Month: August 2018

Florida Man, (Senator version) gets told “Nay.”

 S.3304 – A bill to amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the publication of 3D printer plans for the printing of firearms, and for other purposes.

That would be Senator Bill Nelson speaking at the beginning of the video. Interestingly enough Neither the Miami Herald nor Broward’s Sun Sentinel had anything to say about Florida’s favorite elected Democrat. Interesting, no? Their master’s bidding and all that.

You are not a cat.

We are fixing super when the missus notices something strange just laying atop of the fence.

Click to enlarge.

I have decided to call him Mr. Green because, he is green.  He trades space in my lake front with Orangy.

And I want to introduce the latest member of the Iguana Brigade: Wilbur.

Click to enlarge.

Why Wilbur? Why not?

Most gun bloggers seem to have dogs, with cats following second. I think Wirecutter has chickens and somebody else has snakes.

Might as well go with Iguanas.

NoRA gloats at closing. More locations appear to get your 3D Guns’ Blueprints. UPDATE

Put the genie back in the bottle? LOL

Here is one Dropbox Location. Click to get your 3D gun blueprints.

If you have more locations, leave them in comments or email them to me. I want to post as many as possible.


Ocasio 2018

Last time I heard, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won the Democrat primary in New York’s 14th Congressional district, which includes parts of the Bronx and Queens.

Next thing I hear is that she is campaigning with Bernie in Kansas.

Next she’s with Linda Sarsour campaigning in Dearborn, Michigan.

Then she’s off to a $2,700 per ticket San Francisco fundraiser in the Mission District.

Did I slip into a coma and wake up in 2020 where a one term NYC Congresswoman is running for president?

This is where politics takes a turn for the surreal.  A Congressman or woman is supposed to represent the people of his or her district.  The are Representatives.  That’s their Constitutional duty.

When a Congressional candidate is raising money 2,924 miles from the people she is running to represent, who is she really running to represent?

Also, of course Ocasio-Cortez is palling around with Sarsour, Jew hating socialist birds of a feather flock together.  That’s history for you.