Month: October 2019

I hope they realize how lucky they were.

MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) — Madison police believe two males, between 12 and 15 years old, broke into a home in Madison early Saturday morning.
The burglary happened on Keating Terrace just after 2 a.m., according to police. The burglars took a garage door opener that was inside an unlocked vehicle parked in the victims’ driveway. They used that opener to get into the victims’ home and steal a briefcase and purse.
When the victims woke up Saturday morning, they realized they had been burglarized. By then, several transactions had been made on a credit card stolen in the break-in.
Police said surveillance images from one store show two young men using the stolen card.

Madison police search for teen burglars

The victims got off lucky. The burglars were kids interested in the fast coin and not in lives or impose violent sex.

Personal safety is based on the idea of multiple points a bad guy has to defeat in order to harm you and the same applies to Family Safety. A locked door is not locked if you leave the frigging keys where somebody can get to them.

It is not a hard thing to do, is it?

Hat Tip to Adam L.


Sorry for lack of posting. Family stuff.

she was not happy at the doc’s last time

Mom is a crud magnet. Whenever we go for a doctors’ check up, she manages to come back with something and spends a couple of days sick. This last time has been the worse as she actually was feverish on Sunday. This may not sound bad, but I never recall my mother ever having a fever since I known her. It was not much, just breaking over 100, but she was tripping something scary. A couple of Tylenols took care of that and she went back to “normal”. she is still suffering the effects whatever crud she caught, but being 87 means it takes a lot of time to cure.

She has finally relented and accepted the fact she needs to walk with a cane or risk falling down and she is not happy about it.  I had been trying to scare her with the prospect of having to endure a broken hip and surgery, but she ignored me royally.  However it seems that almost falling out of fed and to her face, brought a smidgen of reason into her.

And overall, I have come to the realization she is not as healthy as she was a year ago, nor she will get better. And yes, the missus and I  are preparing ourselves for the inevitable.

No one gets out of here alive, so they say.



Dave Chappelle’s triggering continues

Dave Chappelle won the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor which goes to show you that:

One: The Mark Twain Prize is still a legitimate award and not a way for the Woke to reward themselves like what happened to the Hugo Awards.

Two: The woke will now go after the Mark Twain Prize, infiltrate its parent organization, and turn it into a Woke joke.

When Chappelle was asked about political correctness, which he brazenly defied during his latest special, this was his response:

“Yada, yada, yada, fart noise” is the correct response to political correctness.

That alone is fantastic, but what else he did raises his winning of this award to the level of epic.

Dave Chappelle: Second Amendment ‘Is Just in Case the First One Doesn’t Work Out’

In what he said was an unscripted acceptance speech on Sunday night, comedian Dave Chappelle continued his recent campaign against cancel culture—while openly defying a smoking ban and defending the right to bear arms too.

Chappelle was fêted on Sunday night in Washington, D.C., as this year’s recipient of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, a lifetime achievement award bestowed annually by the Kennedy Center. Known for his irreverent and boundary-pushing sketch comedy show and standup routines, Chappelle has never shied away from an opportunity to eviscerate political correctness for laughs. Sunday’s event was no different, according to media reports.

“It’s the best part of the First Amendment to me that I’m able to express myself this way and make a viable living doing it,” Chappelle told NPR prior to going on stage Sunday night.

On stage, he reportedly lit up a cigarette—”What are they gonna do? Kick me out before I get the prize?” he said, according to USA Today—and took aim at the same woke scolds who were targets during his recent Netflix standup special.

Saying that he knows comedians who are “very racist” in their jokes, Chappelle asked everyone listening to please chill.

“Don’t get mad at ’em, don’t hate on ’em,” Chappelle said Sunday. “Man, it’s not that serious. The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn’t work out.

Chappelle’s acceptance speech will air on January 7 at 9 p.m. EST on PBS.

Chappelle is totally spot on with that assessment.  It’s even better to hear him say it in Washington DC in front of a bunch of gussied up Liberal patrons of the Kennedy Center.


Robocop 3 and how breakdown will occur

I read Miguel’s post Heading for a societal breakdown and I have a slightly different take on it than he does.

The original Robocop franchise was rather prescient for being an 80’s action flick.

What I am seeing on the horizon is the plot of Robocop 3, which is borrowed in part from the rise of Socialism in Europe.

In Robocop 3, the department salaries and benefits had been slashed so hard that the cops quit.  Then OCP, which wanted to privatize Detroit hired the Scatterpunk gang as enforcement to terrorize the citizens.

New York, Seattle, Portland, other Blue cities are more and more run by anti-cop city governments.  The Democrats as a whole are turning viciously anti-cop.

I think the point of this is to drive the good cops out of the force and make it impossible to hire new good cops.

Portland police have had to lower standards to increase recruiting, which includes accepting some prior criminal background.

I think where this is ultimately going is these cities openly hiring Antifa, BLM, and other Leftist groups as quasi-police enforcers.

This is what the Soviets did.  They took their most hard hitting thugs and made them secret police, not to enforce the law but to enforce the party line.

We’ve seen police chiefs and sheriffs announce that they won’t enforce Beto’s gun banpolice chiefs and sheriffs announce that they won’t enforce Beto’s gun ban.  If current cops won’t confiscate the guns than get cops who will.  Ones who don’t care about the Constitution but do want to bash NRA members and Republicans.

I think this is strategic.



So it actually works.

Amazon’s facial recognition technology falsely matched nearly 30 professional athletes to individuals in a mugshot database, the Massachusetts chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said.

Amazon’s technology, called Rekognition, has faced similar criticism in the past. Earlier this year, the ACLU found that it also mistook one in five California lawmakers for criminals, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Last week, the Massachusetts ACLU chapter announced that it compared headshots of 188 athletes from New England professional sports teams to a database of 20,000 mugshots. The athletes were from the Boston Bruins, the Boston Celtics, the New England Patriots, and the Boston Red Sox.

Amazon’s facial recognition misidentified Boston athletes as criminals

I don’t see the failure. Do you?

Ht Tip Kevin C.

Heading for a societal breakdown

I am still trying t figure the strategy out. Do liberals really think they will be able to control people without an effective Police department? Even in their most deranged fantasies they have to know they will require some sort of strong presence to impose “peace upon the land.” Are they expecting blind obedience from the Military? Lord knows the Obama administration did copy the best practices of Socialism by weakening a strong Military leadership and leaving behind the politically faithful, but this is not Venezuela or Cuba where subordinate blind obedience is tied to food availability, but a Military who has a history of flipping the bird even at the cost of half a million soldiers. Generals may want to rub elbows with the political hoity toity, but noncom snipers have no urge to participate in the champagne circuit unless they can shoot the bottles (and other things) at 500 yards.

My guess is Liberals want a defining event, a riot so big, people will demand for Government to intervene and Bill of Rights be damned. This has worked in other places and they believe it will work too here in the US… and they are very partially right. In a city like NY? Hell yes! After 3 ot 4 days of rampant crazy and New Yorkers unable to go to the corner sushi place for meals, they will burn the Constitution if they can get their power back and a hot cup of overpriced coffee. Boston? About the same and also D.C. Pittsburg? Not so much, and the farther outside the circle of the major Liberal metropolis, the least the unrest will survive. Antifa or goons on the loose in Miami-Dade county?  It would be an argument between cops and civilians to see who gets to shoot them and dump them in the Everglades to feed the critters. Bitch, we flip the finger to Hurricanes and looters after, Do you think waving a communist flag and breaking windows was a good idea?  You wanted to play The Purge? We have people here who have actually survived real purges by communists. You are a cute street parade in comparison.

And I am sure the similar versions will apply in many locations across the US.

And then it will  be our turn to show Liberals how purges are made.