Month: August 2018

South Africa’s Impending Troubles.

This one I have been avoiding to get into.  Africa seems to be cursed with some sort of political hex that makes them repeat the same mistakes over and over again. In y childhood was the end of Colonialism and the triumphant arrival of Democracy, alas it was not. Katanga and Biafra showed us that things were done differently there, unique if I must say. Death was plentiful and Life was easy to discard. After that came Rhodesia and Angola, the communists expanding their reach in the Dark Continent only to fail even when they won. And we finished with genocide by famine in Ethiopia and Somalia. No matter where I looked from my location is South America, Africa seemed to demand a recurrent bloody tribute.

There was a sliver of hope called South Africa. It had survived the attempts made from Communism through the decades with a harsh policy of killing guerrillas without mercy. They dabbled into bush wars up north figuring that it would keep the reds entertained and away from their borders. South Africa shed Apartheid and transitioned to democracy seemingly with only the fewest of burps and none of the tragic history of its neighbors, but apparently it was only a two decade delay and they are heading back to the traditions. South African farmers have always been targets of the criminal element and it was usually one that left corpses behind, but now they are officially a target of the government who is now not only with the full authority to confiscate their lands, but demanding they surrender their weaponry.

And we all know where that is going to lead.

Hat Tip to George M.

Update: A friend sent me this essay: Let Africa Sink by Kim Du Toit.

Is this how it works in DC

One of the things I have noticed in this entire Trump investigation travesty – and something not mentioned by the media –  is just how often some high ranking DOJ official or un-elected bureaucrat is married to someone who works for a law firm, think tank, or research group associated with a political party.

I know people tend to marry inside their peer groups because people often date within their proximal social network.  For example, there are a lot of doctor-doctor or lawyer-lawyer relationships.

But the frequency of these influential spousal groups in DC makes me wonder if there is something more nefarious going on.

Something like a political party saying to a law firm or research group:

“There is this rising star at the DOJ or a judge getting noticed for an appellate court seat, go offer his wife a $400,000 per year make work job.”

It’s not exactly a bribe… but everyone kind of has an understanding.  Not to mention the protection of spousal privilege.

If the latter is the case, I’m all for draining the swamp Stalin style.

Trayvon’s legal representation

Sometimes while working on one post, I start to go down a rabbit hole that I realize should really be another post all together.  This is one of those.

I was working on my Trayvon Martin Rest in Power: Pt 4, conclusion and thought I’d touch on Jasmine Rand.

Rand was one of the two civil rights attorneys that took up the Trayvon Martin case.  Rand was an associate for Ben Crump at his firm.

In episode 4, Rand starts to do interviews about the trial.

I remembered her from the days following the trial being a representative of the Martin family on TV.  She gave an insane interview on Greta van Susteren’s show in which she openly criticized the jury and said that she was more of a social engineer than a lawyer.

I searched “Jasmine Rand” in Google.

The No. 2 hit was her law firm website.  She no longer works for Ben Crump and is now on her own.

Her website is pretty weak.  I know that shouldn’t matter, but it’s just not a well designed website.  Hell, her business email address is listed @gmail.  She didn’t even spring for an @domain email address.

The No. 1 hit in Google was her Instagram page.  Boy howdy, that’s a doozie.

It’s pretty much 50/50 social justice platitudes superimposed on pictures of Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown, and pictures of her glorious ta-tas pouring out of the top of some dress.

Picture of Trayvon in a hoodie… picture of her on a beach with her tits front and center.


This is an attorney.  She supposedly makes money representing clients in a court of law.  Oh yeah, and cleavage.

You wonder why the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin shooting turned into a shit-show?

The two people who lead the charge were a cut-rate Al Sharpton wannabe with none of the charisma and Tits McGee, Esq.

Clearly, they were in it for themselves and not anyone else.

Look, I’m not a lawyer.  My dad was and I used to clerk for him.  I know lawyers in Miami.  I’m not going to give you legal advice, but just a personal hint.

If you can make a very accurate guess of your prospective counsel’s cup size from her social media page but her professional website can’t even embed hyperlinks, she might not be the best person to represent you in court.

This just explains so much of what we saw five years ago.  All ego and no brains.


Venezuela extends prohibition to carry firearms for another year.

“To guarantee the citizens’ security, peace, internal order and the physical integrity of our Venezuelan people.”

So much nobility brings a tear to my eye [snark]
And if I am not mistaken, that would make it the fifth year in a row.  The Disarmament Law was passed and with it came the procedures to allow people to carry concealed. They are bizarre, baroque and onerous, but still there was supposed to be a way to get a permit. But the Government suspended all carry permits and possible renewals because crime and the fact that the infrastructure to issue the permits was not up and running (still is not) and logically, you don’t want people carrying guns with them, right? It would become the Wild West! So they suspend the issuance and renewal of permits till things got better.

That was five years ago.  I am sure people are done waiting and see through the charade: They are never going to get their carry permits back. In the meantime, violent crime will be running wild as I has been doing since the asshole Chavistas and assorted Cuban helpers took over the country.

When they cannibalize themselves

Three days ago I wrote about the ACLU backing the NRA’s lawsuit in NY because they figured the same tactic could be used on them down the pike.  It seems some chapters and members are copacetic with the idea.

Within hours, the organizationwide listserv had lit up. Staffers at both the national office and state affiliates wrote back to register their frustration with Cole’s decision. The ACLU of New York sent out a statement on Monday explaining why it had declined to support the national office’s position. Some attorneys vigorously defended the group’s brief; others cautiously endorsed it, while complaining that its authors had failed to seek input from other stakeholders before committing to a contentious stance. Privately, some litigators fumed, concerned that the organization had needlessly tarnished its reputation by devoting limited resources to help the NRA, a formidable lobbying group with the means to defend itself.

Who Does the ACLU Fight For?

“Tarnished its reputation.”  They are afraid they are going to look bad, which seems to be more important than being on the side of the Bill of Rights.  Some inside the ACLU may be thinking that the NRA is worse than the Neo-Nazis because they fought for their First Amendment rights in Skokie.

If they continue down the path of only taking cases that are “pretty” (read approved by the Lefty overseers) they will end up being a beautiful and useless legal corpse.

Hat Tip Rob R.