Month: September 2018

I can get another rifle, but I cannot afford a new phone

I have been using a Nokia 835 with Windows Phone for the longest and I have been looking to upgrade. Yeah, I know, that was smart but hey, I paid $150 to T Mobile for it back then.

If you go to their site, you will see this and butt cringe.

From $700 to $1,000 ? Are they insane? And please tell me how people in Food Stamps can be prancing around the latest when I cannot afford a “previously owned” Smart Phone?

If I go lazy and don’t want to start from a  striped lower and build me a pew stick I have this selection:


The “cheap” phone is one complete rifle and you still have $300 left for red dots, mags and ammo. The expensive phone is two rifles and $200 for red dots, mags and ammo or one rifle and $600 for red dots, mags, ammo and some basic training. 

Oh well, life is not supposed to be fair.  Go ahead, people. Stay with your crappy phone and just buy a new rifle, and mags and ammo, etc.

How I became a open carrier – a response to Greg Ellifritz

I read Miguel’s post Friends Don’t Let Friends Open Carry – Written by Greg Ellifritz and the article he quoted.

I was once much like Miguel, I agreed with the right but not the practice.

Then I moved to Alabama.  I am now an open carrier.

Open carry is legal in Alabama with a permit.  Alabama permits are not concealed carry permits but pistol permits, both open and concealed.

I didn’t jump into open carry right away.  I still carried concealed initially, and I still do, but not having to worry about complete concealment has been such a relief that I’ve embraced it.

I need to clarify something at this point.  I believe that there are ways to open carry that are unobtrusive and polite and ways to open carry that make you look like a dick.  Not all open carry is created equal.  Running around with a tactical holster like you’re SWAT on casual Friday is a dick move.

When I am open carrying, I am already going to be in jeans or pants that mandate the use of a decent belt cut from the hide of a ruminant.  It is convenient then to holster up with a decent strong side holster and throw a shirt over the top.

Call it IDPA chic.  It is a lot more comfortable not having to worry about IWB or printing or peaking or anything else like that.  I carry a commander length 1911 and it’s easy to sit or drive or do what I want.  I don’t have to do the awkward “how do I bend over and not show the world I’m carrying” squat.

People are used to it enough around here that the muzzle of a pistol poking out from under the corner of shirt, vest, or jacket is a non issue.

There are a few places where I do make the effort to carry concealed because it is more fitting with the decorum of the establishment, like the fancy shopping mall in town.

Then there are the times where the convenient thing to do is carry in my Galco Waistpack because I’m just running errands with the kids and am in a t-shirt and shorts.

The point is, it has afforded me more freedom and ways I can carry, which I can match to my situation.

I understand that north Alabama is not Miami and that what works in one place doesn’t work for another.

It’s too bad that “don’t act like a dick” can’t be a law.

I have come to support “polite” open carry.  IDPA chic, with a gun in a modest but secure holster, partially hidden under an outer garment.  The problem, and I get it, is how do you legalize that without getting the occasional douche  going all operator with his eBay knockoff Blackhawk gear.

I support the right, and the practice, in a polite way, when appropriate.

If I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of freedom.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Open Carry – Written by Greg Ellifritz

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of open carry (carrying an unconcealed handgun or long gun in public).  Except in a hunting context or in very rural areas where one is unlikely to encounter another human, I generally think it’s a poor decision to carry openly.  Too many bad things can happen.  I’ve explored some of those issues in my article The Perils of Open Carry.


My friend Spencer Keepers summed up the issue of open carry in the best way that I’ve heard: “I support the right, not the practice.”  I agree with him 100%.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Open Carry

It makes for a good read. I agree with Open Carry as a legal  countermeasure  against penalizing accidental or temporary displays of a firearm.

Again, don’t go in the comment and bitch about “Ma Rights and Eff You!” Nobody is arguing against that, we are just talking about strategy and not accessorizing your belt. and looking butch.

Why should Liberal Democrat Males worry about the Kavanaugh thing?

Some are already figuring it out and trying to call to tone down the circus. Unfortunately, they are being drowned out by the tsunami of manufactured rage.

If we have seen over and over through theses last SJW years is that Liberals will turn around and aim their guns inside the compound. They always end up eating their own. You can bet your sweet ass that more than one power-hungry woman with no patience to wait for the political game to develop, will accuse some male democrat powerhouse so she can climb the political ladder or bring down an enemy.

It would amuse me to no end that certain Stay-At-Home Mom we all know would suddenly come out and say she was fondled by billionaire in the City That Never Sleeps so she could have a shot at a Colorado congressional seat.

Anyway, that is all me rambling.  Go back to your Monday.

Spurious and Supriouser

The accusation against Judge Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford, which started out on shaky ground has completely fallen apart.

She is 0 for 4 on corroborating witnesses.  The FBI has said it won’t investigate.  The Montgomery County Sheriff has offered to investigate, but so far no charges have been filed in the county.

Kavanaugh is set to present alibi documentation which the media and the internet has decided to completely tear apart.

The non stop cycle testify, won’t testify, negations on conditions to testify, push back the date of testimony, had further discredited her.

The Chicago Tribune and LA Times have both published OpEds criticizing the Democrats for this transparent farce.

So what are the Democrats going to do?  Exactly what they’ve been doing since 2012.  Push a bad thing even harder.

Ronan Farrow and The New Yorker have decided to take all the credibility they generated from the outing of Harvey Weinstein and burn it.

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years

The Democratic Senate offices reviewing the allegations believe that they merit further investigation. “This is another serious, credible, and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. It should be fully investigated,” Senator Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, said. An aide in one of the other Senate offices added, “These allegations seem credible, and we’re taking them very seriously. If established, they’re clearly disqualifying.”

Oh no, another woman as come froward.

The woman at the center of the story, Deborah Ramirez, who is fifty-three, attended Yale with Kavanaugh, where she studied sociology and psychology. Later, she spent years working for an organization that supports victims of domestic violence. The New Yorker contacted Ramirez after learning of her possible involvement in an incident involving Kavanaugh. The allegation was conveyed to Democratic senators by a civil-rights lawyer. For Ramirez, the sudden attention has been unwelcome, and prompted difficult choices. She was at first hesitant to speak publicly, partly because her memories contained gaps because she had been drinking at the time of the alleged incident. In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty. After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away. Ramirez is now calling for the F.B.I. to investigate Kavanaugh’s role in the incident. “I would think an F.B.I. investigation would be warranted,” she said.

Oh, bullshit.  She’s a women’s/victim’s right activist.  She had to think hard about this for days.  She wants the FBI to investigate after the FBI said that it wouldn’t investigate the Ford claim because it was out of their jurisdiction and they had nothing to go by.

Ramirez said that, when both she and Kavanaugh were freshmen at Yale, she was invited by a friend on the women’s soccer team to a dorm-room party. She recalled that the party took place in a suite at Lawrance Hall, in the part of Yale known as Old Campus, and that a small group of students decided to play a drinking game together. “We were sitting in a circle,” she said. “People would pick who drank.” Ramirez was chosen repeatedly, she said, and quickly became inebriated. At one point, she said, a male student pointed a gag plastic penis in her direction. Later, she said, she was on the floor, foggy and slurring her words, as that male student and another stood nearby. (Ramirez identified the two male onlookers, but, at her request, The New Yorker is not naming them.)

A third male student then exposed himself to her. “I remember a penis being in front of my face,” she said. “I knew that’s not what I wanted, even in that state of mind.” She recalled remarking, “That’s not a real penis,” and the other students laughing at her confusion and taunting her, one encouraging her to “kiss it.” She said that she pushed the person away, touching it in the process. Ramirez, who was raised a devout Catholic, in Connecticut, said that she was shaken. “I wasn’t going to touch a penis until I was married,” she said. “I was embarrassed and ashamed and humiliated.” She remembers Kavanaugh standing to her right and laughing, pulling up his pants. “Brett was laughing,” she said. “I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants.” She recalled another male student shouting about the incident. “Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’ And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there.”

Just a reminder of a quote from another The New Yorker author, Dorthy Parker.

“If all the girls at Yale were laid end to end, I shouldn’t be surprised.”

This has gone from bullshit to horseshit.  She was totally wasted, but remembers hearing someone yell down the hall “Brett Kavanaugh?”  Did they yell out his birthday and social security number too?

Oh yeah, and there are no witnesses.  The people who would know about the party said Kavanaugh wasn’t there.  The one person who remotely corroborates her story heard it about it as third party hearsay.

A classmate of Ramirez’s, who declined to be identified because of the partisan battle over Kavanaugh’s nomination, said that another student told him about the incident either on the night of the party or in the next day or two. The classmate said that he is “one-hundred-per-cent sure” that he was told at the time that Kavanaugh was the student who exposed himself to Ramirez.

This is even more dubious than the Miranda Kind Facebook post.

“I was drunk, I don’t remember the face, but I do remember a name yelled out in an awkward way that doesn’t sound at all like how college kids talk, from over 30 years ago, and it took a week for me to even suss out that detail,” is a really bad story to run with.”

But it gets worse.

Michael Avenatti is the lawyer representing Stormy Daniels in her bizarre suit against Trump.  Representing a 40 year old porn star who apparently spent all the money she agreed to take for sex with Trump and is now trying to get more has turned him into a #Resistance hero.  So much so that this shaky con-artist of a lawyer wants to use his Stormy Daniels fame to run for President.

So now he’s representing a woman who claims to have also been assaulted by Kavanaugh.  Not just Kavanaugh but his buddy Judge too.

The letter is hard to read (view it large in Twitter) but he is alleging  that Kavanaugh and Judge were involved in gang rapes and three-ways.

That’s right.  The man that everyone who knows him says he’s a Eagle Scout, is really Caligula.  Also, this woman’s name and her specific claims have yet to be disclosed.

That any woman would hire Avenatti already discredits her story.  He’s a political hack, not a lawyer.  But this goes so far out of the bounds of reality that no sane person can believe it.

The Democrats have clearly weaponized baseless sexual assault claims.  This is now their go to tool to destroy reputations.

They want power so badly, they have destroyed the Senate, our judicial system, and the credibility of women to try and take it.



Question for Dr. Ford

I’ve been thinking about the testimony of Dr. Ford against Judge Kavanaugh that is going to happen next week.

If I were a Senator and got one question to ask Dr. Ford, what would it be.

Here is what I’ve come to:

“Dr. Ford.  In previous statements you have made about your alleged assault, you named three potential witnesses in addition to Judge Kavanaugh, Mr. Mark Judge, Mr. Partick Smyth, and Ms. Leland Keyser.  All four have either denied that the assault took place or denied seeing you at a party with Judge Kavanaugh.  Those denials were in the form of sworn statements to this committee.  

Let me remind you that lying to the Senate is a felony.  

I am going to make you a one time only offer of immunity from perjury and ask Judge Kavanaugh not to bring suit against you for slander.  It’s good for this question and this question only.

Did you fabricate this story or is the accusation against Judge Kavanaugh in any way false?”

Personally, I think she’s too far down the rabbit hole.  She has no way to back out without totally destroying herself.

If someone offered her a way out with minimal repercussions, I think she might take it.

Michael Moore’s latest is raking in the empty seats.

Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 budgeted $6 million. Made $3 million in opening weekend in over 1,100 theaters.

That is $2,727 per theater over the weekend or 320 seats or 106 per day or 35 per showing.  The average number of seats in a theater is 200 so we are talking 168 empty seats per showing.  The theaters’ bathroom toilets seated more people than his movie. 
Industry standards say he needs to double the production budget to break even. I don’t see that happening unless the movie suddenly becomes a hit in Venezuela, China and Russia with the DVD sales.