Month: December 2019

Hospice News

I just got back from visiting mom at the hospice. She is able to talk and carry her conversation which means you better know her life story. She still thinks he is living in Spain but I could not put down the decade. She did tell some stories about a bad man with a rifle, but I suspect thee are early memories from her childhood, possibly the Spanish Civil war. Once a loud Spanish mom, she speaks with a whisper now and I am barely catching most of what she says. But weak, she is.

I like the hospice. Personnel is friendly, mom seems to be cared for and she has said so. They asked us to bring a few items for her feel less in a strange place and even some usual bed garments that would make her relax with their familiarity. The TV is tuned to some channel that is nothing but relaxation music and pretty pictures of beaches, forests and jungle and she enjoys it.

A Catholic priest came by ( I was asked yesterday if she would like it and I gave the go ahead), prayed with mom and gave her Last Rights (Don’t freak, she does not to have one leg on the other side for that) and there were volunteers going door to door singing Christmas Carols.

I left after the wife cam in to pinch hit and stay with her. My wife and mom adore each other so I feel less guilty for leaving.

And that is something I am learning to deal with: The guilt. No matter what decision you make, you will get this “pang” of guilt not knowing if you are doing ot for the right reasons or selfishness or whatever your mind decide to use to screw with you .

She is loved, comfortable, clean, without physical pain… that is all I can do.

Where is cancel culture when we need it most

A buddy of mine sent me this from CNN:

The Navy is building a ship named after Harvey Milk, six decades after he was pushed out of the military because of his sexual orientation

Before Harvey Milk became a pioneering LGBT politician, he served in the Navy — and things were different.

During his time as a diving instructor in San Diego, California in the 1950s, his supervisors caught him at a park popular with gay men, according to his nephew Stuart Milk.  And in 1955, after the Navy officially questioned him about his sexual orientation, he was made to resign with the rank of lieutenant junior grade.

More than 60 years later, the Navy began construction Friday on the USNS Harvey Milk, a new oiler ship that will resupply fuel to other ships at sea.

More specifically, the USNS Harvey Milk will be a John Lewis class of underway replenishment oilers.  It is a resupply ship named after Civil Rights leader and Congressman John Lewis.

That in of itself if disgustingly ironic.  Naming an already obsolete* class of oiler after the obsolete and greasy Congressman, known in modern times for his sleaze and graft.

*The John Lewis class of oiler is slower and carries less fuel and materiel than the current AOE class of fast combat support ships.

It is at this moment that the words of Harvey Dent from The Dark Knight are more pertinent than ever.

Harvey Milk was assassinated in 1978.

Good for him that he was because today it would have come out that he preyed upon teenage boys in youth shelters.

Milk was a gay civil rights hero by day.  By night, he was part of the seedy bath-house gay culture of San Francisco of the 1970s.  He had an appetite for gay teens who ran away or were thrown out by their parents.  The gay youth charities that he supported were also his hunting grounds.

But this ugly side of the gay civil rights movement not talked about because he was ballistically beatified by a fellow San Francisco supervisor over a job dispute, not anti-gay bigotry the way many on the activist Left try to revise history.

So instead of living long enough to be outed for the sexual predator that he was, taking advantage of homeless gay youth, a ship is being named after him.

I just want to know how navy personnel will take to this.  I can’t imagine many sailors wanting to claim they were “seamen on the Harvey Milk.”  And God forbid she is ever sunk in combat.  Woe be unto person eulogizing:

“Today we remember all the men who went down on the Harvey Milk.”


Buttigieg has a pair

I have no love for Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

He’s a less inspiring than a pair of Old Navy khakis and a beige, third-generation Ford Taurus.

A friend of mine sent me this meme, and I love it:

But last night, Mayor Pete reached deep down into his Macy’s boyswear suit pants and found a pair, and fired a shot across Elisabeth Warren’s bow that actually made me giggle.


I am reminded of back in July when Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard snuck up behind Kamala Harris and slit her throat like a fucking mob boss.  From that moment on Harris hemorrhaged support and finally bled out and died in December.

Buttigieg isn’t wrong.  It’s hard for her to reconcile her anti-wealthy, “eat the rich,” populist/socialist rhetoric when she was the second wealthiest person on that stage, and the wealthiest of the serious candidates.

(Warren: $12 Mil, Biden: $9 Mil, Sanders: $2.5 Mil, Yang: $1 Mil)

“Rich people in smoke-filled rooms” describes the Ivy League high dollar lawyer world Warren and her husband live in.  Warren’s holiday cocktail parties with friends and neighbors have a higher average net worth than Mayor Pete’s most exclusive fundraisers.

The best part was the reaction from the audience in support of Buttigieg’s barb.

The look on Warren’s face at that moment is priceless.

I know that look.  I’ve made it myself.  It’s happened when I’ve cut myself badly on something really, really sharp (like a deli slicer) and I see the blood gushing but it hasn’t started hurting yet, and my brain goes “fuck, this is going to be really painful in a just a second, and we might need to go to the hospital.”

Warren thought that after Kamala went down, she was going to be the candidate entitled to identity politics front runner status.  I don’t think she expected the Boy Wonder to take her out to the cheers and jeers of the crowd, like spectators at the Colosseum watching the coup de grace of a gladiator.

I think from this point on, Warren is going to exsanguinate like Harris.

I still don’t want Mayor Pete to become President Pete, I’m just surprised he had this in him.

Getting spammed by the most racist website on the internet

When you think “what is the most insidiously racist website on the internet?”  What comes to mind?

Maybe the Daily Stormer?  Maybe Chimpout?

Nope.  Those sites are racist, of course, but they are cartoonishly racist.  Nobody who is not already a die-hard racist is going to visit there.  Google is not likely to put a Daily Stormer post in your search results.

So what is the most insidiously racist website on the internet?


I shit you not.

According to The Atlantic, this is the backstory of Medium (dated 2013):

Just about a year ago, a new website from two of the founders of Twitter launched. It was called Medium. The new site was invite-only, but outsiders could read from various collections. Ev Williams announced the site in a post. Medium, he said, was “a new place on the Internet where people share ideas and stories that are longer than 140 characters and not just for friends.” While Medium might look like a standard blogging platform, a content management system, it had been “designed for little stories that make your day better and manifestos that change the world.” And yet “it helps you find the right audience for whatever you have to say.”

Now is a good time to remind you of O’Sullivan’s Law, which states “that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right-wing will become left-wing over time.”

So while in 2012 Medium might have been a place for writers to publish “little stories that make your day better and manifestos that change the world,” it has morphed into a Leftist hate site.

I read a few stories there, and now Medium sends me story recommendations.  I shit you not, this is what Medium has sent me:

Why The Lethal Tolerance of Intolerable White Males Isn’t Worth The Risk
Media and politicians be warned

If ‘Black Lives Matter’, then stop race mixing!
I watched a Youtube video a couple of days ago which shared this opinion.

Not Everybody Can Stand Their Ground
This Law Is For White Men Only

How White People Handle Diversity Training in the Workplace
Confronted with their own shortcomings, white employees often shut down the dialogue

Being “pro-white” is so redundant and so ridiculous
among many other things

If You Don’t Have Borders, You Don’t Have Whiteness
Whiteness requires borders

Why The Notion of “Anti-White Racism” Is a Purposed Lie
A recent article in the National Review, written by a White man who declares that “Yes, Anti-White Racism…

Of course, a website that keeps sending me recommendations for anti-white articles is going to send me an article on why anti-white racism is a lie.

The most recent one they sent me, I just couldn’t resist the click-bait.  I was not disappointed by the paternalistic bigotry that dripped from the page.

An Open Letter to My New White Neighbor

Oh gee, I can’t wait to read it.

Hi there! I saw the U-haul out front, and thought I’d drop by and see if you needed anything.  No, I’m not selling drugs.


I wanted to introduce myself. As a fellow white person who has been in the neighborhood for awhile, I thought I could welcome you with cookies, and offer some advice.

That took a turn I wasn’t expecting.  Still, there are few things more insufferable than an “ally” with the delusions of the white-savior complex.

Congratulations on the great deal on that house! Nobody can buy in Seattle anymore, so everyone’s moving here and commuting. No one’s mad about that, but with all these new folks moving here, this neighborhood is changing.

You know that if someone published an open letter on Medium to their new black neighbors who just moved into a white neighborhood, that person would be doxxed in about 8 seconds and be hounded by CNN and MSNBC for months as crowds of angry Leftists protested on their lawn.

So if you’re going to live here, you may as well have a cookie, take a seat, and listen up.

Excuse me?

First, tread lightly. This neighborhood has historically been inhabited by people of color, and before them, by the native tribes of our area. Redlining kept black families out of other neighborhoods, so they built a vibrant network of resources and relationships in this place. Your new house was home to an amazing black family who brought home Olympic boxing medals and served our country as soldiers, nurses, and teachers. Four generations lived together. When great-grandma died at home one cold November evening, the whole clan built a bonfire and sang in her honor. Sometimes, you might turn a corner in your new house and catch a whiff of wood smoke or an echo of an old Caribbean song. The people before you leave traces of themselves in this place. Take off your shoes, and recognize that this is holy ground.

That is the most condescending and paternalistic thing I have ever read.

Holy shit, the arrogance it takes to tell other people not to wear shoes in their own house is staggering.  And sweet Jesus, it’s a house.  Unless it’s on the Register of Historic Places for some reason, it’s just a house.

I can see this person telling the next white person who moves in: “Black people once lived there so if you store mayonnaise in the fridge, you are a racist.”

Second, don’t call the cops for stupid shit. When I first moved here, I called in things like people arguing on the street or kids setting off fireworks at 2 am. Our local police department does respond quickly, but they can rarely solve the problem any better than I can by going out in my bathrobe and reminding people that some of us need to work in the morning. Most of the time, folks apologize, the problem is solved, and I can sleep better knowing that I didn’t waste the police department’s time or risk the lives of my black neighbors.

Nothing like a little Leftist anti-cop thrown in there for good measure.

Third, spend some time beyond your property lines. Walk the neighborhood, and learn to say hello in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Cambodian. Adopt a plot in one of our community gardens. Recognize the people experiencing homelessness in our midst and, when you can, offer a sandwich. Learn the names and faces of local fixtures like Henry, Blanket Man, and Sonic Guy. 

Now I’m wondering why someone would move into a neighborhood full of homeless.

Also, I’m not a Leftist, so can someone explain to me what the actual fuck is up with Leftist attributing wonder to eclectic and unbalanced vagrants.  Is this an extension of the “noble savage” trope that Leftists love?  A stinking hobo who panhandles in a brightly colored blanket and mumbles unintelligible gibberish isn’t a wise guru spouting maxims, he’s a fucking vagrant.

Send your kids to the nearby school, or offer yourself as a volunteer. If you’re going to occupy space in this neighborhood, participate in civic life and be a part of our village.

“If you’re going to occupy space in this neighborhood.”  Fuck this person, the homeowner just bought that house and will be paying a fuckload of property taxes on it.  It’s not up to the neighbor to tell the new homeowner that they are just occupying space.

Sorry to overwhelm you with advice, but this is stuff you need to know if you don’t want to be an asshole.

No… it’s the person writing this letter who is the asshole telling the new person how to live in the community.

Given how many of my cookies you just inhaled, maybe asshole is a pre-existing condition.

Ummm…. didn’t she just offer the cookies?  What the fuck sort of sideways judgment is this?

That’s not something I can change.

Actually, being a judgy asshole is something she can change.

But know this: if I perceive your actions as threatening the lives or safety of our neighbors, I will call you out. And I won’t bring cookies.

Fucking paternalistic neighborhood Nazi.  This is obscene.

By the way, do you mind moving your Ford F-250? It’s blocking my Little Free Library.

Ha ha ha!!!  We have some evidence here.  An F-250 in Seattle?  Probably a guy who works for a living, possibly a Conservative, maybe even a Trump supporter.  No woke Lefty would be caught driving one of those.  I bet it is even a diesel and has 4-wheel-drive.

Thanks, and welcome to the neighborhood!

She doesn’t mean that at all.

If my neighbor said any of this to me, they should probably make sure their fire policy was up to date.

Who in the fuck does this woman think she is to be the self-appointed protector of blacks and homeless in her neighborhood, by aggressively and prejudicially critiquing new white neighbors?

This doesn’t make her a virtuous person, it makes her a detestable asshole.

This is the Leftist version of posting “Dear black neighbor, don’t grow watermelon in your yard” in the Daily Stormer.  Except it’s worse than that because people will take Medium seriously, as though it’s something other than a ridiculous hate site.

That’s what makes it not just racist, but insidiously racist.


Florida: Two Very Bad Bills Have Moved Forward.

HB 809 (2020) — Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms.
Reduces the length of the License to five years instead of 7 and forces 8 hours of training on application and every time you must renew your license among other goodies. Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee, Judiciary Committee, Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee and Criminal Justice Subcommittee

HB 6049 (2020) — Use of Deadly Force in Defense of a Person (AKA The Death of Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground). : Repeals provisions relating to home protection & use of deadly force, which creates presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm in certain circumstances & provides that person has no duty to retreat & has right to stand his or her ground & meet force with force in certain circumstances.

Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee, Justice Appropriations Subcommittee and Judiciary Committee.

With all the Gun Rights issues Florida still has, the one thing it does not is the a lack of respect for the value of life. Yes. you have the God Given Right of defending yourself and yours at home from unauthorized invaders and no, you life does not take a 99% discount once you step outside your home. You can use deadly force to defend it in the streets as well as at Home.

One of the Bill owners is an immigrant or a child of an immigrant and both are Miami-Dade County Democrats. So unless their background is from the Duvalier & Castro circles of power, I cannot comprehend how they do not understand how dangerously close to  replicating the conditions of those countries South of Key West represent.

One of the ways to control people in South America is to be so brutal in the defense of the Government’s Monopoly on Killing, that even if you have managed to get approved for a firearm, you don’t want to use it because the legal ramifications are downright scary, like being arrested without bail for as long as the investigation lasts and you are warehoused with the real criminal element, some which might be buddies of the guy you popped.

The Licensing bill is truly bizarre as it fixes a problem that does not exist  in Florida: A rampant abuse of the Concealed Weapons Licenses by the holders. In the 31+ years, Florida has issued a grand total of almost 4.4 million licenses to carry a concealed weapon and only a grand total of under 16 thousand have been revoked for ANY reason including non-violent felonies.

That comes to 0.35% of permit holders found/plead guilty a Felony or Misdemeanor act of Domestic Violence.  One Third of One Percent.  Florida has a population of over 21 million and felons unable to vote run to 1,686,318 or 8% of the total population. I think that makes us CWL holders what? 25 times more law abiding than the average Floridian? And our “reward” is to be treated as mentally defective chimps that need to be retrained every so often because otherwise we will sling poo in front of the audience? And let’s not forget: we are the state with most Concealed Weapons Permits in the Nation. We are an embarrassment to the Gun Control Community. Think About it: almost one of every 10 Floridians they see walking the streets, sharing a coffee at the local barista place or in the supermarket is probably legally carrying a concealed weapon. The same crowd promised Blood in The Streets and School Busses perforated because too many Floridians would draw at any perceived disrespect and start blasting away. Nothing like that happened, we proved them so wrong, they need to punish us for making them look bad and liars for 30 straight years.

Are you ready to start putting pressure on your Legislators or do you have other more “pressing” tactical fashion engagements to attend?



Woke Toddler Moment

If you’ve been paying attention to pundit, politician, celebrity, and activist social media, you might have noticed a trend in “Woke Kids.”

This is when some activist or media personality makes a point (usually) on Twitter in which their little kid makes asks a question or makes a profound statement about politics and/or Trump.

I had a woke toddler moment this morning.

I was watching the news and eating breakfast when the two-year-old came up to me and this happened.

Little Girl: *excitedly* “Pizza!”
Wife: “No, daddy has eggs.”
Me: “No, little girl, ‘impeachment’ not ‘pizza.'”
Little Girl: *dejectedly* “Okay…”

I swear, it really happened.