Month: September 2018

That one time when David Hogg was so wrong even Michael Moore had to correct him

This is so cringe worthy it’s unbelievable.

Michael Moore traveled to the Toronto Film Festival so show off his new movie Fahrenheit 11/9.  Why not go to a foreign country to shit all over America’s  58th consecutive election of a President and 45th peaceful transition of power, in a movie that will make you millions of dollars, which could only have been made in America because of this nation’s freedoms.

Fifty-eight elections and 45 peaceful transitions of power is mind boggling when you think about it.  As a student of history, I can’t think of any other time that power wast transferred more than a handful times without some monarch’s sibling, cousin, or in-law making a challenge to the throne.

Michael Moore brought some of the Parkland kids with him.  Apparently Parkland has something to do with Trump and the Republicans, rather than years of failure of county bureaucracy in one of the most Democrat rich counties in the state.  So pretty much Broward is like Wayne County, Cook County, Baltimore County, etc, where all he problems can be traced back to total domination of the county goverment by the party that Moore wholeheartedly supports.

David Hogg takes the stage and promptly tells the Canadians to violate US Federal law.

Michael Moore has to correct him, live, on stage, at which point he awkwardly stumbles through the rest of his message.  It makes no sense for Hogg to have to do this in Canada, the Canadians have already implemented everything he wants, from massive gun restrictions, to government provided healthcare, to confiscatory tax rates.

He then tries to recover from his mistake by repeating the lie that the NRA funneled $30 Million from Russia to Trump.

This is provably false.  Still Hogg is going with it.

Why not?  He’s standing next to a man who made almost $120 Million with a movie that pushed 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Is saying that the NRA laundered $30 Million to Trump any more unbelievable than saying Bush knew about and let 9/11 happen for political gain?

I think this is also a good time to mention some facts about the 2016 election.

Hillary raised $973 Million to Trump’s $564 Million.  Hillary spent $969 Million to Trump’s $531 Million.  If the NRA did give Trump $30 million, that would amount to 5% of his total raised.  Considering that Hillary out spent him by $438 million or 45%, that fictitious money from Russia would have made no bit of difference even if it had been real.

David Hogg wants to lover the voting age to 16, but after six months of pro-voting activism, doesn’t understand Federal campaign donation laws, and spreads 9/11 truther level conspiracy theories about Trump.  This is almost enough to justify raising the voting age to 21 and perhaps implementing a civics exam to earn the franchise.

Hogg and Moore came off looking terrible by doing this.  Their 15 minutes is way past up, but in the land of TDS they will be hailed as heroes.  Moore knows this well.  He’s been riding a wave of BDS since June 23, 2004.

This movie is going to make a lot of money selling tickets to the #Resistant who want to watch anti-Trump porn and it’s only to going amplify Hogg.

It’s amazing just how much money can be made off of brainless outrage.



Raw Story senior editor is honest about socialism

We were sitting in the airport this morning and I decided to catch up on my regular news sites.

I saw this on Twitchy and nearly blew a gasket.

It started with the Conservative pundit Stephen Miller calling out some college communist for saying one of the stupidest and morally repugnant things I’ve ever seen about Cuba on Twitter.

This struck me deep.  The day before I was at my buddy’s wedding.  His family is from Cuba.  His grandparents were there.  His grandfather is 96 years old and they has just celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary the week before.  So they were honored at his wedding.  The Bishop who conducted the service talked about them and their fleeing from Cuba and the fact that the wedding took place on September 8th, which is the day of the Feast of Our Lady of Charity, which is done in honor of Cuban exiles.

So I had just from a first hand reminder of what had been done to so many people during the Cuban Revolution.  Seeing someone praise Cuban communism a day after celebrating with two people who fled their homes with nothing but each other rankled me.

Then the Senior Editor of Raw Story, Martin Cizmar decided to jump into this conversation. (Tweet link provided, screen grabs for posterity)

Oh yeah, Cizmar’s quick wit owned that girl who was standing up for her family’s property rights.  How dare they own a big house.  Somebody aught to take if from them.

Cizmar supports this because it wasn’t his house that was taken.  It wasn’t his family’s land that was collectivized.  It wasn’t his relatives that were threatened with execution.  It was someone else who clearly didn’t deserve it.

At this point I should point out that the average salary for a Raw Story editor is $92,000 and as a senior editor he’s be closer to the $131,000 peak.

I am reminded of this scene from Doctor Zhivago where the Communists have taken Zhivago’s family home and scolding him while they do it.

History of shown us the reality of what happens when property rights are destroyed.  Cuba, the Soviet Union, every time the end is dilapidation.  I remember reading first hand accounts from the fall of the Berlin Wall and the shock that the East Germans had that the buildings in West Germany didn’t still have bullet holes and damage left over from WWII.

Not just is it morally despicable to take and redistribute the property of people who have earned it, but property taken ends up destroyed.  It’s both immoral and impractical.

Then in a great leap of evil thought, Cizmar argues that Cuban communism is superior to the US because of the Senate.

Ah yes, the Senate.  The Senate was never intended to represent the people, it was intended to represent the state governments.  Still, even with the direct election of Senators, the Senate is still a bulwark for minority rights.

This Tweet hit close to home because I lived in South Dakota.  We had one Representative in Congress.  She was our Congresswoman at Large.

California has 53 Congressional seats.

To put it bluntly, when you live in a place like South Dakota, your Senators matter.  If you totaled the Congressional districts of just Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City/Long Island, you get more seats than the entire Mid West.  Without the Senate, LA, San Fran, and NYC could force whatever they wanted onto the Mid West.

This is exactly what Cizmar wants.  He admits it when he’s asked about amending the Constitution

“A bunch of randos in empty lands marked off in squares.”  That contempt for Middle Americans is so thick you could patch cracks in a driveway with it.

According to Cizmar, the reason our Republic “cannot, and should, not last in this format” is because New York and California do not have the power to simply crush the people of flyover country under their boot like he believes they should.

In Cizmar’s America, the wrong people have too many rights and that’s the problem.

He finishes his argument with one smart but totally chicken shit Tweet.

There is a quote, often mis-attributed to Benjamin Franklin that goes “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch.”

For him, a “more Democratic” goverment is a few big Blue urban centers carving up the resources of Middle America for themselves.

The smart but chicken shit sentiment is that he isn’t going to be personally involved.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.  When it comes to these American socialists, I want them to experience real socialism.  By that I mean being dragged from their homes, shot in the head, and dumped in a ditch.

It is completely clear that is exactly what they want from us.

They can collect their six figure salaries for Lefty news sites, or millions of dollars in movie royalties, but they want you and I to have our homes seized and used to house the poor.  It won’t be the mansions in Beverly Hills or the luxury condos on Park Avenue that will be turned into Kommunalki, but the comfortable suburban homes of doctors, lawyers, engineers, small business owners, and the rest of the educated professional class.  That was the first class to be destroyed in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and now Venezuela.  They/we lack the political connections to protect our property from the bureaucrats and the numbers to protect ourselves from the angry mobs.

The imposition of socialism always ends up with some group shot and dumped in a mass grave.  Always.

If there is ever a serious attempt at imposing socialism in the US, we should put the Socialists in mass graves first.


San Francisco’s Illegal Alien Voting Guide

You can download a copy here.

I love the bottom part:

IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR NON-UNITED STATES CITIZENS Any information you provide to the Department of Elections, including your name and address, may be obtained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other agencies, organizations, and individuals. In addition, if you apply for naturalization, you will be asked whether you have ever registered or voted in a federal, state, or local election in the United States. You may wish to consult with an immigration attorney, an organization that protects immigrant rights, or other knowledgeable source before providing any personal information to the Department of Elections and before registering to vote in San Francisco Board of Education Elections. You can find a list of nonprofit organizations that specialize in protecting the rights of immigrants on

Consult with a lawyer who will tell you: a) remain illegal or b) Lie if you are asked if you voted by an Immigration Official. Say no because they pack your ass and deport you. Do not Pass GO, Do Not Collect $200. Next stop: Tijuana.


Gun Grabber Kamala Harris travels with LAPD bodyguards outside L.A.

Via Firearms Policy Coalition.

Armed, plain-clothes LAPD officers were dispatched to California cities outside of Los Angeles at least a dozen times to provide security for U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris at public events, media appearances, and a party.
LA taxpayers paid for airline tickets, hotel stays, car rentals, and meals, according to detailed expense reports obtained by NBC News. The total cost of the trips, not including the officers’ overtime, topped $28,000.

Sen. Kamala Harris Given LAPD Protection, Even When She Wasn’t in LA

I always find adorable how te Gun Grabbers not only have no problem being surrounded by Good Guys with Guns (after decrying the notion as ludicrous) and enjoy getting their protection via taxpayers’ money who she will not allow to protect themselves.

There is a bunch of documents in the link above if you feel like having some Sunday reading.