Month: August 2018

Cody Wilson in CBS This morning (what I noticed)

I saw Miguel’s post and noticed something different.  Perhaps one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.

That milling machines is essentially a shrunken down gun factory for your home.”

The it goes into the “gun manufacturers don’t benefit from milling machines in people’s homes.”

This is the DD milling machine for $2,000.

This is a tour inside the Remington factory in Huntsville.

The Daniel Defense factory in South Carolina.

Here is the Kel-Tec factory in Florida.

None of those look like a $2,000 desktop mill.

This is like looking at a guy with a wood shop making a canoe and saying “it’s like having Newport News Shipyard in your home.”

What an over blown horseshit statement.  It is the dumbest thing I’ve heard on this today.





A Bad Mom according to Gun Control.

Let’s check the usual talking points, shall we?

She had a gun. FAIL
She had an unsecured weapon FAIL
She had an unsecured weapon with children in the house FAIL
She used a shotgun. Women are too weak deal with Shotguns FAIL
She did not allow police to respond and take care of the situation FAIL

As for the rest of us with a bit of brain, the actions of this lady are FULL OF WIN.

Carry on.

Cynthia Nixon is not the craziest candidate in NY

This woman is Zephyr Teachout.  She is a Constitutional Law Professor at Fordham University and a graduate of Duke University law school.

This right here makes me want to make sure my lawyer never went to Duke or Fordham.

Nothing that she says has anything to do with the law, it’s just a bunch of far Left talking points.

“The idea that people are illegal…”

“The idea that we should see immigrants as a national security threat…”

She is running for, in her own words “one of the top law enforcement jobs in the country” (because the whole country is New York) doesn’t get the idea of illegal immigration or the threat that drug cartels, traffickers, and terrorists pose to the US.

She even seems to have a problem with the very ideas of Homeland Security, i.e., we shouldn’t have to protect the homeland, and that the Executive branch enforces Federal law.

She’s running for Attorney General on the promise that she will fight the Federal goverment to make it easier for people to break the law and to make the nation more dangerous.

This woman is even crazier than Cynthia Nixon.

The numbers counter the narrative on trans murder again

March for Our Lives Tweeted this:

Unfortunately I do not have Florida homicide statistics by race readily available.

I do have statistics on Jacksonville from the Jacksonville Sheriffs Department.




From this, it seems like black trans women are outliving their black male counterparts by 5 years.

In 2017, there were 1,057 murders in Florida.  If we assume that the racial breakdown of murders in Jacksonville is representative of the state, that means that roughly 655 murder victims in Florida were black.  If we assume that Florida has a trans percentage that is at the top of the statistical estimates of 0.6%, the estimated number of black trans people killed from 2017 would be 3.93 people.

Florida is at four.

The VPC has black homicide statistics, but has no data from Florida.  State with ethnic demographics similar to Florida have higher percentages of black homicide.  Also, Florida is an LGBT friendly state, so it may be that there are more trans people in Florida than the national average.

Seems to me that black trans people are not being murdered at disproportionate rate to their statistical significance in the population at large.

But why let a little thing like math get in the way of a good victim narrative.

Best warning to adolescent.

From a Facebook friend. Apparently the coffee intake has not been sufficient this morning.

Darling eldest child.
I have been (unwillingly) awake since 445am. I am in no mood for your bullshit whiny shenanigans.
I know bestirring yourself from slumber before the crack of 11 is distressing and distasteful to you, but you have a job. And you did ask me to wake you up.
Keep giving me ‘tude and sass, and see what it gets you. I have one solitary, frayed nerve left, and you’re plucking it like you’re fucking Stevie Ray Vaughn.

I will advise if the condition of the sassy child required medical intervention.