Month: September 2018

Go woke go broke: jeans – update

This from a statement on the Levi Strauss official blog.

Levi Strauss & Co. has long been known as a pioneer of the American West, one of the great symbols of American freedom. A company born in 1853, we’ve seen and been part of some of the biggest transformational movements that have shaped U.S. culture.  

As an iconic global company, we know that what we say and do matters. In 2016, we heard from a number of our retail employees who expressed concerns over consumers carrying guns in our stores. That same year, we had an incident where a consumer accidentally shot and injured himself while trying on a pair of jeans. These events prompted our CEO, Chip Bergh, to write an open letter asking gun owners not to bring firearms into our stores, offices or facilities. While not everyone agreed with our decision, we stood firm because we have never been afraid to take an unpopular stand to support a greater good.  

We are inspired by the young people who are speaking up on America’s gun violence epidemic. It’s an issue that affects all of us in this country and is all too prevalent in daily life – whether it be our children participating in active shooter drills at school, worries about our own safety at work or in our community or, most tragic of all, someone we know being hurt by the daily gun violence in this country (one quarter of Americans say they have been directly affected by gun violence).

So they partnered with Everytown.

A brand once associated with cowboys, and by extension the Colt revolver, has gone full anti gun.

It’s a good thing the brand has devolved into hip pants for people who think work is typing a screenplay at Starbucks.

Still, there are a lot of parents who might be tempted go buy Levi’s for their kids.

Knowing that Levi’s is now the official pants of David Hogg, its interesting to see what this does to their bottom line.

Update: there had been a lot of brand discussions in the comments.

Round House brand jeans are made in the USA and are done in the same style as Carhartt Workwear. Just in case you want to support an American company and American workers.

Somebody in the Miami Herald does not like Gillum.

This looks like a scene from a bad sitcom. And news media  are very selective of the images they transmit so it is not a simple “oopsie” what we have here., somebody in the Miami Herald is less than pleased with the ticket. Maybe the paper has a “deep red state” operative working inside.

And they shouldn’t like the Democratic ticket since the Miami Herald is a corporation and they are going to get raped by the tax increase Gillum wants. That will translate to more cutbacks in the paper which equals more journalists with a bright future as baristas. What the Herald needs is to copy Disney and bring journalists from India and Pakistan to work for minimum wage.

Guttenberg v. Kavanaugh: a Senate orchestrated character assassination

The “snubbing” of Fred Guttenberg was more than just a prepped media ambush.

Fred Guttenberg was invited to the hearing by Senator Diane “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in” herself.

Seventy people were arrested, 61 from inside Senate office buildings as a result of the disruptions to the confrontation hearing.

That Fred Gutenberg not just managed to stay in the Senate chamber, but managed to approach Kavanaugh can’t be coincidence.

Given Feinstein’s statements about Kavanaugh and gun rights:

I don’t think it is too far fetched to believe that Senator Feinstein herself orchestrated this incident in order to make Kavanaugh look like an uncaring asshole disrespecting the father of a victim of gun violence.

AS well all know, for Leftists it is a taboo to show anything but obsequious deference to a member of a sacred victim class.

Even if the Senator wasn’t the one who explicitly masterminded this character assassination, it’s clear she had both a vested interest and a hand in it happening.


If you need another reason

Just in case you needed one more reason to check Zero.

Just a reminder how radical Progressive Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is.  She is endorsing Linda Sarsour.  Because Justice Kavanaugh will turn America into Gilead, but a radical Jew hating Muslim who wants Sharia law to govern America is bulwark of intersectional feminist liberty.

But that is not the point.

Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Ayanna Pressley for Congress.

Pressley is a radical anti-ICE, open borders, anti-law enforcement, “Medicare for all” Leftist.

She won the primary.

That is the state of the current #Resistance.

They are electing Socialists who look at Venezuela and say “I want some of that” to office.

Bernie turned out to be the tip of the iceberg.



Great deal on Romeo 5 Red Dot

About once or twice a week I do the poor kid with the nose pressed against the window of the candy store and drop by the Palmetto State Armory site to check what’s good.

They have a good one: SIG SAUER  Romeo 5 red dot sight.

I clipped out accidentally, but it allegedly has a battery life of 450 at high setting and it has not only auto shut off, but it wakes up when it feels movement like when you pick up the rifle in the middle of the night after the “Bump” makes its entrance.

I got one back in February for the “finally popping my AR cherry” project and I like it because is light as heck, small profile but the dot is very visible. And it cost me $35 more in another wholesaler, so this is a bargain.  I did my research and the immense majority of owners are happy about the sight so I am confident I did good. Do hurry since the sale ends today.


The answer is yes

I saw the same video of Judge Kavanaugh being questioned by Senator Diane Feinstein that Miguel did.

The “common use” aspect of the back-and-forth was stunning.  She conceded that people may own a lot of assault rifles (If they want to cal AR’s “assault rifles, I don’t care, they will try and ban them no matter what they are called) but don’t use them.  I can assure her, I use mine, so does everyone I know who owns them.

Where that exchange took a turn for me was when she asked about school shootings.

Anti-gun activist Igor Volsky jumped on the same thing I noticed but on the other side.

The short answer is “Yes.”

The longer answer is “The criminal acts of a very tiny percentage of the population is not an excuse to eliminate a civil right.”

There are over 72,000 overdose deaths, per year, more than twice the number of all gun deaths.   To save lives, maybe we should up-end the 4th Amendment and allow police to set up checkpoints to search people and their vehicles for drugs.

Illegal immigrants cause a disproportionate number of DUI related fatalities.  No Liberal or Civil Libertarian would say it’s a good idea to let the police set up checkpoints to ask drivers for their proof of citizenship like some Soviet bloc nation.

Why should a few dozen people (remember that the hundreds of school shootings Senator Feinstein is quoting never happened) eliminate the rights of 100 million law abiding gun owners or 300 million Americans with the potential to exercise their right, even if they don’t want to?  Simply: it shouldn’t.

I figure we settled this debate back in the 1770’s.

I remember the words of patriot Patrick Henry:

“Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

And those of Samuel Adams:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

This nation was founded on the idea of liberty over docile subservience.

Senator Diane Feinstein and all those that support her don’t believe that.