Month: December 2019

Down the road of Delirium

Again stealing some minutes of time from mom’s hospital room.

These are the kind of times it sucks to be a pessimist: Although you are told by the Guys and Girls in White that the condition is reversible (caveats apply), you have the suspicion they are giving you an unicorn photons’ enema. Add to that a freindly visit from the county’s social services person offering all kinds of advice and help-at-home and I do not exactly feeling like painting a pink future. We will see when we get there.

It is “funny” how some things disappear and how some are dug in deep. For a while she knew that I was a friendly person, but could not recognize me as her son but recognized my wife. And it is always a Trojan war to get her to releve herself in bed and she demands going to the bathroom or death to her enemies. I guess potty training goes DNA deep.

Speaking of enemies, depending on her level of clarity, I am her worst if we go by the looks and words I get because I don’t follow her wishes.

And I will admit that it hurts like a white-hot brandon iron. I steel myself to ignore it and let it flow because this is not a rational human being with hurtful intentions in front of you but mom suffering a mental issue and I am responsible for her health and recovery.

But you also have to be a cold asshole sometimes, because mental issues or not, she will pull a fast one and hurt herself. I was keeping watch and falling asleep when she asked me to relax and close my eyes, she was going to take a nap hetself. I did so and I sort of slumbered to be awaken by the nurse’s asking Mom what was she doing: She had ripped her IV, the wire harness they plug you to the machines and had already one leg off then bed on her way to a faceplant or worse. She is now pissed off as a soaked hen because she is in restrains and I don’t bow to her begging now even that as a son I want to please her.

It is 1AM+ and even though she has an Ambien on top, she is fighting her restrains because she can. And of course, I can’t sleep because she is moving and groaning and talking to herself and I am trying to check on changes.

OK, enough whining. I am posting from my phone via the WordPress App and a mini bluetooth keyboard so pardon me for le lack of spellchecking and other fails.

And thank you all for the best wishes. They are truthfully appreciated.

Kung-Fu Mishegoss

In the wake of the attacks on Orthodox Jews in New York City and the Shooting in Jersey City, Jews are coming to their senses that they need to learn to defend themselves.

Unfortunately, the Jews of New York and New Jersey live in states where owing the tools of self-defense is not a right.

This is what they are reduced to doing?

From the New York Post:

Jews flock to axe-throwing self defense class after Jersey City shooting

While I understand the motivation, that’s just fucking stupid.

These Jews have an axe to grind after the Jersey City shooting — and they’ll learn how to do it at a synagogue self-defense class.

“Rabbi sensei” Gary Moskowitz, a former NYPD officer and martial arts expert, is hosting an axe-throwing “counter-terrorism” class in Williamsburg Monday, and says Hasidic Jews have been clamoring to sign up in the wake of the kosher market massacre that left four people — including a cop — dead.

I did a search for Rabbi Moskowitz.  He seems to be ahead of the curve on Jewish self defense.

He was featured in a ten-year-old article in the Forward:

Praise the Lord, Pass the Ammunition: Rabbi’s Got a Gun

An article from 2013 in the Times of Israel:

Sensei to the Orthodox
A rabbi teaches martial arts to Jewish kids in New York, whom he calls a ‘weak target’

And from WLYN CBS New York in 2018:

Rabbi: ‘We Must’ Have Armed Security In Synagogues

He’s totally right and has been for years.  The problem is that he’s allowed, with lots of limits, to have a carry permit in New York because he is/was NYPD.

For the average Jew in New York or New Jersey, they are forbidden to carry by city and state law, and the way it is executed.

“The situation in Jersey City changed everything. In a few lessons and with practice, this is the quickest way for Jewish people to have a chance to mitigate terror and murder. At least they’ll have a fighting chance,” Moskowitz, also the president of American Jewish Security Council, told The Post.

“Civilians need training. No one can help you but yourself — you need zero response time.”

This.  100% this.  This is absolutely true.  Not just for the Jews, but for everyone.

The seventh degree black belt says the Orthodox community feels under siege amid a spike in anti-Semitic hate crimes this year, and claims their best defense is to literally bury the hatchet.

No, it’s not.

In his two-hour class at Beth Jacob Ohev Sholom, the 62-year-old will also demo how to stop an attacker by hurling spears, mallets, bricks and weights — but not with a gun.

“I’m teaching people to throw axes — it’s a fatal strike with immediate stopping power. If you shoot someone, it could take a while. When you get struck with an axe, it’s game over,” he said, adding that it’s easier to train someone to throw a 2- to 5-pound axe than to use a gun.

No, it’s not.  Not by a long shot.

Also, getting hit by a axe, unless it hits edge first and penetrates, or hits the bad guy in the skull, isn’t a “game over” instant kill.  It’s not like it is in the movies.

You know what is more effective than a 2 lbs axe?  A 230 grain JHP.  Or 158 grains of 357 magnum if I’m feeling in a wheelgun mood.

“No one’s going to get a gun permit in NYC, so why teach it to someone in NYC when they can’t carry it in NYC?”

“We’re not looking to kill people, we’re looking to stop them,” he added.

And the truth comes out.  Finally some fucking honesty.  It’s not that a gun is less effective than an axe.  It’s those fucking politicians in the Acela Corridor won’t let people have guns.

That’s the problem he is trying to get around.

Elliott Gordon, an Orthodox talent agent from Flatbush, is one of at least 10 people who’ve signed up for counter-terrorism course.

“The idea is we really have to be prepared with weapons at hand that anyone can get. If we can grab an axe, a brick, anything we’re allowed to have and know how to use it, to hit the guy on the head with a brick, problem over. A pistol isn’t the only weapon,” Gordon said.

“Anything we’re allowed to have.”  That says it all right there.

But one Jewish security expert said the tactics didn’t cut it — arguing axes and spears are impractical and could potentially land you in legal trouble.

“Self defense training is critical in that it empowers individuals with skills necessary to react quickly to defend against dangerous situations. It’s important to train with what you will have on hand in the event of an attack, such as your arms, legs, hands, feet, elbows or even a fire extinguisher,” said Deena Seelenfreund, NJ Regional Manager of Community Security Service, a volunteer group that protects Jewish sites.

“If you are training with objects that can be considered illegal with the intent to harm and are not readily accessible, such as spears, axes, mallets etc., then you will be at a loss to defend …. The idea of someone carrying a mallet, spear or axe, is impractical.”

He is right.  It is illegal to carry most objects if their intention is to use them as a weapon.  Nobody is going to carry an axe around the streets of New York City with the excuse that they are about to go camping in a vacant lot and roast marshmallows over a burning tire.

This is why gun rights are so important.

As a Jew living in the unsophisticated Red state of Alabama, I can walk around all day and go to synagogue with a gun strapped to my hip.  I don’t have to pretend to do the Kung-Fu hustle with some yard maintenance equipment from the Home Depot.  If I am attacked, I can simply shoot the bad guy.

The lack of gun rights has NEVER helped the Jews.  Not once, ever.  Never.

The bad guys who want to hurt the Jews will ALWAYS find a way to get the guns they want to use to kill the Jews.

Case in point:

A pawn shop owner was arrested after his cell phone number was found in a pocket of one of the Jersey City shooters.

Ahmed A-Hady, 35, was arrested after authorities seized three assault rifles following a search of his residence and a Keyport pawn shop connected to his family, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

A-Hady, a convicted felon, was arrested after federal authorities said they found more than a dozen weapons in a gun safe inside Buy and Sell City, as well as in family apartments on the second floor. His younger brother said their father owns the Keyport pawn shop, but the family lives in several apartments above the store. Ahmed A-Hady owns a pawn shop in South Amboy, his brother said.

During searches of the pawn shop and A-Hady’s residence, detectives found a PK 380, a Ruger 9mm, a Smith and Wesson .44 caliber handgun and three AR-15-style assault rifles, authorities said. They also found more than 400 rounds of ammunition, including a large number of hollow-point bullets, authorities said.

Those gun laws worked really well to keep assault rifles out of the hands of two potential mass shooters and a felon.

No, in fact, the laws didn’t work to keep guns out of the hands of bad guys, all they did was disarm the Jews.

I’m glad that I am a Jew outside of the Blue bubble.  I like to know that if the shit hits the fan I can grab something more effective than an axe to defend myself with.

Something I did not know (Jesting)

Do you know what hospital rooms need? Microwaves. Seriously people, the food here sucks and then it doubles it because it arrives cold.

I mean, you can order out or make popcorn or even ramen noodles, but noooo: the stupid machine apparently interferes with important life-saving equipment and people may die nearby like the hospiatl was attacked by Cechen terrorists with an EMP bomb.

Excuse me for wanting a hot meal, sheesh!

It’s time for Jew to leave New York City

Dear Jews,

Get out of New York City, you are not welcome anymore.

I don’t care how progressive you think you are, the rules of the Left are simple: the heroes of the revolution are the first to get purged when the party takes power.

And the first of the first to get purged are the Jews.  Always the Jews.

I have called this the Trotsky effect.  Trotsky was a hero of the Bolshevik Revolution and a founding member of the Politburo.  Until Stalin took over at which point he was murdered with an ice-axe to the head.

Jews have been at the forefront of the Progressive movement, and are now getting purged.

I have documented the beatings, assaults, and violence directed at the Orthodox in New York City at the hands of mostly black and brown youths.  The violence that has gone unpunished and virtually unacknowledged by the New York City government.

I have also written about the narrative shift about the Jersey City Kosher Market shooting, to blame the Jews for their deaths because they were a gentrifying force.

I know that many Progressive Jews were inclined to ignore that because the Progressive Jews are not fans of the Orthodox or Hasidic Jews.

The long knives are out for the Progressive Jews now too.

From the New York Post:

Teacher tells students to boycott Beacon HS after white girl accused of racism

A black teacher at Manhattan’s Beacon High School told cheering students to boycott the elite campus Monday after an incident involving a white Jewish girl sparked complaints about a racist environment.

“What we’re asking of all students: Do not come to school that day to show solidarity for the support of not just students of color but all students at Beacon in providing a safe space,” said a teacher who identified himself as “Mr. Green” at Friday’s boisterous cafeteria gathering, which was videotaped.

“Until the demands are met, students are not to return to school,” the teacher — identified as science instructor Demetrius Green — exhorted the crowd of hundreds of teens.

A black teacher is fomenting outrage in minority students against the school.

Friday’s protest was set off by allegedly “racist remarks” that a black student claimed he overheard a white Jewish girl make in a confidential meeting Tuesday with two white Jewish guidance counselors.

A black teacher is fomenting outrage in minority students against the school over alleged hearsay in a private conversation.

The girl told The Post that she was only seeking support for her own college plan at the time. Disappointed that she was put on a waitlist at a top university, she and the counselors were reviewing Scattergrams, charts on admission data, showing that some students with less academic qualifications than she were accepted, said the teen, whose name The Post is withholding. The counselors mentioned scholarship programs for minorities such as Posse and QuestBridge, she said.

“The context of my private conversation included my disapproval about the unfairness of students who were accepted to college without meeting the rigorous criteria that I and others worked so hard to achieve, because they might be athletes, afforded financial scholarships, and/or get seats based on affirmative action programs, as opposed to academic achievement as the first and only criteria,” the girl explained in a statement.

Uh-oh… that’s not a very progressive thought.  Progressivism is all fine and dandy until it keeps your hardworking kid out of college.

The black student barged into the meeting and berated the girl and her counselors, causing a commotion.

Because that is a perfectly normal and civilized thing to do.

As word spread, the girl became the target of cyberbullying and threats, she said.

The internet outrage mob strikes again.

One Instagram post accused her of saying “minorities stole her spot,” and “Im not gonna go to schools for black and brown people or ppl who are retarded.” It concludes, “…she’s definitely Messing with wrong group of ppl. She CLEARLY don’t know how we grew up cuz that bitch looking to be destroyed LITERALLY.”

Is that a death threat?  Methinks that is a death threat.  Also, slander if it is not true.

Another Instagram post said, “As a proud future QuestBridge scholar, let me tell you something about myself: I deserve it. If you got rejected from a school you wanted to attend, do not bash other people who have worked hard their entire lives and were not born with silver spoons in their mouths.”

Translation: The Jewish girl deserves all the bad things in her life and nothing that she’s worked for because she’s privileged.

The girl said other students twisted her words out of context and falsely accused her of racism.

That’s how the internet outrage mob works.

Later, she said, one of her teachers chided her, telling her, ”People are going to hate you because you’re Jewish,” and “You don’t understand your privilege.”

The teacher spoke the absolute truth.

[A student] also complained that the administration had failed to apologize for the white girl’s remarks.

“Here we are three days later, and kids of color have not received an acknowledgment about the situation,” he said.

On Sunday, some students posted a list of “Official Demands,” including a call for Beacon to publicly apologize for “allowing racism to fester” for years; ”probes of the guidance counselors” who met with the white girl; mandated workshops on “implicit bias” for students and staff; and ensuring that faculty hiring “mirrors the diversity” of NYC’s students.

It also demands that students who take part in the boycott or sit-in “will not face any repercussions.”

The students are demanding that the school destroy the Jewish girl and her guidance counselors because she complained in a private meeting that she worked hard in school to get good grades but was being passed over for college acceptance.  That conversation was overheard by a black student who then lit the fuse of the outrage mob.

They want all students to suffer the indignity of “mandated workshops on ‘implicit bias.’

Lastly, the kids who are attacking both the girl and the school for their hearsay inspired rage don’t want there to be any negative consequences for their actions.

I can’t imagine something like this happening when I was in high school, but here we are today.

Trotsky’s law is playing out to full effect in New York City.

Liberal Jews helped drive progressive causes and now the Progressives are destroying the Jews.

There are two takeaways from this:

One: Jews need to reevaluate their support for progressive ideals, especially those that come back to bite them in the ass.

Two: It’s time that the Jews move out of Progressive dystopias like New York before the violence gets any worse.

Update from out of the pocket.

Hi everybody. Just a few sleepless seconds abused to say I am still alive, but still dealing with a family medical emergency, to wit: Mom.

Without saying much, gthe other day (I already forget when) we had to call 911 for mom, and she recieved promt treatment at the hospital. But she is 87 and complications that I was not expecting suddenly arised and her mental accuity went out the window in a shoert span of time. Apparently is called Hospital Delirium and Jesus and little monkeys, it shocked the hell out of me to see her behave so different from the norm. Possibly the biggest shock has been that she did not know who am I closely followed by her combative behavior (I knew mine had to come from somehere)

More than likely, her illness is either related to an infection or a side effect from an antibiotic. And the effects should wear out once the treatment is finalized and off the meds.

So far, it looks like another 2 days in here. Y’all keep being nice to each other and I’ll try to drop a line sometime.

Virginia Legislature wants to send the military to disarm you

If there is one upside to TDS, it has caused the Left to go so nuts that forget to mask their true desires for tyrannical rule.

Grope Biden, Cultural Appropriation O’Rourke, and Douche Nuke’m Swalwell went full-tilt into demanding disarmament for civilians.  They want to come and take your guns.

Typically, these politicians have shied away from the details of their plan.  Pushing the ideas of mandatory buybacks or some such.  Stating that law-abiding gun owners will turn in their guns because they are law-abiding.  The evidence indicates that law-abiding gun owners are not slavishly law-abiding and will not register or turn over their guns, just because the government says so.

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida with bump-stocks, even New Zealand demonstrated that to be true.

So as the push for a gun ban grows in East California (formerly the Commonwealth of Virginia) from the few big Blue population-dense areas, the rural Red areas have started to declare themselves gun sanctuary cities.

This is a play taken right out of the Left’s playbook, declaring cities, counties, and whole states sanctuaries against Federal immigration law.  Arlington County, Chesterfield County, and Fairfax County in Virginia are listed as Sanctuary Counties.

The Left doesn’t like being hoisted with their own petard and is vowing to crush the Virginia 2A sanctuary movement with the most force they can muster.

Va. rep. suggests military enforcement for new gun legislation, National Guard responds

The Virginia National Guard has responded after Governor Ralph Northam said there would be consequences for law enforcement who didn’t enforce new gun legislation.

“If we have constitutional laws on the books and law enforcement officers are not enforcing those laws on the books, then there are going to be some consequences but I’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it,” Northam said.

A representative from Richmond then said the Virginia National Guard might have to get involved.

“And ultimately, I’m not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” Rep. Donald McEachin said. “That’s his call, because I don’t know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that’s obviously an option he has.”

Send in the troops to do door to door in Red counties to seize the guns and take the Sheriffs out of power.  That seems like a great plan that will surely work.

The [current] Adjutant General of Virginia, Major General Timothy P. Williams, released a statement saying they aren’t going to speculate about the use of the Virginia National Guard to enforce gun legislation.

I added current because we have seen recently too many retired military officers who become media commentators and military officers turned politicians clamoring for restricting gun rights, including President candidates Seth Moutlon, Pete Buttigieg, and Tulsi Gabbard.

So I suspect it may only be a short matter of time before the Va National Guard AG is replaced by a general who doesn’t respect the Second Amendment and thinks that black rifles only belong in the hands of soldiers… and that it’s fine for his soldiers to use their issued black rifles to take away the black rifles of those petulant civilians in the Virginia boondocks.

The Virginia Guard AG serves at the pleasure of the Governor, and I’m sure a Leftist Blue Governor can quite easily find some civilian hating Swamp-monster General inside the DC bubble, happy to disarm gun owners, to take over.

Virginia Democrats are cocksure over the fact they Virginia has become like California or Illinois, where the Blue population rich bubbles have given them a permanent majority for one-party rule.  So they have no incentive not to bring their gun-grabbing machinations to fruition.