Month: September 2018

Blue wave violence, Pt. 2

Earlier today I covered what I thought was the origin of an attack and a threat of an attack against people on the Right.

Without fail, the media proved my (and Miguel’s) point.

This is from the communications director of Senator Susan Collins:

That’s bad.  I feel bad for the Senator’s staffers who have to sit there professionally and take that.

So how did the national media respond?

According to the pundit on MSNBC, this just shows how passionate these people are.  They are just really worried about these life and death issues.

Not that the Democrats have whipped people up into a frenzy with histrionic statements about a SCOTUS pick leaving millions dead in the streets and reducing women to “subhuman baby vessels.”

Of course these are the letters and calls the media was willing to play on the air.  I guarentee that the ones that were too graphic for the news were death threats and rape threats.

Don’t worry, they are just passionate.

I for every thousand people that is willing to call or write something abusive and nasty, just one was willing to act on his or her “passion,” a lot of politicians and their staff are going to be in danger.

I’m not sure what the laws are in various states, but if I were a Republican member of Congress, I’d start letting my staff carry concealed in the state office.  I know I would be.

They wanted home delivery by Trump himself.

One of the many accusations against Trump has been that the response to Puerto Rico was botched. Stuff did not reach the island and thousands died because he is President shit.

In October of 2017, a garbage dumpster was found filled with water and meals ready to eat, remember?

And yesterday, they found an amazing amount of abandoned  bottles of water in an airport.

Hundreds of thousands of water bottles meant for victims of Hurricane Maria are still sitting at a Puerto Rico airport — nearly a year after the deadly storm, according to a report.

A photo showing the bottles in boxes and covered in a blue tarp on a runway in Ceiba was shared widely on social media Tuesday evening.
“Although you don’t believe it… almost a million boxes of water that were never delivered to the villages,” posted Abdiel Santana, a photographer working for a Puerto Rican state police agency who took the pictures. “Is there anyone who can explain this?”

Massive stockpile of bottled water found in Puerto Rico a year after Maria

This was water airlifted to Puerto Rico at a considerable expense to the taxpayers. It was the responsibility of the local government to distribute it and the failed miserably. But somehow, the fault that the water was not delivered is Trump’s. What the flock they wanted him to do? Play Presidential Grubhub and deliver it personally?

Now, do we relay need that level of corruption and fuck up to become the 51st state of the Union? Let’s help Puerto Rico become independent.


Trump Derrangement Syndrome: Mark J. Bird.

A longtime College of Southern Nevada sociology professor is facing felony gun charges in connection with an on-campus shooting on the second day of classes.
Mark J. Bird was charged last month with discharging a gun within a prohibited structure, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and possessing a dangerous weapon on school property, court records show. He was found bleeding from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his arm about 8:15 a.m. on Aug. 28 outside a bathroom in the Charleston campus K building.

It gets much better:

One college employee told police that he held Bird’s hand to calm him down as others tried to stop the bleeding. While waiting for authorities to arrive, Bird said he had shot himself in protest of President Donald Trump, police noted in their report. The report did not elaborate.

Report: Las Vegas professor shot himself in arm to protest Trump


I know you already are thinking about other places this idiot could have placed the muzzle of the gun in order to make a long-lasting impression. But  allow me to give you a sobering thought: If they are willing to shoot themselves for small-minded political crap,  do you think they will have any compunction shooting you or your loved ones just because you are in the wrong side?

Is no longer a question of “IF” but “When.” And unfortunately,  I think it will be sooner than later that we may have to react.

Hat Tip Rick R.


Blue wave violence

Miguel touched on the attempted stabbing of Congressional candidate Randy Peters earlier today.

I have my own feelings on this and the cause being a lot closer to home.

Maxine Waters has always been a terrible member of Congress.  She is consistently one of the most corrupt members of Congress and had the dishonor of being named the most corrupt four times.  She is also one of the stupidest people ever elected to any office ever.

In an age where Trump Derangement Syndrome is spreading through the Left like the Black Death in Medieval Europe, her unhinged and neigh-criminal rantings have taken her laughing stock to #Resistance super hero, affectionately dubbed “Auntie Maxine.”

Not long ago, she decided to weigh in on the Sarah Sanders/Red Hen scenario by telling people to harass Trump’s cabinet members whenever they are out in public.

Just the other day, she doubled down saying that she threatened Trump supporters all the time, as though that was something to be proud of.

I’m not laying this all at the feet of Maxine Waters.  She may be the most vocal in this way, but the loudest voices in the Democrat party are all unhinged.

Senator Diane Feinstein claimed that the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh would get people killed.

It’s not just gun control.  According to the Left, Kavanaugh will overturn Roe v. Wade and usher in a dystopian hellhole where women are dying by the millions of illegal, coat hanger abortions.

The former Democrat Governor of Virginia – and Clinton body man – doubled down on the “Kavanaugh will cost lives” hysteria.

An open letter by Yale Law School students and alumni said the same thing.

They call Kavanaugh a “death sentence” for Americans.

CNBC claimed that the Trump tax cuts will kill 10,000 people per year.

Logic dictates that the GOP is going to kill Americans, it’s only reasonable to kill the GOP.

So a Castro Valley man allegedly cursed Trump, tried to stab GOP congressional candidate.

On the other side of the country DC police investigate threat to commit mass shooting at a MAGA event in Trump International Hotel.


Bloomberg doesn’t need to rely on a stabbing in Brazil that I doubt anybody heard about to justify the attempted murder of a Republican Congressional candidate or a room full of Trump supporters.

All the people need to do is listen to Auntie Maxine and the rest of the main stream Democrats on how Trump is going to kill tens-of-thousands, hundreds-of-thousands, and millions of Americans every year with coat hangers, starvation, and mass shootings.

The Democrats seem to be laying it all out right now that they will take control of the House and Senate in a massive blue wave and impeach Trump.

If that fails to materialize, the rhetoric and panic will only get worse.

So will the violence.

Dear NBC, can you run that by me again?

This is possibly one of the most contradictory articles ever written about guns and Active Shooters.  Beside the fact that semi-auto weapons are included in the non-automatic weapons category, we get an initial statement that gets contradicted by the same article.  Did somebody retire and were imbuing alcohol while preparing this confusing facsimile of news?


Exhibit 1)

CHICAGO — Gunmen with semi-automatic rifles wound and kill twice as many people as those using non-automatic weapons, although the chances of dying if shot with either type of weapon are the same, a new analysis shows.

Exhibit 2)

But in “active shooter” attacks, which tend to occur in confined spaces and with an intent to kill, the results suggest that all types of guns are equally deadly, said lead researcher Dr. Adil Haider, a trauma surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Exhibit 3)

Overall, 44 percent of people hit in such attacks involving semi-automatic weapons died, the same as those wounded in attacks with non-automatic weapons, showing that “the death rate if you got hit by a bullet was the same,” Haider said.

They are not even trying anymore.

Bloomberg Opinion: Stabbing of candidate doubleplusgood

I think we can officially say that Democrats will try to win by any means necessary.

From the article:

 According to witnesses, 35-year-old Castro Valley resident Farzad Fazeli approached Peters at his booth in an aggressive manner and made disparaging, profanity-laced remarks about the Republican party and President Donald Trump.
During the incident, Fazeli allegedly pulled out a switchblade knife and attempted to stab Peters. The knife malfunctioned and the candidate became involved in a physical struggle with Fazeli, according to sheriff’s Sgt. Ray Kelly.

I am guessing this has the Bloomberg Opinion Seal of Approval too.

Now that Texas allows the open carry of swords, don’t you think people should drop by an event with Robert (AKA Beto, AKA Mr. Cultural Appropriation) O’Rourke with a nice heft Bowie knife on their belts just to see the look on his face?  The Hispanic Corps should bring the rusty machetes out for a spin.

Nah, we don’t need to be dicks. Just carry concealed.