Month: August 2018

Make terrorism great again

The wall that Cory Booker says must come down is the Israel West Bank Barrier.  The Left loves to refer to that as the “Apartheid Wall.”

The wall is credited with the near elimination of bus bombings and suicide bombings in Israel.  Palestinians trying to cross the border into Israel have to come through checkpoints in the wall where they are searched and bombs are found.

Before the wall, Israelis lived in fear that every time they went onto public transportation or they put their children on a school bus, some Palestinian with a  bomb would blow it up.

If Israel were to take down the West Bank Barrier, it would open up Israel to a wave up unprecedented terror.  Which is exactly why pro-Palestinian groups want it taken down.

I see that picture and this is what it looks like to me:

I wonder if that is the new DNC official position.

I’m going to touch on the Times racism one more time

I know it seems like the New York Times as really put a bee in my bonnet recently, and it has.  I’ll tell you exactly why.

Almost daily there is another unverified anecdote about how Trump’s rhetoric has resulted in verbal attacks or violence directed at minorities or immigrants.  That because Trump said something, his supporters have been emboldened lash out.

Well… if that’s the case, what about all of the racist, anti-white, social justice bullshit that is not just said by those on the Left, but fully defended and endorsed by major media outlets and celebs.  Could that cause those on the Left be emboldened?

Well… it sure looks like it.

Man shouts he hates ‘white motherf–kers,’ punches bus rider: cops

A passenger on an MTA bus in Brooklyn punched another rider while shouting an anti-white statement in an unprovoked attack, police said.

The suspect walked up to the rider on the B25 bus and said, “I hate all you white motherf—–s,” as the bus drove down Fulton Street in downtown Brooklyn on Monday morning, cops said.

He then slugged the 29-year-old man in the face, according to police. The punch caused the victim’s face to bruise and swell.

A random act of anti-white violence in New York City.

Woman accused of hitting car in Hyannis after confrontation over Trump bumper sticker

On June 30, a man called Barnstable police to report a hit-and-run crash. He told responding officers he had been driving south on Bearses Way in Hyannis, and was stopped for a red light at the intersection of Route 28 when the driver of the car behind him began honking the horn, according to a police report.

The man continued driving onto Bassett Lane and the car followed, with the driver still honking, the man told police, according to the report. When he stopped again for a red light at the intersection with North Street, the driver also began yelling, the man said.

Thinking that something might be wrong with the back of his car, the man stepped out into the road. The driver began yelling at him about a Donald Trump bumper sticker on the back of his car, he told police.

“She said, ‘You voted for Trump?’” the man wrote in a statement. “I said yes. She called me a racist and several other names.”

As the man began recording the incident on his phone, the woman drove around his car, prompting him to step back into the driver’s side door opening, he told police, according to the report. The woman then drove at him and hit the open door, he said, according to the report.

A random act of anti-Trump supporter violence in Massachusetts.

Grand Island man arrested for threats against Congressmen

A Grand Island man stands accused of threatening two U.S. Congressmen through voicemail.

63-year-old Carlos Bayon was arrested and charged by criminal complaint with interstate communication of a threat.

Prosecutors say the Louisiana office of a United States Congressman received a threatening voicemail on June 30. It stated:

Hey listen, this message is for you and the people that sent you there. You are taking ours, we are taking yours. Anytime, anywhere. We know where they are. We are not going to feed them sandwiches, we are going to feed them lead. Make no mistake you will pay. Ojo por ojo, diente por diente (Spanish for “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth). That is our law and we are the majority. Have a good day.”

Threats made by a man in upstate New York.

Of all of them, this one is the scariest.

Trump supporters pelted by eggs, punches can sue San Jose cops after attack, court says

The suit’s 20 plaintiffs claim in a lawsuit that police knowingly ordered them to leave through an exit where protesters were waiting, despite the existence of a safer route and other exits, the San Francisco Chronicle reported last week.

So the police in a very Blue part of the country put Trump supporters safety at risk and made them run a gauntlet of violent Liberals.

You can say “but these Lefty types are a bunch of pansy ass snowflakes” and yeah, that may be the case.  But that doesn’t mean they can’t hurt anybody.

No, I don’t think that a race war will break out that looks like the American Civil War in any meaningful way.

What I worry about is something that parallels The Troubles in Northern Ireland or the Pogroms of Germany, perhaps a more aggressive version of what FALN or the Weather Underground did.

A bombing or ambush of a bunch of Conservatives or a group of right leaning white people in hit an run type attacks.  A bunch of black bloc descending on a meeting of College Republicans with mele weapons would do a lot of harm and all the police need to do is take their time showing up and not doing much when they do.

It’s racial terrorism that I worry about.

The Left models itself as #TheResistance and loves the Palestinians.  What happens when just a small fraction of them decide to take up Palestinian tactics?

When The New York Times puts a racist on their editorial staff and some group of white Conservatives ends up getting hurt or killed, will the coverage be sympathetic to the attackers and inspire more events.

When a member of the media calls for the mass extermination of Trump supporters, how do you think they would cover the bombing of a Trump 2020 rally by a far Leftist?

I don’t want to live in an America that is like Belfast during the Troubles or Jerusalem during the Intifada, where I am worried that if I leave my home, I might be a casualty in some random act of Leftist violence or the far right wing retaliatory violence that would likely ensue.

A race war in America won’t be state militias invading each other.  It will be small groups engaged in terrorists acts targeting civilians.

The more the media and celebrities push social justice racism, the more likely some radical will be inclined to set something off to be praised as a hero by the NYT or HuffPo.



These kids can’t tell the truth about anything

I saw that David Hogg Tweeted this:

My first thought was “how the fuck can that be true?”

His rallies have added a million new members and generated record donations.  How is the NRA close to running out to money?

So I read the Rolling Stone article.

The NRA Says It’s in Deep Financial Trouble, May Be ‘Unable to Exist’

Nothing in the article points to a shortage of donations or lack of NRA support by its members.  It is a story of political malfeasance and goverment abuse.

Instead, the gun group has been suing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the state’s financial regulators since May, claiming the NRA has been subject to a state-led “blacklisting campaign” that has inflicted “tens of millions of dollars in damages.”

In the new document — an amended complaint filed in U.S. District Court in late July — the NRA says it cannot access financial services essential to its operations and is facing “irrecoverable loss and irreparable harm.”

Specifically, the NRA warns that it has lost insurance coverage — endangering day-to-day operations. “Insurance coverage is necessary for the NRA to continue its existence,” the complaint reads. Without general liability coverage, it adds, the “NRA cannot maintain its physical premises, convene off-site meetings and events, operate educational programs … or hold rallies, conventions and assemblies.”

In addition to its insurance troubles, the NRA court filing also claims that “abuses” by Cuomo and the New York State Department of Financial Services “will imminently deprive the NRA of basic bank-depository services … and other financial services essential to the NRA’s corporate existence.”

So Governor Cuomo is using the state regulatory agencies that he controls to deny the NRA private insurance and banking access.

Andrew Cuomo is acting like a tyrant, using his stooges to cut off financial services from an organization he disagrees with politically.

This what David Hogg is taking a victory lap over.  Not just him but politicians like FL-22’s Ted Douche Deutch.

It’s great to know that a sitting US Congressman supports political abuse against people and groups he doesn’t like.

The Democrats: “goverment abuse is terrible, unless we’re the ones doing it, then it’s great.”

I’d love to see the NRA win this case.  Nothing could be more delicious than the State of New York having to pay tens of millions of dollars in damages into the NRA’s coffers.

I won’t hold my breath, but a man can dream.

Furthermore, this just proves that these little Parkland shits can’t tell the truth about anything.

Another Democrat for mass murder

It seems pretty clear that this nutjob thinks that the way to get rid of the Good Ol’ Boy System is by getting rid of anybody he thinks is a Good Ol’ Boy.

It’s amazing just how deep the idea “we can achieve our political goals easily if we just get rid of everyone who disagrees with us” permeates the fans of big government.

Maybe if Bobby Smith hangs enough people he can get the Spencer County buses to run on time?  That seems to be what he’s going for.