and mayors in Tally, but you simply do not raise taxes on corporations.”
And then I find confirmation:

Democratic Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who is running for governor, made the unusual move of proposing an tax increase while on the campaign trail Friday.
Gillum said if elected, he would increase Florida’s corporate tax rate to 7.75 percent, up from the current 5.5 percent. That increase would generate $1 billion in increased annual revenue, he said, which he said he would use to boost education funding.

Andrew Gillum proposes corporate tax hike for more education funding

Two problems with that, actually three. First: That is a 40.90% increase which will suddenly make Florida less attractive to do business with.  That means that companies will not move in the state and those who can, will get the hell out most riki-tik.

Second: Companies leaving means the expected extra $1 billion in annual tax revenue will not happen, in fact you will end up with a deficit, something Florida has not seen in a while if I am not mistaken.  Then is when legislators and members of the executive get stupid and want to dip their beaks in the assorted rainy day funds Florida has like for after hurricanes and such. Let us not forget that Hurricane Andrew gave Florida a $25 billion black eye in damage to property. And just for fun, Florida Lotto already contributes a lot of money, $1.95 billion dollars for 2017-2018 alone. If almost 2 billion did not fix the supposed problems, then fixing is not by throwing more money into the hole but figuring out what is wrong and getting rid of it.

Third: Gillum is making the mistake of thinking that Disney will not move since the investment that they have is so big. And he is right but as McThag said in his blog: IN FLORIDA YOU DON’T FUCK WITH THE MOUSE, specially when it creates 62,000 direct jobs and God knows how many indirect ones.  You want to challenge the people who are geniuses in automating everything and import cheap IT labor from Pakistan to double down guaranteeing lay-offs? What he has done is guarantee that the Corporate Rodent will throw all its might in the race or we will have Automatons selling trinkets, pizza and cold water within 2 years.

So Gillum is Anti Gun and Anti Corporations? November does not look well for his chances.

Update: stolen from 90 Miles. Gringo Hugo Chavez endorses Andrew Gillum.

So much wrong and a crime in a video

The video is old but Alyssa Milano just Tweeded it, so this is the first time that I’m seeing it.

There is so much wrong here it’s not even funny.

First of all, SHOT show is not a gun show.  SHOT (it’s an acronym so all caps) is the Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade show put on by the NSSF every year.

No, you can’t buy a gun at SHOT.  In fact, all guns displayed at SHOT have to be rendered inoperable.  The media day guns which work are stored and handled off site.

Being a trade show, it’s not open to the public either.  You need to be an FFL, work for a company in the industry, or have a media pass to get in.

It was in Vegas after the massacre because it’s been in Vegas for years and has been booked in advance for years.  Trade shows usually are.

I’m sure the NSSF didn’t want to talk to these people for the same reason the NRA has started cracking down on press passes.  Because these anti-gun people misrepresent everything.

As for the attendees, I know some people who go to SHOT.  They are forbidden by company policy to talk to the press.  Saying something unauthorized to the media by your corporate sponsor is a good way to get fired.

So, with all that explained they decided to buy a gun on Armslist.

The next outrage is that somebody responded to an email about a gun sale faster than it would take to walk to Starbucks.  So what?  I’ve listed stuff on Armslist and I get my email to my phone.

I could also say “it’s faster to find an anonymous gay hookup on Tinder than it is to get a coffee at Starbucks” but I have a feeling that’s not PC.

Realizing that it would be illegal for the Now This guy to buy a gun in Vegas, they get a member of the film crew to engage in a straw purchase.

Hooray, they broke the law.

I wonder if they admitted that when they virtue signaled and turned the gun over to police.

They are upset by the amount of freedom Americans have and make this seems like a crisis, even though these types of sales are responsible for a minute percentage of the guns used in crime.

They end the piece with the claim that their are 200 Million guns in the US, underestimating the actual number by half.  Then they jokingly admit they want to straw purchase the other 199,999,999 guns and destroy them too.

To that I say… go right ahead.

I would LOVE to see Bloomberg go broke buying guns off Armslist and Gunbroker to destroy them.  The industry will just make more to fill the void.


The Democrat Outrage Machine is already out for Republican Candidate DeSantis.

The horror! If there is a black person nearby or somewhat relevant, the use of the word monkey only means the user is a RACIST!

Did you know Webster’s provides results from the web where the word is used? In this case, it was too much fun not to leave out.

He used the word “monkey” in the same sentence as Kaepernic who is an African-American Football player! That means that Scott Ostler, WHITE sports columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle is another piece of shit racist!  The newspaper should fire his KKK ass!

Dear Fauxraged Democrats, you should be niggardly with your indignation, not everything is Blanco o Negro. Simply we do not care that you dig deep in your crotch to twist your own underwear, feel the Bern and pretend it is our fault.

We don’t give two craps on a bed of lettuce how you feel.  Deal with it.




The worst post on Twitter I’ve seen this week

I saw this Tweet from David Hogg.

My first thought was “Really?  Because this doofus has been doing a great job dividing us.  Saying Republicans and NRA members are murders with blood on our faces is not a message of unity.”

So I was scrolling through the comments and I saw this:

Holy effing shit.  Ms. Doucet is a certified far Left anti-Trumper.

They are no longer hiding their intentions.  It is simply crush us under their boot heel.

Orwell wrote “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever” as a warning.  People like her though it was something to aspire to.

I just want to be left alone with my gun rights and not hurt anybody.  She wants to stomp me to death.

These people are terrifying.

If you are ever in danger, just call the cops.

A case from the formerly great Britain.

From the article:

 A woman found stabbed to death in Solihull was on the phone to officers when she was attacked, police believe.
West Midlands Police yesterday named Janbaz Tarin as the suspect they are seeking in connection with the murder of his ex-partner Raneem Oudeh and her mother Khaola Saleem, 49.
The mum and daughter were found with fatal stab wounds outside an address in Northdown Road on Sunday night.
Police said they were in contact with Raneem, 22, that evening, before she was found stabbed to death alongside her mother in the early hours of Monday morning.

Do remember that knives are verboten in Jolly Old England and so is murder. However, she did as she was told: Call the cops. At least she left good evidence of her death behind.

Justice will be served… The life of innocents? Not so much.

Hat Tip 

The school shootings that weren’t

To listen to the March for our Lives kids, there is supposedly a school shooting almost daily in the US.

Like this Tweet which was retweeted by David Hogg:

This has become a common whine from anti-gun activists, especially the kids.

“I don’t know if I’ll be next, I’m afraid to leave my house.”

So imagine my surprise when I saw this from National Propaganda Public Radio.


The School Shootings That Weren’t

How many times per year does a gun go off in an American school?

We should know. But we don’t.

This spring the U.S. Education Department reported that in the 2015-2016 school year, “nearly 240 schools … reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting.” The number is far higher than most other estimates.

But NPR reached out to every one of those schools repeatedly over the course of three months and found that more than two-thirds of these reported incidents never happened. Child Trends, a nonpartisan nonprofit research organization, assisted NPR in analyzing data from the government’s Civil Rights Data Collection.

We were able to confirm just 11 reported incidents, either directly with schools or through media reports.

In 161 cases, schools or districts attested that no incident took place or couldn’t confirm one. In at least four cases, we found, something did happen, but it didn’t meet the government’s parameters for a shooting. About a quarter of schools didn’t respond to our inquiries.

Two-thirds of the school shootings that we are beat over the head with as a justification for more gun control never happened.

“When we’re talking about such an important and rare event, [this] amount of data error could be very meaningful,” says Deborah Temkin, a researcher and program director at Child Trends.

No shit.  Especially since the higher number is used to scare kids into marching and goad politicians into pushing highly restrictive gun control laws.

This confusion comes at a time when the need for clear data on school violence has never been more pressing. Students around the country are heading back to school this month under a cloud of fear stemming from the most recent mass shootings in Parkland, Fla., and Santa Fe, Texas.

At least 53 new school safety laws were passed in states in 2018. Districts are spending millions of dollars to “harden” schools with new security measures and equipment. A blue-ribbon federal school safety commission led by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is holding public events around the country, including one in Alabama Tuesday. Children are spending class time on active-shooter drills and their parents are buying bulletproof backpacks.

Our reporting highlights just how difficult it can be to track school-related shootings and how researchers, educators and policymakers are hindered by a lack of data on gun violence.

Hundreds of millions of dollars spent.  Money raised by politicians.  People gaining fame and fortune on the national stage.  The media getting eyes glued to their channels 24/7.  All of it based on bullshit numbers that nobody can confirm.

The Civil Rights Data Collection for 2018 required every public school — more than 96,000 — to answer questions on a wide range of issues.

It asked what sounded like a simple question:

In the 2015-2016 school year, “Has there been at least one incident at your school that involved a shooting (regardless of whether anyone was hurt)?”

The answer — “nearly 240 schools (0.2 percent of all schools)” — was published this spring.

The government’s definition included any discharge of a weapon at school-sponsored events or on school buses. Even so, that would be a rate of shootings, and a level of violence, much higher than anyone else had ever found.

For comparison, the Everytown for Gun Safety database, citing media reports, listed just 29 shootings at K-12 schools between mid-August 2015 and June 2016. There is little overlap between this list and the government’s, with only seven schools appearing on both.

So the question could mean anything including “did a drug dealer fire a gun across the street from your school on a Saturday” but the media and interest groups spun that into “there were 240 Sandy Hooks.”

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

separate investigation by the ACLU of Southern California also was able to confirm fewer than a dozen of the incidents in the government’s report, while 59 percent were confirmed errors.

Which was memory holed because the ACLU has gone fully partisan, as documented by Miguel.

Most of the school leaders NPR reached had little idea of how shootings got recorded for their schools.

For example, the CRDC reports 26 shootings within the Ventura Unified School District in Southern California.

“I think someone pushed the wrong button,” said Jeff Davis, an assistant superintendent there. The outgoing superintendent, Joe Richards, “has been here for almost 30 years and he doesn’t remember any shooting,” Davis added. “We are in this weird vortex of what’s on this screen and what reality is.”

We only reported 26 false positives, our bad.

The biggest discrepancy in sheer numbers was the 37 incidents listed in the CRDC for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. Roseann Canfora, the district’s chief communications officer, told us that, in fact, 37 schools reported “possession of a knife or a firearm,” which is the previous question on the form.

The number 37, then, was apparently entered on the wrong line.

Don’t you just love it when people try to set national policy restricting a civil right based on data that was the result of a bureaucratic typo?  Me too.

Similarly, the CRDC lists four shootings among the 16 schools of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District in California. Gail Pinsker, spokeswoman for the district, says that “going back 20-plus years,” no one can remember any incident involving a firearm. Their best guess, she says, is that there was some kind of mistake in coding, where an incident involving something like a pair of scissors (California Education Code 48915[c][2]), for example, got inflated into one involving a firearm (48915[c][1]).

Is it just me or do public school bureaucracy attract the dumbest and most incompetent people.

“Can you fill out a simple questionnaire?  No.  Are you able to ignore the desperate pleading of a special needs kid?  Yes.  Congrats, you get to be superintendent now.”

Also at issue, the internal report says, was a “lack of clarity in the definitions of key terms.” When it came to “Offenses,” the group of questions including firearm use, districts “indicated dissatisfaction with the categories provided, specifically that the CRDC categories did not align with the categories used in state reporting, other federal reporting, and/or their own district databases.”

As an example of this lack of alignment, the federal Gun-Free Schools Act requires schools in states that receive federal funds to expel students who bring a gun to school and requires districts in those states to report the circumstances of such expulsions to the state — regardless of whether a gun goes off.

The state of Florida asks schools to report “weapons possession,” excluding pocketknives. California asks schools to report suspensions and expulsions resulting from “possession, sale, furnishing of a firearm” or “imitation firearm.”

Unless the kid is a minority student in the dreaded school to prison pipeline, then it will be ignored until he kills 17 of his classmates.

And there’s another factor at work as well: the law of really, really big numbers. Temkin notes that “240 schools is less than half of 1 percent,” of the schools in the survey. “It’s in the margin of error.”

Wow… the “there is a school shooting every day” claim is in the margin of error.  Still we hear from kids “I’m afraid to go to school and that I’ll be killed in a mass shooting.”

We are scaring our kids to death over the margin of error of a survey.

This is fascinating information from NPR.  This should be big news.

“Yes, we need school security but kids need to worry less, it’s not as bad as you think” is a great message.

Too bad that message goes against the interests of special interest groups and politicians.

The narrative has been set and no amount admitting to false positives and errors will change that.

Why let facts get in the way of taking away people’s rights.