Month: December 2019

When you are raised in dystopian…

The idiots of Extinction Event are “blocking” an intersection in DC as I write this. I use the term “blocking” because it looks like DCPD already diverted traffic and about the only cars in the intersection are police ones.

somebody was live streaming the “protest” and I saw this young something with this sign:

The first thing my mind popped up was “Soylent Green” from the 1973 movie.

And just a reminder, Soylent Green is set in the year 2022. Where is Soylent Blue? It is 2019 and we are supposed to be living in a almost dead world and getting our nutrition via Soylent Blue.

Yeah, but the science was settled back then just like it os now.


Bloomberg is campaigning on the destroying the RTKBA

Micheal Bloomberg gave a speech in Aurora, Colorado, in which he explained how he wants to destroy the right to keep and bear arms.

He wants to make the US like New York City, where owning a gun is not a right but a privilege.

Right now, the Federal government has to have a reason to deny you a gun.  You have to be a felon, convicted of domestic violence, be adjudicated mentally ill, or meet one of the other prohibited person criteria.  If you are not a prohibited person and are of legal age, the default is your right to own a gun.

In New York City, it is exactly the opposite.  You have to have a permit to purchase a gun and the process is set up to default to deny applicants unless they are well connected or grease the requisite NYPD palms.

For Bloomberg, passing a background check at the time of sale is not enough.  He wants the ability to preemptively deny you the right to buy a gun.

“No matter what the background check says, can you stop them from getting a gun.”

It doesn’t matter if you are not a prohibited person, your right will be infringed upon.  Your rights can be denied even without a conviction in Bloomberg’s America.

He tries to justify this by comparing registering to vote to gun registration.

If he wants to make that comparison, I am all for having a lengthy discussion about restricting the franchise.  Like the great Robert A. Heinlein, I think it should be earned, but not limited to civil service.  Civil service is one way, but being a net positive taxpayer is sufficient.  If you get more money from the governor than you pay into it (exceptions for people on Social Security or Disability) you don’t get to vote.

But I have a feeling he’s not interested in kicking people on welfare off the voter rolls.

The reason voting registration exists and is important is for Congressional representation.  We need to make sure that a person votes only for the Congressional seat that they live in so that everyone gets adequate representation.  Without it, the Democrats in heavy blue districts could send some excess Democrat voters into low population density Republican districts to swing their elections.

There is no equivalent compelling reason to restrict gun rights.  When he invokes the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that is a call to restrict the power of government.

It is a complete inversion of our Founding Father’s intent to make the argument:

Big government must restrict the Constitutional rights of citizens so that free citizens do not threaten the liberty of other citizens.

This is an argument for the nanny state, of which Bloomberg is the self-appointed Handicapper General.

Hopefully, Bloomberg’s desire for a presidency based on tyrannical gun control falls as flat and Douche Nuk’em Swalwell’s, and that it takes his entire $54 Billion with him.

What I do know is that trying to impose that on Alabama will make the south rise again.

Andrew Branca on the Zimmeman $100 million Lawsuit

20 minute video so save it for a good coffee or liquor break.

I learned about and “met” Andrew via Twitter during the Zimmerman trial. He was actually doing an almost bow by blow description of the trial and his post summarizing what happened in court were on the money. Same as those who were following him, I was outraged at the whole sham trial and were happy when Zimmerman was acquitted.

I haven’t plugged his stuff for way to long so go ahead and start with his book and the progress with the rest of his products. It is the cheapest “insurance” in case of trouble you will ever get.

I wholeheartedly agree with Al Green

Al Green is one of the worst members of Congress.  He is one of the dumbest and most corrupt members of Congress, using taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment claims against himself.

He’s also a one-trick pony, accusing anyone and every one of racism as leverage.

So agreeing with him is something I’d never thought I do, until yesterday.

‘Not one person of color’: Congressman scolds fellow Democrats for choosing only white impeachment witnesses

Here is my problem.

The three professors called by the Democrats, Noah Feldman, Pamela Karlan, and Michael Gerhardt, are all Jewish.  Feldman and Karlan were obnoxiously Jewy.  They were also obnoxiously hyper-partisan schmucks from Harvard and Stanford, respectively, typifying the elitist, Leftist,  Ivy Leave, bubble.

Shiff, who has been leading this impeachment Court of Star Chamber from the Intelligence Committee and Nadler, leading the Judiciary Committee kangaroo court impeachment are also Jewish.

If I didn’t know any better, I could surmise that it is a Jewish conspiracy to take down Donald Trump.

I don’t know if this is deliberate or not, but holy-fucking-shit does it look bad.

This is the kind of thing that pours fuel onto the alt-right fires of anti-Semitism.

Maybe that’s the point.  If the Democrats can tamp down the anti-Semitism on their side, they just fan the flames of it on the other side to scare moderate Jews back to the Left.  Because the impeachment hearing is going nowhere and is turning moderates against the Democrats.

All I know is that I fucking hate it.

George Zimmerman Lawsuit: If the can prove the allegations…holy crap.

Reader Divemedic provided the link to the text of Zimmerman’s Civil Lawsuit. If what is being stated is true, not only $100 million seems little, but some people may need to search for Non-Extradition countries ASAP.

Plaintiff George Zimmerman (“Zimmerman”) brings this action against Sybrina Fulton (“Fulton”), Rachel Jeantel (“Jeantel”), Brittany Diamond Eugene (“Eugene”), Tracy Martin (“Tracy Martin”), Benjamin Crump (“Crump”), Bernie de la Rionda (“de la Rionda”), John Guy (“Guy”), Angela Corey (“Corey”), the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (“FDLE”), and the State of Florida (“Florida”) in their individual and official capacities where applicable for violations of Zimmerman’s constitutional rights under the Florida Constitution, as well as the United States Constitution, as well as the common law, for conspiring to switch and/or cover up the identity of Defendant Eugene who was the real phone witness to the events prior to Trayvon Martin’s (“Trayvon Martin”) death, by substituting an imposter and fake witness, Defendant Jeantel, and to assist Defendant Jeantel in committing perjury in sworn testimony to cause the arrest, prosecution, and sentencing to life in prison of George Zimmerman, as well as causing a federal investigation and prosecution of Zimmerman for civil rights violations.

What Zimmerman and his lawyer are saying is that not only Miss “I Can’t Read Cursive” was lying on the stand, she was not even the real person who was on the phone with Trayvon but an imposter and that everybody in the  prosecution side of the trial knew it and abetted the… I have no idea what to call this other than major legal fraud.  Maybe an almost successful legal lynching.

Again, if they have the evidence supporting this, there is a caca storm coming to Florida’s Justice system and Zimmerman deserves every penny of that lawsuit.