Month: December 2018

Door Bell Camera installed

Found me a nice deal in Amazon and made it one of the official House Gifts.  Two way communication and 180 degree field of view.

And yes, the column is a bit of annoyance, but the house came like this. If you look at the upper left corner, you get a glimpse of the camera still installed which was doing the surveillance duty. I’ll probably remove it tomorrow and locate it to its new spot.

Since our house is not that big and nor is our land, the house coverage will be done with this door bell system, an old school doorbell (this particular brand is hard-wired for power) and 2 cameras for just under $200. I just checked and all priced have gone up about 25% but that is the way internet commerce goes. I just hunted till I saw a good price on the item I wanted and dropped the hammer. Also, I understand that although it may prevent crime (unlikely) it is only good for evidence collection and better yet, early warning: If we are home, we don’t need to break the house seal (door) to see what’s going on outside. Maybe it is Girl Scouts selling cookies, maybe our crazy next doer neighbor or maybe somebody with nasty intentions. Whomever it may be, I can tailor my response and assume the appropriate DEFCON level.


Why Broward County will continue to be a Democrat cesspool.

The Sun Sentinel has an editorial today pointing out the failures of Sheriff Scott Israel and how the new Governor should remove him from office. Even though the paper  has done a great series investigating the school board and the failures that led to Cruz shooting Parkland students, very little has been aimed at Israel.

In fact, the article has a lot of “I have come here to bury Caesar, not to praise him” writing. The Sun Sentinel hits on the greatest Liberal hits including LGQBT politics, Gun Control and opposition to Stand Your Ground and by the feel of it, feels like they love the guy.  But the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission  Report does not paint BSO in a good light,   in fact They even dare mention that they felt the need to defend him for the shooting the same they did after the colossal screw up at the Fort Lauderdale Airport that also produced a very negative report basically comparing BSO’s preparation to the best efforts of the Keystone cops.

And, of course, Sun Sentinel presents a bit of a balance.

But they fail to mention that at the time of the CNN Town Hall, nobody but the Sheriff and a few insiders, nobody knew about the cowardly failure of Deputy Scot Peterson and how his lack of action helped Cruz gather more victims. I am not sure of the internal process, but I would not be surprised to find out that while Israel was being all righteous on stage looking down on Dana Loesch, the procedures to allow Deputy Peterson retire with full benefits were already in gear.   But one thing is certain: He knew it was his agency who had failed to the community and not the NRA, not Dana Loesch and certainly not Gun Owners.

As stated in the beginning, the Sun Sentinel is expecting the new Republican governor sends Israel to an early retirement, but one wonders if they had the same desire to do so if the incoming chief executive for the state had been Gillum instead. De Santis should take his time, read the report with calm and make the necessary noises of disgust for let’s say six months or so before dropping the sword on Israel. If the Democrats want to play politics, we should let them wear that albatross around their collective necks a bit longer, don’t you think?

Holding ourselves hostages to NFA.

We are suffering what I call NFA-Induced Memory loss with a lack of pragmatism.

After Las Vegas and Parkland, the Left and Democrats did not target just bump stocks, but had a huge list of targets: “Assault weapons” (including pistols), magazines, universal background checks for gun and ammunition, the end of online sales of firearms, the ever popular gun registration and maybe a couple of others.
It was a brutal attack against gun rights. The media were 99% against us, they colluded (love that word) in creating a lopsided town hall with the Broward Sheriff who knew by then (and did not say shit) about the failed performance of his deputies.
Tens of thousands of people marching in DC for gun control. Media darlings created, Kids from Parkland paraded around the country as new revolutionary heroes.

This was it. This was supposed to be the end of Guns in America…but they did not get it.

Our bill came due to a piece of plastic that can be substituted by a rubber band, and people are losing their shit as if they were about to be forced to give up their rifles at gun point tomorrow. Mind you, you can go now and buy an AR15 for under $400 but apparently the ability to go fast pew can only be achieved with a gadget that is treated as the Holy Grail and ignore the rest?

I understand the principle, but I cannot divorce reality from the stupid Wishlist of some “gun groups” more interested in getting some of the NRA’s money than actually be “bloodied” in real life gun rights fight and the only thing they actually do is ring the bell of NFA and promise an auto sear in every pot. The sad part I how many and how loudly lots of loud folks believe it.

The best thing to do if you ever want to see full auto weapons and the rest of the NFA accessories is simply to stop giving it the loud importance you want it to give. The games played with NFA items, and specifically machine guns has been one of the most damaging things for Gun Rights, decades later we are still fighting the branding of the fake term  “assault weapons” to any semi auto rifle by Gun Control so the public believes they are actually machine guns. Every week, Hollywood  shows on TV and the movies how easy is for the average gang banger to lay a hand on the super fast murder gun, apparently available at every corner bodega and when people on our side come out chest thumping about full auto, we get tagged as the morons that really want to see MS13 doing drive-bys with an m-60 sticking out of the window of the Impala. We need to be detached enough to simply tell anybody who ask “Hey, that is Hollywood bullshit. What I have is different, here shoot mine.”

“But Miguel, it is the principle!”

Bullshit. Principles are fin and dandy in an honorable exchange of ideas. They are not so hot in a knife fight inside a phone booth where you need hard-nosed tactics. Principles are great only if you win the war. 

But Miguel, if we give up on bump stocks, they will come for our AR15s!”

Hey Sparky, wake the hell up. They are always coming after out AR15s. They have been doing so for the last 35 years with no plans to stop any time soon. Where the hell have you been that you have not noticed that? Bump Stocks is not going to be the downfall of the Republic, no matter what the fundraisers of other gun groups are telling you will happen.

Perfect is the enemy of good. And in this case, Perfect is the enemy of Almost Perfect and some people want to see the whole shit burn down to the ground on a philosophical tantrum.

Why we are going to lose more gun rights.

I am afraid that Gun Culture 2.0 or 2.5 is just a bunch of entitled little idiots that expect the NRA to do everything.

I have no idea who is F1 Firearms, but why do they think the NRA has any influence on what Facebook does or decides?  Is the NRA supposed to have a stack of lawyers running around the country suing anybody who gives an evil eye to a gun company or a gun owner? And all just for the very low price of $35 a year? And what is even more depressing is the many co-whiners also complaining about the NRA about whatever they think they were slighted by their supposed lack of attention.

The NRA is facing an enemy with access to hundreds of million in cash and about the same in free media access. Whether it pisses you off royally or not, they have to prioritize where they spend the hard-to-come-by contributions (not your $35 a year) and your little Facebook ad is not high in the list if you compare it for example against the lawsuit against Cuomo who threatened banking institutions for dealing with the NRA.

At the end, history may record that the downfall of the NRA and gun rights in this country was not brought by Bloomberg and his billions but by a new generation of Gun Owners that played to many sports where participation trophies were given.

Traditional Christmas Meal: Empanada Gallega.

Empanada Gallega AKA Galician Meat Pie.  It requires preparation but not like you are going to invade France.

We have two types of stuffing: Cooked pork and smoked turkey legs. Mom and the missus like turkey and I have a ban on anything with feathers as a meal, so that is the separation you will see.

Bottom (L-R) Caramelized onions, tray with bacon and real chorizo, cooked bell pepper without the skin.
Top (L-R) Pulled pork, pulled smoked turkey legs and dough stretched on cookie sheet.

Separation of Church and state right there.  That’s mom dealing with the turkey.


The caramelized onions are spread evenly all over the pie.


Next, evenly spread, chorizos and stuffed olives.  (Mom likes olives, the pie gets olives)


The wife likes bacon… you know the rest.

Last come the red bell peppers. Not my favorite, but Mom and Missus love them. Outvoted.


After that, just add the dough for the crust, seal and to the oven at 350 for 25 minutes . That is a “T” to indicate the turkey side and a wall to separate sections.  I gave it an egg wash, but it may have not needed it.





Note: the dough was made from scratch, but you can do it with the Pillsbury pizza crust and just remember to roll it. You will need more than one, trust me on that.

The meats: Season as you like. We cooked ours in a pressure cooker (not together, you degenerate!) because we knew they would come out soft, very juicy and easy to shred.

The basic Emapanada Gallega is the dough, a meat (usually pork), chorizo (if they could afford it), onions and peppers. Build it as you wish and simply enjoy the hell out of it

<burp> Sorry <burp> not sorry, actually.

PS: I forgot that some coastal Gallegos will use salted codfish rather than delicious pork and deface such a wonderful meal.