Month: September 2018

Articles of Lawfare against Kavanaugh

According to a report from Politco, the Democrats have tipped their cards on Kavanaugh.

Dems: We’ll probe Kavanaugh allegations if we win in November

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said that “as soon as Democrats get gavels,” the party will vet the FBI’s handling of Ford’s claim against the Supreme Court nominee — even if Kavanaugh is already seated on the high court by that time. Rep. Eric Swallwell (D-Calif.), who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, also said in an interview that the party could probe Kavanaugh’s denials of the allegations against him.

“If they ramrod this nomination through, and we win the majority, we can still investigate this on the House side, and certainly the question as to whether a Supreme Court justice committed perjury is something you could look at,” Swalwell said in an interview. “Hopefully it doesn’t come to that; hopefully they do this right.”

“Because,” he added, “it’s going to get investigated either way and it would be better not to have to investigate a sitting judge.”

This is naked lawfare.

Lawfare is a a portmanteau of the words law and warfare and means “the use of the legal system against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, tying up their time or winning a public relations victory.”

Lawfare is exactly the point of the Mueller investigation.  The Mueller investigation was supposed to show that Trump secretly worked with the Russian goverment to rig the election for victory.

After two years, they have produced exactly jack-fucking-shit on that.

The guilty pleads they have gotten are tax evasion, failing for file proper paperwork, and regulatory or administrative breaches, some from before the Trump campaign began.

It’s far from proving the original “collusion” accusation.  What it is supposed to do is wear down Trump and his credibility.  It will go on in perpetuity, no matter if it never uncovered anything because the constant “under investigation” refrain that the Left can say in relation to Trump is all they need to delegitimize him.

This is the future of the Kavanaugh appointment.  Senator Blumenthal said it himself.

“This nomination will not only cast a shadow over Judge Kavanaugh, if he were ever to be confirmed, it will also stain the United States Supreme Court irreparably.”

The Democrats will have Kavanaugh under investigation for life or until he steps down from the Bench.  They know what he did is unprovable, and impeaching him would be unprecedented.  But they can harangue him with a investigation and make his life miserable.

They will use the investigation to try and force him to recuse himself in any case having to deal with a woman.

“How can a suspected rapist be expected to rule fairly on a woman’s …” will be said at every opportunity.

They will make him rue the day he accepted the nomination by torturing him, his family, and his friends with an interminable investigation.

This is the two fold tactic that they will use from here on in.

One: make an unfounded allegation, without evidence, and try to get the accused to step down or quit and give up.

Two: if the accused doesn’t capitulate, they will open an investigation that has the goal of embarrassing and draining the financial resources of the accused until they quit in bankruptcy and shame.

In the absence of any real platform, they have opted to gain power through a Grand High Inquisitor.

This is truly a nightmare scenario.

How ’bout that 4th Amendment?

Old and busted: “F*ck off.  Come back with a warrant.”

New hotness: “If you don’t demand the FBI investigate you, that is evidence of guilt.”

“If you are innocent, you have nothing to hide” is a principle of totalitarian societies, not ours.

At this point I’d like to remind Senate Democrats that multiple courts have upheld the idea that refusing to consent to a search is not probable cause for a search.

They have seemed to jump right over that into “prove you are not guilty by asking law enforcement to search you.”  That’s dangerous territory.

Remember: don’t talk to the police without a lawyer.

Since this is the path that these people want to go down, I hereby demand that every Senate Democrat, and the idiots online repeating this talking point, ask the IRS to audit them just to prove that they did not cheat on their taxes.

I’m sure they’d like the results.



Creating Alternative Exits.

This is a video of a bad guy who took some shots at police and then killed himself.  I just want you to focus in his action at 1:44 where the video is cued.

One of the thing I have promoted for a long time is the fact that if you are trapped inside a location during an active shooter situation and your life is not immediately in danger, it is not a bad idea to use your gun to try to escape via a window or locked glass door.  You may want to shoot at a downward angle and near the frame to minimize the possibility of an injured bystander, but don’t get too fancy if the shooting is incoming.

If you go somewhere and you do not come up with an escape plan the first minute you are there, you are taking unnecessary chances.

Abiline Shooting Postmortem

Miguel’s Post Both sides played stupid games, both sides won stupid prizes really bothered me.

At first, my suspicion was that this was the result of a long standing neighbor dispute.  So I looked into it.  It wasn’t a long standing dispute, which shocked me.

I did as much research into this case as I could and have decided to do a postmortem on it.  Everything about it is a shit show.  The wife (fiance actually) has some moral culpability in this too.

Lastly, while we all agree that video is making situations like this easier for cops to piece together what happened and is generally good, don’t get stupid when you pull out the camera.  Miguel has covered this before.  This will become important later.

The fight started over trash in the alley, specifically throwing away a twin mattress.

Box said they had moved to that Abilene home in April, but they had never talked to the Millers until the morning of Sept. 1. The Millers were next-door neighbors.

“We had thrown out a twin mattress in a dumpster in our alley a few days before the shooting,” Box said. “You have to have the mattress in the dumpster or they will not haul it away.”

On the morning of Sept. 1, Box and Howard were in the backyard when they saw the mattress was on their property. Howard tossed it back in the dumpster.

Box said that’s when John Miller came to the alley, pulled the mattress out of the dumpster and tossed it back on Howard’s property.

This argument was the first interaction between Aaron Howard, the deceased, and John and Michael Miller, the shooters.

Kara Box was Howard’s fiance and the woman filming the altercation.

During in the incident Howard had a baseball bat, which according to Box:

“He [Howard] didn’t even swing it, he threw it over both of their heads and it landed behind them in the alley,” Box said. “That’s when the old man fired past my face and shot Aaron in the chest twice with the pistol.”

So Howard was armed.

Here is the problem with all of this.

Howard told Miller to put it back in the dumpster. Miller cursed at Howard and told him he wasn’t going to do that, Box said.

“That’s when John (Miller) pulled a pistol out of his shorts,” she said. Box noted that Howard’s nieces and nephews had been with them in the backyard.

The old guy without the shirt in the video is John Miller.  He pulled out the gun first.

“Aaron goes into pappa bear mode,” Box said. “A man has just pulled a gun on his wife, his brother, his nieces and nephews.”

This is where I start to lose it as a dad.  I’m running the fuck away at this point, carrying my kids and dragging my wife.  I’m calling the cops and pressing charges.  Situations like this call for Jew-Jitsu, the ancient martial art of finding an attorney and suing a guy to death.

A tense conversation ensues between Howard, who is not armed, and John and Michael Miller, who arrives on the scene armed with a shotgun.

Michael Miller, the younger man with out a shirt, came out with a shotgun to escalate the situation.  According to Inside Edition, Michael Miller actually went inside to get the shotgun.  He retreated then came back.

Howard threatens to kill the Millers, and the Millers repeatedly curse at Howard, according to the video.

As tempers flare, Box steps in between her husband and John Miller. Howard’s brother has handed him a baseball bat by this time, but he never swung it, his wife said.

Howard’s brother upped the ante by giving Howard a weapon.

By now Box has her phone out and is recording all of this.

This is when Howard throws the bat which makes John Miller shoot him in the chest.  Micheal Miller, John’s son, then fires his shotgun, hitting Howard in the head.

Here is where things get all sorts of fucked up.

Box and Howard were together for nearly two years and helped each other through their personal struggles in life, such as Howard’s lifelong battle with mental health issues.

“He had what’s called IED (intermittent explosive disorder), but he was getting help for it,” Box said.

Box is coming to her deceased fiance’s defense for those who may not have seen Howard the way that she did.

“It’s like judging someone for having cancer or diabetes, ‘Well, just stop having it,’ that’s not how it works,” said Box.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder is apparently a real thing.

Intermittent explosive disorder falls in the category of impulse control disorders. The condition is characterized by failure to resist aggressive impulses, resulting in serious assaults, property destruction, or frequent verbal aggression in the form of temper tantrums or tirades. Examples of this behavior include threatening to or actually hurting another person and purposefully breaking or damaging an object of value.

Box knew her fiance had this problem and escalated the situation.  I agree she has no legal culpability but she has all sorts of moral culpability.  It’s great that she pulled out the camera to show the police later, but why did she not do everything in her power to try and calm Aaron down, or get him out of there, or call the cops, or something.

If you love someone with diabetes pull out a king size Snickers and a 64 oz Mountain Dew, you slap that shit out of their hand and ask them why they’ve decided to commit suicide.

Box and Howard’s brother made it worse for Howard, not better.

This got out of control because the idiocy of not three, but five people.

  1. John Miller, who pulled out a gun over an argument, presumably trying to intimidate a much bigger guy.
  2. Michel Miller, who left the scene to come back with a second gun.
  3. Aaron Howard, who has an impulse control disorder.
  4. Kara Box, who decided to record the Millers rather than try and get her fiance, who she knows has a temper problem, out of there.
  5. Howard’s brother, who presumably also knows about Howard’s mental issues and also retrieves a weapon.

Everyone here was a garbage person, and while legal culpability falls on the Millers there is enough moral culpability for everyone.

It’s one thing to point to the main actors and say “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” but here we had family who are mourning the death of a loved one or will be serving time in an adjacent cell, who had every chance to deescalate but didn’t.

This whole thing was just an awful fucking mess.

The primary lesson here is: don’t let your ego get the best of you.

The second lesson is: if you see someone you care about doing something stupid and dangerous, stop them.


Carpetbaggers funding Gillum for Florida Governor

Andrew Gillum’s gubernatorial campaign raised approximately $450,000 in April and more than half of those contributions came from billionaire George Soros.
In April, Soros gave $250,000 to Forward Florida, a Gillum associated political committee. If you combine this recent Soros donation with two previous six-figure donations in 2017, Soros’ contributions to Gillum now total $450,000.
The Soros family has given half a million dollars to Gillum’s campaign for governor.

Also, of the $333,500 collected in April by Forward Florida, 93% of the donations came from donors residing outside of Florida.

Gillum PAC Receives $250K from George Soros, 93% of Donations from Outside of Florida

I guess after announcing he is planning on raising the corporate taxes, the donations from the local heavy hitters may have trickle down some.  So Soros bought himself a Democrat candidate for Governor and Bloomberg bought a Republican State Senator soon-to-be Senate President. Maybe we should start a GoFundMe to buy Florida Politicians. If we buy in bulk, I am sure we can get a discount.

PS: Anybody else bothered by the fact that Rich White guys are buying Minorities? Florida suddenly feels like an antebellum plantation.

Hat Tip Clark V.

A bit of perspective on the Judge Kavanaugh “scandal.”

Let’s say for argument’s sake that he had a private moment with the accuser (which by now, I doubt it happened.) If you think about it, the whole Kavanaugh scandal is because when he was 17, he got to second base.

If you ever were making out at that age, slid your hand under the blouse of your date, copped a feel and got your hand slapped, you must go register as a Sex Offender right now.

If you are thinking “Well, that is stupid!” congratulations, you have solved this case.