Month: June 2020

Sunday Music

Tyler Childers probably the best young Bluegrass player I have heard in a while.

He was born and raised in Lawrence County, Kentucky and his father was a coal miner.  His music is authentic, not cooked up in a music studio in Nashville.  You can tell because it hits you right in the soft spot.

And my God, that voice.

These are three of my favorite and I think his best:




This is not the dunk that they think it is

From the Washington Post:

Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren’t.

Over and over, Trump has shared that terse phrase with his tens of millions of Twitter followers, including on Wednesday and Thursday. And over and over, he has tried to imply that Democrats broadly and former vice president Joe Biden specifically are soft on crime. That his likely general election opponent and other leaders in the Democratic Party are happy to have social structures collapse into anarchy for some unclear reason.

To make that case, Trump has repeatedly lifted up a statistical factoid, as he did during an event at the White House on Wednesday.

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other — other cities, all Democrat run,” he said. “Every one of them is Democrat run. Twenty out of 20. The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat run.”

This is factually incorrect and the Washington Post is going to hammer Trump because of it.

What is the information they are going to use?

Oh, 17 out of the 20 are and the top 10 absolute most violent are Democrat-run.

Let’s dig deeper.  The mayor of Las Vegas is Carolyn Goodman, the wife of the former mayor Oscar Goodman.  They are independents but were registered Democrats until 2009.  Oscar Goodman was the Democrat mayor of Las Vegas for the first 10 years of his three terms in office.

The mayor of San Antonio is Ron Nirenberg, and while he is registered as an independent, he is a Progressive.  He’s so Progressive that he is not a Democrat because he is Left of the Democrats (if that is even possible at this point).

The one I have no history for is Springfield Mayor, Ken McClure.

So while only 17 out of the 20 are Democrats, 19 out of the 20 are either Democrats, former Democrats, or Leftist/Progressives.

Jacksonville seems to be the odd one out.

When it comes to per-capita violence, the Republican drops off, and 19 of the 20 are Democrat.

For the Washington Post, Trump is completely wrong because only 95% of our most violent cities are Democrat-run instead of 100%.

From a statistical standpoint, it is possible to reject the null hypothesis with more than a 95% confidence interval, but it’s dodgy.

If there was ever a time for this GIF, it’s now.

Splatter is coming, Part 5

A few days ago I wrote a post about how the protesters wanting to destroy the Emancipation monument were ignorant vandals and savages.

The situation at the monumnet has gotten worse.

An elderly black historian tried to explain to the protesters why they were wrong and had shit for brains.

This follows on the heels of another black historian and reenactor who tried to explain to the public on the news why the monument shouldn’t be torn down.

None of this mattered to the protesters.  They had the bellyfeel that they were right.

That’s how you get them ignorantly screaming into the face of black historians how they (the historians) are wrong.

These protesters and activists are the most supremely ignorant people in history.

They literally have the entire wealth of recorded human knowledge at their fingertips.  It’s all available online and immediately accessible through the smartphones that they all have.

I can only believe that they have to be willfully ignorant because they should have at least accidentally stumbled onto some bit of knowledge by know.

This is who is leading the Left around by the nose.

As I posted yesterday, H.L. Mencken said:

Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong.

The moral certainty that these people have that they are right despite the total factual inaccuracy of their core assumptions is proof of their uncivilized nature.

They cannot learn because they don’t want to learn.   Knowlege will destabilize the moral certainty that they have.

At the core, these people are savages, in the strictest definition of that word.

They will continue to destroy what they don’t know and refuse to know until it is all gone.

There is no reasoning with them.  That is abundantly clear.

As they used to say “civilize ’em with a Krag.”  I have a feeling it will come to that.