Month: August 2018

When Politicians do not read the news (or are simply lying)

In an earlier post I pointed out that MSNBC this morning went to criticize Florida laws for the Gamer Shooter asshole getting the gun while in reality, he had bought it back home in Maryland.  This particular bit of news was on CNN as early today as 1:34 am.

Shall we give the former governor of Maryland the benefit of stupid and shoot his mouth on Twitter or we use the default position that he is simply lying?

Choices…. Hmmm. I don’t know. I know!

Why not both?

Quick thought on the politicization of tragedy

If you have been following the news on Twitter, you might have seen a trend forming.

Trump and a number of Republicans politicized the murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal immigrant.

Democrats and media personalities on the Left criticized Trump and the Republicans for politicizing Tibbetts’ murder because the Republicans warn against politicizing mass shootings.

Some on the Left have even gone so far as to deny that they (those on the Left) politicize tragedy.

This then spirals into whataboutism with examples of the response to Sandy Hook and Parkland and Obama’s “if I had a son” statement about Trayvon Martin.

Politicization happens.  There is a saying, “strike while the iron is hot.”

What I noticed and what nobody on social media has said is, when it comes to politicizing a tragedy, the facts are rarely if ever on the side of the Democrats.

Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Virginia Tech, the Jacksonville shooting on Sunday, etc.  The politicization was for gun control.  As the facts unfolded we learned that in each case, there were abundant warning signs, laws broken, and failures of goverment that allowed to the shootings to happen.

When it comes to Kate Steinle or Mollie Tibbetts, the facts were than an illegal immigrant who should not have been in the country killed an American.

Simply, the facts are on our side.

We need to stop saying “don’t politicize this shooting.”  We know the other side will politicize it and get their message out while we take a moment of silence.

We need to be ready to in an instant destroy their argument with facts.

When you slice them with their own knife.

BOSTON, August 16, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Legislation to add a “Gender X” option to driver’s license should have been a straightforward task in the far-left state of Massachusetts, but one Republican lawmaker managed to derail the bill by taking transgender ideology to its furthest extreme.

“Since all Democrats must admit that the number of genders is endless, how dare the commonwealth lump all the new genders together as ‘Gender X’?” Carr writes, summarizing Lyons’ facetious reasoning. “Every gender, he declared, must be listed on Massachusetts driver’s licenses! That was Lyons’ non-negotiable demand. No justice, no peace.”
Lyons told Carr he settled on demanding recognition for 73 different “genders,” as that was the number he reached by tallying the number of custom gender options Facebook offers.
Knowing that his liberal colleagues couldn’t rule any of the genders out of order without undermining the logic of transgender ideology, Lyons introduced each as a separate amendment to the bill the evening of July 31, each requiring 10 minutes of debate and three minutes to vote on.
“Number 6 added as a gender ‘cis.’ Amendment 9 — cis female, 13 — cis woman, 14 — cisgender female, 18 — cisgender woman,” Carr details. “Amendment 21 — gender fluid, 22 gender non-conforming, 23 gender questioning, 25 gender variant, 26 genderqueer.”
Six hours in, Lyons had only filed 35 of the amendments, at which point House leadership realized he was running out the clock and there wasn’t enough time before the midnight deadline to pass both the bill and the other legislation on the docket. At 10:45 p.m., they withdrew the bill.

Massachusetts Republican beats trans driver’s license bill by forcing votes on all 73 genders

The problem is that everybody likes the votes from the clowns, but don’t want to be part of the Clown Show.

Well done!

Bad decision by a dad

Oregon community raises money for man who punched pastor convicted of sex offense

Three-and-a-half years’ worth of emotions stirred in Kevin Patrick Smith.

The 45-year-old said he was sitting in the Medford, Oregon, federal courthouse on Wednesday for the sentencing hearing for Donald Courtney Biggs, 40, when he rushed Biggs and punched him.

Smith said two of his relatives were victims and his family had been members of the church where Biggs served for 10 years.

The hearing Wednesday proved to be emotionally charged, Smith said, as victims and their family members packed the courtroom. Victims’ statements were read for two hours, then it was the defense’s turn.  Biggs’ attorney Terry Kolkey said he submitted 26 sealed statements to the judge supporting Biggs’ character. The statements, Kolkey said, came from law enforcement officers, CEOs and other pastors who knew Biggs for being a “remarkably kind, giving human being.”

“They knew all of his crimes and stood with him,” Kolkey said. He also added that during the three years Biggs was in jail, he called his kids every day and even wrote letters that Kolkey said amassed to about 2,000 pages. He also showed this to the judge.

Kolkey’s presentation did not sit well with Smith.

“At that point, I just kind of snapped,” Smith told CNN on Sunday. “I charged across the courtroom. He was sitting behind a desk. I leaped over the desk and got a punch in on his face.”

I have a real problem with what Smith did.

Charging across a room and punching a pedophile in the face is a good way to break your hand.  Unless you know how to properly throw a punch, you are likely to do more damage to yourself than the person you are hitting.

If you find yourself in a position where you have to hit a pedophile in the face, my recommendation is that you use a crowbar or sledge hammer.  Something designed to withstand high force impacts on hard material like drywall, concrete, and skull.

Your hands, and your community, will thank you.

Shannon Watts is peddling CNN’s BS about gun deaths in the Americas

CNN linked the US to Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Brazil, and Mexico.

Gun-related homicides, suicides kill more people than war, study says

More gun deaths happened outside of war than in it during the years researchers examined (1990 through 2016) in 195 countries and territories.  Worldwide, an estimated 251,000 people died by gun in 2016. 

Gun deaths are predominantly concentrated in six countries that make up less than 10% of the world’s population. The United States, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and Guatemala together account for more than half of the gun-related deaths worldwide.

For the record that is the United States, one failing state, two failed states, and two narco-states.  I wonder if CNN is going to get into this more or just let it stand without context.

In 2016, the majority of global firearm deaths — an estimated 64% — were homicides. Suicides accounted for 27% of the gun deaths. A small fraction, about 9% of gun deaths, were accidental.

Except in the US where suicides are 61% of gun deaths.

If you were to look on a map, the highest numbers of gun-related homicides are concentrated in a belt that stretches from Mexico through the Caribbean to Brazil. Many of these homicides involve drug cartels, the authors suggest, and there’s a problem with organized crime and the illegal gun trade.

Suggests?  Really.  How about the ongoing war between the cartels and the Mexican government with civilians caught in the crossfire?  How about the non gun deaths in that drug war, with people literally being hacked to death with machetes as a warning?  Oh yeah, this is about gun control, sorry, a drug was is irrelevant.

“The sheer magnitude of these deaths and the range in firearm-related deaths is extraordinary,” said the study’s senior author, Chris Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.

Yeah, ignoring the drug war forest for the gun death trees is a hell of a way to conduct a study.

Suicide-by-gun rates declined globally between 1990 and 2016. Some countries, though, struggled with this public health crisis. In 2016, Greenland had the highest number of firearm suicides, with 22 deaths per 100,000 people. The US had the second-highest number, with 6.4 deaths per 100,000 in 2016.

But the population of Greenland is only 56,000 people so who cares.  The raw numbers don’t make a blip on the gun death radar.

“The US really has quite marked rates around suicide,” Murray said. “That was a surprise to me.”  For perspective, the United States has 4.3% of the world’s population, but suicide by gun there represented 35.3% of all firearm suicides in the world in 2016. By comparison, there were twice as many firearm suicides as gun-related homicides in 2016 in the US.

There is that important statistic, buried as an after thought at the end of a paragraph.

Americans have been killing themselves more with guns over the past decade, but homicide numbers have been relatively flat. The US ranks 30th in the world for total number of homicides, according to the study.

You mean America is not a failed, narco-state shit hole with running drug wars in our streets?

The highest increase in gun-related suicide rates in this time period was in Jamaica, and Singapore had the fewest gun-related suicide deaths. These numbers, Murray said, are an important reminder about how widespread this public health problem is.

How about overall suicide rate?  Well, we are number 31 on the list, below Belgium and France and just ahead of Canada and Sweden.  Our suicide numbers are on par with the average of the wealthier nations of Europe and below a lot of Asian nations.  It seems that Americans kill themselves at the same rate as our economic peers in Europe, we just use guns to do it more.

That never gets mentioned because it’s only about guns.

There is no one single trend behind gun violence. Drugs, alcohol, a lack of mental health services and domestic violence are often to blame, as is poverty, the study suggests.

“Places with high rates of firearm mortality that are getting worse tend to be places with weak government institutions, especially in the criminal justice system or social upheaval,” Daniel Webster, who has written extensively about gun violence as director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, wrote in an email. Other things that stood out from these numbers, he said, is that while the “measures aren’t great,” he said, “there is a connection: more guns, more gun-related deaths.”

Really?  How do we interpret it then that the majority of American gun deaths take place in high population density, urban areas, that are generally run by Democrats?  Maybe acknowledging that the US is not a monolith and places like St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, and parts of Chicago are more like failed microcosms unto them selves is a start.

That way of thinking doesn’t justify nation wide gun regulation.

Laws that seem to limit gun violence include ones that strengthen background checks and require permits for ownership, the study authors said. More restrictions on guns in Brazil and South Africa seem to suggest a link between a reduced access to gun ownership and a lower number of gun-related suicides and homicides.

And higher rates of murder of minority farmers who obey the gun laws at the hands of people who don’t.

Most of South America has very restrictive gun laws.  Mexico has one gun store for civilians.  Venezuela has banned civilian gun ownership.  They are all failed or failing states.

Chicago, DC, and Maryland have very restrictive gun laws, they too are failing US cities.

Maybe the issue here is that when a society crumbles economically and the goverment fails to maintain basic social services, that emboldens the criminal element of the population to arm themselves and start taking advantage of people through crime.

Venezuela and Detroit have a high murder rate for the same reason.  They have failed and there is no one to enforce the laws outside of a bubble surrounding where the elite live.

But CNN and Shannon Watts are going to overlook that because the culmination of the study is a push for gun control.


When it comes to gun, MSNBC’s defaut position is to lie.

Via Col Bloodnock @RubgyFan

Notice the time and date: Today at 8: am

However CNN had  6 hours or so earlier, published that the Asshole Shooter Katz had bought the gun in Maryland.

Katz legally purchased a 9mm handgun and a .45-caliber handgun back home in Maryland in the last month, according to officials. One of the weapons had a laser sight that attached to the gun, officials said. It’s unclear how he transported the weapons — and extra ammunition — to Jacksonville, or how he got them into the event.

Anybody with internet access could have very well gotten that information, but somehow it escaped the sharp eyes of the MSNBC crew? Nay I say in my opinion.. If you watch the video from MSNBC, you see litany against the Florida laws, a couple of slight “mistakes” and then the attack against Governor Rick Scott who is after Senator Bill Nelson’s seat. Scott seems to be edging out the long-time serving Democrat in the polls and that has to be scaring the crap out of Democrats as Florida would go from Purple to full Red.