Month: August 2018

I have a better idea of what to do with DC

In his non stop mission to prove that he’s a hack that really just used gun control to springboard himself into Liberal celebrity status, David Hogg Tweeted this.

First of all, I don’t give a shit about the lack of Congressional representation for DC residents.  That’s part of living in DC.  You want Congressional representation, move to Maryland or Virginia and commute.  It’s not that far.

There is a good and compelling reason for DC not to have statehood.

The Federal Government would be at the mercy of a state.

The State of Columbia would have a National Guard unit that reported to the Governor of Columbia and would permanently surround the Federal Government.

There would be Columbia State Police and law enforcement that took orders from the state goverment of Columbia.  There would be municipal workers that took orders from the state government.

The State of Columbia could at any moment shut down the Federal Government by way of exercising state authority over the resources of the state.

How would the Federal Government make sure it wasn’t abused by the State of Columbia?  Pork.  Lots of pork.

People would run for state government campaigning on how much money they could extract from Federal coffers by extorting Congressmen.   Want the road outside of the Congressional offices repaved?  The state needs money.  Want bums not living in the doorways of the million dollar town homes Congressmen live in while Congress is in session?  The state needs money.

Without statehood, all of those resources report directly to the Federal goverment.  It’s still corrupt but far less so.

That’s the reason the US Capital was never placed in a state to begin with, our Founding Fathers knew putting the Federal Government at the mercy of a single state was a bad idea.

I have a better idea.

By law, the ONLY person that can claim DC residency is the President of the United States.

All the homes and apartments in DC should be taken by eminent domain  and turned into temporary residence for Federal employees.

Everybody else has to move out of DC.

It would be a lot simpler than passing a Constitutional amendment to make DC a state.

It would also go a long way at bursting the DC bubble.

If I have to choose the lesser of two evils, displacing 700,000 people from their homes is not as bad as letting 700,000 people hold the Federal Government hostage.

Trump shouldn’t help. (’cause I am contrary)

So J. Kb. beat me to the punch, bound to happen.

While Venezuela’s government said the incident was terrorism, the Associated Press reported that firefighters at the scene said one explosion was an accident caused by an exploding gas tank.
Whatever the blast’s source, the incident demonstrates the feverish tension in a once-prosperous nation facing crushing hyperinflation and hunger. Maduro, the successor to the late Hugo Chavez, a charismatic socialist, has led the formerly wealthy petrostate into a limbo of corruption and international sanctions.

Venezuelan President Maduro Is Unharmed After Apparent Attack

Occam’s Razor states that the simplest solution tends to be the right one. The Left and Communists love their conspiracies and the more complicated, the better. Drones delivering an explosive payload in an oil country than can’t afford gasoline? (more on that later) Or, maybe it was an explosion caused by a cooking gas tank from a building nearby as shown in the photos that come with the above article.

Using gas for cooking is very common in Venezuela. We had two big tanks at our home and truck would come by once a month and trade the empty canisters for filled one. For apartments, it is very common to have the small-sized tanks just like we use here for those heathens that grill with gas.

Unfortunately and being a Third World country, making sure the tanks are not sent out to customers if they have reached the end of their life cycle or if they have some sort of damage is not enforced.

Tanks will fail and if you are lucky, you just get a fissure and if no flame around, you just toss the thing outside till it empties. But sometimes people are not so lucky:

We had a neighbor five houses  (’bout 120 yards away) up the street who had a small cylinder explode. He kept it outside the house so there was no mayor damage other than holes in the wall by shrapnel and broken glass. But when it went off, I thought somebody had dropped a big pipe bomb in the front of our house.

As for Trump helping Venezuela? Nope, it is my firm position that the US has nothing to win by intervening down there. It is not like Venezuelans would be grateful, in fact I can bet you cash money that in less than three months they would be complaining about the Gringo Soldiers and the invasion they are under. And demand money and housing and free food and health care for life.

They need to either figure out heads need to start rolling off government bodies or simply starve to death or die at the hands of criminals.

This is going to win Hogg hearts and minds

Remember Independence Day these year?  I know, it seems like forever ago already.

For the people who spent their hard earned money to visit Liberty Island and see the Statue of Liberty on America’s birthday, the soon won’t forget it.

They had to be evacuated from Liberty Island when a woman named Patricia Okoumou illegally climbed Lady Liberty and engaged in an hours long standoff with police.  She ruined a lot of people’s vacation and 4th of July celebrations to protest immigration policy and to abolish ICE.

Just the other day, she appeared in court facing charges for her criminal acts.

She is being celebrated by the media for it because of what she was wearing to court.

From HuffPO: Melania Trump Gets Trolled By Statue Of Liberty Protester For ‘I Don’t Care’ Jacket

From Yahoo News: Statue of Liberty protester mocks Melania Trump’s infamous ‘I really don’t care, do u?’ coat at court appearance

Yeah, take that Trump and Trump supporters.  This woman committed a crime and ruined peoples’ Independence Day celebration with her protest but she made fun of the First Lady, so we’re winning.

At least the New York Post was more honest in the reporting of the shit show outside of court.

Statue of Liberty climber spews anti-American chant outside court

This is what she was yelling at her press conference that caused HuffPO and Yahoo News to get all hot and bothered.

“America you mother fuckers! You drug addicts! You KKK! You fascist USA.”

Here’s the video.

Keep in mind that Okoumou was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, immigrated to the United States in 1994 and has been a naturalized US citizen for 10 years.

Which makes me wonder if this is what she thinks of America, why did she come here and work so hard to earn her citizenship here?  And why does this make me think of the word ‘ingrate?’

So where does David Hogg fit in?

Right next to Okoumou.

Notice the shirt she is wearing.  “Gays against guns.”

She came from the Congo.  Had she not emigrated from there she’s probably be a slave of some warlord, raped bloody and then forced to mine coltan with her bare hands.  But she escaped that fate to come here and demand that the citizens of her adopted nation give up our civil rights.

The civil right that makes sure warlords can’t enslave us.

She’s his inspiration.  This woman who engaged in a spectacle on the Statue of Liberty, causing Liberty Island to be evacuated on the 4th of July, and then after pleading not guilty to that act in court, came out and insulted America and her citizens.  This woman to moves to a country and then demands it abandons its liberties.

That’s who inspires David Hogg.



Trump should help

Venezuelan president Nicholas Maduro claims that an explosion near a speech he was giving was an assassination attempt with a drone.

Fire officials say that it was a gas tank explosion at a nearby apartment was the cause, but being a dictator, Maduro is using this as an excuse to crack down on any opposition.

He has called on Trump to help.

I agree, Trump should help… the people of Venezuela.

I suggest Trump provide the anti-Maduro resistance with some JDAMs, they are far more accurate than a homemade drone bomb.

Amy at the NRA

Meet Amy, she wants to repeal the Second Amendment.

She’s also wearing a t-shirt supporting nations that are world leaders in state sponsored terrorism.

She doesn’t believe that civilians should have “things that could kill people in an instant of a second.”

Yet we’ve seen in Israel, Europe, and the US what happens when immigrants or their children from the nations on her shirt get their hands on knives and rental trucks.

I guess what she is advocating for is more successful terrorism in the West.

Florida: Guns in Parks

A back-to-school backpack giveaway in Titusville was interrupted by gunfire Saturday.
Authorities said a man who was involved in a fistfight at Isaac Campbell Park left and came back with a gun.

The park wasethe site of the backpack giveaway involving dozens of kids. When the man began shooting, a bystander, who was licensed to carry a firearm, fired back, wounding the shooter.

Man who fired into park during backpack giveaway shot by bystander, officials say

I still remember when we were assured by the Opposition that there would be massacres of little children if we allowed Floridians to carry in public parks. As it turns out, it was a Floridian legally carrying a gun the one who stopped kids from getting hurt. And it was an event full of children, here is a long video of the event, but the shooting starts at 8:30.

At least the way it is being announced by media is improving, although Old School is still making the rounds:

I am truthfully amazed that Good Guy With A Gun made it as a headline.

Facebook still blocking Code Is Free Speech Dot Com. Workarounds & Fun appear .

The top two are mine, the bottom one is from a twitter guy who I just took the text and added what I considered a better picture. Credit goes to him, @deplorable1971 .

I stopped trying to keep up with all the personal Dropboxes and Google Drives links to the files.  Gun Control will eventually look back at this time and have to admit they screwed up by the numbers… and then close shop.