Month: September 2018

Those 65 women

Miguel speculated that the letter in support of Kavanaugh signed by 65 women was a counter ambush.

I showed how the Left is using it as Kafkaesque evidence of guilt.

How about we hear from one of the letter’s signers.

About That Letter From Women in Support of Brett Kavanaugh

Written by Virginia Hume, signer, daughter of Brit Hume, originally published in The Weekly Standard, copied and posted here in its entirety.

On Thursday afternoon, Dianne Feinstein released a cryptic statement saying she had submitted to federal investigators a letter about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Although the FBI quickly announced it would not pursue an investigation, speculation surfaced that the claims related to an incident of sexual misconduct dating to Kavanaugh’s high school years.

On Friday, a group of women who knew Brett in high school sent a letter in support of him to Senators Grassley and Feinstein. I am one of those 65 women. Having seen some of the reaction to the letter, I’d like to clear up a few things:

The letter was conceived and drafted by friends of Brett’s, and it was drafted after allegations came out on Thursday. I learned about the letter from a friend and fellow signatory. Others learned about it the same way. Those surprised at the speed with which it came together should see it as yet another testament to Brett’s excellent reputation.

To those who responded to my tweet saying “I knew Brett in high school” by asking if I had gender reassignment surgery: I went to an all-girls school in Bethesda. He went to an all-boys school in Bethesda. We were permitted upon occasion to speak to people of the opposite sex.

To those hearing the thwap thwap thwap of black helicopters because my father is a journalist or because I worked in politics: In a group of 65 graduates of D.C. area schools, it would be odd not to find someone related to or working as a journalist or politician. It is entirely unremarkable. This is a company town. (That said, it might explain why people happened to see my tweets on the subject).

Finally, to the one person who said I’m too young to know Brett Kavanaugh: Truly, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The letter was written and signed after the allegations were made public.


I came from the elite, prep school world.  From my experience, this is what I believe.

Parents send their kids to schools like that to give them the best shot in life.  Part of that is what you know, part of that is who you know.  The connections made at schools like that, you keep for life.

Just look at Choate, or Harvard or Yale (the later being colleges).  Look how many successful alumni there are from schools like that.  It is in part because success breeds success.

So it makes sense to me that 65 students from an elite girls’ prep school that is associated with an elite boys’ preps school, that all come from the same feed stock of connected parents, would keep in touch.

It also makes sense that they would be supportive of one another.

I am in no way saying that this is a lie or dishonest or evidence of anything untoward.  In fact, I believe these women are being honest, because in today’s #MeToo movement, if it were proven or in anyway made probable that Kavanaugh did what he is accused of, as Kavanaugh supporters, they would have their necks on the line too.

All I am saying is that the idea the getting 65 friends who knew Kavanaugh in high school, or ran in his social circle, to sign a letter in his support in a mater of a day or two is not that hard, given the prep school world he came from.

If you don’t know that world, this may seem like a conspiracy to you.  It’s not.

That is all.

First Orwell now Kafka

For years we’ve seen the Left take Animal Farm and 1984 and use them as a how to manual.

Orwell is not the only political satirist who the Left reads and says “that’s a good idea, we should do that.”

Franz Kafka is now on that list. The Trial is my favorite Kafka book.

It is the story of a man, Josef K., who is arrested and tried by a unidentified goverment agency for an undisclosed crime, and in a total perversion of justice, every argument for his defense is turned into evidence of his guilt.

The Trial is where we get the name for a type of logical fallacy, or argument in bad faith, called kafkatrapping.

Kaivan Shroff is a Democrat political activist.  He sent out a Tweet which was retweeted by Fred Guttenberg, which was then retweeted by David Hogg, which is how I found it.

Read that

Now read it again.

Do you understand it?

Having evidence of your innocence is solid evidence of your guilt.

You: “I didn’t do it, I have an alibi.”

The Left: “Only a guilty person would think about having an alibi.  Guilty!”

We are approaching a the cartridge box fix at breakneck speed.  Once this perversion goes from court of public opinion to actual court, or in the case of Kavanaugh, a hearing, justice in America is doomed.

The courtroom will become a Chinese Finger Trap where the more you fight to prove your innocence, the more the prosecution says that proves you are guilty.

Supporting free speech makes you a Nazi.

Believing in equality under the law makes you a white supremacist.

Providing evidence of your innocence is evidence of your guilt.

They have turned every principle of our foundation upside-down.

This is a purely evil as things can get.

This is what the people of San Francisco have been reduced to

I have covered the epidemic of car break-ins in San Francisco before.

Over 30,000 car break-ins per year in the city.  The state legislation has killed any attempt to make it easier to prosecute people who break into cars.

I said I know a story about a trans woman, criminal recidivist, killing a rich guy’s Chihuahua while breaking into his Mercedes was not peak San Francisco.  That was bad, but there was room for worse.

This is worse.

San Francisco residents pleading with thieves to spare their vehicles

San Francisco residents fed up with having their cars broken into multiple times have taken matters into their own hands.

Good.  The criminals in San Fran are out of control.  It’s time that the people stand up to them the way the police and legislature won’t.  Maybe if a few car thieves get beat within an inch of their lives by some angry citizens, the break in rate will go down.

They’re hoping to connect with would be thieves on an emotional level.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Fed up with having his vehicle broken into four times over a year and a half, Felix Kubin decided to express his frustration, writing on the rear windshield, “Thank you for letting this glass remain unbroken. We are a poor family with two kids. No values inside except diapers.”

San Francisco residents are now begging and pleading with the criminals no to be the victims of crimes.

They have been reduce to begging the criminals for mercy.

“Maybe they feel pity or like empathy,” Kubin told ABC7 News.

No they fucking don’t.  If they did, they wouldn’t have broken into the car in the first place.  A sign isn’t going to deter a potential thief out the goodness of his heart.

When will people learn that there is evil in this world.  The guy who is going to break into a car is going to do it because he doesn’t care that is is wrong.  A sign isn’t going to play on his empathy because that empathy doesn’t exist.

On the driver’s side window he wrote, “No valuables inside except baby’s milk.”

On the rear passenger window he wrote, “Nothing to take valuable in this car. Thank you.”

He’s thanking the criminals for leaving his car alone.  That is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

I was wrong.  This sign is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

After the second break in, I’d sell my home and move.  I would not live in a place that my car was broken into six times.

Kubin and his wife learned what would work the hard way. First break in, they lost $1,500 worth of sporting goods.

“I think maybe it’s my fault I left the car in such a place,” said Kubin.

I guess the car’s skirt was too short.

Kubin says he thinks thieves are using a tool that breaks glass in an emergency.

“It makes treasure hunting in somebody’s cars much more easy,” he told ABC7 News.

  It’s not treasure hunting.  It’s a crime.

SFPD says “Park Smart!”

“If you love it, don’t leave it.”

“In one sense, it’s creative and it does follow the strategy that people are taking responsibility. But on the other hand, it’s really sad that people feel they have to do that,” San Francisco Police Chief William Scott said, responding to the pictures we showed him of vehicles with notes.

The SFPD has better things to do than protect city residents from crime.  They have to ignore people shooting up drugs in BART stations.  They also have criminal illegal aliens to not arrest.  It’s exhausting work trying to protect he city’s residents while being Woke and politically correct.

“That equates to roughly 3,000 fewer car break-ins than this time last year, which is really, really good news for us,” said Chief Scott.

He says it’s thanks to extra foot patrols and educating people.

“We would like to get it down to zero, but it’s still happening,” said Chief Scott.

Translation: “We’ll still have 27,000 car break-in this year.”  That’s nothing to brag about.

Chief Scott tells ABC7 News he believes it’s a small group of people that are responsible for a lot of the issue. He says SFPD is focused on identifying who those people are and bringing the best cases to the District Attorney’s office for prosecution.

Translation: “Most people are going to get a walk on break-ins.  Especially illegals because were a sanctuary city.”

The residents of San Francisco have been reduce to groveling at criminals not to victimize them.

That is a city that is broken beyond repair.

One of my favorite movies is Dirty Harry.  Under ordinary circumstances, I’d never suggest a Dirty Harry remake or reboot.

However, given this, might I make a suggestion.

Scorpio is the name of a SFPD cop who goes around arresting moms for giving kids straws while Dirty Harry is a anti-hero who hangs out on rooftops with a rifle and shoots people who break-into cars.



Moped Crime in England

Seems I am to be the compliment to J. Kb’s posts today. Mom is not having a good day, so my mind is not quite here.

Moped gangs are a scary thing in the formerly Great Britain. Here is a video of several incidents, but I reckon the attack on the jewelry and watch store is memorable, specially how brazen they are in their display of weapons.

There is impunity with this crimes. It comes with equal parts of properly disguising themselves and the fact that the Brit police do not bother much with “unsolvable” property crime. And when comes to number-crunching time for end-of-year reports, they have no issue fudging the stats.  And this is a State who is fully disarmed, killed the right of self-defense and it has surpassed George Orwell’s nightmares of surveillance’s capabilities .

But fear not: If the Government finds anybody carrying a potato peeler, rest assured he will be arrested!




When they’ve banned everything

The UK has banned just about everything at this point.

No guns, no knives, no weapons – lethal or non-lethal – of any kind are allowed in public.

What has this done for the people of the UK?

It just means that criminals will now stomp on their heads.

Shocking moment gang of masked thugs throw moped rider off his bike and repeatedly stomp on his head before stealing his scooter

This is the horrifying moment a gang of masked thugs punch and kick a moped rider to the ground then repeatedly stamp on his head before taking his bike.

The helpless victim cried ‘what are you doing?’ as he was surrounded by feral youths in College Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, and viciously attacked in broad daylight.

The British police have been reduce to uselessness.  Criminals know that there is no danger in attacking people in daylight.

The vile yobs were seen laughing and taunting their victim as they beat him in front of several onlookers who did nothing to intervene, but instead recorded the action with their mobile phones.

Of course onlookers did nothing.  There were four attackers, the onlookers were unarmed.  One of the attackers looked to be Middle Eastern, so presumably the rest of them were too.

Any bystander who jumped into the fray would have also had his head stomped on.  Then he probably would have been arrested for a hate crime.

The only reason this guy survived was that he was wearing a helmet.  Forget about bikes and mopeds, the British need to just start wearing helmets all the time.

The British have been disarmed and stripped of their right to defend themselves.

Their police have been reassigned to arresting people for posting on Facebook and Twitter anti-migrant statements.

The result is people getting their heads kicked.

Congratulations Great Britain, you gave birth to the modern Western World with the Age of Enlightenment, and now you’ve devolved into a third-world shit hole.

Florida CWP: The road to 2 million.

I read J. Kb.’s post and realized I had not posted the updated Florida CWP numbers till August 2018.

1,935,833 valid licenses in circulation. 64,157 to get to the two million. If we keep the 20,000 licenses per month we would be able to be the first state to reach that landmark by December. If Gillum wins, we will see the 2 mill by November easy plus another jump in gun sales since they are already waving the Gun Banning flag.

Don’t mug people in Florida

From the Sun Sentinel

Gas station customer shoots robber, cops say

A man with a concealed-weapons permit shot one of three men who tried to rob him at a gas station just outside West Palm Beach, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office said.

He had just paid for his gas and was walking back to his car when three men approached and demanded money. Rather than hand it over, he drew his gun and shot at them, the Sheriff’s Office said.

The wounded would-be robber is in custody and is expected to survive.

The attempted robbery happened just before 7 a.m. Saturday at the Shell station at 2970 N. Military Trail, said sheriff’s spokeswoman Teri Barbera.

“The victim, in fear of this life, discharged his firearm, which he has a concealed weapons permit for, striking one of the suspects,” she said, in a statement.

The gas station clerk, who would only identify himself as Mr. Nasser, said the intended victim appeared unhurt.

“The guy came in and paid for the gas and they tried to rob him and he fired at them,” Nasser said. “He was not killed, but somebody was injured.”

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  In Florida, mugging people is like a game of Russian Roulette.  You may not get shot every time, but with 1.8 million issued Florida CCW permits, eventually your luck will run out.  Some people just have to learn that lesson the hard way.