Month: December 2019

Jersey City Kosher Market Shootout: Hate Crime – Anti Semitic. (Update)

The New York Times reports:

An assailant involved in the prolonged firefight in Jersey City, N.J., that left six people dead, including one police officer, was linked on Wednesday to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, which has been designated a hate group, and had published anti-Semitic posts online, a law enforcement official said.

The violent rampage on Tuesday took place largely at a kosher supermarket where three bystanders were killed. The authorities now believe that the store was specifically targeted by the assailants.

Jersey City Shooting: Suspect Linked to Black Hebrew Israelite Group.

Does the group sound familiar? It should, we covered some here. Y’all remember “activist” and faux Vietnam Vet Nathan Phillips who claimed was verbally attacked by the racist white kid from Covington HS?

I guess the simple shouting was not enough and it was time to start hunting Jews for real. I am guessing more to come.

PS: Ben Shapiro predicts further coverage:

Update: Video appers to contradict the original narrative. The shooting of the market was purposely rather than a sudden target of opportunity.

Time Magazine Person of the Year 2019


If Time Magazine had any integrity, morals, or courage at all, Person of the Year would’ve been the Hong Kong protesters who are out there risking their lives for freedom against a brutal totalitarian state. But instead they went with the most chickenshit, candy ass, suck up choice possible with Angry Global Warming Girl who skipped school to go yachting.

Larry Correia.

’nuff said.

The Jersey City shooting you won’t hear about after today – Update

Yesterday, around 2:00 in the afternoon, two persons shot and killed three civilians and a police officer in a shootout and standoff at a Kosher market in Jersey City, before themselves being killed by police.

Evidence indicates that the Kosher market was targeted and one of the shooters “had published anti-Semitic and anti-police posts online.”

According to

David Anderson and Francine Graham have been identified as the suspects, the law enforcement source said. Surveillance footage shows the duo in the deadly shooting moved “calmly” while exiting a van with two long-rifles before deliberately shooting into a kosher supermarket, the mayor of Jersey City said. 

WNBC4 reported that Anderson had at one-time been a member of the Black Hebrew Israelite group citing law enforcement sources. The group has been known to shout anti-Semitic rhetoric while congregating on the streets of New York City and elsewhere.

There you have it.

This was an antisemitic attack against Kosher, Orthodox Jews, not carried out by a MAGA-hat wearing, Trump-supporting, white supremacist…

The NYPD across the river have been dutifully ignoring the attacks on Orthodox Jews on New York City streets.  Jewish Democrats, who are Leftists and generally don’t like the Orthodox, can’t use this against Trump.  So why bother keeping it in the news.

There is no report on the types of guns the shooters used, expect the mention that they were rifles.  New Jersey already has an assault weapon ban, which includes the AR-15 by name, so there is not much to advance on that front.

So everybody that matters in the media really has no incentive to keep this story alive.

All I can say at this point is that this shooting affirms two very important lessons that I have learned a long time ago.

When the government disarms the Jews*, what you get is more dead Jews.

*I will concede that NJ CCW laws disarm all law-abiding citizens, but the lesson is still valid.  

This is why Jews should be more in favor of gun rights and concealed carry.


Dov Hikind, a Jewish former state rep assemblyman New York has more evidence of why this story will be memory-holed.


Venezuela: Oil literally comes out from under the ground but there is no gasoline.

Just posted. Long lines of cars waiting for rationed gasoline in Caracas, Venezuela

When Columbus and Co. arrived to the western side of Venezuela, they noticed two interesting things: 1) The local indians lived in the lake on houses built on stilts, and 2) this black liquid substance kep floating up in the same lake. Oil as we know it.

Socialism has collapsed the oil industry in Venezuela where now the country has to import gasoline at market prices but by its own bull, must have to sell  it a very low and subsidized prices continuing a decades old lie to the economy. It was the left who created riots in the early 90s when a president suggested the price of gasoline should be cost rather than subsidized to stop the bleeding of money.

But at least one tradition remains: Oil can still be found floating in Lake Maracaibo although not because it escape naturally from underground but because Socialism destroys what it touches.

Leftist Antisemitism projection of the day, IAC edition

If you have been paying attention to the news, Donald Trump spoke before the Israeli-American Council a couple of days ago.  The IAC is an organization that serves Israeli-Americans, which makes it different than AIPAC which is mostly Jewish Americans who support Israel.

So how did the media report on Trump speaking to the IAC?

Business Insider: Trump accused of anti-Semitism after saying Jewish Americans will vote for him so they can avoid a wealth tax


Washington Post: Trump accused of ‘dipping into a deep well of anti-Semitic tropes’ during speech to Jewish voters

CNN: Trump is trafficking in anti-Semitic tropes. It must stop

This last article was insufferable, because it was written by Jew-hating Young Turk, Dean Obeidallah.

Even AOC got in on the act, saying: This is outright and atrocious antisemitism coming from the President, and it is dangerous.

So what did Trump say that was so terrible?

That is absolutely true.

Despite what some Leftist “secular” Jews (induing some popular Progressive Rabbis) say, there are actual tenets of Judaism, they are the 10 Commandments and the 613 Mitzvot.

There is also an overarching theme to Judaism.  We are God’s chosen people, commanded to live as examples of how he wants us to live, and in exchange for that, we have been granted the land of Israel as our birthright as part of this covenant.  If you are a Jew and you don’t believe in Jewish control over Israel, you are tossing out one of the core articles of our faith.

The difference is, that you can’t be a Catholic and believe that Jesus was not the son of God, or a Muslim and believe that Muhammad was not the prophet.  Because Judaism is considered both an ethnicity/identity and a religion there are people who identify as Jews but don’t believe in the core principles of Judaism.  These are the “secular Jews” or “atheist Jews” or “anti-Zionist Jews” that I have nothing but contempt for, as they do nothing but provide cover for Jew-haters to openly spread their vile garbage but say “these Jews agree with me, so I’m not an antisemite.”  Yes, they are, and IfNotNow is a 5th column.

Trump is right to call out Progressive Jews for needing to love Israel more.

What else?

He’s not talking about Jews in general.  Clearly he’s talking about real estate developers.  Not just real estate developers, but the high-dollar real estate developers that Trump has done business with.

You’d think that if the media wanted to do a slightly better job of smearing Trump, they could have edited the first few seconds off that clip.

Also, Trump is right.  My grandmother was in high-dollar real estate in South Florida.  Those people are sharks.

He’s also right about what Warren’s wealth tax would do the millionaire investment class who develop the real estate.

The dead giveaway that this wasn’t an antisemitic screed was the cheers and applause of the audience.

Here is how the Jerusalem Post reported on this speech:

‘The best show in town’: In IAC speech, Trump felt at home – analysis

When the Israeli American Council announced that US President Donald Trump would be the 2019 keynote speaker, the event was immediately sold out.

Some 4,000 people attended the Diplomat Beach Resort ballroom on Saturday night, some of them wearing Make America Great Again hats.

The crowd welcomed Trump with chants of “four more years,” followed by an introduction from Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, the IAC’s most significant donors. “It is the best show in town,” an IAC volunteer from California told The Jerusalem Post.

That’s a lot different than how the US media presented the story.

Just to clue you in, Israelis love Trump, giving him an approval rating of 69% in the latest poll.

It was also interesting to watch his condemnation of the BDS movement. For the past few months, administration officials are learning the facts about BDS and its effect on college campuses. Trump’s decision to invite a college student on stage to share her personal experience might indicate that the administration is willing to take a more active role in fighting BDS.

This is why the media reported on the event the way they did.  BDS is at the heart of the DNC.  The loudest Democrat voices are BDS supporters.

The president went on to wonder how come that given all these actions, there aren’t more Republican supporters in the Jewish community, saying some American Jews “don’t love Israel enough.”

Some Jewish Democratic organizations said these remarks were offensive. “We strongly denounce these vile and bigoted remarks in which the president – once again – used antisemitic stereotypes to characterize Jews as driven by money and insufficiently loyal to Israel,” said Halie Soifer, Jewish Democratic Council of America executive director. The Democratic Majority for Israel lobby group sharply criticized his remarks as well.

Dual loyalty my ass.  Maybe ask why Democrats like Warren campaign with the Progressive “Jewish” group IfNotNow, which supports BDS and has been totally silent on BDS activists who call for the genocide of Israeli Jews.

This is what I think of when I see Jews support Democrats, especially far-Leftist ones like Warren, Sanders, and Omar.

Why do I say this?

Because in a story you won’t see reported on by CNN or HuffPo or WaPo or retweeted by AOC is this:

Bernie Sanders campaign staffer departs after anti-Semitic, other offensive tweets surface: reports

A newly hired community organizer for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign has left just days after taking the job – reportedly because some of his past tweets allegedly contained anti-Semitic and homophobic statements, as well as derogatory remarks about women and Asians.

On Friday, the Republican Jewish Coalition, based in Washington, had called upon Sanders to fire Gordon.

“It is outrageous that Bernie Sanders would hire him, given Gordon’s history of posting blatantly anti-Semitic comments on social media,” The RJC wrote in a statement.

Apparently he loved to talk about “Jew money.”

This should come as no surprise since Linda Sarsour is a Bernie spokesperson and he is backed by Omar and Talib.  There seem to be a lot of overt Jew-haters in Bernie’s circle.  That’s not unexpected for socialist in general.

But nobody in the US media will ever accuse Bernie, or Omar or Tlaib for that matter, of being the kind of antisemite they accuse Trump of being.

The reason that the media are constantly accusing Trump of antisemitism is simply this.

This spot-on cartoon from Red Pill Jew:

Clearly the first panel is accurate.

Trump is the only Republican I can see who is actively fighting the second panel by trying to recruit Jews over to the Republican party.

He is trying to get Jews to leave the Democrat vote plantation and the Democrats and media will do everything they can to stop him.

AOC at it again.

Ignore the fact that she is comparing dog breeding with childcare, but what the hell does she mean by “Women and people who give birth”?