Month: October 2018

Florida: Let’s have a conversation about Open Carry.

If Open Carry activists want more people supporting them, conversations like this have to be eliminated. I have seen and been part variations of this exchange way too many times and the only thing that contributes is for a good section of gun owners to ignore the Open Carry movement.

-Do you support Open Carry?
-Of course I do.
-Great, come with us and Open Carry fishing.
-Sorry. I don’t Open Carry.
-But you say you support Open Carry!
-Yes I do, and God Bless you if you do OC. I simply do not like to Open Carry.
-You are a effing traitor to the cause! Are you paid by Bloomberg? A Shannon Watts’ Bitchs Demand?
-Listen, I also support Gay Rights, but that does not mean I am planning on taking it up the ass to prove myself.


Hollywood adopts and adapts the Mosin Nagant Derp.

As a Gun Person, unless you do not have internet you have seen (and suffered) these conversions at least once.


Leave it to Hollywood to out-derp the Mosin-Nagan Cult derp.

Click to enlarge

I am ignorant about bolt-action rifles, but I am pretty sure that scope is kinda useless other than looking cool in screen.

And yes, it is another Liam Neeson action movie. I think it is “Taken, Part 16: Death by Global Warming” or something like that

Future “Celebrity” Death.

You know when somebody says “You look like death”? I think it applies to Kathy Griffin.

This is from 2 days ago.  Compare it against her famous beheading photo.

In other more civilized times when I would have been full of Christian spirit, I would have urged to do an intervention and try to get rid of whatever shit she is ingesting/injecting/snorting before she died.  But now I support her personal decision to contribute to the reduction of her Carbon Footprint and Carbon Dioxide Emissions.

Yeah, a bit nasty but I tend to be less charitable with the assholes that want me dead or in a camp. Sorry, I am only human.


Only one of these is allowed in school

This is what happens when you mix being woke, a Progressive goverment, and legalized marijuana.

Some Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Speaks At School Career Day

THORNTON, Colo. (CBS4) — A school district has apologized to parents after hosting a drag queen as part of a career day. A spokesperson for Adams 12 Five Star schools said Rocky Top Middle School staff should have notified parents a drag queen would be speaking to their children before allowing the speech to happen.

Who in their right mind thought this was in any way appropriate?

Look, I’m a tolerant human being.  I don’t really care what a man wants to do in the privacy of a his home or at a club.  But my cousin was gay.  I’ve been to South Beach a few times.  I’ve seen a drag show or two.  I am familiar with “Drag Culture.”  I don’t care if RuPaul’s Drag Race has been on for almost a decade and has “mainstreamed” drag, I know its origins and the double entendre and overt sexual themes that are at its core.

You don’t do that at a middle school.

Students at Rocky Top in Thornton range from 6th to 8th grade. The drag queen, identified as a woman who goes by “Jessica L’Whor,” is a relative of one student. The district confirmed she was invited to attend career day.

His stage name is pronounced “la whore.”  Let that sink in.

“I knew it was going to be controversial because that was nothing that would be allowed when I was in middle school,” L’Whor said. “At the same time, it opened up a door for conversation.”

District spokesperson Joe Ferdani said staff believed the visit by L’Whor would demonstrate their inclusiveness of all, no matter how they prefer to dress.

So they are now trying to sell this disaster as a “diversity and inclusion” thing.  Bullshit.  They got called on their bad decision and are covering.

“The school’s focus is to have an event that is representative of the diverese backgrounds and careers in the community,” Ferdani said.

L’Whor said dressing in drag is her career. She told CBS4’s Dillon Thomas her work takes her around the country and often leaves her working six days per week.

I don’t care.  Jenna Jameson has a net worth of $10 Million, I still don’t want a porn star coming into my kids school to say “this is how you can afford a mansion in Beverly Hills by sucking c**k.”

Woe be to the school administrator if my kid came home from school and said “daddy, I don’t want to do my math homework, I want to put on eye makeup and tuck it because Suzie’s uncle said he makes a lot of money doing that.”

Anybody who is familiar with Action Figure Therapy and the character of EOD might have seen this meme.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I have three degrees in engineering, BS, MS, and PhD.  I am a licensed professional engineer.  I’ve been published in peer reviewed journals.

If you ask me what I do for a living, I will say “I make the shit that blows shit up.”

And I love my job.

I have a real doubt that I would be allowed to speak in a Colorado middle school.

“So kids, who wants to learn how to adjust the gas port size in a gas operated machine gun to ensure proper bolt velocity without battering the receiver to death?”


“Who wan’ts to know how to calculate the proper shape charge angle to get maximum penetration through RHA out of a 40mm HEDP grenade?”


“Who wants to know which ogive profile gives the best performance out of a .338 caliber projectile to have maximum terminal performance on a target past 1,000 meters?”

Yeah, I’m never being invited back despite literally millions and billions of dollars of research and defense contract money, as well as the lives of our servicemen and women overseas depending on me knowing how to do that correctly.

The school would probably have Children and Family Services pay my home a visit too.

Maybe that’s what I’ll do.

I’ll go to Colorado and give a lecture on case hardening of machine gun bolt heads for maximum endurance life in sustained fire while wearing high heels and fake tits.  I think that might cause their brains to short circuit.

And sent to Twitter Gulag (Upadtes)

Apparently I was tagged for violating Twitter’s

I don’t even properly recall the tweet, but by the looks of it, it had to do with a proper and measured response to an politically based life-threatening attack.

Dear Twitter: I was not targeting anybody for harassment or to intimidate him…well, yes, there might be a bit of intimidation involved and that is good when we are talking about Statists. As for silencing them… I plea the 5th.

And you better  know I will Tweet this post the second the “limitation” is over.

UPDATE: I went to do the removal and at first Twitter would not let me log in and then after I click the delete things, I got this message:

403Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

I might be out longer than initially expected.

Update 2: I found the Tweet that originated my reply.

The video posted by a Moms Demand follower (which might explain why I got busted) is a rant by some racist asshole who was threatening people with violence. So I stand validated on my “offending” tweet: The asshole needs shooting if he wants to go stupid.

Packing Lunch

My son’s preschool will microwave a student’s lunch, or lunch items, if a parent puts a note on it.

My son announced that he wanted a cheese sandwich for lunch.  So I toasted some bread, buttered it, and assembled a sandwich with Kraft Singles, butter side out, in a microwave safe container.

It should make a perfectly acceptable facsimile of a grilled cheese sandwich come lunch time and 30 seconds in the microwave.

The note that I put on it, however, was rejected by the wife.

I have been informed that I can start putting “silly” notes on the boy’s lunches when I start picking up the boy from preschool and meet his teachers face to face.