Month: October 2019

Code Pink is evil garbage

Code Pink sold itself as an anti-war group after the invasion of Afghanistan and the announcement of the war in Iraq.

Its name comes from the United States Department of Homeland Security’s color-coded alert system (e.g. threat level yellow) and pink because it was a woman founded, woman-led organization.

The reality is that Code Pink is a viciously anti-Semitic, anti-American, hard-Left organization that protests to defend the evils of this world from America.

Remember that it was Code Pink that acted as human shields to defend Venezuela’s embassy and the Maduro supporters in residence there.

Code Pink is currently trying to organize a boycott of Puma brand shoes because they supported the Israeli national soccer team.

Code Pink has taken multiple trips to Iran to defend Iran from sanctions.

But the most recent act by Code Pink is perhaps their most disturbing yet.

This Shabbat was the yahrzeit of the Tree of Life shooting.  A yahrzeit is the annual remembrance of death and is important in the Jewish tradition as a time to say the mourners kaddish for those who have passed.

America’s ambassador to Israel sent out a Tweet as a reminder of this:

This is the response from the Co-Director of Code Pink:

So the Jews and Israel are to blame for the Tree of Life shooting?

I guess this is what can be expected from a group that routinely supports Iranian Holocaust denial.

How many times do I have to say it:

Leftist Jews are not Jews, they are Leftists who hang onto their Jewish identity for the victim credit. They gave up their Judaism to worship at the altar of Progressive Socialism.

Any “Jew” who goes on a tour defending Iran and attacking Israel as the problem has long since stopped being a Jew.

My only hope is that whatever Synagogue she attends, the rest of the worshipers there throw her the fuck out the door.  Literally.  Like pick her up and toss her down the front steps.

Jews like me say “never again.”

Jews like her are waiting in line to be Kapos.

When TDS makes you support Jihadism

Miguel covered the disgusting Washington Post obituary of Abu al-Baghdadi.

But I have to disagree with him, it was not editorial oversight.

Bloomberg News did it too.


As Ian Fleming said: “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

This is enemy action in two different newspapers.

This is what happens when a journalist’s brain is eaten up by TDS like mad-cow disease.  They are so focused on being anti-Trump that they write obituaries about mass-murdering, Jihadist rapists like they are civil rights leaders.


Because Trump authorized and announced the special forces strike on them.

This is how deep their hatred for Trump goes.

Trump could come up with the cure for cancer and give it away for free and the media would report the story as “unemployment spikes as oncology specialists suddenly put out of work by Trump.”

It makes you wonder if they are willing to whitewash the life of one of the worst terrorists since Bin Laden because of Trump, what else are they lying to you about.

Joe Biden goes anti-cop

As Miguel has mentioned several times, the Democrats have swung hard anti-cop.

Joe Biden had to push the anti-cop message when asked a question by an audience member.

The proper answer is:

Be polite and be respectful.  Follow all of the officer’s instructions.  Do not argue or try to talk your way out of whatever you have been accused of doing.  If you feel you have been treated unfairly, politely ask for the officer’s name and badge number.  File a report later.  Arguing or getting belligerent is the fastest way to end up in handcuffs or dead.  There is a very good chance your interaction will be captured on dash-cam or body-cam or both.  You want that footage to be on your side by being calm and polite as possible.”

That advice is universal, it transcends race, ethnicity, skin color, sex, gender, or anything else.

The Joe Biden Progressive approved answer is to assume all the police are racist and only pull over black people and not white people.

As a white person, I can assure you that the police do pull over white people.  I have been pulled over a couple of times before.

I can guarantee that every cop who sees this and who is not high-ranking brass in a Blue city (Sheriffs and Police Chiefs are politicians) and/or hard-line union members are turned off by this Democrat anti-cop attitude.

The other answer that Joe Biden could have given, that would be more honest and less pandering to the Progressive crowd is:

If you were my daughter, every cop in Delaware would know what your license plate number is, and wouldn’t have pulled you over because you are a Biden, because that cop would know I would have had his Chief fire him as a political favor to me.”

I’m going to buck this trend

From Recoil Magazine:

Learning How to Master Red-Dot-Equipped Pistols

Red-dot optics on pistols are everywhere nowadays. I resisted for a while, as the bulk of my civilian and law enforcement students still used iron sights. But over time, that’s changed. Whether in special operations, competition, concealed carry, or specialized law enforcement units, shooters now commonly use pistols with red-dots mounted on their slides.

S&W has the M&P Core series, Glock has the MOS series, CZ and FN have mini-red dot slide cut guns too.

By far, the greatest challenge is to properly orient the pistol so that you can find and maintain the dot in your sight picture. Thus, we first focus on grip. When using a pistol with iron sights, it’s easy to make adjustments to the gun as you present it on target, because you can perceive the orientation of the sights as soon as they appear in your periphery. It becomes subconscious.

Yes it does, which is why I will never use a mini red dot on a pistol ever again.

I have the FN FNX 45 Tactical, which is a beast, it came cut for a mini red dot.  I put a Vortex Viper on it for 15 minutes.

I can grab just about any handgun I own and with my eyes closed, bring up to eye level and when I open my eyes I’m lined up on the sights.

It is a training drill I was taught years ago (do this dry, no ammo), to take an object about the size of a basketball or pie pan (about 10 inches) at 10 yards.  Focus on it.  Close your eyes, draw and point at the target, then open your eyes.

You should be able with a bit of practice to be able to have your sights lined up on the target when you open your eyes.

This is really helpful in defense shoots or competition to get the feel of getting the gun out and on target without needing to track the sights.  Using the sights is for the last bit of precision.  The difference between hitting the target and the X-ring.

I could not do with my red dot.  The red dot is about 1/2 and inch higher than the axis of the iron sights.  This was enough that all my muscle memory went to shit and I found myself looking thought the irons and under the dot.

I’d have to reposition my head or hands to use the dot.  It was slower and awkward for me.

I have no desire to retrain my brain to run one gun with a red dot when all my other guns have irons.

I’d rather have consistency across all of my weapon platforms than have the latest and greatest slick thing on one pistol.

Miles and Miles of Editorial Oversight: Washington Post’s Obituary for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (UPDATE)

I just saw this in Twitter and I figured it was a photoshop. I went to the WaPo and it was not a joke. I took a screencap:

I m not surprised if I get to read stuff along the lines of “Orange Man had the Muslim Pope killed because racism!” or some crap like that.

Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Vegetarian and Animal Lover tragically commits suicide. Untreated depression is suspected.

He killed some Jews, gypsies and warred with some neighbors.

UPDATE: I guess they figured they screwed up big time and corrected the headline.

Hat Tip Dan E

ISIS Leader Abu Al-Baghdadi killed in US Raid. Trump did not notify Congress.

The death of Abu Al-Baghdadi is great news, but this statement from President Trump is a tactical nuke:

We notified some. Others are being notified now as we speak. We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like we’ve never seen it before. There’s no country in the world that leaks like we do. And Washington is a leaking machine. 

Knowing the levels of Trump Derangement Syndrome flowing in DC and other areas,  I have to concur with the Prez. More than one asshole (Democrats and the known Never Trump Republicans) would have notified ISIS and tell them of the upcoming raid so it would be seen as a failure for the President.