Month: December 2018

Baby It’s Cold Outside – Virtual Signaling Stupid.

An Ohio radio station is dropping the Christmas classic “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” for having “no place” in today’s “extra sensitive” world.
“I do realize that when the song was written in 1944, it was a different time, but now while reading it, it seems very manipulative and wrong,” explained Glenn Anderson, a host on Cleveland’s WDOK-FM in a blog post last week.
Critics say the holiday standard — in which a male suitor repeatedly insists that a woman stay inside with him, even as she says over and over that she “really can’t stay” — is from a bygone era.
The debate over the tune — which includes the lyric, “Hey, what’s in my drink?” — gets stirred up every Christmas season and this year especially, in light of the widespread #MeToo movement against sexual harassment and assault.

Radio station pulls ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ amid #MeToo movement

I don’t like musicals. I have heard the song refered before, but never listed to it till today after hearing about the new #MeToo load of crap.  And thanks to the magic of YouTube, I found the original clip from the movie “Neptune’s Daughter.”

So, how come they are only mentioning the first part when is the male the attacking party and not the second when the roles are reversed? Yeah, BS.

I also figured out that our society and times has lost the element of romancing which included the give and take of seduction. Long ago, you knew you were going to have this ritual mating dance with the male or female of the species and you would not even think about getting lucky for a long while and that was not only expected but a prideful thing to endure. But enter the era of instant gratification and guys began expecting to get laid at most after the second date. If that did not happen, girls were sent away and tagged as frigid bitches or other adjectives. Women did not want to be seen as unpopular so they decided it was OK to give it up easy which eventually led to women behaving as bad as men. Both sexes became whores trying to out-fuck each other and now it even gets shared in social media and praised in popular song.

Now the “backlash” with #MeToo wants to be more Holier than the Pope and attack a rather fun song like Baby it’s Cold Outside because it is necessary to screw Christmas time with some politically correct bullshit. If they were truly worried about women being victimized in songs, they would take flamethrowers and torch radio stations that played Rap. But that would be catalogued as racist and they would lose their Junior SJW badges.

PS: And it seems my prediction is about to become true in full or partially. Harvey Weinstein may end up a free man.


Arnie lost his mind: I blame all those steroids he used.

Arnold Schwarzenegger says he wishes he could travel back in time like the cyborg he played in “The Terminator” so he could stop fossil fuels from being used.
“If we would’ve never started in that direction and used other technology, we’d be much better off,” the actor and former California governor said Monday at the start of a U.N. climate conference in Poland.
“The biggest evil is fossil fuels: it’s coal, it’s gasoline, it’s the natural gas,” he told conference delegates.

Schwarzenegger Would Time Travel to Terminate Fossil Fuels

Hollywood is not kind to its actors. It is not unusual that some of their less-strong members end up as deranged versions of Florida man/Florida woman.  Years of health abuse due to the debauchery they partook eventually come with a nasty bill to pay. Next you thing you know, they are wondering about town behaving erratically and mumbling stuff that does not make sense. A sad spectacle to watch.

Arnie reminds me at the last days of George Reeves, the man who played Superman in TV back in the 1950s. Legend has it that in the months before he committed suicide ( some say he was murdered) he was seen wearing a facsimile of his Superman costume and behaving like he was the superhero.

Incidentally, Reeves was also a body builder in his younger years.  Mayne somebody should issue one of them Red Flags un Confiscation Orders ASAP.

PS: Has he by any chance met with Ocasio-Cortez? Maybe what she has is contagious and we are seeing the Stupid Virus being spread?


Let the media defend this

Remember when Trump called a bunch of third world countries “shitholes” and the media had a conniption?

“There are no shithole countries except the racist, sexist, bigoted United States” they said.

Well I just saw this in the British tabloid The Sun.


The horrifying story of a prostitute orangutan named Pony who was chained to a bed, shaved daily and forced to perform sex acts on men twice her size

If you are curious, that story takes place in Borneo.

I’m no policy expert but I’m pretty sure when you have trained a great ape to be a whore for men who work on a palm oil plantation, your nation is a shithole.

I dare Jim Acosta to prove it’s not.

Using the Christmas’ Spirit for Crime: They don’t think like us or have our Morals.

Keith and Jacquelyn Smith danced Friday night at the American Legion on Madison Street in Baltimore, where they had brought his daughter Shavon to celebrate her 28th birthday.
Hours later, about 12:30 a.m., the 52-year-old Harford County man found himself calling 911 and rushing Jacquelyn, 54, to the emergency room. She had been stabbed by a man through their rolled-down car window after giving money to a woman panhandling in the rain in East Baltimore, he said.
Jacquelyn Smith, an electrical engineer at Aberdeen Proving Ground, had her necklace and pocketbook snatched by the woman and the man, who approached under the guise of thanking her for giving the woman money, her husband said. She died two hours after they arrived at Johns Hopkins Hospital, he said.

Woman killed after giving money to panhandler in Baltimore was engineer who had been out dancing with husband

Tis’ the Season. Love and charity should fill our hearts and at ;least for a little while, we give to those in need and substitute cynicism with love for others.

And predators know this. Use it. And in this case, a good-hearted woman paid the price with her life.

Some of us coming from other latitudes are immunized to this kind of ruse since it was a common happenstance in our countries of origin. Back in my youth, it was not uncommon to have your watch and neck jewelry snatched at a red light or during bad traffic jams. You either learned to do without or wear really cheap ornaments. By the way, you were lucky if your car came with Air Conditioner as factory standard, so it was a challenge to keep the windows up in the hot season.

Your car’s window is a security layer. Short of breaking it or threaten to do so with a gun, it will keep most criminals away from you or at least give you a chance to engage in a safety procedure. And as hard as it can be, do not let your good heart override your security. This couple used a baby (fake or not) to make Ms. Smith drop her barriers and the scum killed her.  About the only thing I can think of is to call police and report that the mother and child are in weaving in and out of traffic and you fear for the safety of the baby. If in real need, maybe the cops will see they get sent to a shelter. If scum of the earth, maybe they get removed from circulation.

But sure as hell, Do Not Lower Your Windows. Charity begins at home with keeping yourself unhurt.


AOC is going to get a lecture about inters

One of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s peeves right now is unpaid internships in Congress.  She has to come out swinging for the little guy.

I guarantee this issue is going to die in a matter of days because someone is going to have a very severe talk with her.

Or… she’ll push it and the DNC will push her out.

Here’s why.

There are a lot of rules when it comes to Congressional staff.  Congresspeople are limited to 18 full time and 4 part time staff.  The money each congressional office gets is set by the state they represent and states get money in proportion to their population.

A Congressman in California will get more money than the Congressman from Wyoming.  The Speaker of the House from California will get more money than a freshman Congressman from California.

Staff who perform official duties in general can’t work on campaigns.  The big rule is any money spent on official Washington duties can’t be used to campaign and staff time is paid by duty money.  This is one of the few rules that is strictly enforced.  People go to jail for this.

Nothing stops a member of Congress from including intern salaries in their budgets and there are a few paid interns on the Hill.

Here is why most are not.

Unpaid internships are a gray area.  If they don’t get paid, they are not bound by quite as many rules.  They can blur the line between campaign staff and duty staff.  They aren’t included in the limits on the number of staff members of Congress have.

There still are rules but the are far less strict and are much less enforced.

Just like with insider trading or pay-for-play, Congress has figured out how to establish a rule that make them seem honorable on paper, then they figure out how to bend themselves around the rule to make it useless.

Unpaid interns are one of those cheats.

Once AOC gets into the swing of her office and figures out how the unpaid intern rule is played, she’s going to get with the game, fast.

Why are they defending her?

Back to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Paul Krugman decided to jump on the “we need to defend AOC” bandwagon with this Tweet:

I think he misspelled vapid and vacuous.

She’s not charismatic.  She’s ran on a platform of promising people free stuff against a Democrat who barely phoned in his opposition to her in a primary in a district where people would vote for a dead dog before they voted for a Republican.

A quote often attributed to Abraham Lincoln goes “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

Every Tweet of her removes more doubt.

Also, “the Republicans don’t know much either” isn’t a good defense of AOC knowing nothing.

But what do you expect of a guy taken to task by Dilbert.

You want to know why Republicans pick on her.  It’s not insecurity, it is to point out just how shallow her thoughts are, in the hopes that people who are not dyed-in-the-wool Leftists see how ridiculous is the elevation of AOC as the new face of the Democrat party.

Here is a perfect example of that:

According to AOC, Congress budget a living wage for itself.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a salary of $174,000/year puts her in the to 97% of earners and in the 98% for people her age.

According to MIT a living wage for a single person (AOC isn’t married) is $17.02/hr or $34,000/year in Washington DC.

She will make more than five times a living wage.

This is typical for a socialist leader.  She will be in the top 3% of earners but never mind that, someone else has to pay more so she can be generous with goverment money.

She will make more than my wife and I combined to say stupid shit on Twitter and occasionally vote for something she doesn’t understand, but will have the audacity to lecture us about being bad people for not wanting to pay more in taxes.

If the Left doesn’t understand why this rubs some people the wrong way, any reconciliation between the Left and Right is impossible.


“Literally Hitler” Alleged Campaign Against Journalists vs Mexican Cartel Realities.

Removing Jim Acosta’s White House Press pass was just the death of free Speech, right. How Awful that the President could do so. All US journalists should be in fear.

In the meantime and back in the real world across the southern border that Liberals want eliminated and allow the free flow of people, we have that Mexico’s 18th journalist murdered this year, presumably by the Cartels  and execution-style.

Authorities confirmed the murder of Jesus Alejandro Marquez, an independent journalist who routinely collaborated with various outlets and was the founder and director of a local publication, Orion Informativo. Marquez was also an activist for Mexico’s new ruling party, MORENA, started by President Lopez Obrador.
Mexico’s Excelsior reports that Marquez left his home in Tepic over the weekend after receiving a phone call and went missing until authorities recovered his body off a dirt road near the city.

Journalist Killed in Western Mexico — 18th in 2018

We need to start a new travel company: Socialists get to spend six months living like regular people in Venezuela (Including Venezuelan minimum wage)and Journalists get to spend six months in Mexico covering the Cartels coming and goings.

Maybe their bullshit outlook in life may change…if they survive. Either way the outcome is palatable to me.