Month: September 2018

Why I’m never going to testify before the Senate

Senator: “What is this ‘Devil’s triangle’ referenced in your yearbook?”

Me: “It is a drinking game, like quarters – have you every played quarters – but played with three glasses in a triangle.  If you are referencing what Michael Avenatti said, a menage a trois consisting of two men and one woman is a ‘Devil’s threesome.’  That’s what your wife is getting done to her while you are conducing this sham hearing because you’ve never satisfied her in your life.”

Put a fork in the US, we’re done

I’ve had the Fox News live stream of the Ford/Kavanaugh hearing playing in the background today while I worked.

It is a God damned travisty.

Dr. Ford started out by making corrections to her letter to the Democrats.  She had days and weeks to draft that but still had to alter the details of it during the hearing.

She can’t remember details from the last few weeks, but is 100% sure of what happened 36 years ago.

She brought no additional facts, evidence, or corroborating witnesses.

She has a lot of interesting things to say about brain chemistry though, about why she can remember certain things and not others.

Oh yeah, and she took her polygraph on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral.

I remember my dad’s funeral, and both grandfathers’ funerals.  I remember a lot of crying and then, for my dad’s, a lot of drinking.  Not really in the mood to sit through a deposition.

The Democrats didn’t ask serious questions, they just used their time to grandstand.

The Republicans had a prosecutor ask questions like a professional.

This was facts vs. outrage.  Evidence vs. innuendo.

She and every Democrat repeated the same talking points about how Kavanaugh’s not asking for an FBI investigation was evidence of guilt, because #MeToo means the accused must provide the rope and tie the noose that hangs him.

This was like watching some horrifying crossover where Atticus Finch is asking questions in the middle of a Stalinist Show Trial.

No matter what happens to Judge Kavanaugh, today was the day that America went to its death bed.

Half of America had thrown out every principle of American Jurisprudence in favor of power, and that half is metastasizing at an alarming rate.

This is end stage Progressivism, and it’s terminal.

Hypocrisy overload (spread this info)

The Common Application is an application program that is common to over 700 colleges in 49 states and Washington DC to make it easier for students to apply to college.

A letter was drafted by Senator Brian Schatz and signed by 17 other Senators, on February 22, 2018, and sent to the president of The Common Application requesting that the Common App remove the criminal background check from the college application process.

This is part of the larger Ban the Box campaign, to remove conviction history from job and school applications and to end the delay in employment and student background checks.

Excerpt of the letter:

The list of Senators who signed this letter are:

  • Brian Schatz
  • Dick Durbin
  • Patty Murray
  • Patrick Leahy
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Chris Coons
  • Cory Booker
  • Tammy Baldwin
  • Kamala Harris
  • Ban Cardin
  • Ed Markey
  • Chris Van Hollen
  • Catherine Masto
  • Tammy Duckworth
  • Christopher Murphy
  • Sherrod Brown
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Mazie Hirono

The very same Senators who, for the last two weeks, have been saying that Judge Kavanaugh should be demanding an FBI background check, that the Senate must delay their confirmation vote until every detail is fully vetted by the FBI, that women must be believed without question, and that a man accused of sexual impropriety has no presumption of innocence all have pushed colleges, business, and government to drop criminal background checks from their application process.

The same Senators who are trying to claim the moral high ground by denying an impressively qualified judge a seat on the Supreme Court because of an uncorroborated, evidence free, accusation from high school, think that other people should be able to get into college and then into the work force without disclosing a felony conviction.

This level of hypocrisy has shorted out my brain and shows you just how much this is a matter of partisan politics and not principle.

The Kavanaugh Hearings: Why we have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

This is a poll from a small, mostly highly Liberal Facebook group I belong.

And yes, I understand the presumption of innocence is for the courts, blah-blah, but what we are seeing is that any kind of moral measure, any shred of political decency is lost.  Is simple accusation is enough to ruin your life?

And you know what comes after: the taking of your life.

Do you know that rifle ammo and magazines you have been wanting to buy? You may want to get started ASAP.

Gillu’s TV ad mispells goveronr in Spanish.

Of course since I am already considered a Nazi, a Spelling Nazi would be another badge in the uniform.

The popper spelling in Spanish is “Gobernador.”

Click to enlarge

I mean, you could have at least used Google Translate rather than the 4th generation Latino kid or MS-13 DACA/Media person who are very fluent in Spanglish but not Spanish.

Click to enlarge

But hey! He will solve the problems we don’t have, create wealth for pretty much a selected group of friends and make sure criminals run around unopposed.

PS: Yes, it was on purpose.