I have been using a Nokia 835 with Windows Phone for the longest and I have been looking to upgrade. Yeah, I know, that was smart but hey, I paid $150 to T Mobile for it back then.

If you go to their site, you will see this and butt cringe.

From $700 to $1,000 ? Are they insane? And please tell me how people in Food Stamps can be prancing around the latest when I cannot afford a “previously owned” Smart Phone?

If I go lazy and don’t want to start from a  striped lower and build me a pew stick I have this selection:


The “cheap” phone is one complete rifle and you still have $300 left for red dots, mags and ammo. The expensive phone is two rifles and $200 for red dots, mags and ammo or one rifle and $600 for red dots, mags, ammo and some basic training. 

Oh well, life is not supposed to be fair.  Go ahead, people. Stay with your crappy phone and just buy a new rifle, and mags and ammo, etc.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “I can get another rifle, but I cannot afford a new phone”
  1. Oh, Miguel, Miguel … Mixing FDE and OD simply will not do for today’s chromically coordinated conniseurs of concussion.

    What would the neighbors say? (Except Mrs. Hodgedon two houses down, the poor dear is colorblind.)

  2. IMO buy on eBay, flash a new rom and go on with life for $200 or less for a good phone.

    You figured out the blogging thing and website, I’m sure it is within your technical capability to follow instructions to do this.

  3. Check out Asus brand phones. My wife and I have been using them for years now and they are really nice but also don’t break you. A good phone can be had for $200.00.

  4. This is why my phone is a Motorola. For $200 unlocked I get a decent Android and a lot of flexibility in choosing, or dumping a cell carrier. Asus and some Huawei are also good deals. $800 phones on the never never is a mug’s game.

  5. Just don’t try to put that M4 (AR-15) upper on that PA-10 (AR-10) lower.
    Can’t offer phone advice as I’m firmly in the snare of iThings.

  6. I bought my first smart phone in 2003. Windows Phone 5.0, I think. It was an HP iPAQ with a detachable keyboard. It took me four months to convince myself to plop down $150 for a freaking phone when everyone and I mean EVERYONE had a Nokia 5160 they got for free with activation.

  7. Try buying a NON-smartphone and keeping your current no-data plan when you activate!

    Took me almost an hour on the phone to get it through the service reps’ head that *I PURPOSELY BOUGHT A NON-SMART PHONE* so I wouldn’t be forced to give up my current plan.

    1. We have been with the same company for over a decade. Our grandfathered bill is $50-something a month for two phones, unlimited data and we don’t stream movies so we don’t get much throttled.
      Anything lower and we have to go fraudulent Obamaphone.

      PS: Boss informs me that it more over 18 year with the “same” company (bought from who bought from, etc.)

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