Month: September 2020

Jeep Driver who escaped mob in Aurora CO, will not be charged … at this time.

The driver of the Jeep that drove through a crowd of protesters blocking I-225 on July 25 will not be charged at this time. Brauchler said that according to the statute of limitations, that could change depending on the evidence that comes forward.

“If this guy wanted to run into people, he had plenty of opportunity to do so,” said Brauchler. “He exhibits care to not strike another person.”

Jeep Driver In I-225 Protest Will Not Be Charged At This Time

The driver was attacked by people that legally were not supposed to be there, rammed by another vehicle and fled the scene trying to avoid pedestrians, one of them who was shooting at his vehicle. Go to the article and see the video which will make mores sense.

Now, what sets me off is the “At this time.”  If you don’t have the evidence of culpability but plenty for exoneration, have the testicular fortitude to just make the effing determination and end this clown orgy.  From what little I checked online, the driver is going to be in a legal limbo for the next three years till the statute of limitations run out on possible felony charges. That is a three year mental anguish penalty for saving his life and the life of his passenger.   But unsurprisingly, we find out Arapahoe county, where Aurora resides is politically blue with 52.8% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election and only 38.6% voted Republican.

That explains a lot.


We need to be able to sue the university system for misinformation

I’m trying to figure out how to do this without it being a First Amendment violation, but we need to be able to sue universities when professors say things that are factually untrue.

Call it Academic Malpractice, but when professors teach something that is completely untrue, they do a disservice to their students.

This piece of shit is an actual sociology professor.

The people wanted George Washington to be king after the Revolutionary War.  He refused.

The Constitution could have been very explicit about creating a perminant elite of royalty, like every country in Europe had at the time, but instead, the Founding Fathers were very explicit in eliminating a caste system and abolishing the idea of a royalty.

They could have been very explicit about certain races and religions being absolutely in charge, but they did the opposite and banned religious tests for office.  Nor is there any explicit prohibition on non-white people holding public office.

The Left has to read between the lines, reveal the invisible ink, and hear the dog whistles to find what they believe to be in the Constitution in the Constitution.

This is so factually and objectively inaccurate that to say this to students who pay tuition should be actionable, literally charging them money to lie to do them.


Alright Governor DeSantis, your first target for tactical nuking just revealed himself

MIguel covered the excellent anouncement by Governor DeSantis the other day.

I’m going to fast forward to the relevant point he made.

This happened in St. Petersburg, Florida:

This is EXACTLY what the governor said he was going to go after.

Pass the law and nuke these fuckers.

Also, I should note that the Shofar is a tool of prayer.  It is a Mitzvah to blow the Shofar in celebration, such as on Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year.

For this person to stand there in Talit and blow a Shofar to harass people is an unbelievable heresy and a desecration of the Shofar.  I very much want to gently take his Shofar and Talit away and then viciously curb stomp him into a puddle of fucking goo.

Louisville: Police Officer shot during the Breonna Taylor demonstrations.

And as you can guess, the cops were not happy about it. According to several live-streamers, the real guns came out as the officers remained in post.

All of the sudden you can’t find a protester anywhere in downtown L-Ville,

I wonder why?  Just the 9:00 pm curfew?

An extremely broken person

Remember my post from yesterday about a very broken woman who threatened to divorce her husband if he voted for Trump.

Another woman commented in a way that is even more insane, if you can believe that.


If Trump wins – and the only way for that to happen is for him to cheat- than marriage as we know it today is over, and America will become some sort of patriarchal theocracy like Iran or Afghanistan where husbands own their wives and women can’t leave the house without a guardian.

So women better get divorces now before they become slaves.

Because Trump has the power to do that?

Husbands and wives will suddenly change their roles in marriage because Trump signed an executive order?

Because millions of men will look at their wives on November 4th and say “I guess I own you now” like that’s how men behave?

Because the only thing that kept this country from being The Handmaid’s Tale in 2016 when Trump was President and the Republicans held the Congress was instead of after his reelection was… I’m not sure?

But yeah.  Better get a divorce now before Trump cheats his way in again and every loving husband thinks that gives him permission to own his wife like an Orthodox Imam.

This woman is very, very broken.