Month: December 2019

I want to see the new WW movie

The new Wonder Woman movie looks awesome.

It also looks like it will make a billion dollars.

Of course we’ve all been told that men won’t see movies with staring female roles or featuring strong wamynz.

That’s why the Ghostbusters reboot tanked.  Not because it sucked.  It was the hatred of the wamynz.

I will put even money on this being the highest grossing super hero movie of 2020.

I will also put even money on the same people who defend the Ghostbusters reboot saying that the Wonder Woman movie ONLY made money because Gal Gadot is beautiful by “conventional cis-hetero-patriarchal standards” (which she totally is) and that men paid to see the move only to ogle her.

In essence, the same misogyny that made the Ghostbusters reboot flop made Wonder Woman a blockbuster.

The only thing that those people do more than suck at telling compelling stories is be tediously predictable.

Still, Wonder Woman 1984 looks like something I’ll be renting when it comes to Direct TV.

Wording is important

Read this Tweet from Matthew Yglesias:

As you read that botched prose, dripping with elitist condescension, remember that Matt Yglesias went to Harvard.

Growing up around kids who wanted to go to Harvard, everyone talked about being worried that they wouldn’t get into Harvard. The goal was acceptance.

Because once you were in, no matter how much you sucked, you weren’t getting tossed out.  Nobody flunks out of Harvard.

Also remember that Matt’s dad is a famous novelist.

So when Matt here feels it is his noblesse oblige to speak slowly and in small words to the rest of us, he graduated from a school it I’d impossible to flunk out of and was accepted to because of daddy’s fame.

So let’ts say Trump gets kicked out…

Doubtfully, but just for argument’s sake he does get kicked for abuse of power on the blackmailing the Ukrainians. Joe Biden so far appears to be the one who is gonna get the nomination and rumor has it he will select Stacey Abrams as VP.

Imagine if the House gets flipped to Republican and they introduce articles of impeachment against Joe for abuse of power confessed on video as how he strong armed the Ukrainians into firing their prosecutor.

Confession on video, case closed & he is out. VP is in… meet the new POTUS:

The idea of the walking moron as Democrat POTUS for 4 years is too delicious to ignore.

PS: And the next time a Democrat wins the presidency, I want the Republicans to have the ball to Impeach everybody in that Executive. Make Payback A Real Bitch.

Another red flag law casualty

Yesterday, Miguel published a post about a Florida man who was convicted of a felony and will be going to prison for refusing to voluntarily give up his gun to law enforcement under Florida’s red flag law.

In Baltimore, a gun owner suffered an even worse fate for his voluntary non-compliance.

Maryland’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Turns Deadly: Officer Kills Man Who Refused To Turn In Gun

A 61-year-old man is dead after he was shot by an officer trying to enforce Maryland’s new ‘red flag’ law in Ferndale Monday morning.

Anne Arundel County Police confirmed the police-involved shooting happened in the 100 block of Linwood Avenue around 5:17 a.m.

Did you catch what time that happened?  5:17 in the morning.

At 5:17 in the morning, I’m sitting on the toilet, bleary-eyed, with a cup of coffee.  I suspect that many adults are engaged in similar activities that early in the morning.  I’d expect a 61-year-old man – possibly retired – to even be asleep.

There is a reason SWAT likes to raid places early in the AM, to catch suspects asleep and have the element of surprise.  Enforcing a red flag law that early seems like a bad idea.  It puts people who are supposed to be voluntarily submissive at the same level as a suspect about to raided by a SWAT team.  People who just woke up and are tried and irritable are put at a severe disadvantage for compliant behavior.  This feels like a trap.

According to police, two officers serving a new Extreme Risk Protective Order (Red Flag Law), a Maryland protective order to remove guns from a household, shot and killed the man listed on that order.

I suspect we are going to hear about a lot more of these.

“Under the law, family, police, mental health professionals can all ask for the protective orders to remove weapons,” said Sgt. Jacklyn David, with Anne Arundel County Police.

That man was identified as Gary J. Willis of same address.

Officials said Willis answered the door while holding a handgun.

At 5:17 in the morning, so will a lot of people.  Also, obligatory reference to Miguel’s fetish for security cameras and not breaching your own perimeter (which is accurate, even though I am ribbing him).

Willis then placed the gun next to the door.

When officers began to serve him the order, Willis became irate and grabbed his gun.

What did I say about early morning irritability?  I have a feeling this guy woke up to pounding on his door, got his gun to see what was up, and half asleep got into an argument with the cops.

One of the officers tried to take the gun from Willis, but instead Willis fired the gun.

This was a stupid move all around.  Did Willis deliberately fire the gun or did he pull the trigger while wrestling with the cop?

The second officer fired a gun, striking Willis. He died at the scene.

We said this would happen.  We said these red flag laws were going to get people killed.

The Capital Gazette has more details.

‘You’re not taking that!’ Family turmoil preceded fatal police shooting in Maryland’s only red flag death

Only for now.

Gary Willis answered the door Nov. 5 wielding a Smith & Wesson .357 magnum, prompting Zawodny to lower “the hood on his holster.” The 61-year-old set the six-shooter down at the officers’ request. The officers later said he reeked of alcohol.

A drunken guy at 5:17 in the morning.  That is a perfect storm of bad decision-making potential right there.

But as Hooper explained the requirements of the “red flag” order, Willis became increasingly agitated — particularly when they mentioned he’d have to leave the home at 103 Linwood Ave. he’d shared with his family for 20 years.

So they weren’t going to just take his gun, they were taking him out of his home too?  How does that work for a red flag law?

When Willis told the officers he had to use the bathroom, Hooper said he’d have to hand over the revolver first. Then, Willis quickly slid open the sliding door and reached for the revolver.

“You’re not taking that!” he said, according to the officers’ account.

“No, don’t touch it!” Hooper yelled, reaching for the revolver with both hands.

And then a 61-year-old, drunk was shot by police

Details from that fatal encounter at Willis’ door, obtained by Capital Gazette through a request under Maryland’s Public Information Act, spell out how the shooting took place, the family turmoil that led up to it and the one-month investigation that followed.

As a result of the probe, police changed their procedures for serving the orders. Detectives are now involved from the start when the police seek an order and supervisors are involved to increase awareness of tactical safety.

“If evolution keeps my cops from having to use deadly force, it is incumbent upon us to evolve,” county Police Chief Timothy Altomare said. “That doesn’t mean we’ll never have a use of deadly force on an ERPO.”

Maybe I’m too cynical, but I get the feeling that “a use of deadly force on an ERPO” is a feature, not a bug to be avoided.

After the gun went off, Zawodny shot Willis five times. The officer told investigators he didn’t know the revolver went off. As Willis collapsed, Hooper held onto the revolver.

That makes it worse, not better.  His brain registered to shoot the man for reaching for the gun.

Police responded to 103 Linwood Ave. the day before the fatal shooting for a “family dispute.”

Owned by Gary Willis’ elderly mother, Geraldine Willis, the 2,826-square-foot residence is home to a number of family members. Willis and his wife, Dolly Marie Willis, lived in an apartment over the garage, while his brother Bruce Willis and his sister Wanda Walters lived in the main house with their mother.

Gary Willis had been feuding with Walters over the care of their mother, according to the police report. Walters had their mother’s power of attorney and had the locks to the main house changed because Willis, who she described to investigators as an alcoholic, had been harassing her.

On Nov. 4, 2018, the feud peaked.

Family members told detectives that an early- to mid-afternoon argument led Gary Willis to start drinking. He was drunk and argumentative, they said. That evening, Willis returned to the main house and yelled at Walters through a window.

“You’re dead,” Willis said, according to witnesses. “I’m going to shoot you.”

When Bruce Willis told Walters their brother did have guns, she called the police. Officers responded to the scene around 6 p.m.

While police talked to Walters outside the house, Willis commented from the balcony above, prompting officers to move the interview indoors. Officers recommended she apply for an extreme risk protective order.

She went to the District Court Commissioner’s Office in Glen Burnie around 2 a.m. to apply for the order. The commissioner signed protective and red flag orders within the hour.

In Maryland, anyone seeking protective or red flag orders have 24-hour access to the courts, with petitioners going to a commissioner instead of a District Court judge outside normal court office hours.

After talking to Walters, officers climbed the stairs of the apartment to talk to Gary Willis. Three officers said they suspected he was drunk because he slurred his words and spoke redundantly. One said he was aggressive. Willis told them he was upset because Walters would not let him see their mother.

Dolly Willis told investigators that when the officers left, he mixed one more drink and fell asleep.

I’m not a legal expert but I think the whole situation would have been better had he been arrested that evening when he made the actual threat.

Letting him drink some more than trying to enforce the ERPO at 5:17 am made the situation worse.

Hooper had been briefed on the new law, while Zawodny, having just returned from an extensive time off, had not, the police investigation found. Zawodny told investigators he didn’t even know they were serving a red flag order that day.

All officers who hadn’t been on leave had received an instructional on the new law by the day of the shooting, said Sgt. Jacklyn Davis, police spokeswoman. The briefing Zawodny missed had nothing to do with the tactics of serving a red flag order, the same as any civil order — a technique taught in the police academy.

The investigation also showed the officers knew little about what transpired the day before on the property and didn’t know the layout of the residence well, as they struggled to determine which door to knock on to reach Gary Willis.

Altomare agreed with the findings of the State’s Attorney’s Office on the fatal police shooting, saying that “it was handled as well as it possibly could’ve been.”

Two cops going into a situation they are not fully aware of, at 5:17, to disarm a drunk, resulting in the death of a man, I don’ think that was handled all that well.

I have the feeling that the death and casualty toll for these red flag laws is only going to increase.

Most people are not going to voluntarily give up their guns, which means force will have to be used.  That is the only recourse the police have.  That means more people will get shot or go to prison.

But I suspect that is the point.

Miami-Dade PD continuing to slather themselves in glory

Woman found wounded after shootout between detectives, man on scooter

That’s a real Florida Man headline right there.

Two surveillance videos show the events surrounding a Wednesday night shootout between Miami-Dade police detectives and a gunman riding a scooter that injured a woman caught in the crossfire, police said.

First a 70-year-old man gets killed when a bunch of South Florida cops go all Heat on the Miramar Parkway.

Now another bystander gets hit during a shootout with a guy on a scooter.

A Scooter.

Did they think a low-speed chase with a guy on a scooter would be too boring and a gunfight was a better option?

Meanwhile, near Northwest 54th Street and Northwest 22nd Avenue, detectives found a woman inside the red car suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. She was shot in the shoulder and taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center in stable condition.

“That vehicle was in the nearby vicinity during the shooting,” Zabaleta said.

It wasn’t immediately known if the woman was shot by detectives or the gunman.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is investigating the police-involved shooting.

“FDLE’s role is to investigate potential criminality by the law enforcement officers,” the FDLE said in a statement. “We will determine the facts of the case and provide that information to the state attorney’s office. The state attorney’s office will determine whether or not charges will be filed.”

I guess the MDPD is facing a lot of backlash for possibly tagging innocent bystanders during shootouts.

Remember when all the anti-gunners said that concealed carry and stand your ground was going to turn Florida into a bloodbath, innocent people were going to get shot in the crossfire, and only the cops are professional enough to carry guns?


I think maybe Florida civilians need to red flag the guns away from the MDPD before any more bystanders get shot.

White Privileged Student Attacks Black Student. Gets away with it.

But the Black Student had it coming, he was uppity and a Republican.

Meet Keaton Hill from Sacrament State College.

The video shows Hill repeatedly reaching for Johnson’s phone before Seufert restrains Hill, who repeatedly tells Johnson “You’re gonna end up fucking dead.”
The Sac State Police then arrived and took a report. Hill and Johnson have both claimed to have filed reports with the Office of Student Conduct as well.

Viral video shows attack on former Sac State College Republicans president

So you see, White Privileged Keaton Hill got away with beating on Mr. Johnson because any black man that leaves the Liberal Plantation must be punished without fear of the law.