Month: June 2020

Happy Videos for you.

Damn, not copping an attitude? I wonder why…

And suddenly the front of the restaurant was cleared.

The protestors are getting sick of Antifa trying to stir sh*t up

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:


Antifa are a bunch of white kids with daddy issues LARPing socialist revolutionaries funded by high ranking Leftists.  In their hearts they are cowards.  They don’t want get in real trouble so they try and get black people to do the real damage.

It seems that some black people have caught on to this are are non taking kindly to it.

I can’t wait to see some black activists beat some Antifa liberal arts major from Evergreen State to death.  Watching the media try and wrestle with that will be glorious.

Burning Books. Burning Churches. You know what comes next.

I will repeat a meme posted yesterday:


I am wondering what kind of business gun shops are doing today.


Remember all that talk about vehicular Bug Out Bags and Truck Guns?

It is that time, unfortunately. Is your kit ready?

Since this is turning out to be a urban event with a smattering of suburban incidents, I believe that being impeded to get home using your vehicle or being caught outside during curfew are the strong possibilities.  Besides your bags, I would recommend to have a list of hotels in your area of operations memorized or noted down. Obviously it depends on the local Quarantine orders, but if your area is open, you may need to find shelter fast.  A piece of advice: Don’t arrive at the hotel kitted up like you are going to Fallujah or more than likely they will flip the NO VACANCY sign on you.  If you are a reward’s member of a particular hotel chain, the manager will try to find a spot for you to stay even if the hotel is full.

Your kit may vary with your needs and locations, but I figure 2-3 days of food, water and underwear plus any meds you may need.

Thoughts, additions?