Month: August 2018

Florida Stand Your Ground: I just sent my first of very many emails

Dear (fill the blank).

I have just heard that State Democrats are once again pushing for the elimination of Stand Your Ground law and, once again, based in an unfortunate casein which Stand Your Ground did not apply.

The amount of disinformation regarding how Stand Your Ground applies is simply amazing and the Media is doing nothing to dispel it. They have been used data from Tampa newspapers to claim it is a racist law when the same data also tell us that the number of African Americans benefiting from Stand Your Ground are twice all other ethnicities combined.

Again, contrary what the Media and Democrats have been telling, Stand Your Ground is not a recent NRA/Koch Brothers creation, but it is a long-established legal interpretation by the Supreme Court of the United States dating back over a century: Beard v. United States – 158 U.S. 550 (1895). Rowe v. U S, (1896) and Brown v. United States, 256 U.S. 335 (1921).

Every single pro-gun and pro-self defense law enacted since the mid 80s had helped reduce violent crime in Florida. This is not fantasy, check the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Uniform Crime Report and see how even though our population has almost double, crime rated have dropped to rates not seen since the 1960s.
I ask you not to be taken by the emotional appeals of some misguided individuals that will wave the bloody shirt in front of your face, but to take in consideration that the cold hard facts is that any law that helps South Floridians freely exercise the most basic of human rights, self-defense, needs to be protected.

Thank you for your time.

Florida Urgent News: An attempt to kill Stand Your Ground is on its way.

Democratic leaders have secured signatures from the necessary 20 percent of Florida House and the Senate members to require Secretary of State Ken Detzner to poll all legislators as soon as Monday about convening a special session to address the state’s controversial ‘Stand Your Ground’ law.
“Breaking News: Proud to announce we’ve gained enough signatures in support of special session on the ‘Stand Your Ground Law,’” tweeted Sen. Kionne McGhee, D-Cutler Bay, the House Minority Leader-designate, Saturday. “Secretary of State has to begin polling legislators.”

As Democrats demand special session, NRA, key Republicans say fatal shooting may not meet ‘Stand Your Ground’ standards

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is serious stuff. They will not be happy with simply reversing SYG but I am sure they will impose Duty to Retreat and Self-Defense in Florida, for all intents and purposes, will be dead.

Time to contact you state  congresscritter and let him now you do NOT want SYG infringed in any way. Remind them cordially that elections are upcoming.

Click here to find your State Senator.

Click here to find your State Representative.

Get going.

The USA Network execs deserve syphilis

I decided to write this after seeing Miguel’s post about Amazon Prime.

I’m a huge Sci-Fi fan.  The deeper and more intriguing the show, the more I am into it.

That also makes me the Charlie Brown of TV watchers.

The incomplete list of Sci-Fi shows I fell in love with just to have them canceled during a cliffhanger prematurely is (in no particular order but my memory):

Alien Nation
Space: Above and Beyond
The River (more fantasy horror but still good)
Terra Nova
Almost Human (the JJ Abrams one with Karl Urban)

The newest one I was into was Colony.  What a great show.  Yes, it started a little slow but dear sweet baby Jesus it got intriguing.

We were finally into the big reveal.  We knew that the Hosts were in a war with another alien race.  We finally understood what “The Greatest Day” was all about.  We know why Will kept getting spared.


They pulled a Lucy van Pelt.  Nobody likes Lucy van Pelt.

I have hope from the outpouring of fan support on social media that USA might give us a fourth season just to bring the show to closure.  Jericho and Fringe were brought back for a final half season to wrap things up.

USA needs to do us dedicated fans some justice.  Or let Netflix pick it up since they are carrying the first two seasons.

I know I shouldn’t get pissed.  Charlie Brown never learns his lesson either.  Every time a good Sci-Fi show hits TV the studio is going to rip it out from under us just when it gets good.

One thing Amazon is doing right.

The new season begins October 5. If you have not seen it yet, please do. Season one seems a bit sluggish, but that literally changes in the last episode.  I was ready to dump it and I went “HOLY FRIGGING PONIES OF CRAP!”

And the other thing Amazon did good was snatching The Expanse from inglorious death after the morons of SyFy decided to cancel the series. At the Gonzalez castle, we are ONE episode left from finishing the third season and the missus agrees with me: What the heck (she does not cuss) was SyFy thinking about?

And one last recommendation, also from Amazon:

Short stories from Philip K. Dick, one per episode. I am guessing I may need to pick up some books from him since one of my three great SciFi movies is based on one of his books: Blade Runner. His themes run alongside pretty much the current of anti-utopia which was what I was raised on (1984 – A Brave New World) and made me dislike anything else Science Fiction.

I did not tell you? I am NOT a SciFi fan.  Just like my stories about the  future, bleak and hopeless.

Anthony Cuomo for Il Duce

The other day I wrote about how David Hogg and other anti-gun activists, as well as a few politicians, were taking a victory lap over Governor Andrew Cuomo’s political abuse leading to financial damage to the NRA.

Bow howdy has that gotten worse.

Andrew Cuomo released a campaign ad in which he came right out and takes credit for his abuse of power in attacking the NRA.

Holy fuck, he sounds like a mob boss not a governor in a Constitutional republic with that.

The New York Daily News catalogs his abuse because they clearly support it.

“You try to bully us in New York, we put our finger in your chest and we push you back, and that’s what we are going to do with the NRA,” Cuomo adds as dramatic music plays in the background.

The powerful gun rights group says it has lost millions due to the state’s push to discourage banks and insurance firms from working with the organization.

The case was triggered by a letter from Maria Vullo, the state’s top financial services regulator, urging banks and insurers to stop doing business with the NRA. That missive was sent out following the Parkland, Fla., mass shooting that left 17 dead and 17 wounded on Feb. 14.

The letter cautioned those intuitions would face “reputational risk” if they continued to be tied to the NRA and gun industry.

The NRA claims the letter has hurt the group financially.

“As a direct result of this coercion, multiple financial institutions have succumbed to defendants’ demands and entered into consent orders with (state regulators) that compel them to terminate longstanding, beneficial business relationships with the NRA, both in New York and elsewhere,” the NRA claims.

The loss of insurance coverage has put the group’s daily operations at risk.

The governor of the State of New York is using the regulatory bodies he has authority over to send this message to any bank or insurance company that does business in New York (so virtually all of them but small local ones).

That’s a nice company you have there.  It would be a shame if anything happened to it because you did business with the NRA. Capisce?”

The NRA has a First Amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.  I’m not a lawyer (so if one is reading, correct me if I’m wrong) but it seems to me that using a regulatory agency to “discourage” private businesses from from providing services to a lobbying group because of their message is a clear First Amendment violation.

It also seems to me like tortuous interference, but I do not know if that applies to government in the State of New York, or just private parties.

In general, this is near the epitome political abuse.

For Cuomo to stand there with the weight and power of the government of the State of New York behind him and to act like the victim of bullying responding to a bully is adding insult to injury.

The people who are cheering this on are cheering on a politician using mafioso tactics to silence a group that has every Constitutional right to do and say what they do because the politician doesn’t like the message.

If you speak against the king, he’ll bankrupt you” is not the way our country works and not the principle on which is was founded.

This must be fought to the very highest courts possible.  Anything less is to allow politicians to destroy freedom of speech by third party means.

This is evil, and Cuomo thinks it’s a feather in his cap.

Two years later: The horros of Campus Carry in Texas.

LUBBOCK, Texas – Campus carry has been law in Texas for two years now, and Texas Tech police say the law makes the university a safer place.
They say the policy even deters potential active shooters from attempting a mass shooting situation.
“I believe it makes the campus a safer place, to live, learn and educate,” said Amy Ivey, a lieutenant at the Texas Tech Police Department.
Tech police say in a potential active shooter situation, someone able to stop it if they are armed.

Texas Tech police say the campus carry law makes Tech safer

Over and over again the Opposition cannot get a prediction to be fulfilled. Miss Cleo has a better rate of success. That is the reason they had to go after shooting adding a racial component to raise hell or lose income. The issue is that the followers are too dumb or do not care to remember what was warned and they continue to kiss their posteriors.

The poor bastards.