Month: August 2018

Rational arguments from the March For Our Lives kids

This is happening at the Alabama State House

It’s about three hours south of where I live, and part of me wishes I would have gone just to see the spectacle.

Watch the video.  It’s almost 30 minutes long.

Rather than a set of cogent and rational points, the kids just mindlessly chanted meaningless slogans like:

“USA not NRA.”
“Show me what democracy looks like.  This is what democracy looks like.”
“Hey hey, ho ho, the NRA has got to go.”
“Not one more.”
“Vote them out.”
“No justice, no peace.”

If this doesn’t convince you to change your opinion on gun rights, it’s because you have a modicum of critical thinking ability.

I have no idea how man of these kids are from Alabama, but I wonder how many of them know just how much money the State of Alabama spent to attract Remington and Kimber from New York, not to mention Steyr USA with the promise of low taxes and easy gun regulations.

A bunch of kids screaming nonsense to get Alabama to change the laws that would drive away three big name companies and all the jobs associated with them.  Especially Kimber, which was brought into Troy to revitalize manufacturing in a economically depressed area.

Sounds like a great idea, that I’m sure will be successful.

As Charles Darwin said: “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge

That explains why these kids are so damn confident.


That’s kind of the point of bullets

David Hogg took a break from whining about plastic guns to post this:

I don’t get the point of this.  You want a round to do the most damage it can.  Expansion and energy dumping is a feature and there are engineers who get paid good money to figure out how to do that as best they can.

What’s funny is, in the part where the narrator talks about the shock wave of the bullet breaking bones, that was an old ad for Remington Ammo.

But hey, when all you have is emotion and a lack of critical thinking, you better push that as hard as you can.


A tad bit of history

I saw this today on Twitchy:

Mark Caputo is with Politico.

The there was the revolving door with the media and the Obama administration.

As the rhetoric gets more and more out of control, and we seem to get pushed more and more towards a violent confrontation to resolve a number of problems in this country, there is a fact I’d like to remind some people of.

I believe many in the legacy media have a love of Water Duranty.  He lied, covered for, and supported Stalin and won a Pulitzer for it.  They see themselves less as a Woodward and Bernstein trying to hold truth to power and more of a Walter Duranty, winning awards and praise for pushing an ideology.

There are a few other named I think they should add to their collective memory.

Julius Streicher, publisher of Der Strumer.

William Joyce, known as Lord Haw-Haw

John Amery

These men were all hanged for being Nazi propagandists.  They never carried a gun in combat, patrolled a death camp, beat prisoners, or ordered massacres.  All they did was put pen to paper and their voice to the radio.

Propagandists are combatants.  They have been dealt with as such.

The media in this country needs to ask itself this very important question:

“Do we follow in the footsteps of Cronkite, and Woodward and Bernstein, or do we follow in the footsteps of Streicher, Joyce, and Amery?”

They can’t do both.