Month: August 2018

Rest in Power: Pt. 1

I am watching Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story.  I believe I have watched enough videos from Buzzfeed, Vox, and MTV Decoded to have adequately inoculated myself, like taking small doses of intellectual iocane powder, to build up a resistance to such brain-deadening bullshit.

I knew going in, it was going to be a propaganda piece, but holy shit, I didn’t realize just how much.

Nary a picture of Trayvon was show that wasn’t Trayvon as a the doe-eyed child with the grin.  Not the young man he was.

His criminal record was brushed aside with a single sentence.  He was described as a great kid with good graded who wanted to be a pilot, then “he became a teenager and you know how boys can become.”

That’s it.

Benjamin Crump is hailed for his work with the media to getting America to care about a black boy being shot.  As thought the media didn’t want to turn Trayvon Martin into a cause celeb to bash American race relations over the head with.

The documentary actually calls Crump the “Johnny Cochran of Florida” as a compliment.

I guess the standard for jurisprudence in the black community is a clown show charlatan media whore who is better at making hay in front of CNN cameras than in a courtroom.  If this doesn’t explain half the problems with race relations in America, I don’t know what will.

Of course, stand your ground is roundly attacked as was the Sanford Sheriff.

The first episode actually ended with pictures of Dylann Roof superimposed next to George Zimmerman over a Black Lives Matter protest with a voice clip of Trump saying “Make America Great Again.”

So this special is going so far as to tie the shooting of Treyvon Martin to Dylann Roof and Trump in some sort of grand racist unification theory.

I’m going watch the whole thing and report on it, but it’s already off to an odious start and I can’t imagine how it can get worse from here, even though I know it will.

Self defense is not a trail, Pt. 2

This from the NRA, interviewing people protesting them.

This is depraved thinking.  This woman actually believes that the force a person should bring to bear in a case of self defense should be proportional to what a judge would sentence a person to in a trial.

How far does this belief go?

No state allows rape to be punished with the death penalty (it should be) so is using lethal force to stop a rape is too much?

No state punishes attempted murder with the death penalty so is using lethal force to stop someone from trying but failing to kill you is too much?

In Brown vs. The US, the Supreme Court held that in matters of personal defense “detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife.”

This woman thinks it is moral to flip this on its head.


This is Buzzfeed

This is a Tweet from Buzzfeed News:

And the screen grab for posterity just in case they delete it:


If you can stomach the video (YouTube link), it’s 9 minutes and 44 seconds of hip and cool Che.  Not Che the mass murdering, rapist, psychopath.

Buzzfeed News is millennial news.  I grew up being told about the horrors of the Cuban Revolution by the grandparents of my friends in Miami.

They are all dead now and the story being passed on about Che isn’t the monster who shot their family in the streets and had his thugs execute people against a wall.  The story being passed on is this shit.

This is pure, unadulterated evil.

It’s no all a loss though, in honor of this I renewed my CCW for another five years and bought another 1911.

Let the next wave of millennial Che wannabes try and LARP his revolution here in the US.  This isn’t Cuba.  We’ll shoot back.

Easy Fix

So Antifa are attacking a USMC recruiting office.

This is not the first time this office has been under siege.  Back in 2008, the Marines in Berkeley were besieged by Code Pink and the Mayor of Berkeley told the Marines they “were not welcome in Berkeley.”

There is an easy fix for this.  Trump just needs to release an executive order that allows military personnel at recruiting offices to be armed while on duty.

Recruiting offices have been targets for terrorism before, with an office in Little Rock being shot at in 2009 and another in Chattanooga being attacked in 2015.

I work with a few Marines.  Nothing would make them happier than to stop some Antifa punk from smashing their office and threatening them with a hammer with a lung full of bayonet.

Problem solved.

The law of Intended Consequences

I referred to this defensive use of a gun in another post. This gentleman makes an obvious remark:

And that is exactly what they want. The Left and the Opposition cannot advance their agenda unless there are bodies stacking up they can say it was because o “Gun Violence.” Also, no bodies, no donations.

If eliminating Stand Your Ground transforms Florida into a place where Self-Defense can legally be made a crime, they will win no matter how many corpses it take.  It is not like they are dying, right?