Month: June 2019

When hoplophobia threatens to destroy a family

This from the Advice section of The Washington Post:

Ask Amy: Dad is horrified to learn there’s a gun in the house

Dear Amy: This week I discovered that my intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old daughter (who lives with me) is a gun owner! And it’s not a normal gun either — it is a .40-caliber semiautomatic, and she has hollow point bullets to go with it.

Amy, this is the kind of weapon a criminal would possess! She says it is for emergencies. There have only been two home invasions in our neighborhood in the past 11 years.

I’ve given her three choices: She can either give her weapon to me, sell it or move out in three weeks.

I love my daughter and would be so sad for her to move into a place that she would hardly be able to afford, but now I have to lock my bedroom door at night because I don’t know what she’s going to do.

Now she says that I don’t trust her and is barely speaking to me. How can I convince her to stop endangering us?

Dumbfounded Father

I keep coming back to the thought “this has to be a troll, nobody can be this detached from reality.”

But having watched the absolute bat-shit insanity that is TDS wrack this country in the last three years, it’s not impossible that this dad is so full of gun hatred that he really believes all of this.

Everything about this question is just unhinged.  The first paragraph made me laugh.  A .40 cal semi-auto is not a normal gun?    And hollowpoints.  Only criminals use those?

He acknowledges that his daughter is “intelligent, hard-working, responsible” but he also fears that she is going to randomly shoot him.  If he thinks his daughter is responsible then why is her legal gun possession endangering him?

The doublethink here is agonizing to read.

So because of his irrational fears, he had made it clear he doesn’t trust his daughter and is about to destroy his relationship with her.

I’m a father and frankly, this makes me sick to my stomach.

Still, the response is worse.

Dumbfounded Father: According to my research, possessing hollow point bullets is illegal in 11 states; is it legal in your state to own this sort of exploding ammunition?

What states is possessing hollowpoints illegal?  The most restriction I can find is in New Jersey, which allows them to be possessed in the home or while hunting, or in transport from a gun store to a home or place for hunting.  You can’t carry hollowpoints in public in New Jersey, which doesn’t really matter because their may issue is effectively no issue so it’s a moot point.

So nowhere that I have been able to find is her possession of hollowpoints in her residence a crime.

Also, hollowpoints don’t “explode.”

In a report published in 2015, researchers at the University of Chicago found that 31 percent of households reported having a firearm in 2014, down from about 48 percent in 1980.

I’m kind of doubt that.  I want to know what the University of Chicago stats say about a rise in boating accidents.

According to this study, there are more guns, but concentrated in fewer households. Why must your household be one of them?

She has one gun, and she wants it for protection.  A perfectly valid reason.

Where did your daughter get this weapon and ammunition? Has she received any safety training or certification? (Accidental gun death is a substantial risk of owning a gun.) Is she perhaps engaged in another activity outside of your household that exposes her to increased risks and makes her believe she needs to have a weapon?

Thanks for assuming that his “intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old daughter” is a criminal because she decided to buy a gun.

I have news for you: A locked bedroom door is no match for this weaponry; as I write this, just five days ago a father in South Carolina tragically shot and killed his own 23-year-old daughter through a closed door — when he mistook her for an intruder.

I agree with your ultimatum; I also weep that there is yet another (likely unsafe) gun owner in this country.

Again, Amy assumes that his “intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old daughter” is just another yahoo that is going to go blasting around the house.  Also, fuck her for weeping at the idea of an “intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old” being a law-abiding gun owner, as though that automatically makes her a bad person and a threat to all that is good and decent.

The ultimatum is stupid and is going to ruin this young woman’s relationship with her father.

So here is my response:

Dumbfounded Father: In your own words your daughter is an “intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old.”  I don’t understand how you can describe her that way and at the same time, not trust her in her purchase and ownership of a gun.  

If you are unable to trust her with a gun in your home, then you failed as a father, because you are the one who raised her.

If you don’t believe that you failed as a father and that she really is an “intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old,” then the problem is with you and not her and you need to get over it. 

Ask yourself why you hate guns so much that you are willing to ruin your relationship with your daughter over that.

Also, if you are so scared of guns, why do you want her to give it to you?  Are you any more responsible than she is?  From the tone of your letter, I doubt it.  

So my advice to you is man the fuck up.  Clearly, you need to do that first.  Then go to the range with your daughter and have her show you that she can be trusted with her gun.  Who knows, maybe you will actually learn something from outside your little bubble of ignorance.  Lastly, you need to come to grips with the contradictory thought that your daughter is an “intelligent, hard-working, responsible 24-year-old” but her owning a gun makes her a bad and dangerous person.  It’s not healthy for an adult to engage in such doublethink.  

Apologize to your daughter, because it’s not her, it’s you.  

I will say that if my daughter bought a .40 pistol, I’d be disappointed in her.  Only because we’re a 1911 family, and I shoot CDP and single stack major so almost all the target ammo I have on hand is 45.






When you side with a coward in the name of Gun Control.

I just caught an opinion piece in the Sun Sentinel titled: Arming teachers means we can now blame them if they don’t stop the next mass shooter Opinion by Frederic H. Decker.

He is not very fond of guns, gun owners and, of course, the NRA and President Trump. He believes in not being prepared is morally acceptable and pointing that out is just mean victim blaming.

But above all, he really-really does not like those evil AR 15s.  I guess he feels lions and lambs would be laying gracefully together in those infernal devices were not present in our planet. They are awful, deadly and there are thing you should not ask for from people:

Having well-trained police in schools — not armed teachers — may be appropriate today, for instance. But they shouldn’t be purposely required to battle shooters with assault weapons.

And he just spouted the same reason disgraced Coward of Broward Scott Peterson used to hide while Asshole Nikki Cruz went on his rampage. It must make Peterson happy that the Gun Control movement defends him  and why shouldn’t it? It is their trademark to side with the scum of society.

Maybe Mr. Decker will have some GoFundMe started for the legal expenses and replenishing the retirement funds of Scott Peterson.


The Democrats have memory-holed the truth about the Pulse Shooting

Yesterday was the third anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting.  It was also the first anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting to take place during the 2020 Presidential election season.

As such, every Democratic primary candidate felt it was necessary to memorialize on Twitter.

See if you can spot a theme:

Joe Biden:

Bernie Sanders:

Elizabeth Warren:

Senator Whichever-way-the-wind-blows:

Douche Nukem:

Mayor Pence-hates-me:

Governor Got-booed-at-his-own-convention:

Congressman Furry McSkateboard:

Some fuck you’ve never heard of:

And Senator Spartacus T-Bone:

Notice something missing?

How about a reference to Islamic Terror or the fact that Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS.

He was investigated by the FBI prior to the shooting because he appeared to be radicalized on social media.

He was an Islamic terrorist through-and-through.

And the Federal government dropped the ball, allowing him to engage in his attack.

Nope, instead, we are treated to meaningless platitudes and useless bromides about some sort of generalized hate and inequality.

And Booker thought to use it to attack the NRA as well.

This is an extension of something I pointed out two years ago when a comic book was published that rewrote the Pulse shooting as something carried out by a Christian Republican NRA member angered at the sight of two men kissing, instead of a Muslim terrorist attacking a soft target.

George Orwell wrote:

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

Clearly, the Democrats are trying to rewrite history, memory-holing the truth behind the Pulse shooting so to weaponize it against the Republicans and Trump.

The media and the LGBT community is going to let the Democrats off the hook for this deliberate misinformation.  For them, it’s better to maintain the narrative than it is to protect lives.

Just life in New York City

Chilling video captures crazed customer swing machete at hapless deli clerk

Chilling video shows the moment a crazed, angry customer — known only as “Ricardo” — marches into a Hell’s Kitchen deli, swings a machete at the clerk behind the counter, then spins on his heel and leaves without appearing to say a word.

The blow to the victim’s left shoulder sends the injured man to the floor of the store, Liberty Bagel & Deli on Ninth Avenue between West 48th and 49th streets.

Here is the video from CBS.

What a fucking shit hole.

What is with people in New York City that they can see a man walk down a street with a machete, clearly not doing yard work (because nobody has a yard there) and just sort of ignores it?

“Here’s this angry dude with a big fucking knife coming my way and I’m just going to take a step to the side and keep texting.”

And the slashed guy’s coworker responds with no alacrity what so ever.

It’s always the places where you can’t carry a gun that you need a gun.

What a shit hole.

Gun owners of North Carolina, contact your reps and tell them to support Senate Bill 90

North Carolina requires a permit to purchase a pistol.  Unlike the Illinois FOID system, North Carolina requires a new permit for each pistol to be purchased.

The process to obtain a pistol purchase permit is burdensome.  It requires filling out an application, having the permit notarized, taking it to the local Sheriff’s Office, paying $5 for the application, the notary fee, then waiting 28 days for the permit to arrive.

A bill going through the North Carolina legislature is trying to amend the process.

Bill allows unlimited handguns per permit

Legislation rolled out Wednesday would let people buy multiple handguns without getting multiple permits from their local sheriff, a change supporters billed as a “streamlining.”

“This is not opening up more guns. It’s just cutting out some bureaucracy,” said Eddie Caldwell, executive vice president and general counsel of the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association.

Under current law, people who don’t have concealed carry permits have to get a pistol purchase permit from their sheriff for each handgun they buy. They can get more than one permit in a day, and there’s no limit how many permits they can get, but each purchase requires separate paperwork from the county sheriff.

That is a pain in the ass.

Senate Bill 90 would change that, making a single permit good for five years, regardless of how many handguns the person buys.

“It’s streamlining the bureaucracy … without jeopardizing public safety,” Caldwell told the Senate Judiciary committee on Wednesday

I love eliminating bureaucracy for the common man.

The bill has Republican backing, and the sheriffs’ association endorsed it, attaching a high-priority designation to their support.

I have a feeling that most North Carolinas sheriffs are tired of handling the paperwork of new purchase permits for repeat gun buyers and that at $5 a permit, it is a money-losing venture for the department.

Moms Demand Action, a group that works against gun violence, is against the bill, and a representative called it “a step in the wrong direction.”

Sen. Floyd McKissick, D-Durham, called the proposal “an intrinsically bad idea.”

“I don’t know what benefit is derived,” McKissisk said. “If anything, we already have enough handguns out there.”

See, it’s not about stopping criminals from having guns, it’s about making it too inconvenient to buy a gun.  This isn’t going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, it is going to keep guns out of the hands of working class people who can’t take time off from work during business hours to do the paperwork.

Sponsoring Sen. Danny Britt, R-Robeson, a former prosecutor, said many guns used in crimes are obtained illegally and that the bill makes “it easier for folks who buy firearms the legal way.” He noted people can buy long guns – rifles and shotguns – without visiting their sheriff at all “and do the same damage.

That is a whole lot of honesty from a former prosecutor, someone who should know a little bit about the subject.

“I think we’re moving in the right direction,” Britt said of the bill. “Personally, I’d be fine with no pistol purchase permit at all.”

The committee doesn’t plan to vote on the bill until next Tuesday to give more people time to weigh in on it.

Readers in North Carolina, contact your state representatives and tell them to pass this bill. 

Eliminating bureaucracy and letting the law abiding citizens of the Tar Heel State have a little more freedom is a good thing.

Formerly Great Britain: Police handing out blunt knives to domestic violence victims to reduce stabbings in the home

Via Michael Bane’s Facebook.

Yes, you read it right. And no, it is not a joke.

Victims of domestic violence will have their kitchen knives replaced with blunt utensils to prevent their partners attacking them in their own home.

Nottinghamshire Police are piloting the scheme where around 100 ‘no point’ knives will be handed to victims who have either been threatened or attacked with a knife.

Police are concerned about the high level of knife-related incidents that happen in the home, and are hoping the new scheme has the potential to save lives.

Police handing out blunt knives to domestic violence victims to reduce stabbings in the home

Here is a picture of such knives:

And yes, they can still cut. They can still slice throats and generate dozens of deep cuts that will kill somebody, just not stabbing. Stabby Stabby Bad, Colombian Necktie Good.

Institutionalized idiocy.



AOC gets one right (mostly), is backed up by Cruz, and her followers are idiots

I things I never thought I would see, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got one right.  Not just right as in “correct” but right as in she accidentally adopted a Republican idea.

Yes, yes it should.

This is not a new idea on the Right either, Republican Governor and Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal had this as part of his platform.

It made sense.  In all the fight over birth control under Obamacare and should nuns be forced to pay for it, some Republicans said: “fuck it, just make it OTC and then we don’t have to worry about it.”

This is one of those topics that unite Republicans and Libertarians.  The truth is that in the 60-year history of hormonal birth control, the drug has gotten better and safer and is on par for safety and efficacy with other popular OTC medications.

The fact is that oral birth control is OTC in Canada and most of Europe.

So why is it not in the US?  Democrats.  Planned Parenthood gets buckets of money from the Federal government to provide birth control.  With birth control going OTC, that service is greatly reduced and they could see a funding cut.  The Democrats would rather support Planned Parenthood as a money laundering operation than actually help women.

I guess AOC didn’t get the memo that she shouldn’t pitch that idea.

Well she did, and in one of the strangest cross-over arcs in politics, Senator Ted Cruz took her up on this.

I honestly hope something comes of this.

Now, I said in the title that AOC got this mostly right.  Here is where she got it wrong.

No, it shouldn’t.  That is the opposite of helping people.  It will drive up costs instead of lowering them and pass the burden onto taxpayers.  The whole point of making it OTC is to get the government out of the birth control game, not get further into it.

This is where I see an AOC/Cruz bill falling apart.

What really shook me what the replies by AOC’s followers.

I have to say, she really represents the crazy of her constituents well.

What?  I’m guessing this darling assumes that it is the GOP who is standing in the way of OTC birth control because they are a bunch of moralizing old white bible thumpers.

Of course, she has to pitch this as a ‘regulating woman’ thing.

She’s not alone in making this into a gender victimhood thing.

Since the GOP ran with OTC birth control first, who is really about controlling women?  Yeah, the party engaged in Handmaid’s Tale cosplay.

Then there were these women who have no fundamental grasp of economics.

See, when you make a drug OTC and let companies compete on the free market with name brands and generics, the price goes up.  Only with the government pay for, or making insurance companies pay for the drug will the price remain low.

Also, that last Tweet is straight 1984 “Freedom is Slavery.”  A free market isn’t really free because the lowest priced option may not be the best for her.  No wonder these people want socialism so badly, everything they know is wrong.

Perhaps second worst in the groups of replies are the male feminists.

Yeah… make all the stuff for women free because they are not able to be self-sufficient on anything.  Feminine hygiene products are necessary but these people treat them as sacred items too precious to be subject to the market like everything else.  I can only see taxpayer provided women’s hygiene products being the worst idea for women ever.  I don’t know what buying said items in Cuba or the Soviet Union would have been like, but I guess there was one option and it was rough.

This guy is really running for Congress in Washington.  That Tweet thread is an example of how Progressive he really is.  With that much male feminist virtue signaling, I’m pretty sure he is a rapist and is Tweeting shit like this to white knight his way into AOC’s pants.

But I think the worst group of replies came from the “I’m not a doctor but I read a pamphlet once” crowd.

Remember when I wrote a post about John Oliver and him shitting on the medical device industry? CBMTTek made a comment which was accurate.

These people often fall prey to the Nirvana fallacy, i.e., something is terrible if it’s not perfect.

For the overwhelming majority of women, most oral birth control is safe and effective.  Only a small percentage suffer from serious side effects, about 0.3%.

Yes, women should see a doctor or physician assistant before starting birth control for the first time.  But once a woman finds a drug that works well for her, does she really need a new script once a year?  Sure, there are plenty of reasons to get a checkup, again, I’m not arguing that, but birth control shouldn’t be one of them.

For these women, you’d get the impression that AOC was suggesting making Warfarin an OTC recreational drug.  That is will help 99.7% of women is just not worth the risk and we need to keep the terrible status quo.

Just for good measure, I found one thread that was a delightful bouillabaisse of internet doctor and male feminist.

I’m surprised Lyle there only snipped the boys instead of taking them off altogether with that attitude.

First, for Ms. Lila Rose, men don’t take oral birth control because the science of making a male hormonal birth control is very difficult. Sure, there are drugs that can suppress sperm production by reducing testosterone, and that is called chemical castration.  The side effects are terrible.  Stopping ovulation in women is fairly easy, the body does that naturally when women get pregnant.  Just make the body think it’s pregnant with an added hormone and mission accomplished.  It’s not a conspiracy against women unless you believe that a few billion years of evolution is a conspiracy against women (I bet she does).

Second, So what is Lyle or Vamo’ Nessa’s husband supposed to do before they had kids and potentially between kids if they have more than one?

I pretty sure doing and undoing vasectomies as a means of family planning is way worse than taking a pill.  I may be a man and I know that means my opinion doesn’t count, but objectively, it’s still surgery.

I actually want AOC and Cruz to win this one.  It will be funny watching the Democrats fight their media darling on this, with so much planned parenthood money riding on it.

I just can’t wait to see the backlash from her followers who are too stupid and Woke to get just how wrong they are about everything.