Month: September 2018

CPL has put me in a mass murdering mood

Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti has just dropped the latest allegation against Judge Kavanugh.

He said that he has a client, Julie Swetnick, who has signed sworn testimony that she attended some 10 house parties between 1981 and 1983 and witnessed Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge, drug girls with grain alcohol and Quaaludes in order to gang rape them.

After witnessing this, she told no one and continued to attend those parties until she herself was drugged and gang rapped.  She claims her gang rape happened in 1982.

Keep in mind that she said she attended house parties in 1983.  So she witnessed gang rapes at these parties, continued to attend them, got gang raped herself, then went to more of these parties the following year?

She says that she is “aware of other witnesses that can attest to the truthfulness” of her claim.  She does not name the witnesses.

You can read the sworn statement in Avenatti’s twitter here:

Avenatti wants his client’s privacy respected, so he tweeted her name and picture:

He could have sent this to the Senate Judiciary Committee or any Democrat on that committee, but he dumped it onto Twitter.

Again, keep in mind that Avenatti is the lawyer who represented a porn star shaking down Trump for having an affair, and has used that fame to scout out a Presidential run.  Indicating that he is an immoral narcissist to put both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to shame.

This is a shark jump of Evil Kenivel clearing the Snake River Canyon proportion.

I am supposed to believe that a guy that everyone who knows him says is a Choir Boy Eagle Scout, was really out Weinsteining Harvey Weinstein in high school.

But nobody knows about this except the victims with their lack of details.

If there is evidence, if there is proof, I will of course retract my statements.

But right now, everything here is just preposterous.

It’s become some obscene escalation.

The first girl claims she was groped through her clothes and bathing suit. Maybe it happened exactly like that, maybe it didn’t happen at all, maybe it was a bad drunken make-out session in which high school Kavanaugh thought he was getting to second base.  Bad, but not out of the realm of possibilities for a 17 year old in the 80’s.  Especially given 80’s, pre-woke, standards.  Have you ever watched Porky’s?  That was 1981.

The second girl claims she was flashed by Kavanaugh during a drunken game of spin the bottle.  Worse than the first but still, if true, it was college in the 80’s.  Animal House only came out a few years earlier.

Neither of those were penetrative sexual encounters.

Girl number three says that Kavanaugh orchestrated gang rapes.  He wasn’t just a participant, he and Mark Judge actually mixed the drug punch and arranged the train of boy and masterminded this.

That is so out of proportion that it defies intelligent thought.

Yeah, I’m upset about this, but that’s not enough to put me in the “let the civil war happen, I can’t wait to start shooting leftists in the back of the skull mood” that I am in.

Read the comments in Twitter.

The internet has already decided on Kavanaugh’s guilt in this.  As outlandish as it sounds, they’ve decided it’s all true.

This is worse.  But wait, there’s more.

What is the “evidence” that he’s guilty?

He went to Georgetown Prep.  That’s it.

The common attitude is: You know how those entitled prep school kids are.  He absolutely did this because they are all rich, entitled jerks, that think they can get away with this because daddy’s money with protect them.

That is now the standard.  A rape accusation is unimpeachable gospel and a private school education is all the evidence that is needed.

I went to a top tier private high school.  I went to a nationally ranked top tier college.  My dad was a successful attorney who made good money.  I was an Eagle Scout and debate team medalist.  I didn’t drink in high school until my senor prom, but I did drink in college and with my high school buddies in the summer after graduation and our freshman year of college.  I have never done any illegal substances (yes, even pot).  I graduated from high school a virgin and have “known” only one woman in my life, and I’m married to her.

If I had followed in my dad’s footsteps and gone to law school, I’d be Brett Kavanaugh 20 years younger.

Everything I just said, which I am proud of, is now evidence of my guilt if I am ever to be accused of operating a underground rape dungeon entirely because of the class warfare and economic envy of the Leftist hate mob.

This is like the old Soviet Union where academics were executed by the Bolsheviks because they were at the best universities in Czarist Russia.

I will never, ever, be secure because I am a white male who graduated from a Prep School and that makes me guilty by demographic membership.

This is the Reign of Terror online. The angry, envious masses being goaded into mobs of rage by an elite group who have leveled egregious and unfounded accusations against their political enemies.  Instead of heads rolling in the streets, it is careers and reputations being murdered.






More Leftist terrorism support – Beto edition

Miguel and I covered how Smash Racism DC harassed Ted and Heidi Cruz out of an Italian restaurant in DC the other  night.

Cruz’s electoral opponent, Beto O’Rourke, acted like a decent human being on Twitter in response.

Beto is an anti-gun jagoff who wants to try and ban AR-15’s, but I have to give credit where credit is deserved.

He’s Lefty supporters turned on him.

Harassment is justified if it helps you win, a.k.a., the ends justify the means.

“I don’t fully understand policy, the law, or the situation, but I’m mad about it so I’m going to harass a public official whenever he is in public.”

Physical harm?  Financial distress?  This is in the logic of “everything that hurts my feelings is violence” we saw from the college campus protests.

Let me be clear here: not taking care of people cradle to grave is not physical harm and financial distress.

But what we saw at the restaurant was more than rudeness.  There where threats in between the nonsensical mantra of “we believe survivors.”

“I support terrorism.  If he doesn’t do what I want him to, I’m going to make him suffer.”


“Cruz’s policies hurt my feelings so it’s okay to scream in his face, scare his wife, and threaten to hurt him.”

“Kill the conservative.”

This is all the logic of terrorists.  They disagree with policies Cruz supports, sometimes those policies even hurt their feelings.  So they thing it is justified to intimidate and threaten Cruz and his wife.

They twist facts and logic to justify their hatred and blood lust.

There is absolutely nothing that separates these people morally from the Brown Shirts or Black Shirts or any other group of totalitarian thugs.

They are happy to use violence to get their way.

Right now they are just screaming and threatening.

Steve Scalize was shot on a baseball diamond.

What happens when one of these assholes, decides to bring a gun or a knife with them just in case Cruz or some other Republican calmly walks away instead of capitulating to their demands?



Terrorist supporting meme against Kavanaugh

I saw this meme floating around the internet yesterday:


Do you actually still believe that I respect women at all, especially since I have willing decided to continue to put my wife & daughters through all of this shit!  This job & making abortion illegal again is way more important to my supreme leader (Trump) than my own family!

That is a terrorist meme.

Judge Kavanaugh’s wife and daughters have been subject to grotesque death threats.

In addition, they’ve had to sit and watch a man they love have his reputation destroyed with baseless accusations.

It must be horrible for them.

But it wasn’t Judge Kavanaugh that was doing this, it was the Democrats and racial Left doing that.  They are the ones putting Kavanaugh through all sorts of hell to get him voted down or quit.

This meme is literally saying:

We are going to criticize you for not respecting women because you will not capitulate to our unprecedented and disgusting terrorism of your wife and daughters.”

This is the logic of the radical Left.  Their attacks on the women in Kavanaugh’s life are not disrespecting women.  Kavanaugh not tucking tail and running when the women is his life are attacked is disrespecting women.

This is pure evil.

A question for the moderates

I have a multi part question for moderate democrats, independents, and anybody else who is not a Trump supporter – and might even be left of center – but is not a raging SJW.

I know that not a lot of people like that probably read this blog, but I assume many readers have friends or family who do fall into the demographic described above.

If readers would be so kind to ask this question or send the link to this post to their moderate cohorts, I’d like to know the answer to this question.


I was clearly not a Trump supporter during the election.  Faithful readers know how much I criticized him.

Since his inauguration I have supported him when he does good things and have criticized him when he has done bad things.

The thing I think he deserves the most praise for is his choice in Supreme Court nominees.  He could have picked crazies or activists but he didn’t.  He has picked people with rock solid Constitutionalist conservative histories.  People with impeccable qualifications.  People well respected in the Judicial community.


Regardless of how you feel about Trump, what do you feel about the way the Senate Democrats have acted during the Kavanaugh confirmation process?

How do you feel about the Democrats’ throwing out the presumption of innocence?  Pushing the idea that women must be believed and men must be assumed to be guilty because of their respective sexes?

Yes, I know this is not a criminal hearing, it is “job interview” but do you like this standard being raised – where uncorroborated accusations, even refuted by witnesses, is enough to permanently destroy a man’ reputation and life.

Make no mistake about it, if Kavanaugh is not confirmed to SCOUTS, he’s out of the Federal Judiciary.  He’s done in public life.

Do you fear for yourself or your husbands, brothers, and sons that under this new standard they too might have their careers and livelihoods ruined by the most spurious of accusations?

I’m not asking if you are going to vote Republican next election, but can you continue to support Senate Democrats watching this unfold?

Rule Four: Be aware of your target and what’s behind it.

This is a sad case.

MONTE CRISTO, Rich County — A 14-year-old boy riding in his family’s car during an afternoon drive was shot and killed Sunday by nearby target shooters who apparently weren’t aware of their backstop.
The boy, identified by family as Zackary Kempke, of North Ogden, was riding with his father, mother and a young girl on a dirt road in a remote area of the Monte Cristo range about 3 p.m. when Zackary, who was in the back seat, was shot in the head, police said. He died immediately.
The shot was determined to have come from another family that was target shooting several hundred feet away, Rich County Sheriff Dale Stacey said.
According to the target shooter and several other witnesses, “They did not know there was a road downrange and could not see the vehicle as it traveled on the road due to thick brush and trees,” a statement from the sheriff’s office reported.

Utah teen riding in car shot, killed by nearby target shooters.

Even though accidental shootings are at an all time low, we cannot give ourselves a break: Be dogmatic when it comes to Gun Safety.

If you don’t see a point of impact kicking up dirt, you may want to double-check.

“You are morally, fiscally and legally responsible for the terminal resting place of every bullet you shoot.”
Randy Cain.


Fair Weather Gun People: Jesse James.

Let’s face it: Nobody took Jesse James seriously when it came to firearms. He was never a builder but somebody with an expensive beddazler kit decorating guns. His silencer always made me laugh because it reminded me of a sweet potato rather than something that goes in front of a rifle.

And Jesse obviously has a problem with making the right decision or even the smart one. Dumping Sandra Bullock, America’s sweetheart for a woman who looked like she was expelled from a sailor’s whorehouse did little to ingratiate him with the public.

His last one? This idiocy.

I will guess he has seen all the negative press about guns/NRA and decided to play it safe by pretending to be for “common sense gun reforms.”  I ma thinking he was not much of a gun guy way back during the Clinton years and the AWB when the words “restricted military government law enforcement only” became a direct insult to US Citizens.

So dear Jesse, fuck you very much and go modify Vespas now.