Month: December 2019

Another step in the direction of street justice

I saw Miguel’s post What’s going on?

Then I read the news article from the video of the DoorDash package thief.

WATCH: DoorDash driver in Berkeley steals packages

After the carrier completed an order Saturday night at an apartment complex in the downtown area, she was caught on camera stealing packages from the lobby, according to property management company North Berkeley Properties.

The property management company says the woman in the video is a DoorDash driver. The tenant who ordered food showed KTVU a snapshot of the DoorDash receipt for delivery from a restaurant called Udupi.

DoorDash initially denied the woman was a driver for their company. After KTVU told DoorDash about the tenant’s screenshot, they sent us the following statement:

“We take the safety of our community extremely seriously and do not tolerate any form of inappropriate behavior. Since learning of this incident, we have taken action, including permanently deactivating the Dasher from our platform for failing to follow our code of conduct, and we are working with the customer to rectify the situation.”

Notice what they did not say that they did…

Want a hint?

DoorDash has not identified its contractor to the police.

Why should they, they are a San Francisco tech company.  Clearly, the company’s management is infected with the typical Progressive anti-cop attitude.

This is not an isolated incident.

DoorDash delivery driver caught stealing package from Santa Clara complex

Again, it is seems to be the case that DoorDash is not providing information to the police.

But the important part of that video is that the “residents here are used to dealing with package thieves.”

Nobody should be used to that.

The HOA manager might want the state to make stiffer laws, but considering that they just legalized shoplifting just shy of a grand, there is no way in hell stealing razor blades and detergent from Amazon Prime will get someone a year in prison in California.

So with the tech companies refusing to cooperate and the police hamstrung by the law, and residents just watching in high-def as their property is stolen, what is left?

A package thief being caught by a resident and being taught a lesson.

Residents now know where the blind spots are in the security cameras.

If the law fails to deter crime, eventually people will take matters into their own hands.


Rabbi Ruttenbeg is why Jews need to be beat with a clue-by-four

I have written about Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg before.

I hate this woman with every fiber of my being.  There is no white nationalist or ISIS fighter that hates Rabbi Ruttenberg more than I do.

I don’t hate her because she’s a Jew.  I hate her because she’s a Progressive who claims to be a Jew and went into the Rabbinate.  She is a Progressive 5th column inside of Judaism that actively undermines the Jewish faith.

The great Iowa Hawk Tweeted this:

That is Rabbi Ruttenberg with Judaism.

This is her Tweet thread about Hanukkah (unrolled for easy reading):

Here’s a lil’ thread about Hanukah and the Trump Administration. 1/x

In 175 B. C., an insecure, despotic ruler came to power. He was narcissistic and known for a level of extravagance and display that bordered on the bizarre.

Despite his occasional ability to captivate his subjects by appearing gracious, he was said to have, in his heart, a cruel tyrant’s contempt for his subjects.

None of this is historically accurate.  He was loved by the Greeks who compared him favorably with Alexander.  Calling him Antiochus III the Great.

Political positions under him were easily bought; he installed unqualified cronies in high positions and quickly turned on one if another offered him more money for the same job.

Again, not true.

He was quick to anger, and it wasn’t long into his reign that he began curtailing civil liberties, restricting the freedom of religion, and pillaging his subjects’ resources for his own profit.

Civil liberties were not really a concept the Greeks understood.  Not in the modern sense anyway.  Rights, as they existed, only belonged to Greek men, who were citizens of the Greek state.  This is a distortion of history.

Antiochus IV Epiphanes seized rule illegitimately over the Seleucid Empire, incl Judea; the kingship was to have gone to his nephew, but he took it by force. Bribes drove his appointments of the high priest; he plundered the treasury of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem for its gold.

No… he tried to create a unified Greek empire under one religion and system of government.  Like many rulers at the time.

In a fury about a humiliating loss in Egypt, he cracked down in Judea, outlawing observance of the Sabbath and ritual circumcision and defiling the temple by erecting an altar to Zeus there, complete with pig sacrifice.
He sent his officers to slay and destroy, with an agenda that was less about Hellenism — that is, the demand that the Judeans assimilate into the kingdom’s dominant Greek-influenced culture — than it was about denationalization, a full eradication of their way of life.

This is the first accurate thing in her thread.

The parallels to U.S. politics are hard to ignore. The questions about Trump’s illegal rise to power, stacking the administration with people who benefit his purse; the kleptocracy, collusion with brutal regimes; assaults on civil liberties and human rights.

The parallels don’t exist.  Trump is the duly elected President.

The Left can say whatever they want about “Russian collusion” but in the end, even they admit not one voting machine was hacked, not one vote was altered.  The election was fair, legal, and legitimate.

While the accusations of kleptocracy abound, I have not seen the Trump equivalent of Solyndra or the stimulus contracts and kickbacks that Obama bundlers got.

Not to mention, the civil rights of Americans remain intact.  I have not been forced to worship any other Gods.  In fact, Trump’s EO as per the Civil Rights Act has done more for the Jews than anything Obama did.  Maybe the Rabbi should read Tablet Magazine more.

He has sacked the Temple of our democracy and social safety nets. He’s been trying to destroy us entirely.

No, this is bullshit.

Antiochus’s regime was, needless to say, terrifying and devastating for the Judeans, who had to decide whether to be martyred — as many were — or to submit to his demands.

A small handful of zealots chose a third option, however, protesting his decrees and the complicity of some of their fellow Judeans. After an initial skirmish, the Maccabees ran for the hills and, soon, were engaged in all-out warfare with the massive Seleucid army.

Ruttenberg is a coward.  If she really thought that Trump was a threat like Antiochus – who had Jews executed for practicing their religion – she’d pick up a rifle and actually do something.  Instead, she Tweets horseshit as part of the hashtag resistance.  Slacktivist Rabbi.

They were outmanned and underarmed; many of the Maccabean soldiers didn’t even have swords and armor. But they made use of their superior knowledge of their terrain: They were light, quick and mobile, relying on ambush techniques and superior tactical skill.

And this parallels her side, how?

Slowly, painstakingly, they beat back the Seleucids and eventually gained their freedom.

With weapons.  They gained their freedom with weapons.

You can’t celebrate the story of the Maccabees defeating the Greeks and be anti-gun at the same time.

They held fast to their ideals and pushed back against the narrative that their faith was a just target for oppression. Their smart thinking and intimate knowledge of their own country was enough to outmaneuver a government bent on maintaining power through force.

Point to me where Trump is maintaining power through force?  Has a single polling place been closed?  Have Trump supporters beat people who went to the polls in 2018 to elect a Democrat majority to Congress?  Those were the typical tactics used by the Democrats to hold power in the South.

This administration has forced us to become smarter and savvier than we had been, to be resourceful and make use of all the assets we have — perhaps not by hiding in caves but by building coalitions, developing protest strategies, creating novel uses for technology.

No.  This administration has caused Ruttenberg and her ilk to become dumber and more afflicted with emotional hysterics.

We have had to become quick, light and strategically flawless, and we have had to settle in for the long haul. We killed the midterms, but we still have Trump in office, a GOP senate and two stolen SCOTUS seats to contend with. We’re not done.

Stolen SCOTUS seats?  That is a thought-terminating statement.  The duly elected President nominated Justices who were confirmed by the duly elected Senate.  Them’s the rules, as set by Harry Reid and the Constitution of the United States.

But we have done extraordinary work, and Hanukah is a time to pause and both celebrate the resistance and bravery of the last two years, and to fill up with light as we recommit to the work that lies ahead for us.
We know now, better than ever, that we have to make the miracles ourselves.

This is disgusting, historically inaccurate bullshit that disrespects the story and meaning of Hanukkah.

There are no parallels between an ancient Greek theistic empire and the current Administration which is still bound by the Constitution.

This is the Progressive “everyone I don’t like is Hitler” given a Hanukkah makeover, and it’s equally offensive.

Ruttenberg isn’t a practicing Jew.  She’s a practicing Progressive who worships at the altar of the Leftist State.  Her holy texts are the Opinion Section of the New York Times.

It’s that she uses her Rabbinic credentials to spread this garbage as though it was Jewish teaching and not a Leftist rant is an insult to Judaism and does harm to the Jewish community.

A first night of Hanukkah clue-by-four

Last night was the first night of Hanukkah for 2019.

Just a reminder as to what Hanukkah celebrates.

I know the kids TV specials talk about the miracle of the oil lasting for eight nights in the light above the alter for the rededication of the Temple.  What they leave out is why the Temple needed to be rededicated in the first place.

Here is the history from Chabad:

In the second century BCE, the Holy Land was ruled by the Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks), who tried to force the people of Israel to accept Greek culture and beliefs instead of mitzvah observance and belief in G‑d. Against all odds, a small band of faithful but poorly armed Jews, led by Judah the Maccabee, defeated one of the mightiest armies on earth, drove the Greeks from the land, reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and rededicated it to the service of G‑d.

When they sought to light the Temple’s Menorah (the seven-branched candelabrum), they found only a single cruse of olive oil that had escaped contamination by the Greeks. Miraculously, they lit the menorah and the one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days, until new oil could be prepared under conditions of ritual purity.

To commemorate and publicize these miracles, the sages instituted the festival of Chanukah.

This is what National Geographic says about the history of Hanukkah:

In 175 B.C. the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes came into power and tried to force Judeans to assimilate. Some scholars believe he believed that single religion might unify to his fractured empire, but his brutal methods undid those intentions. Writing in the first century A.D., Jewish historian Josephus recorded the brutal plundering of Jerusalem and treatment of Jewish dissidents. The Seleucids captured the holy Temple and defiled it by erecting an altar to the Greek god Zeus inside. Antiochus outlawed the Jewish faith and mandated the worship of Greek gods.

Horrified by the Temple desecration and cruelty toward the Jewish people, a priest named Mattathias and his sons rose up in rebellion. After Mattathias’s death in 166 B.C., his son Judah the Maccabee (the “Hammer”) took his father’s place in the fight and led the Jewish people in many victories over the Seleucids. In 164, Judah won back Jerusalem and restored the Temple, cleansing and rededicating it. The revolt of the Maccabees, as it came to be known, continued on and ultimately drove the Seleucids from Judea in 160.

The real miracle of Hanukkah – the one the kid’s shows leave out – is that a rag-tag bunch of Jews defeated one of the great armies and world powers at the time to gain independence and religious freedom.

It’s ancient Israel’s 4th of July.

With that in mind, here is Congresswoman Rashida Tliab’s Hanukkah message, by way of an anti-Zionist Progressive organization, that can’t bring itself to condemn BDS.

What the disgusting fuck is that shit?

“Happy Hanukkah, now let’s destroy Israel and celebrate the Palestinians.”

This is pure Jew-hating evil is what this is.  Weaponizing a Jewish holiday that celebrates Jews regaining control over Israel and Jerusalem into an anti-Zionist message.

But wait, that’s not all.  The shit-show continues.

Ivanka Trump is the first Jewish First Daughter.  That is a new and unique connection that we Jews have with the White House for the first time.

She Tweeted a Hanukkah message, not as a politician pandering, but as a Jew celebrating:

But Orange Man Bad is the new Progressive religion, so nothing so since or anodyne can not go without being attacked.

This is fucking vile anti-Semitism.

Using her Hanukkah message to compare her father to Hitler, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Likewise, the White House wished a first night of Hanukkah on its official Twitter account:

That was a beautiful message, by the way.

How have the Progressives with shit in their souls responded? Predicably.

This is grotesque.

Again, using Hanukkah to attack Israel.

This is just uncalled for.

Just how hard with the clue-by-four do I have to hit Jews to prove to them that the Progressives are not our friends and they will use every opportunity to attack us and degrade our celebrations.  

Every. Fuck. Time.


David Hogg admits he’s a problem

Considering that March4OurLives is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bloomberg’s anti-gun operation, and therefore Hogg’s campaign to take our guns away is funded by a billionaire, he’s part of the problem.

I’m glad he finally admitted it.

You have to carry your damned gun


10mm Glock ‘fully functional’ in fatal grizzly attack

You need to read the article, but let’s be generous and say mistakes were committed. Deadly mistakes.

OSHA also said in a “fatal alert” following the death of Martin Outfitters’ guide Mark Uptain, that the company should “evaluate its operating procedures for bear country.” OSHA is investigating Uptain’s death following an attack by a grizzly and her cub that also injured bow-hunting client Corey Chubon.

During a brief but deadly melee on the slopes of Terrace Mountain, six air miles from the trailhead in the Teton Wilderness of the Bridger-Teton National Forest, a mother grizzly charged the pair as they field dressed a bull elk, according to information from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and OSHA.

Mama Grizzly bear never has good news for you. I am a city boy and I know that.

Uptain’s 10mm Glock semi-automatic pistol was with a pack and shirt a short distance away, and Chubon’s bear spray was in a pack, the state agencies said. The guide was carrying his bear spray and used it before he died — but not, investigators believe, before sustaining mortal injuries

It does not matter if the gun my have been a .454 Casull with lasers and radar: If it s not with you, you might as well be doing pew-pew sounds. And once again I state that I refuse to put my life and limb on the supposed effects of a condiment.

The bear hit Uptain as Chubon went for the pistol. “He said he had [the Glock],” Hovinga told WyoFile. “He had a hard time trying to find a clear shot.”
Chubon tried to shoot the bear, Hovinga said. “He grabbed [the pistol], was unable to make it fire,” Hovinga said. “There was not a round in the chamber, so the gun was empty. He couldn’t make the gun work.” (Bold is mine)

Do I have to point out (once again) the futility of Condition Three?

I am nt a hunter (too lazy) and I understand that there are people who take game with a 10mm  without problems if the proper round is used. But for Grizzly country, I think you need to go baseline with a .44 Magnum and up.

Although I do believe the solution lies on the Non-Shotguns like The Mossberg Shockwave and the Remington Tac-14. I o back to what I saw in an episode of Alaska State Troopers when there was a report of a Grizzly in a suburb. They did not go investigate with pistols drawn or an AR15: They went with  12 gauge loaded with slugs.

But what do I know… I am a city boy.


What’s going on?

HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. – A group of brazen shoppers at a Family Dollar store on West Hallandale Beach Boulevard got away with tons of merchandise, but left some of the goods behind in the parking lot along with one of their accomplices.

They were all caught on camera parading in and out of the Family Dollar at 680 W. Hallandale Beach Boulevard and walking out with carts full of unpaid items, then packing up their car. They filled the cart, and the parked car, again and again. The clerk said they walked in and out of the store three or four times.

Brazen thieves go on free shopping spree at Family Dollar

If you click on the link, you will be taken to the source and can watch the video.

And then we have this one:

But hey, it is another victimless crime. Nothing lost according o this idiot.

Morals became an unhelpful burden and they were attacked till they were worn thin enough to get skin cancer. To walk into a Family Dollar and cart stuff away without pay just because hey can and probably gives you points with the rest of your buddies?  And to steal other people’s packages is an indication that we as  society do not care anymore for the value of things and the effort they represent. The items stolen did were not created in a Federation Starship’s Replicator but it involved investment and labor of many people who are now disrespected by a bunch of amoral imbeciles.  Moron Bodhi above is probably a young asshole who probably does not that medication is being mailed at homes as a convenience for those who can’t go easily to a pharmacy. The package was lost and it is a big deal for the sick person that need now to call his/her doctor or pharmacy, explain what happened, hope that they believe what happened and resupply the prescription needed to stay alive.

Let’s just hope the same does not happy to Bodhis Narcan order.

Hat Tips to @MalRoadkill and the other reader whose email I accidentally erased.

Vox: Forget the Editorial Oversight, Just B.S. outright.

The sorrowful headline from Vox:

Early Sunday morning, a Chicago house party held to memorialize a member of the community who died from gun violence last spring was interrupted by two gunmen who opened fire in and around the house, wounding 13 people, four of whom are in critical condition.

Dear God! How awful! People shot during a remembrance of another innocent victim of Gun Violence! When will the madness stop?

The party was being held to commemorate the birthday of Lonell Irvin, a 22-year-old man who was shot and killed during an attempted carjacking in April.

The poor man. Who was Lonell Irvin? I am sure we have a young fella probably on his way to church or school and was mowed down by criminals with guns provided by Dana Loesch and the NRA. Let me see if I can get more information on the poor soul.

He was in his 2015 BMW when he was rear-ended by a 22-year-old man in a 2019 Volkswagen, according to officials.
When the man in the BMW got out to check the damage to his vehicle, police have said, the other driver pulled a weapon, announced a carjacking, demanded the man’s keys and shoved the man into the BMW, where he was able to retrieve his own gun from an area on the passenger side of the car and fatally shoot the man in the head. The man who was fatally shot was identified as Lonell Irvin, 22, of the 5700 block of May Street, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office. (Bold mine)

Police say concealed carry license holder won’t be charged in fatal Loop shooting: ‘He was the victim’

A party thrown to celebrate the life of a violent criminal ends up in more violence and Vox has the gonads to try and pass it as Gun Violence to keep harping gun control crap? They are not even bothering to at least disguise which way they actually lean.

And then they complain why we won’t trust them.

Hat Tip Thirdpower.